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Chaotic Circumstances Vol. 2
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

| Chapter 13 |

Yana smirks and turns her head towards Albrecht: “Well… I do hate to lose to anyone, besides, I have a reputation to uphold.”

The clerk: “The regiment should stand by right outside of the western gate, you should not be able to miss it, just look for the captain, show him this and he will fill you in from there.”

Yana takes the guild seal and they all walk out, once outside she says: “Okay, I will just be a few moments, I just have to let Mirei know at least.”

Everyone nods and waits while Yana poofs.

Yana appears in her bedroom and notices that Mirei isn’t there, she finds Eena who happens to be the closest and says: “Good morning, Eena, do you have any idea where Mirei is?”

Eena says: “She should be taking her morning bath.”

Yana says: “Thank you.” She then appears in the bath and sees Mirei and says: “I am sorry if I am startling you, Mirei.”

Mirei jumps a little bit and says: “Yana? Do not do that, please… I feel so vulnerable here… anyway, what can I do for you?”

Yana shows the guild seal: “I am to escort the backup regiment to the war… I am also joining it, for the chance of becoming the first orichalcom plate, it is a race between me and Albrecht, so I wanted to at least say my final goodbye to you at least… I will not promise that I will come back alive, but I will do my best.”

Mirei says: “I do not want to drench you, but I so want to hug you right now… do your best… make us proud, dear Yana.”

Yana smiles and says: “I will do my very best, that I can promise at least… be sure to not tell anyone… goodbye, Mirei… I love you like the sister I never had.” she kisses Mirei’s cheek.

She poofs and appears outside of the guild hall where everyone’s waiting: “I am sorry for the wait, everyone… let us be off then.”

We now see Yana handing over the guild seal to the captain who says: “I did not expect to be escorted by the infamous Yana De La Reig… I am honored, lady Yana”

He then turns to the regiment and says: “Okay, men! We move out now!” he then turns to Hime and says: “I see that you have 2 copper plates with you, but how capable is this plateless lieutenant?”

Yana says: “She is just as capable as me if not more, since she has better stamina than me.”

The captain says: “Plateless one, I want you at our rear, with that copper plate guy, I trust you have nothing against that. You, lady Yana and you copper plate girl cover the front with me.”

Yana looks at them and says: “Unfortunately we cannot group up in the middle, I do hope that everyone is okay with this, and no, this is not me playing favorites.”

Everyone nods, Hime face Yana and says: “Just be safe, lady Yana… I will most likely not be able to come to your aid fast enough.”

Yana smiles and says: “You be safe as well, you two.”

Sai and Hime nod and get themselves to the rear and they are off.

The captain turns to Yana and says: “I have heard of your exploits, lady Yana. You have reached platinum plate and the rank of general in record time, you honor your family, milady.”

Yana says: “And if everything goes right, I will become the first orichalcom ever, I am in a race with platinum plate Albrecht Von Hausen.”

The captain says: “Albrect will most likely die… I do not think that he has what it takes to take on a proto drake, he might have to face a dragon as well, they are reserved for orichalcom plate mercenaries.”

Yana looks worried.

Mari says: “We could just go to the guild when this is over and ask where he is at, have your mother take us to him and back him up, should he need it.”

Yana: “Let us pick up the pace, then.”

The captain says: “As you wish, general.” he turns around and says: “Alright you slackers, pick up the pace!” and so they do.

They arrive at the battlefield, they are greeted by the commander general who says: “You could not arrive at a more opportune moment, get in there, men!”

Yana and Mari group up with Sai and Hime.

Yana says: “Okay, while the battlefield is distracted, we 4 will sneak around and take out their commander general and end this as quickly as possible, the faster we can get to Albrecht, the better.”

Hime asks: “What is wrong with sir Albrecht?”

Yana explains.

Hime gasps and says: “Those are dire news indeed.”

So they walk back, to make the enemy think that they are done there, once out of sight they execute their plan and circle around into some nearby woods, where they run into soldiers here and there, they make quick work of all of them which were all the enemy.

The woods stretch close to their target, Yana sees their target and says: “Only me and Hime should go in… also… Hime… remember what I said… the finishing blow is mine.”

Hime nods but looks a little ashamed.

Yana says: “I know that you do not want to hurt me, Hime… but I also promised that there would be no more killing for you and I value promises above all… get ready, you knock out his guards… no killing.”

Hime nods and takes Yana’s shoulder, they teleport in, Hime knocks the guards out and Yana in a flash jumps through the enemy commander general and as she lands, she sheathe her sword the rest of the way, which makes his head fall off and the body fall to the ground.

She then picks up his head, carrying it by the hair, she holds it high, yelling: “This battle is over!” She walks through the enemy troops while carrying the head, holding it high, making her way back, the enemy soldiers make a path for her and Hime, Mari and Sai join them.

They eventually reach their commander general, Yana holds the head in front of the commander general and says: “I would like to get something that proves we ended this before handing it over.”

The commander general and the captain are stunned, but ultimately writes a sort-of receipt and then the commander general hands her the paper and his badge saying: “This will suffice to prove your involvement.”

Yana hands the paper to Hime so that she can read the paper first, she says: “Yes, this will prove it, it also says, quote ‘I am also sending my badge as further proof of my identity, I will pick it up when I come back from this.’ So you can hand over the head.”

Yana hands over the head and says: “This concludes this war and our involvement, we will take our leave now.” Sai, Mari and Hime place their hands on Yana and they poof.

They appear in the guild hall, Yana hands over the paper and the badge.

The clerk reads: “‘Thanks to the effort of lady Yana and her group, the battle was swiftly won and she handed me the head of the enemy leader herself as proof’”

She looks shocked at Yana and places an orichalcom plate on the counter, saying: “Congratulations, lady Yana.” she then place 2 silver plates next to it for Sai and Mari, they all go through the process of upgrading, the clerk then hands them a bounty of 3 platinum coins, which Yana gives them 3 each, taking 6 from her own pouch as well: “Here you all are, this is your shares.”

Hime says: “I cannot accept this much.”

Sai and Mari agree.

Yana sighs and says: “You can and you will, do not insult me”

They reluctantly accept.

Yana says: “Time to give all of you some upgrades, which is why I want you all to take it, I want all of you to be as safe as you can be.”

Hime smiles and says: “If that is the reason, I graciously accept this reward.”

Sai and Mari agree, they then teleport to Atterious’ shop and walk in.

Atterious says: “Will you stop coming in so often? It stresses me ou-…  Y-you?…  Orichalcom?…  and you two are now silver?… ”

Yana says: “We came here to get the best we can, these three want some upgrades and that is why we are here, we will get out of your hair as soon as they have paid up.” So they do.

Yana says: “There we go, we now have a friend to save.”

And they poof, they appear at the south gate and Yana buys all of them some horses for 15 gold each and rides off at breakneck speed, about 3 hours or so, they quickly catch up to Albrecht’s carriage, Yana pulls up next to the carriage saying: “Albrecht! Stop the carriage!”

There Are 2 bangs that can be heard and the driver stops, Yana stops her horse and dismounts, Hime then pulls up next to her horse, to grab its reins, to make sure it does not run away.

Albrecht comes out of the carriage saying: “What is the meaning of this? Yan-… Well… I see that I lost… I am not turning back regardless though… so if there is nothing else, I would like to complete my mission.”

Yana frantically says: “You misunderstood, I am not here to gloat or something petty like that, I am concerned for a friend and was going to offer our aid because I heard that you were going to take on a proto dragon and possibly a dragon and we just want to see you coming out alive at the end of it.

We do not even require a reward, you can keep all of it.”

He looks around at the others, they all have determined looks on their faces and nods whenever he faces them, Albrecht then says: “In that case I would be honored to have you accompany me… not for the money, but the determination and sincerity, I will be happy to share the profits.”

Yana smiles and says: “If that is what you wish, you will have no argument from me.”

She turns around and says: “These three however will not be as easy to convince to accept any reward, but we can deal with that later, we still have some distance to go still and it will be dark soon.”

She mounts up on her horse and they go.

They are now close to the mission area and it’s dark, so they set up camp.

Yana says: “I will return momentarily, I need to let Mirei know that I am safe… poor thing, she must be worried sick.”

They nod and Yana poofs, she appears in her room, but Mirei isn’t there, so she finds the first servant, which happens to be Gerard.

Yana says: ”Good evening, Gerard, do you know where Mirei is?”

Gerard says: “Mistress Mirei should be in the dining hall still, she looked worried and refused to tell us why or get out of there.”

Yana smiles and says: “She will go back to normal when I see her, she was worried about me going to war. That is why, I am sorry to have worried you all by having her worry.”

Gerard smiles and says: “It is good to see you alive and well… also, it seems like congratulations are in order as well, were you the first?”

Yana says: “Thank you, Gerard… Yes I was… I am sorry, I do have to take my leave, poor Mirei.” he nods.

Yana then appears in the dining hall and is instantly embraced by Mirei: “You came back!” and is sobbing.

Yana smiles warmly and says: “I might have to worry you further, I need to assist Albrecht in proto dragon, maybe full dragon slaying tomorrow, so we are going to camp.”

She strokes Mirei’s hair: “Try not to worry so much this time, Gerard was really distraught and worried about you.”

Mirei still sobbing says: “How can I not worry when you say that you love me as the sister you never had? I do feel the same way, you know… just that I was never able to put it into words.”

Yana says: “Well… as the only orichalcom, I am going to be more or less forced to do even more dangerous missions and will probably be gone for long periods of time.”

Mirei sobs and says: “Do not say that, I do not want to hear it, Yana!” she cries.

Yana says: “I am sorry, but you have to, Mirei… however, I will do my best to come back like this and give you updates at least.”

Mirei backs off a little bit and calms down some, then says: “Be sure that you do… you best leave before I throw shackles on you and force you to stay.”

Yana chuckles and says: “I would never forgive you if you did it for that reason.”

Mirei says: “I do not care… you are precious to me, Yana.”

Yana says: “You are too.”

She wipes Mirei’s tears and says: “I have to go, I am sorry.”

She backs off and poofs, she appears in the campsite and says: “I am back… Mirei was devastated, so it took longer than expected… would not surprise me if she one day grabs me just before a teleport and comes with me, it has come to that point.”

Albrecht shrugs and says: “Can you blame her?”

Yana sighs and says: “I cannot, no.”

Hime says: “I am glad that you allow me to join you, Yana.”

Mari and Sai in unison: “Me too.”

Yana says: “It is different for Mirei, she is an actual force member, I am just her backup… she cannot just leave like that, we can… she would have been here with us now if it was not for that fact.”

Hime reacts and runs into the woods at really high speed and Yana gets ready, drawing her sword.

Out from the forest Hime walks calmly carrying someone at closer look, it’s a human girl in rags, Yana sheathes her sword and sits down with a sigh of relief.

The girl pleads: “Please do not hurt me.”

Hime sits down in front of the fire and sets the girl in her lap facing everyone and says: “We are not going to hurt you, see? are you hungry?”

Yana takes a stick of meat from the fire and offers it to her and says: “Do not worry, little one… here, you can have it.” and smiles warmly.

The girl slowly takes it, Yana then relaxes, everyone’s just relaxing and are calm, so the girl starts eating.

Yana: “May I ask your name, little one?”

The girl says: “I-I am Cassie, miss.”

Yana smiles and says: “It is nice to meet you, Cassie. What are you doing out here alone?”

Cassie looks at the fire, worried and says: “My town was attacked by bandits and I was able to escape.”

Yana gets up and says: “Hime, give her to Mari. Albrecht, you stay here and keep the camp safe, we will try and save as many as we can… which way, Cassie?”

She points to the woods where Hime found her: “It is straight through those woods.”

Yana starts running and Hime right behind, they run for about 5 minutes and they hear a ruckus, Yana says: “Hime, make sure to not kill anyone, just knock them out.”

She leans over and picks up a rock while running: “This should be enough to use, cannot really use my sword, now can I?”

Hime does the same, saying: “Good point.”

Yana sees a bandit chasing a young lady around, Yana knocks him out, Hime takes out another, they clear the whole village from bandits and put them all in the center square, a woman is frantic and calls out for Cassie.

