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April 2, 2020 GO Board Meeting Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Golden Oak Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2020 @ 7:00PM*

25096 2nd Street, Hayward, CA, 94541

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               Meeting ID: 379 383 4184

*The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00PM, however the meeting immediately follows the Joint Board Meeting with SOHS BOD. As such, the beginning of the GO BOD meeting is dependent on the ending time of the Joint Board Meeting.

1. 7:35        Call to Order

  1. Reconvene from Joint BOD Meeting with SOHS BOD. Call to order and attendance

GO Board Directors:

K. Rodriguez - Present

J. Espinosa -Present

M. Morales - Present

A. Compani - Present

R. Stearns - Present

J. Schenone - Present

N. Madison - Present

N. Munoz - Present

L. Casquejo Johnston - Present

C. Gordon da Cruz - Present

D. Den Hartog - Present

Administration / Staff Present:

Jen Heeter -HOS  

Susan Lefkowitz (CSMC)

Michelle Velasco (PTO GO)

Joy: Brown (GO Development Director)

2.         Public Comment For Consent Items, Non-Action Items, and Items NOT appearing on the agenda

No public comments.

3.        Board Member Comment

No board member comments.

4.        Approve order of Presentation Agenda Items and Consent Agenda

Items listed under the consent agenda will be approved/adopted by a single motion. It is expected that board members have reviewed these agenda items prior to the meeting. There will be no separate discussion of these items; however, any item may be removed from the consent agenda upon request of any member of the board and acted upon separately.

  1. Announcements  - Informational
  2. Telecommuting Policy - For approval
  3. Approval of minutes from March 12, 2020 Meeting

A.Compani motioned to approve the items on the consent agenda and the order of the presentation agenda. D. Den Hartog seconded. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: K. Rodriguez, J. Espinosa, M. Morales, A. Compani, R. Stearns, J. Schenone, N. Madison, L. Casquejo Johnston, C. Gordon da Cruz, D. Den Hartog. (N. Munoz absent for vote due to computer issues).

5.          Presentation Agenda and Action Items

  1. Financial Report - Verbal presentation by Susan. Assurances our funding is based on attendance as of Feb 27 2020 and will continue. Joe commented on impending cuts and importance to be thinking forward to next year.  

  1. Head of School Report - Verbal presentation by J. Heeter referencing document submitted in meeting materials. All testing waved this year. Strong emphasis on access. Wanted to launch in an equitable way. Employment assurances have been given to returning teachers that they will have a position. Drafting communication that school is not going to be back in session this school year based on the governor’s announcement.
  1. Discussion Item - Reimbursement - Board discussion ensued around the telecommuting policy, internet, reimbursement, accommodations versus reasonable expenses to perform work functions. Comcast is providing free internet right now. No actions taken, policy was approved in consent agenda. J. Heeter just wanted to hear guidance and discussion of reimbursement practices.

  1. Grant Updates - Verbal presentation by Joy B. Unique time to get grants, but everyone will be applying.

Has a few in mind to work with Jen on (e.g., CZI, CRA). Two due next week.

6.          Closed Session

The board held a closed session in consideration of Section 54957, Public Employment: Head of School.

7.          Presentation Agenda and Action Items Continued

Verbal Report out from closed session:

During closed session the board finalized the HoS Contract. There were no changes made to the version submitted in the public materials. In accordance with SB1436 and the amendments to Government Code 54953 the proposed HoS gross base salary is $129,000 per year with the following benefits:

Health / Retirement Benefits.  At the School’s expense, the Employee shall be afforded such health and other benefits of employment as shall be granted to GO’s management employees, including entitlement to participation in PERS or STRS as applicable, subject to program and eligibility requirements.  

Vacation Leave.  The Employee is entitled to vacation leave to be accrued at the rate of 1.25 days per month (15 days annually).  The maximum amount of vacation days that may be accrued and unused is twenty-five (25) days.  If the Employee reaches this maximum, she will cease to accrue additional vacation days until she has used enough vacation to fall below the cap.  Vacation days may be used by the Employee, subject to the prior approval of the board.

Sick Leave.  The Employee shall be entitled to ten (10) days of sick leave annually.  Sick leave does not accrue or carry over from year to year.  At the end of each work year, the Employee shall be paid for any accrued and unused sick leave, up to a maximum of five (5) days, at the rate of $615 dollars per day.

Holidays.  The Employee shall be afforded 7 observed holidays listed in the contract.

  1. Head of School Contract  - Action Item - A. Compani called for public comments on this item. No public comments. No board member comments. A. Compani motioned to approve the contract with the Head of School. J. Espinosa seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes for approval:

Those in favor: K. Rodriguez, J. Espinosa, M. Morales, A. Compani, R. Stearns, J. Schenone, N. Madison, L. Casquejo Johnston, C. Gordon da Cruz, N. Munoz. (D. Den Hartog absent for vote; resigned from meeting).

8.           Adjournment  9:04 pm