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Hanging by a Thread
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Work In Progress

Stage 1: Extracting Lycus

Stage 2a: Deck of the Ship


The maps descriptions are from the center of the map facing toward Lycus

The perspective of the map’s descriptions are from the starting spawn point facing forward (by the other battleship).

General Map Architecture

Medium sized; close-spaced; two floors, both of which are mainly divided into three areas: two adjacent pathways (with a large gap between) that extend forward and a central area that connects them. The floors are connected by three different ramps, one in each area, with the central area's ramp located in the back-left corner. Both floors contain pillars, low and medium height objects, a shieldless turret on each side, a terminal at the end of the adjacent pathways and NPC spawn points (in the form of elevators)

Medium sized; relatively open-spaced besides a few object clusters; consists of a small upper floor and a wide lower floor

it's recommended to stay by the right turret early in the stage as it's closer to the raider spawning point, meanwhile long range characters can snipe the left side of the map area.

Map Regions

Region 1 (Lower Floor): low ceiling; 4 entryways (three ramps and the entrance to the starting location of the map, on the left side of the map)

Map Region 2 (Upper Floor): Similar to the lower floor, but with a few differences: it's ceiling is more spacious, so abilities like Alicia's double jump and weapons that fire projectiles in arcs can be utilized; it connects to five entryways: three ramps and two small rooms.

One of the small rooms is located at the back of the central area, located behind a small rectangular gap that leads to the lower floor; the other is located between the left passageway and the central area’s ramp. The small rooms will occasionally spawn aleph.


Hades Division engineers and shotgun grunts

Wardog grunts and officer elites

Environmental Mechanics

Lycus, terminals and turrets

Indestructible turrets

Objectives/ Alternative Objectives

Raider Objective: Protect Lycus while the crane is moving him onto the platform

Antagonist: Destroy the chains suspending Lycus before he is loaded onto the platform

Raiders: destroying the blockage

Objective Counter Measures

Antagonist: Engineers can access terminals to disrupt the cranes operation and the turrets can destroy the chains



Raiders: prevent grunts and antagonists from using the turrets and engineers from using the terminals

Antagonist: shoot Lycus’s chains

Raiders: destroying the fast attack ships so Cortez can hack the missile systems to destroy the blockage



Each raider should be patrolling their own quadrant, staying between the terminals and the central area and dealing fire support when out of combat. Quadrants are divided by the upper floor and lower floor; left side and right side.

Each floor should have at least one raider with a weapon that’s medium range at the least; has good accuracy or an AOE; and has either high DPS or a push effect.

Arc projectile weapons are not recommended for the lower floor, because of it’s smaller space, however, ricocheting weapons can be effective for the outer vicinity. Characters with the most vulnerable health, best range and stress control in the team should take the upper floor. Because the upper floor’s terminals are distanced further apart; having higher stress control mitigates the chances of being found and ambushed and they can use the balcony as an escape route in case they’re ambushed (Note: grunts can’t climb over balconies). If an antagonist is using an aerial character or weapon e.g. Alicia or Hans or Arc-projectile weapons, and they play aggressively, then the more vulnerable raider characters may work better on the lower floor to mitigate their effectiveness.

When an antagonist is in the match, what playstyle, character and loadout they use affects the arrangement:

If they mostly attack via CQC and have CQC advantages (e.g. H.I.V.E with Plague), then the upper floor raider should use a non-wardog character (preferably either Local or a character using a weapon with a push or healing effect) and be stationed on the right, while the lower floor raider should use a Hades Division character (without the talent stealth). The strategy is to bait the antagonist with the Hades Division character, while the upper floor raider deals supporting fire.

If the antagonist is more ranged or mobile, then the raiders should both be stationed on the left side. The upper floor raider should preferably have an AOE push weapon with good range so they can minimize the antagonists movement, while

 they should both be stationed on the right pathway as the antagonist spawns from the small rooms, risking being caught off guard. Both raiders should be on the same pathway in case one of them is engaged in CQC so the other can respond faster if they're in trouble.

Stage 2b: Deck of the Ship

Stage 3: Overloading Engine Room


The perspective of the map’s descriptions are from the map’s first evacuation point, facing toward the elevator

General Map Architecture

Map Regions


15 or so non-respawning Hades Division grunts in position behind shielded turrets and half cover; respawning Wardog grunts that spawn in groups of 9 in front of the new starting point

Environmental Mechanics

Destructible turrets with shields


Accessing the elevator

Objective Counter Measures



Traveling to the elevator


When advancing toward the elevator