Yana says: “Calm down, Cassie is the reason we are here, she is safe with my two silver and one platinum plate companions… is there anywhere we can store these bandits until the forces of the land get here?”

A man walks forwards and says: “I do have an empty cellar that can be locked from the outside, feel free to use that.”

Yana starts dragging 4 of them and Hime drags the other 4 and faces the man, saying: “Lead the way.'' So he does, Yana and Hime just throw them down there, they have been stripped of anything but their clothes, so that they can’t escape, they close the hatch, lock it and barricade it.

Yana says: “That would be all, now to reunite a mother with her daughter, I will be back with her, miss!… Let us go, Hime.”

Hime places her hand on Yana’s shoulder and they vanish and appear in the campsite and Yana says: “I will deal with the rest myself.”

She squats down and faces Cassie, saying: “Let me take you to your mother, she is safe but worried about you.” She offers her hand and smiles warmly.

Cassie walks slowly over and takes Yana’s hand, they appear in the village and the woman says: “Cassie!” distraught

Yana shoo her towards her mother gently and stands up to say: “Should you need us, we have our campsite just straight that way. However, we are leaving at first light. Also, be sure to call for me, Yana if you do, otherwise Hime, the girl I came here with, will attack, she has very keen senses, but if you need anything right now, speak up.”

An old man walks up to her and places a sack of coins in her hand, saying: “Our most sincere gratitudes, Lady De La Reig.”

She then takes his hand and places the sack in his hand and pushes it back saying: “I insist that you use this for the village, I am not doing this for the coin, nor am I being a mercenary and a force member for that reason, I am these to be able to keep people happy, that is enough payment for me, I do have everything I could ever want already.”

The old man kneels and says: “We will not forget your kindness, lady De La Reig, we will be forever in your debt.”

Yana smiles and says: “In that case, please stand up, you can repay it in full by looking out for each other, capable men and women should train using their tools as weapons in case of this happening again, do that and I will forget the debt.”

The old man smiles and says: “Your kindness knows no bounds, I will see to it that we are better prepared in the future, lady De La Reig… this I swear.”

Yana nods and says: “Good, I will take my leave then.”

She poofs and appears in the campsite, she then stretches and says: “I do not know about all of you, but I am tired… so I am just going to bed if there are no objections?”

Albrecht says: “You will have no argument from me, except for there only being one tent.”

| Chapter 14 |

Yana says: “Well… I do not have any issues with men I trust sleeping on either side of me, if it would have to come to that.”

Mari says: “I have known Sai forever, so having him next to me would probably not be an issue when it comes to men, women I have no issues with.”

Hime: “I share Yana’s view on the matter.”

Albrecht says: “Then by all means, see you at first light.”

He points at Sai: “Do not worry, I will keep this seeming horndog in check.” And grins

Sai offended says: “Hey! I am no horndog, I can restrain myself, in fact I have been doing that for years already.”

He looks at Albrecht: “I bet you that this one has been with everyone in the Von Hausen household.”

Albrecht offended says: “How shameful, I have not been with any woman yet.”

Sai then says: “All the more likely you would act on it, then.”

Yana sighs: “Now boys, stop this bickering… none of us girls have anything against you and do not mind that you are in the same tent, just leave it at that, okay?”

Albrecht says: “As you say, lady Yana.”

He turns to Sai and says: “I am sorry.”

Sai turns to him and says: “I am sorry, too.”

She walks between them and hugs them with each of her arms: “Thank you, Albrecht and Sai, good night.”

Hime says: “I think I will join her, good night everyone.”

Mari says: “Me too, good night.”

Sai says: “Good night, girls.”

Albrecht says: “Good night, ladies.”

There is an awkward silence for a while.

Albrecht sighs and says: “So… Yana being the first ever to achieve Orichalcom, huh?”

Sai nods and says: “Yes… I thought she was amazing from the first moment I saw her.”

Albrecht being a classist saying: “How shameful… a commoner fancying a noble… ”

Sai sighs and says: “I fancy Mari… but I respect Yana and her thoughtfulness, she sacrificed herself to give me and Mari a chance, it was good that Mirei came around when she did or we would have all died.”

Albrecht swallows his pride and says: “I am sorry for that remark, Sai… ”

Sai nods and says: “It is okay, Albrecht… ”

Albrecht being curious asks: “Have you told Mari that you fancy her?”

Sai looks at the fire, sad and says: “I have.”

He looks up at the night sky and continues to say: “But I am just a brother to her… No we are not related, I was taken in by them at an early age.”

Albrecht looking a bit sad for Sai says: “I see… that really is a conundrum, my friend.”

He stands up and says: “I am heading to sleep, be sure to not stay too late, or you are going to be slow tomorrow, and we cannot afford that.” he walks into the tent.

Sai follows Albrecht after a minute or so.

Yana wakes up and notices that she’s locked down by Mari and Hime on either side of her, so she pokes them, saying: “Girls, this is cute and all… but we need to get up.”

Hina sits up and rubs her eyes, saying: “Sorry, Yana… but you were just so warm.”

Mari sits up and rubs her eyes, chuckling and says: “Indeed, so relaxing.”

Yana then struggles her way out, trying to not step on anyone, the guys can be heard grunting inside.

Yana can hear Cassie calling for her, so she walks into the woods and meets her, she squat down to Cassie’s level: “Good morning, Cassie… what can I do for you?” her mom struggles through the woods saying: “Cassie, do not run off like that… oh, you came to meet us, lady De La Reig… we just wanted to thank you properly while we had the chance.”

Yana stands up and pats Cassies head and says: “There is nothing to thank me for, just do what I told you to and you will not owe us anything.” Cassie smiles.

The mother says: “In that case, I want to wish you a safe journey.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you, miss”

She looks down nad says: “Take care of yourselves… and you are such a good girl getting to safety, Cassie. But next time, you should sneak away together with your mother, okay?… the next time you might not be so lucky that you happen to find mercenaries or anyone for that matter.”

Cassie says: “Okay, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “I have to help put everything away, goodbye.“ she walks back.

Albrecht says: “There you are, lady Yana… are you ready to head out?”

Yana nods and says: “I am.”

They pack up and head out, they arrive at the city where the attack happened, people look with awe at Yana, she smiles awkwardly and waves at them.

They arrive at the city hall where the mayor and secretary await them, Yana, Hime, Sai and Mari dismount and tie their horses to the Carriage, while Albrecht walks out of the carriage, they walk up to the mayor.

The mayor says: “I was told that there would only be one platinum comi-… ” he runs up to Yana and looks closely at her orechalcom plate and then backs off: “This little elf gir-... I am truly sorry for my actions, lady De La Reig…

but unfortunately I cannot afford the services of someone of your status, you are the first orichacom plate I have ever seen, so I have no idea about the rate you would charge, but whatever it would be, it would not be within the budget… we can barely afford a platinum plate.”

Yana smiles awkwardly at him: “Do not worry about that, we are here off duty to help a friend out, that is all.”

The mayor looks disappointingly at Yana: “Well… it is none of my business, then.”

Albrecht says: “Mayor, your business is with me… I do not have time for your outbursts, should you waste more of my time, I will have to charge a delay fee.”

The mayor rushes to Albrecht and says: “Ah, Von Hausen… the proto dragon was seen flying that way and I have heard that there is a dragon’s nest over there as well somewhere…

The proto dragon usually attacks within the hour in an hour, so if you can intercept it and fight it away from the city, that would be ideal. I had our best smith provide really good arrows with thread as strong as steel, to help bring it down.”

Albrecht says: “You can hand them over to Mari over there, she will act as our bower.”

The mayor looks at her and notices the bow, saying: “Ah, very well then.” the secretary brings the quiver to Mari.

Albrecht looks at Yana and says: “How do you think we should proceed, lady Yana?”

Yana says: “We should scout the area for ambush opportunities first off.”

Albrecht starts moving and says: “As you say, let us go then.” So they do, they scout the area and find a rock formation they can use.

Yana looks at various angles for Mari to shoot from and finds the perfect position from where she can shoot without revealing her position from anything flying, she stands Mari there and says: “Okay, let us use the remaining time to do some test shots, Mari.”

Mari then takes a few shots with the arrows anchored between 2 boulders until she’s confident, they wait for the proto dragon to appear.

After 20 minutes or so, they hear a roar, everyone readies themselves, the proto drake is now in range, Mari takes the shot and hits it, it shrieks and tries to get loose, but it’s tethered, Mari takes another shot, to make sure and another for good measure.

They wait until it tires itself out, but just as it’s about to, an ear piercing roar is heard and a dragon shows up, grabbing the drake, a deep voice can be heard saying something in an unknown language and flies back.

Albrecht is seen having a panicked look on his face.

Yana asks: “What is the matter, Albrecht?”

Albrecht’s shaking and says: “That was Khal’Deraan the elder dragon… We are so screwed.”

Yana appears on top of Khal’Deraan: “Honored elder Khal’Deraan, we are terribly sorry for attacking your young, but you have to understand that we had to protect our people as well as you have to protect your own, will you forgive us for this transgression?”

Khal’Deraan lands by a cave, a woman stands at the entrance saying something in an unknown language, she sees Yana while Khal’Deraan lies down, to make it easier for Yana to get off, so she gets off.

The woman says: “Greetings, lady De La Reig, I am Victoria Kain, who might you be?”

She looks closer and says: “I see… you were sent here to deal with her terrorizing the city, I take it?… I do not see why they would hire an orichalcom plate for a drake.”

Khal’Deraan says something and walks inside, Victoria answers and turns back to Yana and says: “Excuse us, he was merely saying that I would handle this, since we can clearly understand each other.

He will not get involved, he did however want to apologize for his kin’s behavior and he hopes that attack would teach her a lesson.”

Yana says: “Yana will do, I want to wholeheartedly apologize for attacking her, but we had to protect our own, I want to ask if it would be okay if I get my companions, so that they can hear us as well?”

Victoria says: “That is fine, lady Yana, but how will you do that?”

Yana says: “First thing first”

She walks up to the drake and heals the drake, she turns back to Victoria and says: “I hope this will suffice as an apology.”

The drake rubs her head against Yana’s chin, Yana smiles and pats her while talking to Victoria: “Back on topic, I can use teleportation and that is how I will bring them here” the drake walks into the cave.

Victoria smiles and says: “It would seem that she is quite taken to you for healing her, that is good to see… I will await your return then.”

Yana appears at the rock formation: “I believe it will be fine everyone, come with me.” they all place a hand on her and they appear in front of the cave.

Victoria says: “Greetings, I am Victoria Kain and will serve as your mediator.”

Khal’Deraan can be heard from inside, Victoria says: “He says that you are completely forgiven after healing her and that she promises that she will not attack ever again.”

Yana smiles and says: “That is good, what about the other kin?”

Victoria says: “There are only Khal’Deraan, Yime’Nera and their daughter Kaali’Nera in there, and you will not have to deal with either Khal’Deraan or Yime’Nera.”

Albrecht says: “I am Albrecht Von Hausen and I am the one that received the mission, these four just followed along to make sure that I got home safe, I want to sincerely apologize for our indiscretion.”

Yana says: “I will let you handle this from here, Albrecht… I have to let Mirei know that we are safe, I will come get you when I have done so.” She turns to Sai, Mari and Hime, Sai and Mari grabs on.

Hime says: “I will stay, so that I can fill you in later, lady Yana.”

Yana says: ”Thank you, Hime… I will return soon then.”

They appear in the dining hall: “Sai and Mari, I will see to it that we all get some food, I will also find Mirei to deal with this situation and what not.”

Mari says: “See you later then.” they sit down.

Yana leaves and finds Eena, she tells her everything and appear in in the garrison where Mirei’s getting ready: “Hello, Mirei, I am back for a brief moment, but soon I will be back again for lunch, so I will see you then.”

Mirei hugs her and says: “I am glad that you are safe, I will not hold you up… be safe and see you at lunch.”

Yana then appears outside of the cave saying: “I am back.”

