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Enterprise Guide for Chrome Bug 1307502
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Enterprise Guide for Chrome Bug 1307502
(Can’t share screen/window from Chrome on macOS)

Google Chrome for macOS version 99.0.4844.83 includes a fix for the screen/window sharing permission bug. However, if your organization manages macOS with an MDM, additional steps may be required to restore Google Chrome’s ability to capture the screen or other applications’ windows.

The macOS MDM specification allows organizations to grant non-admin users the ability to permit an application to “ScreenCapture” through the use of a PrivacyPreferencesPolicyControl profile. This is the permission that allows Google Chrome to share the screen or other applications’ windows in Google Meet and elsewhere on the web. The MDM cannot grant “ScreenCapture” permission to an application directly. Instead, it enables the user to allow access without needing to authenticate with an admin username and password. In MDM parlance, this is achieved by setting Authorization to “AllowStandardUserToSetSystemService”. If an MDM is managing this permission, then local attempts to reset the permission, either by Google Chrome or manually by the user, will be ignored.

Starting with version 99.0.4844.74, Google Chrome for macOS is signed with a new code signing certificate. The code signing information needed to identify Google Chrome in an MDM profile, and to grant “AllowStandardUserToSetSystemService” for “ScreenCapture”, has changed. Continuing to manage these settings with the previous code signing information will block Google Chrome from being able to share the screen or other applications’ windows. Your organization’s MDM administrator will need to update the “CodeRequirement” for Google Chrome in the "" profile.

Step 1: Determine if you organization needs to update the

To see if your organization is managing Google Chrome's “ScreenCapture” permission or any other permission, run this command on a managed Mac:

% sudo profiles list --output=stdout-xml | grep --before-context=1 c9a99324ca3fcb23dbcc36bd5fd4f9753305130a

This command is looking for the old “CodeRequirement” used by Google Chrome that is no longer valid. There may be multiple entries, indicating there are multiple permissions that need to be updated. Output from the command, if any, will look like this:


<string>(identifier "" or identifier "" or identifier "" or identifier "") and certificate leaf = H"c9a99324ca3fcb23dbcc36bd5fd4f9753305130a"</string>

If you do see output this means that your organization needs to update the, continue to Step 2.

If you do not see any output and are still having trouble screen sharing, continue to Step 3.

Step 2: Update in your organization's MDM

As stated above: Your organization’s MDM administrator will need to update the “CodeRequirement” for Google Chrome in the "" profile. Each MDM is different so work with your MDM administrator to find the best way to deploy this updated profile.

The new requirement can be found using the following codesign command:

% codesign --display --requirements=- '/Applications/Google'

Executable=/Applications/Google Chrome

designated => (identifier "" or identifier "" or identifier "" or identifier "") and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = EQHXZ8M8AV

The updated “CodeRequirement” should now be:


<string>(identifier "" or identifier "" or identifier "" or identifier "") and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = EQHXZ8M8AV</string>

Note: The above codesign command is used to get the necessary code signing requirement for use by the MDM. This requirement is part of the code-signature of Google Chrome is not changed by the MDM.

Note: The updated requirement does not contain the hash of the leaf code signing certificate. This updated requirement should be more resilient to code signing certificate changes in the future.

Once the updated profile has been deployed continue to step 3.

Step 3: Clean up

After the new profile has been deployed with your MDM, you may still need to perform a one-time reset of the “ScreenCapture” permission, and of any other managed permission, before Google Chrome will be able to utilize the associated service. This can be accomplished in a few different ways.

Option 1. Use tccutil. This command may be run by any user on the system:

% tccutil reset ScreenCapture

Option 2. Have Google Chrome automatically reset the permission on the next launch. This command must be run as the user that will run Google Chrome:

% defaults delete PurgeStaleScreenCapturePermissionSuccessEarly2022Success

% defaults delete PurgeStaleScreenCapturePermissionSuccessEarly2022Attempts

Google Chrome users should now be able to follow the standard flow to grant “ScreenCapture” access the first time they attempt to share their screen or a window.