2023-2024 MSHL Membership Agreement

Updated April 2023

Statement of Purpose and Objectives

Mississippi Homeschool Life exists to inform, encourage, and aid Christian homeschooling families in Desoto, Tate and Marshall Counties in Mississippi and surrounding areas as they seek God’s will in training and educating their children. The membership shares information with each other concerning issues related to home education, encourages families to pass down their Christian faith and values, and provides opportunities for family recreation and educational activities.

Statement of Understandings

Membership Eligibility, Length, Dues, Acts of Service, and Attendance Guidelines

  1. Perform at least one Act of Service


  1. Pay a $25 Service Charge  

Privileges of Membership

I/We have read and understand the MS Homeschool Life Membership Agreement. I/We agree to support these principles and guidelines along with any MSHL policies, procedures, etc. found in the member handbook during the full duration of our membership in this support group with our cooperation and our service. By checking this box on the Membership Application, we agree with the Membership Agreement.