Victoria says: “Ah, lady Yana… welcome back, we decided to wait for you instead.”

Yana says: “Thank you”

Time stops and she vanishes and appears in a black void: “Wait, what is going on?”

A plethora of different voices: “How are you enjoying your game so far, Nina?”

Yana looks like Nina again and says: “What is this? Who are you?... I just want to go home with mom and dad… ”

The voices say: “We’re sorry, that’s something we won’t do, we are just too entertained by this story, as our creation we say that you will clear the game before we allow you to go back…

Also, you are not to tell anyone, not even your mother, if you do… well… you don’t want to, let’s just leave it at that… now, begone.”

She’s back in Yana’s body and time starts right after and she thinks to herself: “(What was that about?).”

Hime feels Yana’s forehead and asks: “Are you okay, lady Yana?”

Yana smiles and says: “I am. sorry… I-it just felt like I was taken somewhere for a moment.”

Hime says: “I know that it is not my place to say so, but I am going to have you rest when we get home and I do not want any arguments about it.”

Albrecht laughs and says: “There you go, acting so motherly again, Hime.”

Hime pouts annoyed and says: “I am sorry for caring then.”

Yana says: “Do not worry, Hime… I will… I have been quite exhausted lately with all that has happened these last few days.”

Hime smiles and says: “That is good, lady Yana… thank you.”

Victoria says: “It might be better to take this another day, I do not mind, the things that needed to be said have already been said, you do not look well, lady Yana… I will be here when your are feeling better.”

Albrecht says: “Thank you, Victoria, we will take our leave then.”

He places a hand on Yana and so does Hime, they appear at the city hall and they walk in.

The mayor stands up and walks to them and says: “Ah, sir Von Hausen, you dealt with the proto dragon I take it?”

Albrecht says: “We did indeed and we have nothing to fear anymore, we met with a Victoria Kain who spoke on the dragon’s behalf.”

The mayor falls to his knees and slouches over, then says: “Thank goodness… she is alive… ”

Albrecht confused asks: “Sir?”

The mayor says: “Victoria is my daughter and she has been gone for many years now, we got in a terrible fight one day and she ran away…

Please… should you see her again, will you tell her that I am terribly sorry for being that angry and that she should decide for herself still if she would come back or not.”

Yana says: “I guess that I might as well tell her right now, I will be back momentarily.” she poofs.

The mayor is shocked and says: “That magic? Where did she learn that? The Crimson Terror could not possibly be back, could she?… Now that I think about it… your companion resembles her in a way…

Where has this child been all of this time? It would only make sense if she was the Terror’s daughter… but the Terror has been gone for 30 years and that girl looks to be between 10 and 20 years, it does not make sense… ”

Albrecht says: “I suggest that you do not look into it for your own good. Worst case, Crimson Terra will kill you for knowing… I only know because of me being close to a similar situation, let us just leave it at that.”

Yana comes back and says: “Oh, she was not happy… she told me to tell you to shove that apology far, far up your ass, Mayor.”

The mayor looks sad and says: “That is what I expected and deserved… I thank you, lady De La Reig… at least she is alive and well.”

Yana says: “Well… I do believe that this concludes our business here, right?”

The mayor smiles and says: “Indeed, I thank you for your services.”

He hands a sack of coins to Albrect and says: “There you go, 10 platinum coins as agreed to.”

Albrecht hands Yana 4 of the coins: “Distribute them as you will.”

Yana hands one of them to Hime and says: “If you do not take it, I will not rest myself.”

Hime sighs and says: “How can I refuse?” She takes the coin.

The 3 of them walk out.

Yana says: “Would you mind dropping the horses off at the De La Reig grounds when you get back, Albrecht? I would teleport us all including your carriage, but I am not mother, three horses would be the limit I would be able to take at a time and nothing else, because they weigh too much.”

Albrecht says: “No problem, they would have to be delivered tomorrow in that case, I do have some business to take care of when I get back.”

Yana says: “That will be fine.”

Hime places her hand on Yana’s shoulder and they appear in the dining hall, but when they do, Yana falls to the ground and everyone calls to her.

| Chapter 15 |

3 or so days later we see through Yana’s eyes her sight’s blurry, she notices that she is embraced by Hime, Mirei on either side of her and Mari sleeping at her feet, she looks to the right and sees Terra: “You experienced your first magic leak from all of your stress from working so hard, dear… you probably do not want to see me yet, so I am going to take my leave.”

Yana says: “No, do not leave, mother.”

The girls grunted a little.

Yana then looks to the left and sees Viktor and says: “You can leave however… Viktor.”

Terra shocked says: “Nina?!”

Yana then tells the whole story while the girls are starting to wake up.

Terra waves her finger, the door opens, then Viktor flies out and smashes into the wall, the door closes behind him.

The girls shoot out of bed confused from the bang and see that Yana’s okay, they relax and smile.

Yana looks around and asks: “so… how long have I been out?” her stomach growls.

Hime jumps out of the bed and says: “I will help the chefs make us all something… I will see you all in the dining hall, be sure to take a bath before then, lady Yana… I will have the maids draw one for you.” She walks out.

Terra smiles while following Hime out with her eyes and says: “That is a good friend that you have found, Yana, dear.”

She looks at Mari and Mirei and smiles while says: “They are all special, mother.”

Mari and Mirei hug her with huge smiles on their faces.

Terra says: “I guess that this is not such a bad world after all.”

Time stops and Nina’s back in her original body, the voices can be heard: “As you can see, even your mother agrees despite losing her husband… are you sure that you still want to go back and leave everyone else behind?

We are not completely evil, you know… think about it at least… keep playing the game or not… it is up to you.”

She’s back in Yana’s body and time starts again: “Would you really be happy to stay here, mother?”

Terra places her index finger under her chin and thinks for a minute and says: “We do not have anything back on earth, really… now do we?… Here I am the greatest sorcerer that ever lived… still after 30 years… I must say that it is not bad…

I could do without the whole ‘Terror’ business… but I guess it has its charm still… no one in this would ever think about giving me any trouble, which is nice… and magic is really fun… even with our advances back home we do not have anything like it… besides, we all have each other and I still have some dear friends of mine here as well.”

Yana smiles and says: “Okay, it would seem like you are set, that is all I need… we are staying.”

She looks at Mirei and Mari and says: “It is time for the truth, girls… my original plan was to become strong enough to get home and leave forever… I am sorry, but that was what I was striving for… Now I have a new goal, become strong enough to protect everyone I love and live free together with all of you.

Mother gave me the realization I really had to come to, I am so ashamed that I did not see what I actually had here, good friends, sisters even that I have come to love, I have a darling brother and my whole original family as well… even though I will hate Viktor for some time after the stunt he pulled… he is still here when I decide to not punish him anymore.”

Mirei says: “Do you think I would have let you go in the end if you had your original goal in mind?”

Yana smiles and says: “Do you think I would not bring all of you with me in that case?… but I see now, here or there… it does not matter as long as you all are there with me… that is the realization I had to come to… thank you, mother… for helping me see that.”

Terra smiles and says: “Of course, Yana… let us get to the bath then… we would not want to upset dear Hime, now would we?”

Mirei and Mari lets go of Yana and gets out of bed, they help her out of bed as well, Yana’s a bit wobbly still, but Mari and Mirei helps serve as support, Eena sees them and picks up Yana, giving her a piggyback ride, saying: “I will help you, lady Yana… you must be drained after being in bed for so long.”

They then continue walking to the bath, they all help Yana the best they can, and then head to the dining hall.

They all sit down and a minute later, Hime, Helena and Gerard arrive behind Kei, Kei sees Yana: “Sister!” he smiles with tears in his eyes and sits down on her lap, Yana does her best to embrace him.

Kei leans back to face Yana and asks: “Are you still weak, sister? You should really rest then.”

Yana smiles and says: “I probably just need some food to regain my energy, dear brother.”

Kei looks a bit worried and says: “I do hope so.”

The dinner is served and they start eating, Yana picks up her spoon but drops it, she starts tearing up.

Kei then sits to the side and helps her eat, they finish eating.

Yana strokes her cheek against Kei’s cheek and says: “Thank you, Kei.” she kisses his cheek and lets him down, he goes to Helena who takes him back to his room.

Yana says: “Eena… can I trouble you to take me to my room?”

Eena: “I would be honored to, lady Yana”

Yana then looks at Mirei and Hime: “Hime… could I ask you to help Mirei out today? Also, could you see Mari home safe as well?”

Hime says: “I can do that for you, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “Thank you everyone… please… I need to be by myself today, but you are free to come to bed tonight, I will not deny you sleep.”

Eena drops her off in her room, she then shows the nightstand and says: “pull this rope if you need anything, lady Yana”

Yana then rolls over to face away from her and says: “Thank you, Eena… that will be all.” Eena then leaves.

We see Eibel getting out of his carriage with Albrecht behind him outside of the De La Reig mansion and walks up, the door opens and they are greeted by Gerard.

Eibel says: “Summon Viktor, would you?”

Gerard says: “Let me take you to the common room then sir.”

Eibel sits down, Albrecht stands behind him.

A few minutes go by and Viktor comes in, looking quite down and says: “What do you want, Eibel? Please be quick about it.”

Eibel says: “I will be brief then… I am here to propose Yana’s marriage to Albrecht here, there is no other woman good enough for my son, seeing how they are both the only orichalcom mercenaries in the world, they would be the perfect pair.”

Viktor says: “Do you seriously believe that I would accept that? Yana already hates me… forcing her into something against her will, is just going to worsen the situation.”

He stands up and says: “This conversation is over, I refuse to get involved in this… ask her yourself.”

Gerard says: “Lady Yana is still quite weak, master… she cannot leave her room, I also took it upon myself having Kana put up a barrier that will not lift for anyone but Eena and myself until tonight, in light of lady Yana’s own requested privacy, mastee.”

Eibel says: “Then you will go and ask her right now and tell us her answer.”

Gerard gets visually angry but calmly says: “I mean no disrespect, sir Von Hausen, but I refuse… lady Yana needs her rest.”

Eibel stands up and says: “Then I will take it upon myself… you will show me to her room.”

Terra comes in filled with rage and says: “Eena came rushing to me when she overheard this preposterous subject and no one will take anyone to Yana’s room, is that clear?”

Eibel says: “Get out of my way, woman!”

Terra teleports them outside to the training grounds: “I will annihilate you right here if you do not leave at once, no one are to disturb my daughter.”

Eibel looks shocked and kneels down, saying: “Lady Terra, I beg your forgiveness.”

Terra says: “In light of this brutish and forceful behavior of yours… if you say one word to my daughter ever again, I will end you… there will be no marriage, I will laugh at your screams while you are burning before I give my darling to you, do I make myself clear?!”

Yana opens a window overlooking the training grounds and yells: “Hush!” and then slams it close.

Terra says: “And now because of you, she yelled at me! I should end you right here and now.”

Eibel rushes to the carriage and jumps inside, they then leave with no regard for Albrecht, Albrecht sees the carriage leaving in the distance while looking out.

Terra appears in the common room and says: “As much as I hate to even talk so that you can hear me right now, Viktor. I refuse to hand over Yana to the Von Hausen family… you may leave now, I do not want to be in your presence right now.” Viktor leaves in shame.

Albrecht bows to Terra and says: “Thank you, lady Terra, I was opposed to this marriage as well… but father did not want to listen to reason, and as a member of the Von Hausen family, I have no right to refuse father directly… Do not get me wrong. Lady Yana is amazing and I respect her greatly… I am just unworthy of her hand.”

Terra smiles and says: “Well… I did not expect such a gentleman coming from the house of Von Hausen. this changes things, should you yourself ask for her hand and she willingly accepts it, I will bless this union.”

She gets a murderous look on her face and says: “However, if it is by the order of your father, I will leave nothing but a crater where your grounds are, mark my words… you are to tell me if he asks this of you as well, then I will spare your grounds, but not your father, do I make myself clear, Albrecht Von Hausen?”

Albrecht bows and says: “Crystal clear, lady Terra… the threats are excessive, since I would have told you either way in hopes of you stopping him again, milady.”

