510 Sunset Drive, Vista, Ca  92081           760 758-7122          www.vistaadultschool.org


­­­­­­­­­Mission Statement:

Vista Adult School  prepares all students with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their career, academic and personal goals in a high quality and accessible learning environment.


Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s):

Our students will:


Develop a VISION for their future

Identify and achieve short & long term goals; demonstrate perseverance in their pursuit of education; and pursue lifelong learning experiences


ACHIEVE academic and personal growth

Show a measurable increase in knowledge and skills; increase 21st century skills; and gain self-confidence and awareness of their abilities


Experience SUCCESS in all post-secondary transition

Career attainment and growth; college admission and completion; and enhancement of their personal life and involvement in the community


About Our School

 Vista Adult School has provided leading educational services in Vista, CA since 1977. Our WASC accredited programs include Career Technical Education, Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education and English as a Second Language. In addition we offer Community Education courses. All teachers are certified in their teaching area by the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing.  We proudly serve approximately 4,500 adults each year. We offer convenient schedules to fit the needs and lifestyles of Adult Learners, and we welcome students from all of Southern California.

Proud partners with the San Diego Workforce Partnership: Community, Collaboration, Careers

This material is available in print by request.

Table of Contents

General Information        4

Office Hours        4

Rich Alderson, Member        6

Martha Alvarado, Member        6

Parking        6

Campus Map        7

Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters        8

Registration & Transcripts        8

Registration        8

Business and Culinary Programs        8

High School or Equivalency Programs        8

English as a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship Programs        8

Medical Program        8

Refund Policy        9

Transcripts        9

Student ID’s        9

Policies and Procedures        9

Classroom/Course Rules        9

Food and Beverages        9

Guests and children on Campus        10

Pets on Campus        10

Smoking Policy        10

Attendance Policies        10

Grading Policies        11

Grievance Process        11

Nondiscrimination/Harassment Policy        11

Limited English Proficiency Policy        11

Use of Technology        11

Student Code of Conduct        13

School Rules Violation        14

Emergency/Evacuation Procedures        15

Student Resources        15

Computer Lab        15

Student Transition Center (STC)        15

STC Presentations and Workshops        15

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities        16

Testing Resources        16

Pearson Vue Testing Center        17

High School Equivalency Exam        17

Program Coordinators        17

General Information

Office Hours

Summer/Holiday Hours

Vista Adult School Staff


Program Coordinators

Transition Advisor

Disability Support Counselor

       Education to Career Network

Support Staff

  • Diane Addington
  • Erika Trujillo
  • Luz Gonzalez
  • Hortencia Goddard
  • David Trejo
  • Don Adams
  • Ceci Colindres
  • Sandy Vasilakis
  • Sulema Sanchez
  • Marina Acosta


Vista Unified Board of Education, 2020 Board Officers


Students may park in all parking lots, no permit is required. Students are prohibited from parking in stalls marked as ‘reserved’, curbside, or in driveways.  Students assume full responsibility for their vehicle and belongings when parking on campus. Vista Adult School/VUSD is not responsible for any loss, theft or damage that occurs while a vehicle is parked in a school parking lot.  Students are advised to secure their vehicles and take valuables with them or keep them out of site.  Only students with a valid, current disabled parking placard may park in designated disabled parking stalls.

Campus Map

Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters

Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are not to be ridden on campus at any time.  Bike racks are available on campus in several locations. Students assume full responsibility for their property while on campus and Vista Adult School/VUSD is not responsible for any loss, theft or damage that occurs while personal property is on campus. Bikes left in the bike rack should be locked and secured properly.

Registration & Transcripts

All students must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible to enroll at Vista Adult School.


Registering or Pre Reg (current/active students) varies program to program.  

Business and Culinary Programs

Continuing Business and Culinary students are eligible to participate in Pre-Reg at the end of each trimester. New students must register during our open registration period.

Students who do not pass their class need to meet with their instructor and Program Coordinator prior to registration for further guidance and action.

High School or Equivalency Programs

To enroll in the HSD Program, students must first attend an orientation session. New students should bring an official copy of their most recent high school transcripts. Class attendance begins the week following orientation.  Continuing students do not attend another orientation and are eligible to participate in Pre-Reg near the end of a trimester. Students who miss the Pre-Reg period will need to attend another orientation.

English as a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship Programs

To enroll in the ESL Program, students must first attend an orientation.  Active ESL students that are eligible to register for the next trimester do not need to attend another orientation.

Medical Program

All students interested in this program must first attend a Medical Orientation.  Orientations are offered approximately one week prior to the start of a new trimester.

