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Sister’s One Wish
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“Bye Dear! Make sure your sister goes to bed at a normal time!!” Your mom shouts into the foyer as she rushes out the door for her dinner date, leaving you to babysit your little sister while you finish your homework.

You wish her luck and get back to your psych textbook, looking down at your phone to see how close it is to Taylor’s bedtime. A couple of hours later you send your sister to bed, wishing her goodnight and loading up YouTube for some late night browsing.

Taylor prances into the kitchen some time later, smiling with her hands behind her back.

“Could you go to sleep please, mom’s gonna be mad if she comes home and you’re up. And I think she’ll be back soon!

Wait… What’s behind your back?” You ask, trying to see what your sister’s hiding.

“I want you to guess, that’s why I came down!” Your sister laughs, standing against the wall to hide whatever is in her hands.

You raise an eyebrow, willing but reluctant to play her games. “Is it a… doll?” You ask with mock excitement, making your sister frown as you laugh at her hobbies in her face.

“I just wish you would play games with me, and have fun once in a while!” Your sister exclaims, making a whirring sound stir to life behind her.

“Is that…” Your eyes open wide when sparkling magic crawls up your pant leg, turning it into tight pink stretchy fabric.

Your sister looks bewildered as your legs become half the size they had been, and the magic quickly swallows up your stiffening manhood. Your hips swell outward as your waist cinches in, and you moan orgamsically as the magic goes up your torso. You begin bouncing as your stomach sucks in, and your shoulders slim down as all the fat that was once in your body seems to pour directly into your chest.

“O my…” You trail off as your boobs jiggle in a tight bra that your tee shirt turned into, “Help, stop this!” You beg as your sister pulls out her phone, giggling as you fight the building arousal.

Your glasses disappear when she hits record, and your lips mouth the sexy lyrics of a girly song. Your hair cascades down your shoulders as your movements become more feminine, and you feel a wet spot form in your panties as you record a TikTok video for your eighty thousand followers.

“TikTok dances?? I can’t wait! We‘ll make a sister sister account!!” Taylor exclaims, completely unfazed by your sudden transformation.

“You have to change me back, Taylor! You can’t just steal my wand and start changing things!” You yell at your sister, your boobs still settling down as you give her the evil eye.

“I don’t know how I did that! Why can’t you show me this cool stuff?? I wish you would stop hiding things from me!!” Taylor cries, her tear filled eyes unable to see as the magic strips you down to your underwear.

“Are you fucking…” You grumble to yourself, still unable to control your body as your sister wipes her tears away.

“How did you get undressed so fast?!” Your sister asks with a laugh, “Tell me what this thing is please!”

“The Wand of Permission will do anything you want, just be careful when you’re holding it; thoughts can get away from all of us.” You say in a monotonous voice, reciting the exact text from your book about the wand as your mind shouts in protest.

“So…If I wanted you to wear a pretty bow on your head, and not be able to do anything about it…” Your sister trails off, her eyes following the magic sparkle before it collects on your head and leaves a bow that matches your lingerie.

You lift your arm to grab the wand, but your body holds you back. You gently move your glasses as you watch your sister’s mind race with new ideas, and you suddenly feel yourself rise in the bed.

You grab at your ass and feel the magic making it grow, “What are you doing?!?” You shout, grimacing as your bra becomes tight.

Your boobs swell up out of the bra, creating mouth watering cleavage as your legs lengthen and fill out. Your hair becomes much thicker and red, and you feel your neck tighten as your voice notches your several registers.

Your pelvis explodes outward, making your hips and thighs spread as your mannerisms become more graceful. You feel the need to walk in a perfect line as your sister drools, your bourglass figure now her dream crush.  

“I always knew you were gay!” Your body exclaims delightfully, not letting you express disgust as it poses for your sister.

“I’m not gay!” She shouts back, defending herself again from your bullying comments. “And just for saying that, I’m giving you way bigger boobies!” She laughs with a turned on smirk, her knees shaking as she watches your body swell.

“You’re only eleven, you should not be so aroused right now!” You laugh, egging her on as the magic fills and expands your already massive breasts.

Your bra becomes an ill fitting tank top as your chest becomes far too big for any bra, and your hair turns black while tying into a sexy ponytail.