Terra smiles again and says: “Such an honorable man you are, Albrecht… I now know that you are worthy of Yana’s hand should the two of you agree to it on your own free will… in any case, do you need me to take you home?”

Albrecht says: “I would like to check on lady Yana first, but in light of all of this, would you mind keeping me up to date? She and her party is the reason for my orichalcom status, if not for them, I would most likely not be here today, since proto drakes are very fast and very fierce.

Not to mention that they can fly and I am no archer, so I worry that I am partly to blame for her condition, because of her worrying about my safety, rushing to my side right after her own mission, partaking and ending that battle in the war.”

Terra says: “I will take you home then… and if I find the time and are able to find you, I will keep you updated, I cannot promise anything however.”

Albrecht bows again and says: “Thank you, lady Terra.” As he stands up he finds himself outside of the gates to the Von Hausen grounds and Terra is nowhere to be seen, he walks in.

We see Mirei and Hime on their way to the garrison after dropping Mari off.

We see Yana crying, softly and quietly talking to herself saying: “How can I just lie here and be so pathetic?”

Meanwhile we see Eena just about to knock and hears that, she looks at the floor, sad and thinks: “(Lady Yana… you are not pathetic.)” she composes herself and knocks.

Yana’s being heard saying: “Please leave.”

Eena says: “It is me, lady Yana… I thought that you might need some refreshments, I will not be long.”

Yana can be heard saying: “Please leave, Eena.”

Eena: ”You are not pathetic, lady Yana.”

An umph can be heard from inside, so Eena walks in, then sees her on the floor, she drops the tray and rushes to pick her up and move her to the bed: “What are you doing, lady Yana? You should not be out of bed.”

Yana turns away from Eena: “I do not know… I panicked, knowing that you heard me.”

Eena feels Yana’s forehead: “So, that is why you are getting weaker, I would have thought you would be able to walk by now… and elf fevers are worse than humans… listen here and listen good, you cannot move around at all… I will provide a special medicine passed down for generations in the family, from when there were still elves around here…

You also have to drink a lot of water, follow mine, mother’s and grandfather’s instructions to the letter and you will be up and about in 2 days, if you do not… not only will you experience excruciating headaches and pain, you might even die from it, and I am not just saying that, it is as real as you and me.”

Yana says: “In that case, can you turn me to my back, please?”

Eena says: “Of course, milady.”

And she does she says: “I will inform mother and grandfather, so that they know what to do in case I am not able to tend to you, I will also inform your mother, she might have some of the ingredients I need for the medicine…

Not only that, she might even be able to infuse and make it more potent… so please just wait there, milady… I will be back momentarily.”

She walks out, picking up the tray as she walks out, she knocks on Kei’s room and says: “Mother?”

Helena says: “Yes, Eena?” She opens the door.

Eena says: “Lady Yana has an elf fever, do not worry… I will handle the medicine, I will also ask for Miss Terra’s help as well… I just thought that you should know, so that you know how to handle her.”

Helena says: “Thank you for letting me know, Eena… carry on then.” She closes the door.

Eena then finds Gerard and says: “Grandfather, I wanted to inform you that lady Yana has an elf fever and I will deal with that, I just thought that you should know, so that you do not have her move around.”

Gerard pats her head and says: “Such a good girl you are, Eena… I will have you tend to her exclusively then… lady Yana should be your only duty until she is better.”

Eena says: “Understood… where might I find Miss Terra… do you know?”

Gerard says: “She should be in her room… any particular reason why you are wondering?”

Eena says: “We are out of Dragon Berries and Wyvern Petals.”

Gerard says: “I see now, Miss Terra would have the need for those as well for various potions and what not… good thinking. Carry on then.”

Eena knocks on Terra’s door and says: “Miss Terra, I am sorry for disturbing you, but do you happen to have Wyvern Petals and Dragon Berries?”

Terra opens the door and says: “Not on hand, but I could grab some from the tower… may I ask, what are they going to be used for? I have to ask since you can make various poisons with them as well as potions and medicine.”

Eena says: “First off, I know exactly what I am doing and I will take care of it, I also want to ask if you can enhance medicines?”

Terra asks: “Okay, so they are needed for medicine? The only medicine I know about is elf fever medicine… and yes, I can enhance medicines… wait… does Yana have a fever?”

Eena gestures and says: “Calm down, as I said… I will handle it, do not worry… but yes, she does.”

Terra says: “In that case, let us go to my tower, I do have everything needed in pristine condition.”

Eena says: “That is agreeable.” They then appear in Terra’s tower.

Terra then takes out all they need and officiates the process.

Terra then stops her, saying: “It will be more effective if you burn these and use the ashes instead.”

Eena says: “I did not know that.”

Terra looks at Eena’s preparations and says: “Your teachings seem to come from about 100 years in the past, we have come a really long way since then… so let us update your knowledge a little bit by having you watch me do it, okay?”

Eena says: “I think it would be for the best then… since my method is so outdated.”

Terra says: “My latest update to the medicine should reduce the dosage to one teaspoon, also drinking twice as much water or more over a 6 hour period will completely cure the affected elf… that is, if they do not move around too much… you did tell her, right?”

Eena says: “I did tell her, yes.”

Terra smiles and says: “Good girl, just know that I might rely on you in the future… you could always teach the others as well.”

Eena says: “I think it would be good if everyone knew it… and now when we have elves around again, it could be good to have these things on hand as well… so I will see to it that we do.”

Terra smiles again and says: “Thank you, Eena… okay, watch closely.”

Terra then makes the medicine, dosage it and hands it to Eena, they then return.

Terra says: “I will leave the rest to you then.” She closes the door.

Eena then goes and gets a pitcher of water, then to Yana, she sets her up and gives her the medicine and a lot of water.

| Chapter 16 |

Yana grimasses and says: “Yuck… that is disgusting!” but she takes all of it.

Eena helps her with the water, then lays her back down and pulls up the covers: “I will be back in about an hour to help you drink some more water. If you can, you should sleep, it will help considerably in the beginning.”

Yana then closes her eyes and Eena sneaks out.

We go forward about 7 hours, Yana’s fever’s completely gone and she can now move without any issues again.

Eena says: “Now please try to not stress too much… I did not like to see you in that state, I was so worried and so was everyone else… now that this is over, I need to tell you that sir Eibel and sir Albrecht came by to propose a forced marriage between you and Albrecht,

The good thing is that your mother handled that issue and you are not being forced into it, however, your mother approves of Albrecht, but only if the two of you agree to it on your own free will.”

Yana says: “I mean… Albrecht is quite a man, I am not going to lie about that… he is quite the catch, really… I am just not interested in those things yet… I have not found any man that would spark anything at all even, not here nor in my original world… I do not even feel anything like that towards any women either.”

Eena says: “I would suggest that you do not say something like that in public… same sex relations are quite frowned upon and could land you in quite a lot of trouble… It is so bad that the whole family would be scrutinized for it.”

Yana says: “Let us hope that I happen upon a man that I take a fancy to in that case.”

Eena says: “Yes… in any case, I have drawn a bath for you, and food will be ready when you get to the dining hall… I have also seen to it that you will not happen to interact with your father, he is more or less put under roomarrest in his office by grandfather, it is also enforced by Kana’s barrier, so he could not leave even if he wanted to, all for your wellbeing.”

Yana smiles and says: “I thank you all.” She then takes her bath and walks into the dining room and eats, once done she asks: “Eena, is Hime home yet?”

Eena says: “She should be in the library with mistress Mirei, they did not want to disturb your recovery, they have been waiting patiently for your word… I am terribly sorry for not telling you, everything has been so stressful and I have been so worried about you that it slipped my mind, please forgive me.”

Yana smiles and says: “I forgive you, Eena… I understand completely, I will go there immediately then.” She goes into the Library.

Kana as usual buried in her logs: “It is good to see you up and about, lady Yana… I was terribly worried to hear about your ailments and I wished so much that I could visit you, but I did not want to disturb your recovery.”

Mirei and Hime hug Yana tightly.

Yana struggles and says: “Can… not… breathe...”

Kana says: “Now ladies, we do not want lady Yana to end up in bed again, do we?”

They let Yana go and she takes a deep breath and says: “Thank you, Kana.”

She then looks at Mirei and Hime, then says: “Well… I have a Von Hausen to threaten, apparently Eibel tried to arrange a marriage between me and Albrecht and I will not stand for that… whom I marry will be my decision alone with the one I am marrying.”

She’s about to teleport but Mirei and Hime grabs her, Yana then says: “You better not try to stop me, you two.” she looks at them with a furious expression.

Hime says: “I would love nothing more than to see sir Eibel’s head roll for this.”

Mirei says: “I share that sentiment, so we are coming with you.”

They appear at the front door, Yana swings the doors open, a maid comes up and is trembling in fear: “H-how may I help you ladies De La Reig?”

Yana with fury in her eyes says: “Eibel… Get him… Now!”

Albrecht rushes to the stairs and says: “What is the mea-...?! Yana?”

Yana says: “I take it that you know why I am here?”

Albrect looks at her and says: “I do and I will not stop you, carry on.” he then walks back from where he came from.

Eibel comes out and says: “I am not supposed to talk to you, lady Yana.”

She appears in front of him, leaving a puff of smoke where she stood says: “You will listen and you will listen good, Eibel Von Hausen, who we marry is our choice… if you try anything, if you use a proxy, if you are involved in anything ever again, just know that.”

She in a flash, points the pointy edge of her sword at his throat: “You and this blade will become infinitely more intimate… Do I make myself clear?”

There’s now blood running down the katana.

Eibel says: “You make yourself crystal clear, lady Yana.” He trembles in sheer terror.

She removes the sword, swings it to get rid of the blood and says: “I take this blood as your blood oath.” she sheath the sword.

Yana says: “Just know that what mother will make you go through will be much more lenient than what I will do to you.”

She walks between Hime and Mirei who’s both frozen in fear and says: “Hime… Mirei… we are leaving.”

Hime and Mirei place their hands on Yana and they appear outside of Atterious’ shop.

Yana smiles towards Mirei and says: “Mirei, it is probably not a good idea if he sees you, he is not very fond of nobles.”

Mirei says: “I am aware, you may find me over there when you are done… I do not know how you managed to get him to make you things.”

Yana says: “That is the power of contracts from our world, Viktor does respect and honor them.”

Mirei chuckles and says: “Was that all?… Well… maybe I will try that as well someday, then.”

Yana walks in with Hime following her.

Atterious says: “It is good to see you, lady Yana, I thank you for saving my grandson in the battle the other day… it was good of you to end it that quickly.”

Yana smiles and says: “I do what I can, Atterious… how is the progress on our gear? I have been bedridden for a couple of days, so I have not been able to do the regular pestering.” she chuckles.

Atterious can’t help but laugh a little and says: “Well… you will be happy to know that your armor is done and so are her blades and Sai’s buster sword… Mari’s bow is almost ready, I am just waiting for the special string to go with it.”

He turns to Hime and says: “I just started on your armor.”

Yana says: “That is fantastic, may I try my armor?”

Atterious says: “Of course, it is the armor you see neatly placed in the corner there.”

Yana then walks over and puts it on, it’s a mithril, obsidian and orichalcom infused chest plate, bracers, girder and lower leg plates, they are black with golden details: “Good work as usual, Atterious.”

Hime takes her shortswords and says: “Wow… so light and so balanced, there is no effort in using these.”

Atterirous says: “It makes me so happy to hear that my wares are so appreciated.”

Yana looks at Atterious and says: “I am sorry if I offend you by saying this, but Mirei seemed interested in getting some upgrades from you, so… may I ask the simple favor of allowing her to shop here as well?…  

You can even have her make a contract as well if that helps her case, Albrecht Von Hausen was interested in this sword as well… he however cannot make a valid contract, I am afraid.”

Atterious says: “I will only make for a noble that offers a valid signed contract.”

Yana gets the hint and says: “Thank you, I will tell Mirei then.”

Atterious says: “It is nice to have proper noble customers again and have them without any worries… I thank you for your business, lady Yana.”

Yana then picks up a huge sword and asks: “I take it that this is Sai’s sword?”