Continuing students do not need to attend another orientation and are eligible to participate in Pre-Reg at the end of each trimester, prior to all new students from orientation. Students who do not pass their class need to meet with their instructor and Program Coordinator prior to registration for further guidance and action.

Students who do not stay continuously enrolled will need to return through Medical Orientation.

Refund Policy

All fee-based classes provided by Vista Adult School require a $20 non-refundable registration fee, which is included in the class fee. If a student drops a fee-based class prior to the first day, they will be refunded the class fee, minus $20.  If the student chooses to drop the class on or after the first scheduled day of class, he/she will not be eligible for any refund. We are unable to make any exceptions to this policy. Minimum enrollment is required for all classes.


Students requesting transcripts are required to complete our STUDENT RECORD REQUEST.  Students can bring completed forms to our office, fax them to (760) 726-3277, or mail to 510 Sunset Drive Vista CA 92081. There is a $5.00 processing fee, per official transcript/certificate requested, due at the time of processing.  No fee for unofficial transcripts, attendance verification, or enrollment letters. Requests take up to 3-5 business days to process. We will call you when your document has been processed; you must have a valid ID to request & pick up documents.

Student ID’s

Currently enrolled students may purchase a VAS Student (photo) ID Card.  ID cards cost $10 and are available at our front office. Students should contact our office in advance to ensure that ID sales are currently taking place. Students are not required to possess a VAS Student ID.

Policies and Procedures

Classroom/Course Rules

Each teacher sets the rules and expectations for their classroom and course. Teachers will articulate these rules at the beginning of the class session and in their course syllabus. Students who violate classroom/course rules will face disciplinary action. For information in regards to general school expectations, see the Student Code of Conduct section of this handbook.

Food and Beverages

Food and beverages in classrooms is prohibited (bottled water is permitted if not placed near computers). Vending machines are located in our Vending room at the beginning of the 300 wing.  Picnic tables are located near our Multi-Purpose room and several areas throughout campus.

Guests and children on Campus

We do not allow guests or other non-registered students in classrooms. Children are not allowed to attend classes with parents. Children are not to be left unattended anywhere on the campus, including parking areas.

Pets on Campus

All pets are prohibited on campus at all times, including indoors, outdoors and parking areas.  Designated service animals are welcomed.  Students who require the assistance of a service animal, please refer to the Accommodations of Students with Disabilities section of this handbook.

Personal Property

Neither VAS or VUSD will be held responsible for the loss, theft or damage of personal property. Students should not leave personal items unattended at any time.

Drug and Alcohol PolicyDrugs and Alcohol Policy

Pursuant with VUSD BP 5131.16, Vista Adult School strives to provide, maintain, encourage, and support a drug-free and alcohol-free campus. An alcohol-free and drug-free campus will promote the safety and health of students, employees, and the public. All employees and students are clearly and expressly prohibited from the possession, being under the influence, or consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances on campus, at any school-sponsored event, or while acting within the scope of employment.

Smoking Policy

Pursuant with VUSD BP 1330, there shall be no smoking or use of tobacco or related products on Vista Unified School District property, including Vista Adult School. The District shall provide and maintain a workplace and learning environment that is smoke and tobacco-free to promote the safety and health of students, employees, and the public. The use of E-Cigarettes or vaping products is also prohibited.

Attendance Policies

Attending school is a commitment. It is expected that all students will put forth the time and effort to attend class on a regular and timely basis.  Students will be provided with specific attendance requirements by their teacher, as outlined in the class syllabus.

Grading Policies

The determination of the student’s grade and/or passing status by the teacher shall be final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency. Students who wish to dispute a final course grade under the criteria listed above must contact their Program Coordinator.   All grade disputes must be initiated within one semester of the grade in question being issued.

Grievance Process

When a student believes that he/she has been subject to unjust action, or the denial of rights as outlined in school/district policies, state law, or federal laws, they may begin the grievance process. Students should first discuss their concerns with their teacher. If a resolution was not achieved by speaking to the teacher, the student then makes an appointment with their Program Coordinator to discuss their concerns.  If that meeting does not bring about resolution the student then contacts School Administration to set up a meeting. Ultimately, students who cannot find resolution via the Vista Adult School chain of command, then contact the Vista Unified School District Office of Student Support Services at 760-726-2170 ext 92180.

Nondiscrimination/Harassment Policy

According to VUSD BP 5145.3  The Vista Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, or any other legally protected status or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. A uniform complaint procedure is in place. If you have suggestions or concerns regarding Vista Adult School, please call (760) 758-7122 to speak with an administrator, program coordinator or counselor.