“Don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this!” You laugh, playing with your plush boobs and making Taylor’s young eyes pop open as a choker wraps tightly around your neck.

“That shouldn’t concern you.” Taylor says with a harsh tone, “I actually am gay, but you’re gonna forget that and forget ever thinking I was gay!”

“Forget what?” You ask as the magic listens to your sister, removing the knowledge and prospect that she could ever be gay.

“Now, as an eleven year old I don’t know how these things work really, but I want you to be the boy craziest girl you could think of! And you’ll go out with that scumbag, your friend Riley.” Taylor says, your mind already morphing from the magic of her first sentence.

“O fun!!” You giggle, hopping and clapping ditzily as memories of kissing Riley fill your thoughts.

Meanwhile, your mind cries and desperately searches for a way out, hating every sensitive jiggle of your now toning curvaceous body. Vivid memories play back in your mind, and you can even taste precum on as you remember sucking on the head of Riley’s cock.

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His aggressive nature and cocky attitude turn you on so much, you love getting all dressed up and girly just for him just to tear into. A vision of your lubed up body plays in your mind, standing over Riley and quickly getting out of your leather lingerie. Your nipples perk up as you recall the feeling of your skimpy bra falling off your chest, and you salivate as you remember the mean look on Riley’s face. He watches you squeeze your breasts and instantly goes hard, making you moan softly as you try to ignore the memory of his throbbing erection.

You giggle as your sister changes your mind to be more submissive, and you lick your lips as you remember Riley’s muscular body throwing you onto the bed. His musky scent fills your nostrils again as he rips your bottoms off, roughly handling your dripping pussy as you grind into his curled hand.

Your lustful cooes fill the silence as Riley glides his throbbing cock between your glistening folds for the first time; your first time. He pulls back as you beg for more, and forcefully slides back inside. After a few thrusts he grabs your hair and picks his knee up, his cock suddenly filling you in a way you a dildo never could. Your eyes roll back in your head as you feel veins bulge off his cock, throbbing and stimulating your pulsating folds. Your swinging breasts suddenly come to your attention as you hear your sister’s voice pierce into your memory, changing your body as you have your first real orgasm.

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“I’ve actually seen Riley’s type, he usually goes with a certain type of woman…” Your sister giggles, staring into your glazed over eyes as she unknowingly watches you fantasize about your first time fucking.

Suddenly you can remember Riley’s hips stop smacking into you so hard, instead bouncing off the cushion that your inflating butt is becoming. You wanna scream out in terror as your memories change, but you’re suddenly overwhelmed by nights of partying and clubbing with Riley. Your introverted personality disappears as your body continues to change, and you feel a wicked smile stretch across your plumping lips as your shy orgasmic moans become screams of pure pleasure.

You want to fight back and demand your body stop inflating, but instead you relish in the squeezing folds of your tightening womanhood. Your expanding ass and tightening pussy squeezing Riley’s cock so hard he squeaks in ecstasy as you milk him, each throb of his massive cock making you shiver and convulse in pure bliss.  

Then you’re suddenly thrust back into reality, and you feel your hands playing with your butt behind you. The soft fat and jiggle make you giggle, but you suddenly remember that your eleven year old sister is watching with her jaw agape.

“Oh shit! Like, sorry sugar, I’m just getting ready to meet Riley at the club, and I was totes just making sure my outfit looked fun!” You giggle, stroking Taylor’s cute cheek as you prance out the door to Riley’s car.

“Wait, I thought we were gonna play games together?!?” She calls out behind you, “That’s all I really wanted!”

Your body freezes before you make it out the door, and you see Riley’s car fade away. Then your jeans collapse into your body, squeezing your ass like they were painted on. The fabric morphs and becomes softer as you faintly hear Riley’s voice, and you feel your personality become cuter and less of a club girl as you turn into your sister’s best friend.

“Come on baby!” Riley laughs, “Get that big booty over here, Taylor wants to start the game!”

The stress and confusion slowly lift as you turn your hips, and your knee bends as your mind acclimates to your new reality.

“You guys better play the full game this time…” Your sister trails off, “Last time we barely got through half of candyland before you two ran off to your room!”

You giggle like a complete bimbo as you think back to riding Riley while your sister innocently waited for both of you to return to the game, “Like, we’ll totally tell you next time we need to leave early, or whatever!”