Atterious says: “That is correct.”

Yana: “I will take it to him then… also… do not be surprised if Mirei comes in right after to place an order, just please… do be nice to her.”

Yana and Hime leave and walks up to Mirei and says: “Atterious will do business with nobles that has a legitimate and valid contract drawn up.”

Mirei says: “I will go and see him, then… What are you doing with that sword? That katana is plenty, Yana… but I am liking the armor.”

Yana chuckles and says: “The sword is Sai’s and I was thinking that I could deliver it to him while you place your order in there.”

Mirei says: “Good thinking, see you soon, then.”

Hime and Yana appear outside of the guild inn and they walk in, they are greeted by Guuden: “Hello there, Yana… Sai and Mari are upstairs.”

Everyone else’s cheering for Yana as she walks up the stairs, she knocks on Sai’s door and he opens, then says: “Oh, Yana… you are finally well? Thank goodness.”

Yana smiles and says: “I am… sorry to have worried you, Sai… I am here to deliver this from Atterious, Mari’s new bow as well as yours and Mari’s armors will take a few more days." She hands over the sword.

Sai chuckles and says: “It looks so wrong when a little elf just carries this thing with such ease… no offense, Yana.”

Yana can’t help but to laugh a little, saying: “I take it as a compliment since it is another way of calling me strong, that is my take on it at least… anyway, see you both tomorrow.”

Sai says: “Good night then… and thank you for delivering this to me.”

Yana and Hime appear outside Atterious’ shop where Mirei’s waiting for them, Mirei places her hand on Yana and they appear in Yana’s room: “I do not know about the two of you, but I am beat.” she changes into her pyjamas and lies down, the other 2 does the same.

The next day Yana wakes up by a knock on the door, it then opens and Eena walks in and says: “Okay ladies, time to wake up… mistress Mirei, you do not want to be late.”

Mirei grunts and says: “Yes, Eena… thank you.” She sits up on the bedside and walks out to the bath yawning.

Hime sits up and rubs her eyes and says: “Good morning everyone.”

Yana grunts, saying: “How can I still be so sleepy? I have rested plenty these last couple of days… ” she sits up, stretches and follows Mirei, Hime follows Yana and Eena follows Hime.

They get done bathing and get dressed, they walk into the dining hall and eat, Mirei gets to work.

Yana and Hime walk to Terra’s room and Yana knocks and says: “Mother?”

Terra in a drowsy voice says: “Come in, dear.”

Yana opens the door and says: “I would like to learn to enhance my gear myself and use some sort of offensive spell now.”

Terra smiles and says: “Of course… but for the offensive spell, I am afraid that we do not have a place to safely train you for that.”

Yana smiles nad says: “I have just the thing, come on.”

They walk into the library.

Yana says: “Kana, would you mind terribly if I took the portal book out here, so that mother and Hime would be able to access that space? I will just open the portal and put it back again right after.”

Kana as usual is buried in her logs: “That is all fine, lady Yana… I am however not very fond of the idea of The Terror even being here.” Yana walks into the family section of the archives.

Terra says: “That is entirely too harsh, Kanaeta, I know that I betrayed you by just leaving without a word, but the spell I was working on went a bit wrong… I really am sorry for that.”

Kana says: “I have a better life now, so I thank you for that, Terror… does not change the fact that I still hate you for having me run up and down those infernal steps and whatever else you had me do every day.”

Terra says: “I had you run up and down those steps to increase your magic capacity and your stamina, so that I could ultimately teach you more demanding spells and not have them blow up in your face because you did not have the capacity to use them… I am pretty sure I told you that.”

Kana says: “I do not remember such a thing being said, but at least now I know… I am sorry for my behavior and spiteful demeanor then… miss Terra”

Terra says: “Think nothing of it, Kanaeta… I still vanished and left you all alone, which is unforgivable… I am happy that you have a better life now though.”

Kana says: “It is just Kana now, miss Terra.” Yana comes back, opens the portal and smiles at Kana and Terra, saying: “It is nice to hear that the two of you have reconciled, that makes me really happy.” She walks in again to put the book back.

When Yana comes back, they all enter the portal. There’s an infinite space of just white with the portal behind them.

Terra says: “A pocket universe, huh? That is interesting.” She then teaches Yana all that she wanted, we come up to the offensive spell, she shows Yana and there’s a circle on the ground and a pillar of flame shoots out.

Yana tries it and a bigger circle appears with blue flames shooting out instead.

Terra’s shocked and says: “Frostfire? I did not expect that.”

Yana’s confused and asks: “So what does that mean?”

Terra says: “These flames will freeze the affected in a block of ice instead of burning them.” She then teaches Yana a heating spell that would free the affected.

Yana masters the spells and they walk out to the library and Yana then goes to close the portal and she comes back.

Kana asks: “How did you do, lady Yana?”

Terra says: “Exceptional, except that she has a little bit of trouble with fire and heat, it seems like she has an affinity to ice and cold, unlike me, who can use all the schools equally.”

Kana says: “Interesting, according to our records, people with an ice affinity are quite rare, I will add her to the records as well then.”

Terra asks: “You had an affinity towards earth, right, Kana?”

Kana says: “That is correct and that is true for most of us.”

Hime says: “I have an affinity to earth as well, I only know one spell though.”

Terra asks: “Why did you not tell me to teach you some in there?”

Hime saya: “I am not very interested in magic.”

Terra says: “Well… just tell Yana if you change your mind, I would be happy to train you… you can find me in my room, should you need me.” she vanishes.

Yana looks at Kana and saya: “I am sorry, Kana… but I need to have a look at the mission options… I cannot have Albrecht shoulder all of that alone.”

Kana says: “Thank you for stopping by, lady Yana… be safe out there.”

Yana smiles and says: “I will certainly try.” She and Hime appears outside of the inn and walks in, Guuden greets them and Leela gets ready for her shift for once.

Guuden says: “They are upstairs, Yana.”

Yana asks: “Could you wake Sai, Hime?”

Hime says: “As you wish.”

They wake them up and wait for them downstairs at a table.

Leela smiles and says: “Thank you for saving me, you two.”

Yana smiles back and says: “Do not worry about it, it is our job after all.”

Sai comes down and stretches as he’s walking down the stairs, Mari’s right behind him yawning while also walking down.

Yana and Hime stand up and walk out, Sai and Mari follow, they all go into the guild hall and they see a girl at the counter.

The girl says: “I demand that you hand me an orichalcom plate right now! Do you not know who I am?”

Yana walks up to her, grabs her shoulder and removes her by pulling her away, the girl lands flat on her ass.

Yana says: “I am Yana De La Reig, which means that you are no one around here… how does that feel to hear?”

The girl says: “That feels awful, obviously!”

Yana says: “Yet you treat them in the exact same way… stop being such a brat… There are rules that all of us need to follow… if you continue with this foolishness I will have no choice than to either show you how far out of your league you are or just throw you in a cell for disturbing the peace… what will it be?”

The girl says: “You will pay for this, Yana… mark my words, father will deal with you!”

Yana laughs and says: “And you think you are orichalcom material when you have to run to your father to do the battles for you?… how unbecoming and unbelievably pathetic of you, it is time that you are taken down a peg.”

Yana grabs the back of the girl’s shirt collar and drags her out, she turns around and says: “If I lose this, she will be recognized as an orichalcom, is that understood? This is an official battle.”

Everyone flies out of their seats and runs out after Yana.

The girl says: “How dare you handle me in such a way, you brutish little elf fiend?!”

Yana crosses her arms and says: “It would seem like you did not get it through your thick skull, it does not matter who you are when I am around, I am Yana De La Reig, which means that there are only 3 people in this world that outranks me, that would be Mirei, Kei and Viktor De La Reig which of whom you are not and even if you were, I will show you how far out of your league you are… come at me at any time.”

The girl charge at Yana with her sword, Yana still stands still with her arms crossed and the girl unleashes a flurry of attacks, but Yana’s not even phazed after enhancing herself with a thin layer of ice over her skin, the girl is now on her knees panting in exhaustion.

Yana says: “Have you gotten it through your pompous head yet? You are so out of your league that you do not even remotely register… if I had a say in it, you are not even a copper plate.”

She starts to walk inside and says: “It is over everyone, this one is not even worth looking at.” And they all walk in.

The girl sits there on her knees slouched over in defeat.

Yana waits at the counter as the clerk walks up.

Yana asks: “Who is she anyway? I need to do some damage control.”

The clerk says: “She is the sheltered princess Rona Auf Kal.”

Yana says: “Thank you, they have their grounds north of here, right?”

The clerk says: “Almost, it is north-northeast.”

Yana says: “Thank you.”

Yana and the gang are walking into the grounds with her arms crossed, when at the bottom of the stairs of the main entrance, they’re met by the butler: “Greetings, lady De La Reig, what may I assist you with?”

Yana: “Greetings, I would like a word with the master please… it is concerning his daughter and her attitude as well as actions today.”

| Chapter 17 |

The butler: “The mistress has taken over the family after the master’s untimely death yesterday, so I will summon her for you.”

He turns to a maid and says: “Show them to the common room.”

The maid bows and says: “Understood.”

She turns to the gang and says: “Please follow me.”

So they do, Yana sits down, crosses her arms and legs and the rest are standing behind her, the mistress walks in, crosses her legs and arms while leaning into the couch: “What do you want, De La Reig? I do not have time for this.”

Yana sighs and says: “So you are the reason why your daughter is a pompous and spoiled little brat… and it is highly disrespectful of you not telling her that her father is dead.”

Miss Auf Kal leans forward, angry and says: “How dare you say such things about my daughter?!”

Yana smirks and says: “So that is it? You are afraid that she will find out that you were the one who killed him?”

Miss Auf Kel looks shocked and says: “How di-… ” she turns her head away and says: “How preposterous… Why would I kill hi-… '' Yana then places shackles on her, she then resumes by saying: “What is the meaning of this?!”

Yana shows her general’s badge: “You just confessed to killing your husband, so I am arresting you… so-so obviously.” She grabs the chain of the shackles and starts walking, Miss Auf Kal struggles but trips and is now dragged behind Yana.

Miss Auf Kal says: “Unhand me at once!”

Yana says: “Hush, you have lost all of your rights… ”

Rona comes running in and sees Yana, then says: “You?!”

And then she sees her mother being dragged behind Yana and continues with: “Mother?!”

She runs up, but as Rona’s about to pass Yana, Yana pushes Rona out of the way that Rona flies a significant distance backwards and lands flat on her ass and says: “Why are you doing this to her?!”

Yana says: “For the gross abuse of your upbringing and the murder of your father, I am throwing her in a cell.”

Rona panics and then starts to cry, one of the maids tries to calm her down.

Yana keeps going while dragging Miss Auf Kal.

The butler says: “I am terribly sorry for the trouble you have to go through on behalf of the Auf Kal family… I will have lady Rona come by the De La Reig grounds later…

Since we have no lord anymore, because of lady Rona not being able to assume that role, the Auf Kal family falls to your family, since you were the one to uncover Misstr- … Sorry Felina’s actions.”

Yana says: “That will not be necessary… I will return momentarily, just have to take care of this trash. Sai, Mari and especially Hime, who is the only one allowed to take action here… make sure no one leaves.”

The butler says: “I will also see to it that no one leaves.”

Yana nods and appears at the prison courtyard and yells out: “Commander, I have another criminal here!”

The commander comes running: “Good work, lady Yan-… What do you think you are doing, lady Yana?”

Yana then explains.

The commander: “I see, then there are no issues, pull her by the hair for all I care… disgusting. Anyway… Warden, you have a new plaything!”

The warden comes running and grabs Miss Auf Kal’s hair and drags her away.

The commander says: “I believe congratulations are in order.”

Yana’s confused and asks: “Why is that?”

The commander says: “Your father will most likely appoint you to be the master of the Auf Kal family grounds, now.”

Yana sighs and says: “I do not have time for such nonsense… I will have mother take that position.”

The commander says: “Your mother is Crimson Terra, is she not?”

Yana tilts her head quizzingly and says: “She is, why?”