Limited English Proficiency Policy

Vista Adult School provides English Language Learners (ELL) with challenging curriculum and instruction to develop proficiency in English. Limited English Proficiency is not a barrier to participating in programs at Vista Adult School. Students who require translation assistance should contact the front office at 760-758-7122


Use of Technology

VUSD’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is a policy that treats the student as a person who is responsible for their own ethical and appropriate use of the internet and their devices. As part of the policy, staff and student signatures are no longer required as acceptance of this policy. Instead, this information is in the student handbook.  Use of district technology implies the acknowledgement and acceptance of the AUP.

Vista Adult School’s teachers and students use technology and internet-based tools in their classrooms and on campus on a regular basis to support student learning and prepare students to engage in the rapidly changing world. These technologies improve student communication and collaboration skills and extend learning beyond the classroom walls while building digital citizenship skills. Student access to technology requires responsible, courteous, efficient, and legal use. Our goal in providing access to these resources is to enhance learning experiences and to educate students in responsible and appropriate use. It is important that students recognize that information posted is public, permanent, and needs to be appropriate.

Pursuant to VUSD BP Board Policy 6163.4 BP and 6163.4 AR Student Use of Technology, students who use technology on campus or use of school supplied technology will abide by the following regulations:

  1. The Internet is a global network of computer networks connecting the education, research, and business communities. It provides students and educational employees with access to vast, diverse and unique worldwide resources and the ability to share information that is current and relevant. The use of the Internet in schools and programs operated by VUSD can support instruction and enrich learning, thus improving student achievement and employee productivity.
  2. With the availability of access to the Internet comes the need for responsible, ethical, and legal behavior on the part of its users. The use of the Internet is a privilege and not a right. VUSD does not control the content of information or resources accessible on the Internet. Some of the materials available may be controversial and not appropriate information or resources that are accessible to its Internet account holders, but final responsibility rests with the individual user. An Internet user who violates the rules set forth in this Policy will lose his/her privilege to use the Internet and may be subject to additional disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension or expulsion.
  3. Internet users are prohibited from sending or threatening to send a sufficient number of electronic mail ("e-mail") messages to another person to overload, interfere with, or cripple his/her e-mail system (including but not limited to "e-mail bombs"). Additionally, Internet users are prohibited from accessing another person's e-mail box, intercepting another person's e-mail message(s) and/or reading, repositioning or destroying e-mail messages which are addressed to or otherwise intended for another individual. Internet users are prohibited from using another person's e-mail address. A warning which states that this conduct is prohibited will first appear on the computer screen after an Internet user signs on.
  4. Internet users are prohibited from creating, receiving, uploading, downloading and/or transmitting inappropriate material. Inappropriate material includes, but is not limited to, that of a lewd, lascivious, pornographic, racist, sexist, threatening or violent subject matter. A warning which states that this conduct is prohibited will first appear on the computer screen after an Internet user signs on.

Student Code of Conduct

Violations of the following by students shall result in placement on a behavior contract, discipline, class removal, and/or dismissal from Vista Adult School:

  1. Academic Integrity Code: students are expected to avoid any type of dishonesty, including but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, forgery, fabrication or counterfeiting documents, furnishing false information to, alteration or misuse of school documents or records, duplication of assignments, or aiding another in an act of dishonesty.

    Violations of the Academic Integrity Code include:

All incidents of academic dishonesty should be reported to the Program Coordinator or School Administration.

  1. Disturbance to the learning environment or school activities, which includes but is not limited to any behavior which contributes to the obstruction or disruption of teaching, events, meetings, orientations, or other school activities on or at any school property or facility, including but not limited to, classrooms, buildings, fields, office, parking lot, or roadway.
  2. Theft of, or damage to, or threat of damage to property of the school/district or an employee, student, or visitor to a school/district facility.
  3. Violations of school/district policies and regulations, including but not limited to, regulations and policies related to parking, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, computers, telecommunications, vehicles, and any and all other school/district equipment.
  4. Unlawful use, possession, sale, or distribution of a “controlled substance” as the term is defined by the California Health and Safety Code, Section 11007, and that which is listed in any schedule in Sections 11054, 11056, 11057, or 11058, while on school/district premises or at any school/district sponsored activity. Attendance at any school/district function or event, or activity sponsored by the school while under the influence of a controlled substance.

