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Commission Information and Terms of Service
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Corpsephage Commission Info & ToS (Circa Dec 2023)

Sometimes I accept commissions, which means I will draw something for you if you pay me to do so. I let people know if I’m accepting commissions from my social media profile descriptions.

Commission Prices:

Prices are given in Great British Pounds. Please check the exchange rates for your local currency if you’re ordering from outside the UK.

It’s generally £30 for a single full-color character, which is divided into thirds for each stage of the process (sketching, line art and coloring). These thirds are themselves split into thirds for drawing the head, torso and legs.

Commissioning Process:

If you want to commission me, either send me a direct message to one of my social media accounts (DeviantArt, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.), or send an email to

In your message, I recommend filling out the form below:


Type in the email address to which I’ll send the bill and picture here.

Commission type:

What type of commission will you be ordering (sketch, lineart, color, head, head and torso, full body)?


Describe what it is you’d like me to draw. Try to keep it as simple and concise as possible.

Reference images:

I’ll need at least one or two reference images attached so I can get an idea of what you want certain things and characters to look like.

If you’ve got something really specific in mind and can’t put it into words, you could fire up your Paint app and send me a very rough doodle of what you want your drawing to look like. It doesn’t have to be super-good – something like this will suffice:

Other info:

Any other information you want me to know, e.g.: any specific or extra details you want in the drawing, whether you feel more comfortable with talking through DMs or email, any backstory for the picture that you feel might be important, etc.

Are you OK with me posting this commission publicly? (Yes/No):

Usually when I finish a commission, I post it on all the social media I can. If you’d rather I didn’t do that for your drawing, put “no” here.

Maximum bid:

How much you’re willing to pay for this commission. This won’t necessarily be what I charge you, it’s just the maximum amount that you’re able/willing to pay me. This helps me make a fair pricing judgement should I get back to you with a counter-offer.

If I select your commission offer, I’ll get back to you via email or DM (let me know which one you’d prefer) with the following:

Rough draft vs finished product

At this point, you can respond either by accepting my offer or cancelling. If you want to cancel the commission, you won’t owe me anything and there’s no harm done. If you accept, I will send you an invoice via PayPal. Once I receive payment in full, I will start working on the commission.

I can’t precisely say how long the commission will take, but if something comes up that could interrupt my progress, I’ll let you know through email or DM. If it gets to a point where I’m not able to finish your commission, I’ll refund you in full.

Once the commission is finished, I will send it in PNG form to the email you’ve provided. I may also upload it to my social media, unless you request that I shouldn’t. Sorry, no refunds after the commission has been completed.

Can You Do Mecha?

As long as it looks like this:

Can You Do Furries?

Probably, but they’re more likely to skew towards human-looking since I’m less experienced with drawing animals than I am humans. Or at least the hyper-macrocephalic bug-eyed monstrosities that I call humans.

Can You Do NSFW?

I take that kind of thing on a case-by-case basis, but I have a few guidelines:

Terms and Conditions:

  1. By ordering a commission, you agree that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions.
  2. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
  3. You must be eighteen (18) years or older to order a commission.
  4. Payment is accepted via PayPal ONLY. As a digital service is being provided, no shipping is required.
  5. Price of commission may vary depending on complexity.
  6. Commissioned works are for personal use only and MAY NOT be used commercially (for-profit) without express written permission from the artist.
  7. You MAY NOT edit or otherwise make alterations to the finished artwork without express written permission from the artist.
  8. The artist reserves the right to use the commissioned piece as part of a portfolio, promotion or showcase.
  9. You reserve the rights to any intellectual property that you own used in the commissioned piece.
  10. The finished product will be sent through email in PNG format.
  11. NO REFUNDS after the finished product is emailed.
  12. Refunds will ONLY be provided in the event the artist is unable to complete the commission.
  13. Commissioned work MAY NOT be used for AI training or AI art generation.

Terms and Conditions in Plain English:

  1. You ought to read the terms and conditions before you place an order, so you know what you’re getting into. Anyone who places an order with me I will assume are OK with the terms and conditions I’ve set.
  2. This just enshrines that I can say no to whoever I want for whatever reason I want. If I’m unable to take a commission, be it because I don’t have the technical skill for it or it’s just not something in my wheelhouse, be prepared to take a “no”.
  3. While my content is not necessarily risqué, I’d prefer to do business with someone old enough to do business with. If I was a parent, I wouldn’t be comfortable with my kid buying things from a strange adult online without my say-so. The very fact that I charge for it lets me know that the person I’m doing it for is old enough to independently handle a credit card.
  4. I use PayPal’s invoice system to keep everything above-board.
  5. I work out my pricing as £30 for an hour’s work – the price I’ll agree to is usually based on how long I think it will take me to do it.
  6. Making art for something that’s going to be used for-profit is a different kettle of fish than just buying a drawing for personal use. When you make something that’s going to go on to make profit, then you become part of that ongoing project, which means you need a cut of that profit proportional to the work you put in.
  7. I put a signature on my commissioned pieces so everyone knows who made it (not to be vain, just so everybody knows where they stand). This clause just makes sure this watermark can’t be cropped out. I try and make the watermark as non-intrusive as possible. Also, if I draw you a sketch and you want to ink it or color it yourself, I generally don't have a problem - just ask me for permission first, just so I can keep this rule consistent.
  8. I tend to upload commissioned pieces in my gallery for the world to see. If you would rather I didn’t, there's a space in the commission form where you can let me know.
  9. If you commission me to draw a character that you’ve created, you don’t need to worry about me claiming ownership of that character. If it’s your original creation, you can keep all the intellectual rights to that creation – so if you ever make a TV show or whatever about it and it gets off the ground, you don’t have to pay me royalties for this one commission or anything.
  10. When I finish the commission, I’ll send it to your email address as a PNG file.
  11. When the work’s done, it’s done. If I go to a restaurant and order a meal, and I end up not liking the food… well, I can make sure I don’t eat there again and tell everyone else not to eat there either, but I can’t get my money back since I got what I paid for.
  12. I’m not completely evil, though – if I can’t finish the work for whatever reason, or you decide to opt-out before it’s finished, I’ll pay you back in full.
  13. Artificial intelligence is growing and improving faster than our legal system can catch up, especially as it comes to creative industries. People all over are complaining about their artwork, music, even their voices being near-perfectly replicated by AI, potentially threatening their jobs. Since there aren’t currently any legal safety nets to regulate AI and put folks at ease, I’d rather play it safe for now.

Why Are You Charging Money for This? You Should Do It for Free!

I think that covers everything. If you have any questions, please let me know via DM or email.