The commander says: “Crimson Terra is not a noble, she is just a highly respected and in most cases feared magician… that is all… she cannot be appointed as the master.”

Yana says: “Either way, I refuse… so Rona will just have to assume the role.”

The commander says: “She cannot either, she was removed from succession a long time ago when she refused to study to become the heir.”

Yana says: “I am sure that Viktor has some trusted advisor or something somewhere that can assume the role.”

The commander saya: “That would be your only way out of this… if no one takes the title and the responsibility, the whole grounds will be kicked out of the grounds, stripped of their status and it would fall under no one's control, which would lead to bandits taking it over and I know you enough that you would not let that happen.”

Yana crosses her arms, clicks her tongue and says: “Damn it… then I have to talk to Viktor and bring him to the Auf Kel grounds so that we can sort this out… take care, commander.”

She appears in Viktor’s study, walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder and says: “You are coming with me, Viktor.”

They appear in the Auf Kal common room.

Viktor says: “What is the meaning of this?”

Everyone’s here and Rona’s sobbing.

Viktor looks around: “I see, the Auf Kal has fallen under our control, then? Seeing how the master and mistress are not here.”

He turns to Rona and says: “I am terribly sorry for your losses, Rona.”

Viktor looks at Yana who turns her head and says: “I will not… so you better have some trusted advisor or someone else that you can appoint, Viktor.”

Viktor: “The Ruei family actually have four sons… one may agree.”

Yana says: “Good… I will leave this mess to you, Viktor.” She, Sai, Mari and Hime vanish.

Viktor smiles and says: “Do not worry, Rona… everything will work itself out and your life will not change from our involvement.”

The gang appears in the guild hall, Yana walks up and says: “I am now here if there are no more interruptions to register my first orichalcom mission.”

The clerk says: “Well… there is quite the selection, lady Yana.”

She looks through the requests and says: “We have the request to kill the elder dragon Khal’Deraan”

Yana says: “You can strike that one forever, he does not pose a threat.”

The clerk says: “I am sorry for the disrespect, but how could you possibly know?”

Yana grabs his shoulder and they appear outside of the cave.

Yana says: “Victoria, may we have a word, please?!”

Victoria comes out and says: “I already told you that I refuse to go back to father!”

Yana smiles and says: “Of course… I support your decision wholeheartedly.”

She gestures to the clerk and says: “This is a clerk from the guild hall and they apparently have an orichalcom mission to kill Khal’Deraan and I have to show him that Khal’Deraan is no threat.”

Victoria yells something and Khal’Deraan comes out.

Yana reaches her arms towards Khal’Deraan head, Khal’Deraan then lowers his head, Yana then pats him: “See?… no issues.”

Victoria says: “Khal’Deraan really is quite an honorable dragon.” She then says something unrecognizable and Khal’Deraan walks back in.

The clerk says: “Amazing!” and is ik complete awe

Kaali’Nera comes out and Victoria says something unrecognizable, but Kaali’Nera just looks at her and then face Yana and walks up to her, stroking Yana’s chin, so Yana pats her, Kaali’Nera turns to Victoria and says something unrecognizable.

Victoria gasps and covers her mouth and then answers Kaali’Nera, Kaali’Nera then walks behind Yana and rumbles while showing her teeth.

Yana says: “What is going on, Victoria?”

Victoria sighs and reluctantly says: “Kaali’Nera says that she wants to aid you by becoming your trusty guardian.”

Yana turns around and looks apologetic while patting Kaali’Nera and says: “I can not allow that, the issue being that I can not teleport her as well yet, so she would have to fly everywhere, then there is the issue of us not understanding each other, so I could not tell her where to go to meet us.”

Victoria translates.

Kaali’Nera looks at the ground, then rubs her head against Yana and is walking in, while passing Victoria, she says something unrecognizable and Victoria sighs and answers, Kaali’Nera walks in.

Victoria says: “She told me that I would teach her the human tongue in preparation for the day that you will be able to take her along, but I told her that we have to ask her parents first.”

Khal’Deraan can be heard from inside the cave.

Victoria sighs again and says: “I will apparently be teaching Kaali’Nera the human tongue… Is there anything else, I can do for you, lady Yana?”

Yana chuckles and says: “I did not expect to come here and get a drake.”

Victoria sighs and says: “And I did not expect to become a teacher, in yet… here we are… I will take my leave then.”

Yana takes the clerk’s shoulder, they appear in the guild hall and look at the clerk then says: “Are you satisfied?”

The clerk saya: “I will never doubt your word again, lady Yana… Khal’Deraan will not become a request ever again unless there is an actual issue, if there is, we will reserve it for you, so that you can confirm it to be his actions by talking to them, we will also send this information to the other guilds as well…

There is a new quest specifically for you, requesting a mission under false pretenses means that you will face serious consequences… seeing how you are also a general, the guild would like you to bring the requester here… it is lord Rogar Tikus in the city of Miyaka, it is about a 4 hour ride on horseback to the north of here, there is a reward of twenty platinum coins, seeing how we are sending someone of your caliber.”

Yana says: “I will accept… not for the coin, but I do not believe in unfairness… if it was because Khal’Deraan had done something, I would have slain him, but as you saw with your own eyes, he is no threat, so that request is under false pretense.”

The clerk draws up the mission on paper signs it and hands it over

Yana and the gang sppear outside of the De La Reig stables where their horses are, they take their horses and ride to Atterious first to see if Mari’s bow at least is done, just to make sure that they’re as prepared as possible for the journey ahead.

They walk into his shop and he just finished stringing the bow.

Atterious says: “Good timing, here you are, Mari.” he hands over the bow and Mari takes it.

Atterious continues: “It will still be a few days before I can finish your armors.”

They nod and get on their horses and ride off to the north, they ride for about an hour and notice smoke coming from behind some woods to the left, they decide to investigate and they see a village burning.

Yana looks at them and says: “Sai, Mari and Hime, help out where you can and take down any attackers if there are any… no killing.” They arrive and they see people frantically trying to put out the fires.

Yana says: “New plan, have all the villagers evacuate and I will cast frostfire pillar and freeze everything.”

They take 1 corner of the village each and makes sure all the villagers get out and meet in the middle, they then ride out of the village, Yana then starts casting: “(that’s not gonna be enough.)”

She then struggles harder and the circle grows just enough to cover the village and then a pillar of blue flames covers the whole village, they quickly disappear and the whole village is covered by a thin layer of ice everywhere, the villagers and the group meet in the middle.

Yana says: “I am sorry everyone, I only have ice magic that would have been useful here, but it will melt soon… be sure to not touch anything brittle, I am sorry, we have to leave… you will be fine and we will not require a reward… instead, use that reward to rebuild.”

The village elder says: “We thank you and your party for the swift actions, lady De La Reig!” as the group rides off.

The group finds the road again and continues their ride towards the Tikus grounds.

After another hour or so, they’re coming up on a carriage, they keep riding, when they’re about to pass it, the door opens and a woman’s voice asks: “May I have a moment of your time?!” Yana and the group slow down and keep pace with the carriage and asks: “What do you need, miss?”

The carriage stops and the woman walks out of the carriage and stands in front of it to the side, she looks at them and says: “Oh… excuse my rudeness, milady... but what brings a De La Reig all the way out here? And an orichalcom plate at that.”

Yana says: “I am sorry, but I cannot discuss those details.”

The woman says: “I see, I apologize for asking, then… where are my manners? I am Pam Tikus.”

Yana sats: “Well… that changes things, I am sorry… but for the suspicion of conspiring with Rogar Tikus to request a mission to kill the elder dragon Khal’Deraan under false pretense, I hereby place you under arrest.”

She takes out some shackles and says: “Do not resist.” She dismounts and places the shackles on her.

Pam says: “Well… it would look like you got the actual culprit… My husband requested it on my behalf after I had a scout finding out that Victoria Kain was under the protection of him… she was supposed to marry my son, which is why she ran in the first place… please, do not arrest my husband, he is not in the know.”

Yana says: “I am not taking any chances here, we will escort you home and I will ultimately make the call on whether he is guilty as well or not… Sai, you cover the front left, Mari front right and Hime back right and I will cover the back left…

Pam, you will get into the carriage again… if you try to run, I will cut your hamstrings so that you will not be able to do a dumb stunt like that again… Hime, you will just immobilize Pam if she tries to run.”

Everyone takes their positions.

Yana says: “Driver, pick up the pace! Full speed! We do not have time for dilly-dallying!” and so he does.

They arrive at the grounds about 3 hours later, Yana dismounts: “Make sure that she does not escape everyone. However, Hime is the only one that can take action, the two of you will just tell her…

Do not worry, Sai and Mari, as soon as you become gold plates, I will see to it that the both of you become my lieutenants, so that you may take action as well, I cannot have you with me out here as guards or soldiers, that is why we have to wait… anyway, I will handle this.”

The butler walks up and says: “What is the meaning of this?”

He sees Yana and the De La Reig family crest and says: “I apologize, lady De La Reig… what might I assist you with?”

Yana says: “You will take me directly to Rogar Tikus, no waiting room, no nothing, straight to him… this is a force matter.” She shows her badge.

The butler says: “Follow me then… please.”

He leads her to Rogar’s study and opens the door: “A De La Reig is here to see you, milord. I am sorry, but she requested to be taken straight to you.”

Yana says: “Rogar Tikus… I am Yana De La Reig, I am a General as well as an orichalcom mercenary sent here by request of the guilds, I hereby place you under arrest for requesting the death of the elder dragon Khal’Deraan under false pretenses.

You better come with me quietly, or you will just make matters worse for not only you, but your wife Pam as well… we arrested her on our way over here.”

Rogar sighs, stands up and shows his wrists and says: “Very well… it would be pointless to resist an orichalcom at this point… may I ask, are there any other orichalcom and were you the first?”

Yana shackles him and says: “There is one other, but I was the first by a small margin.”

Rogar says: “I see.”

He turns to the butler and says: “Make sure Rai gets to know this and that he is now the new master… we will probably not get out of this and we will most likely be stripped of our titles and thrown in a cell.”

The butler bows and says: “Very well, milord.” He walks away and Yana’s now taking Rogar outside.

Yana waves at Pam to get out of the carriage and she does.

Yana says: “Get over here”

As she’s walking towards her with Rogar’s chains in hand, they meet and Yana teleports them to the guild and pushes them to the counter: “One Rogar Tikus and conspirator, maybe even main culprit Pam Tikus as requested.” Yana then hands her the paper.

The clerk looks at the paper and gestures to a back room and says: “This way, lady Yana and bring them both if you would.”

Yana then shoves them and says: “Move!”

They walk down a set of stairs, Yana takes the shackles off them and shoves them in a cell, she turns to the clerk and says: ”I will summon the commander when I get back… I do not possess enough magic to teleport my party and our horses in one go yet, so we have to ride back.”

The clerk says: “It is fine, we can handle it from here… we have a couple of people that can use truth spells.”

Yana says: “I will just summon the commander before starting our journey home, then.”

She appears outside of the commander’s office and knocks, then says: “It is Yana, sir”

The commander says: “Come in.”

He turns to face her: “What do you need me for, lady Yan-…”

He noices the orichalcom plate and says: “I see… you put me in quite the bind here… we must now fight to establish who will be commander.”

Yana waves her hands frantically and says: “I am happy with my position, sir… I do not want your responsibilities… Anyway, unless you really want to go through with this anyway… The guild needs you.”

The commander asks: “Can you not do it yourself?”

Yana says: “My party and my horse are still in Miyaka at the Tikus grounds, I cannot teleport all of them at once yet, so I have to ride back… they would have the need for you now.

Wait, you asked if I would handle it… that would mean that a general should be able to handle this… I will find Mirei then.”

The commander smirks and says: “You are a sharp one… I am glad that I decided to appoint you.”

Yana chuckles and says: “I am sorry for disturbing you then… might you know where I would be able to find her?”

The commander says: “She should be around the shopping plaza on patrol.”

Yana says: “I will take my leave then… thank you, sir.”

She appears in the shopping plaza and thinks to herself: “(I won’t be able to find her from here).”