  1. Disorderly conduct, including but not limited to, inappropriate, disrespectful, insulting, and/or obscene language, alcoholic intoxication, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct.
  2. Possession and/or consumption of any alcoholic beverage on any school/district property.
  3. Disruptive behavior, profanity or vulgarity, or defiance of any school/district faculty or staff, including visitors to the school.
  4. Defiance or abuse of personnel, including but not limited to faculty, administrators, counselors, coordinators, office staff, custodial, or campus assistants.
  5. Possession of any type of object that can be reasonably assumed to be a weapon or used as a weapon (as defined by the California Penal Code).
  6. Willful or persistent smoking, vaping or use of tobacco products on school premises where smoking and use of tobacco products has been prohibited.
  7. Misuse of District computers, technology, telephones, or telecommunication devices.

School Rules Violation

  1. Verbal Warning – issued by teacher, Program Coordinator and/or School Administration, to include strategies for improvement as well as clarification of rules and expectations. More than one verbal warning may be appropriate based on the behavior infraction

  1. Teacher and student conference if behavior continues after verbal warning(s), to further discuss issue, strategies for improvement as well as clarification of rules and expectations

  1. Initial Meeting – meeting with the teacher, Program Coordinator and/or School Administration and student, rules and Code of Conduct reviewed, expectations reviewed
  2. Class Removal – (optional and only in cases of extreme disruption or other safety concern) by teacher, Program Coordinator and/or School Administration for the remainder of the class period, and until a Formal Reprimand meeting is held
  3. Formal Reprimand – meeting with teacher and Program Coordinator and/or School Administration, student placed on Behavior Contract/Probation Period
  4. Temporary Dismissal – student is dismissed from the school and all classes for the remainder on the current session, and up to one additional session if deemed appropriate by School Administration
  5. Permanent Dismissal – student is dismissed from the school and all classes permanently, and shall not return to campus for any reason, and will be considered trespassing should they return

Emergency/Evacuation Procedures

In the event of an emergency situation on or near campus that creates a threat to safety, students should exit campus, when safe to do so, as directed by school personnel or when an immediate safety concern exists. Students should exit campus in a safe and calm manner, in the most direct route to a safe area. Campus Evacuation Maps are located in each room/building on campus, near the exit door, which designate the safest and most direct evacuation route. The school will periodically conduct safety drills to prepare students and staff for emergency situations.

Student Resources

Computer Lab

The Computer Lab is in Room 201 and open to all current VAS students and is free of charge. To attend the Computer Lab, sign up in the front office. Computers, internet access, typing tutorials and more are available in the lab. Instructors are also available to assist with basic tutoring. Students can work on class assignments, access online courses, study and complete online research. Students can also use the computers for job/career purposes, link to their child’s school account, manage email and general personal use (pursuant to the Student Use of Technology guidelines as outlined in this handbook). For information on Computer Lab days and hours of operation, visit the front office.

Student Transition Center (STC)

The STC is located in room 507 and offers a comfortable space for students at Vista Adult School.  The STC is staffed by our Program Coordinators and Instructors. It provides many valuable services to help students prepare for their transition goals after adult school, including career and college. Career Services available include assistance with resumes, interview skills, job search and career exploration. Academic Services available include basic tutoring, assistance with college applications, college financial aid, and academic guidance. The STC also provides computers and internet access and a place to study. For information on STC days and hours of operation, visit the STC or front office.

STC Presentations and Workshops

The STC hosts presentations and workshops throughout the school year which cover a wide variety of topics. These events are free of charge and open to all current VAS students. Some events may be open to the general public and will be advertised as such. For information on upcoming STC events, visit the STC or front office.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Vista Adult School is committed to all provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Students with verified disabilities who may require academic adjustments or auxiliary aids are strongly recommended to contact their Program Coordinator well before classes begin to ensure timely provision of services. Designated service animals are welcome on campus. Students who require the assistance of a service animal should contact their Program Coordinator before classes begin. Students with concerns over access to services, please reference the grievance process in this handbook. For further information regarding academic accommodations, please contact the school office at 760-758-7122.

We are an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Testing Resources

Pearson Vue Testing Center

Vista Adult School has an authorized Pearson Vue testing center on campus. We offer a variety of examinations. To see a complete list of exams offered and to register to test, please visit the Pearson Vue website at http://home.pearsonvue.com/test-taker.aspx

High School Equivalency Exam

We are a testing center for two California approved High School Equivalency (HSE) Exams - the GED and the HiSET.

Program Coordinators

Program Coordinators are available to all VAS students to provide information and assistance with educational goals and pathways at VAS. They also provide guidance to students ready to transition on to career and college. Students can arrange a meeting with a Program Coordinator by contacting the front office, or visiting the STC during the Coordinators posted office hours.