She looks around and then teleports to a rooftop and looks down after a minute or so, she sees her and then appears a little ways away, to not spook the guards or Mirei and then walks up to them, saying: “Mirei, they are in need of you in the guild. They will fill you in, I have to get back to my group.”

Mirei says: “I will go there now, then.” She starts walking.

Yana touches them all in some way and teleports them inside: “I will be going now, Mirei.” she vanishes.

Mirei shrugs and walks up to the counter and says: “I am here by Yana’s request.”

The clerk says: “If you would follow me then please, lady De La Reig.” They walk to the cell.

Mirei says: “Get up!”

And she takes out some shackles and shackles them, then follows the clerk to the interrogation room after getting someone that can use the truth spell, they use the spell and it’s successful.

Mirei asks: “So, what is this about?”

Pam tells her everything and Rogar shares a similar story.

Mirei says: “Well, this is pretty clear. You are both stripped of your titles but I only sentence you to 4 years of hard labor in the mines… you will leave there with nothing as further punishment, should you be found with anything taken with you, you are to be publicly executed.” She then takes them to the mine.

Meanwhile, Yana appears next to her horse and a boy comes up to her, but is stopped by the butler a ways away with a furious look on his face yelling: “Give back mother and father!”

Yana says: “I cannot, Rai… they broke the rules, I am truly sorry and I do wholeheartedly apologize that it had to turn out this way, it is nothing personal.”

She mounts up and says: “Okay everyone, we are done here, let us go home.”

Rai: “You evil witch, you should be burned!”

Yana dismounts and walks up to him with a furious expression and says: “You listen here, brat! You will accept that I am just doing my job! This is the reality of the world!”

She turns to the butler and says: ”You have all done a worthless job raising this one! You have been way too lenient! You have better fix your mistake or I will be forced to come back one day and take him away as well! Why? Because he will think he can do whatever he wants without consequences!”

The butler bows and says: “I am terribly sorry for his behavior, lady De La Reig... I will take your words to heart and make sure that he turns into an honorable man, thank you for your words and your time, milady.”

Rai shoves the butler’s hand away: “Butler… make me food.”

| Chapter 18 |

Yana walks up and grabs his ear: “That is not the way a noble should act, brat! You better fix that attitude of yours or I will throw you in a cell to rot forever to prevent you from doing something dumb in the future!”

Rai: “Ow-ow-ow-ow!”

He listens and says: “I am sorry… I will do my best!”

Yana lets go and says: “You better listen to them now.”

Yana turns to the butler and says: “You cannot let him get away with things like that, I know that you are his servants, but there are lines he cannot cross… You will go to the De La Reig grounds and you are to take lessons from our butler Gerard in proper handling of children in training to inherit.”

The butler says: “As you say, lady De La Reig, an excellent suggestion… I will take you up on that offer, milady.”

Yana says: “I might not be able to teleport you back, so it would be for the best if you took the carriage for a certain way back.”

The butler says: “Indeed, thank you for your time and advice, lady De La Reig.”

He turns to Rai and says: “Master, you will now go to your new study.”

Rai: “I refuse!”

The butler grabs his ear and walks while saying: “There will be no more arguing from you, you have caused enough problems for lady De La Reig as it is, master Rai.”

They go inside with Rai repeating “Ow'' over and over, Yana walks up to her horse and mounts up.

Yana sighs and says: “There… I hope that there will be no more interruptions, let us go.” They ride away.

They come into the center square, Yana stops and the others do too.

Yana says: “We should stay at an inn, it is getting late.” They look up.

Hime says: “You are right, we will not be able to get back before it is pitch black out and I am not very keen on sleeping outside if I do not have to.”

Yana says: “I do not have any spell that could illuminate for us, otherwise it would have been fine.”

They all agree and find an inn, they walk in, it’s very fancy, they all walk in but Sai and Mari’s getting pushed out by the bouncers at the door.

Yana knocks them unconscious, she faces the desk and walks up with a furious expression saying: “What is the meaning of this?! Speak!”

The clerk trembles and says: “I am sorry, we did not know that they were with you, this is a very exclusive inn, you see, lady De La Reig… and their clothes do not suit this establishment… we are only upholding our rules, please forgive us.”

Yana says: “Then you will personally go with them and give them appropriate attire using your coin as a punishment for your indiscretion of just shoving them aside without provocation, explanation or any regard for my party… I should have you hanged for this disrespect against the De La Reig family.”

The clerk rushes to Sai and Mari’s side, then bows frantically saying: “Consider it done, lady De La Reig… please go into the dining hall while you wait, it is on the house.” he nods to the host standing in the doorway to the dining hall.

Yana and Hime walk over.

The host says: “A fine evening to the both of you ladies, please follow me if you would.”

He brings them to a free 8 seater table: “And here are your menus.” and hands them over.

A server comes over after a minute or so after the host has left.

Yana just places the menu on the table: “I am feeling adventurous tonight, so I will have what Hime is having.”

Hime orders some various meat dishes with blue wine.

When the server leaves, Yana picks up on select conversations going on and so does Hime.

Yana whispers: “Do not let them get to you… I will deal with them later.”

A pair walks up to them and says: “How fascinating, an elf in the De La Reig family? You just have to tell us why we have not heard of you before and oh my… a general badge and an orichalcom plate… should you not be a commander?”

Yana talks normally and says: “How is it that you were talking ill about us not one minute ago, then standing there like nothing is wrong… such disgusting behavior from someone in high society… Just looking at your attire tells me that you are not even nobles.

Well, I am not allowing you to ride on my status to further yourself here… I do have the authority to have you publicly hanged for what you said alone before coming over here, you know… disgusting vultures… begone… you make me sick.”

The pair is shocked and taken aback.

Several people stand up looking angry, a man says: “So that is what you have been doing around here, huh?… talking behind our backs, befriending us just to get ahead?”

He looks at Yana and says: “I think they deserve that hanging now, do you not, lady De La Reig?”

Yana says: “Please calm down everyone, this is not the time nor the place for such talk, do you not think… Besides, I do believe in second chances… now that they have been found out, they will not try this stunt again, will they?”

She glares at the pair with murderous intent and says: “For should they try again… well… Some time with our warden will make them docile and obedient little slaves in no time, where they will beg you for punishment.”

The pair looks terrified: “We apologize everyone!” and bows frantically.

Everyone that used to stand up sits down and the man says: “How benevolent of you, lady De La Reig… I am sorry, I was not in the right mind before… Please excuse my outburst and enjoy your meal.”

Yana stands up and points at various people saying: “The same applies to you lot as well… do not think I did not hear your sharp tongues going on and on as well about me and my companion!”

She sits back down and says: “But as I said I do believe in second chances… you best not try and bad talk us again, or I shall serve you your own tongues… being a general and a trusted one at that sure comes in handy at times… I get to decide punishments and carry them out without even a slap on the wrist.”

Hime says: “And being her lieutenant I will act as her witness… you should really be very grateful that lady Yana is so benevolent and honorable… many nobles with this title would abuse that power… so you should all consider yourself incredibly lucky.”

Yana says: “But since I am feeling charitable at the moment, I will answer one of your questions, I am not the commander because I do not want that position and the responsibility that comes with it, it also means less freedom in doing mercenary work as well… this is a beautiful world that I have grown to love to explore… and there you have the reason, nothing fancy, really.”

A few minutes go by and the food arrives, it’s more than enough for the 4 of them, they wait for about 2 or so more minutes, then Sai and Mari comes in and sits down.

Yana chuckles and says: “Why, Sai… you look surprisingly sharp, that suit looks good on you and Mari, that outfit is so you.”

She then walks over to the pair that she just warned, grabs their hair and drags them out, saying: “I warned the two of you!”

Yana appears in the prison courtyard: “Warden! Two more playthings!” The warden runs out.

The warden says: “Oh my… what a good looking pair… they will fetch a nice price when I am done with them, thank you, lady Yana.” The warden takes them by the hair and skipps happily to the cells.

The commander from his window: “Ha! It would seem like I am now more or less not needed when it comes to you, lady Yana.”

Yana chuckles and says: “You do have more important work than a couple of human bodily fluids, sir… have a good night.” She appears in the dining hall in the inn again and sits down.

The man says: “That magic, please tell us, lady De La Reig… are you the daughter of Crimson Terra?”

Yana shrugs in defeat: “It would seem like I have been found out… yes… I am… the details about it are however confidential, the same goes for where I and Terra have been all of this time I am sorry to say... you would not believe me even if I were to tell you how I am here right now.”

The man says: “I do apologize for prying, please… do enjoy your meal.”

They eat and then head to the counter.

Yana says: ”Let us try again then… I would like a room with separate beds, please.”

The clerk says: “There is just the royal suite that suits that description, it is 6 platinum coins a night.”

Yana: “I will be back momentarily.” She appears in the guild hall and walks to the counter.

The clerk says: “Ah, lady Yana… we forgot your reward, I do apologize, here.”

There’s 30 platinum coins in there: “A little extra for a very good job and for our indiscretion… a total of 30 platinum coins.”

Yana says: “Well… I am not going to argue with that for right now.” she appears in front of the counter, hands him 6 platinum coins: “There you go.”

She then hands the others 6 coins each.

And they head to sleep.

Yana wakes up first pinned down by Mari and Hime and thinks: “(Every time… why can’t they just be in their own beds? I must say that it’s somewhat nice in the sense of them being such good friends to me, what I’m not liking is Hime seemingly wanting to be used…

I consider her to be a friend, not a servant… so this lady Yana business should stop, but I don’t want to upset her either… what should I do?) Girls, time to get up.”

Mari and Hime grunts.

Hime says: “Just a little bit more sleep, please.”

Yana says: “We have a long journey home, remember?”

Sai comes into the room drying his hair fully clothed: “Ah, good morning, Yana.” I will be in the other room while you girls get changed.

Yana asks: “Why are you up this early, Sai?… that is just not you.”

Sai sighs and sayss: “I do believe that it is because of certain girls messing with my sleeping pattern, anyway… see you out there.”

Yana says: “Yes and I am sorry for that.”

Sai chuckles and grins, then says: “Do not worry about it, I am just giving you a hard time.” he walks into the other room.

Mari says: “It is so odd to see him being awake this early and being able to take a bath on top of that.”

Hime says: “Good, you both saw the same thing, so I am not crazy by the sight of him already being up and ready… I would really like a bath before we go… but I guess that is something that will have to wait.” she gets out, then Yana and then Mari, they change and meet up with Sai.

They then mount up on their horses and ride back.

Meanwhile Mirei walks into the commander’s office and says: “I am just reporting in, commander. I am going on patrol.”

Commander says: “I am sorry to tell you this, lady Mirei… but I sent a personal mission to lady Yana through the guild once she comes back, she will go to the next battle in our ongoing war.”

Mirei says: “And you thought that I would probably take issue with that so you just submitted it without consulting me first?”

Commander says: “That is correct.”

She walks up behind him and smacks him in the back of the head: “You idiot! At this rate she will have another magic leak… maybe even another round of elf fever.”

She holds her hand and blows on it: “(No wonder he is so thick headed… he does not even get affected by my hit and because he is such an idiot… I have to stop this.)”

Commander says: “What is done is done.”

Mirei says: “I am going to withdraw that request.”

Commander says: “And I order you not to… besides, only I have that authority.”

Mirei says: “Do you not have any concern for us?”

Commander says: “However this might seem, I actually do… I do know that elf fever is very rare, especially nowadays. I also know that your rate of magic gain doubles after having a magic leak, reducing the likelihood that she would get one again so soon…

She also being the one she is, she would hate you for interrupting her freedom to choose for herself.”

Mirei thinks to herself: “(Damn it...)”

She sighs and says: “You are right, commander… you better not just do something like this again, commander… I swear that I will turn in my badge if you do and since Yana is enjoying her freedom, she will do the same, because she would refuse to take my patrol duty.”

The commander chuckles and says: “It would seem like you have bested me this time, lady Mirei… fine, I will consult you next time.”

Mirei smirks and says: “Good… I will take my leave then.” She leaves.

We go back to Yana and the group, she decides to check up on the village, so they ride in and see that there’s just a little bit of ice left here and there, but is overall gone.

The elder rushes out the best he can and says: “Thank you, lady De La Reig… thanks to your and your friends’ efforts there is just minimal damage to the buildings alone.”

Yana asks: “So, how did the fire even start?”

The elder says: “We have been terrorized by bandits that have enforced a protection fee… this is what they did when we refused.”

Yana gets pissed and asks: “Do you know where their base is?”

The elder points in the direction they came from saying: “They usually come from that direction, we have no idea about where they actually are.”

Yana says: “I will fetch mother… maybe she has some localizing spell or something that she can use to find them.” she dismounts and vanishes.

The elder is in shock: “By mother she does not mean Crimson Terra, does she?”

Hime smirks and says: “That is correct, she is the legitimate daughter of Crimson Terra and Viktor De La Reig, the details are confidential, quite confusing and hard to understand.”

A minute or so later Yana appears with Terra, the townsfolk get down on their hands and knees and bow to Terra.

The elder says: “It is good to see that you are alive, lady Terra.”

Terra says: “Hm?”

She turns around and says: “So you are still alive, you old goat?… it is good to see you again, Harek.”

She squats down in front of him and says: “Raise your head, so that I might look upon you, my old friend.”

Harek face her.

Terra chuckles and says: “Wow, you got old. I can barely recognize you.”

She stands up and says: “People of the village, you can all stand… I will take care of the problem for you.”

Yana looks at her while mounting up on her horse and says: “I will leave it to you then, mother.” and they ride away.

3 or so minutes later, Yana and her group hear a loud bang and feel a powerful pressure wave coming at them from behind.

Yana looks backwards and sees the huge mushroom cloud coming from a forest in the direction that Harek told them and says: “Seriously, mother? that was a bit too much… Well she lives up to her nickname at least.”

Hime laughs a little at the absurdity of the cloud and says: “It was well deserved, if you ask me.”

Sai says: “I can agree with you both to an extent.”

Yana says: “Well… it is done now and there is not much to say beyond that.”

The other 3 agree.

They drop their horses off at the De La Reig grounds and Yana then teleports them to the guild, she walks up to the counter.

The clerk says: “Greetings, lady Yana… we received a personal mission for you.”

Yana aska: “From who and what are the details?”

The clerk saya: “It is from the commander and he needs you to participate in this next battle of the war.”

Yana sighs and says: “Seriously?”

She sighs again and says: “The reward better be good… ”

The clerk says: “We deem it to be worth at least 4 orichalcom coins.”

Yana turns around and asks: “Are you up for it?”

The clerk looks past Yana and sees Sai and Mari: “Oh, good… the two of you are here as well, it is time for gold for the two of you.”

Yana smiles and says: “You know what that means, do you not?”

Sai and Mari smile and deal with the upgrade.

Yana says: “I did not get an answer.”

Mari chuckles and says: “Is it not obvious? We trust in our friend and we are happy that you are willing to take us with you.”

Hime says: “Seriously, lady Yana… how dense can you be?”

Yana turns to the clerk and says: “We will do it, then.”

She takes the details and the guild crest, then turns to Hime and says: “We need to work on how you address me, Hime… we are friends, it is not like you are my servant.”

Hime says: “I am sorry, old habits die hard, but I will try to better myself, la-... I mean, Yana”

Yana then says: “There you go, Hime… anyway, let us be off, then.”

They teleport to the commander, and deal with that. Mari and Sai are now lieutenants as well.

They meet the commander general again.

Commander general says: “It feels like we should just send the four of you in… but I think that they will be ready for you this time, hence the orichalcom plate level mission.”

Yana chuckles and says: “We will do our best, I do not want to play favorites here, so would you mind splitting us up, sir?”

Commander general says: ”Let us switch the golds around this time then, I do need you up here, Yana… your reputation will most likely deter any attackers that might see you, you are becoming really famous after all”

Yana shrugs and says: “Sure, I guess.”

Commander general says: “But I still need someone as capable in the back.”

Hime says: “I do get the reasoning, I just wish that I could be with Yana, I do worry.”

Commander general says: “Unfortunately we need balanced protection, so I need either you or Yana in the front, it just makes the most sense to use Yana, I am sorry.”

Hime starts walking and says: “No, I get it.” And Mari follows.

The commander general turns to the soldiers and says: “Move out, men!” They start walking.

After an hour or so of walking, Hime comes running up to Yana and says: “I have a bad feeling whenever I look over at that forest.”

Yana says: “We both cannot leave, Sai… go with her, I need Mari to cover the rear, since she’s the furthest away, she will be able to get more shots off if any gets through the two of you… just be safe… and remember… no killing, let us also continue like nothing is wrong, to not tip them off, try to sneak away, so that you have the element of surprise on your side.”

Sai and Hime in unison says: “Understood.'' They walk nonchalantly around behind some wagons out of sight from the forest.

They sneak up on the forest as stealthily as possible.

Hime whispers: “I go high, you go low.”

Sai nods and Hime jumps up in the trees, keeping herself just above Sai as she jumps from tree to tree, she sees a whole lot of bandits meeting up, so she jumps into Sai’s view and gestures to be quiet and then points to the bandits location, Sai sneaks up to them, Hime goes to the other side of them, so that they can pincer the bandits.

Hime nods at Sai and he charges in, the bandits are distracted by him and Hime quickly takes them out while Sai takes some out.

Sai says: “I will keep an eye on them, get the army so that we can throw them into the cage wagon.”

Hime rushes to the commander general and says: “We took care of the 9 bandits in there, Sai suggests that we throw them in the cage wagon.”

The commander general turns to the army and stops to say: “Okay men! Gold plate Sai is in there! go and help him secure the bandits!” And they do.

| Chapter 19 |

They load all the bandits into the wagon and keep moving to the battlefield after Sai and Hime has taken their positions again.

After another hour or so, they come up on a huge lake, they hear beautiful singing, mist starts to form, All the men start repeating: “Pretty” over and over and walks towards the lake like zombies very slowly.

Hime and Mari rush to Yana.

Hime’s worried and ssys: “Damn it! It is a siren, they lure men with their song, enchanting them, once they are in the water, they take the men to their nest… take their.” she blushes and stammers: “S-seed”, she then composes herself still blushing: “Once done… the men are then eaten alive.”

Yana says: “Mari, try and locate the siren’s position by listening and take the shot, hit or no hit does not matter… Hopefully that will get rid of the fog at least by having the siren lose concentration… I feel that this mist is a spell… I can feel magic coursing through it… I cannot define the source unfortunately.”

Mari listens and is able to determine the direction and distance, Yana looks in the direction of the arrow, the mist disappears as they see a woman jumping into the lake from a stone, the men’s still walking towards the lake, Yana walks behind the man which is the closest to hide her approach, Hime and Mari does the same.

Mari walks with her bow cocked and ready, the first man enters the water, a siren comes up and is about to drag him down, but Yana shoves her katana through the siren’s throat and all the men regains consciousness and backs off, they see Yana holding the siren by her sword.

The men cheer, the commander general walks up to Yana and says: “We cannot thank you ladies enough… I thought we were all going to get taken.”

The water stirs, other sirens are breaking the surface, Yana holds up the siren she killed and shows them, she then throws the dead siren towards them, the sirens dive in a hurry.

Yana yells: “Get out of here, men! Hurry! We ladies will keep an eye on them.“

The men hurries away, except for Sai.

Yana says: “You too, Sai… I could not live with myself if you were to die… go!”

Sai clicks his tongue in frustration and runs to the army.

The girls see that the army’s far enough away now, so they join the army and take their positions.

They’re coming up on the battlefield.

Yana says: “You should be safe from here, my group will scout out possible ambush opportunities come on, Sai… Let us group up with Mari and Hime.”

They group up and scout the area, it’s just an open field with no opportunities for an ambush.

Yana bites the thumbnail while thinking: “(This isn’t good.)”

Hime stands next to Yana and says: “This is not very good, is it?”

Yana looks worried: “It is not… no.”

She turns to Mari and Sai and says: “It would seem like we have to keep an eye on the field and I will have to teleport us all in whenever we see their commander general… but if I were them, I would send in a decoy, while the real one stays hidden somewhere…

So, when we teleport in, do not expect the soldiers to just not attack us this time around after me taking his head, so be on your guard, I will teleport us away as fast as I can, should that be the case.”

Hime says: “That is good, thinking ahead will help us stay alive.”

The battle starts and the group observes, they see the one that would be the commander general barking orders on a horse in the center of the army this time.

Yana teleports them to the army’s blind spot behind them and says: “Take the shot, Mari, try not to kill him, just get him off the horse or get him to retreat.”

Mari takes the shot and hits the horse in the back of its head, so the horse just falls down and the army gives them some room, Yana teleports in, cuts the head of the commander general, grabs his head and teleports to the group and says: “I am sorry, I could not risk your lives, it was too dangerous to bring you with me, there.”

The army’s in disarray, but quickly continues fighting, Yana looks to the sky around them and notices a hail of arrows on their way to them, she grabs all of them and teleports away to the commander general, he sees that there’s an arrow sticking out of her shoulder blade, fearing it have hit her heart or lounge, he calls for a healer, they do what they can, Yana’s coughing out blood.

Sai, Hime and Mari are pinned under Yana, but they realize that they can make it worse if they move.

The healer comes over: “Slowly remove the arrow while I heal her!”

The commander general slowly drags the arrow out.

Yana’s screeching and her group plugs their ears except for Hime, who’s patting her head to try and keep her calm, they get the arrow out and the healer does the best she can to close it and Yana passes out.

Sai, Mari and Hime then move her to a wagon.

The commander general walks up to them and says: “You cannot sit around, I am in need of you all… I am sorry, but she will be fine… the real commander general is on top of the hill over there… take him out.”

Hime says: “We will not… we are forbidden from killing anyone as per Yana’s orders… besides, I only trust her judgment and execute her commands.”

The commander general grunts and says: “Fine, then.” he walks away frustrated.

Hime walks in and kneels down, then places Yana’s head in her lap while she strokes Yana’s head and hair.

After 10 minutes or so, Yana opens her eyes, and the group looks at her.

Hime aska: “How are you feeling?”

Yana in a weak voice says: “Sore… I need some water, please.”

Sai hands her his gord and Hime helps her drink.

Hime aska: “Is that better?”

Yana can now talk normally and says: “A little… still hurts something fierce… ”

She places a hand on her chest opposite of where the arrow hit and tries to heal herself but she fails, she shoots up and is met by a sharp pain and says: “Damn it! That hurt.”

She tries to use any of her magic, but can’t, she then looks at the ground and we can see tears dripping down her cheeks and says: “I am sorry… I cannot use my magic and thanks to this pain, I will have a problem moving around.” She covers her face with her hands and is sobbing.

Hime’s gently stroking Yana’s hair and says: “How should the three of us proceed, Yana?”

Yana says: “I cannot let you go out there without my teleport… we should send for mother.”

Hime looks sad and says: “Are you sure that you want to rely on Miss Terra?”

Yana says: “Listen, Hime… I do not want you in this state… I do not want any of you in this state… it is too dangerous for you.”

Hime says: “We do know where their leader is, I will take his life.”

Yana says: “I forbid it! I do not want that life for any of you.”

Hime gets a serious look on her face and says: “You will just have to hate me for this, but I am taking command… our people are dying out there, me, Sai and Mari are their only chance to limit casualties.”

Mari and Sai get serious too and nod.

Yana looks at them concerned, and then at the ground, then says: “Just… make sure to be safe.”

Hime says: “We will.”

She turns to Sai and Mari and says: “Follow me then.” and they do.

Yana tries to stand up, but falls on her knees and says: “Why am I so weak all of a sudden? (Don’t tell me that there was some sort of spell that I had active to give me such strength… I need mom.) Commander general?!”

The commander general walks up to her and says: “What i-... lady Yana?” he sets her on the wagon and asks: “What is going on?”

Yana’s tearing up and says: “I lost all of my strength and magic, but that is not important right now, I need you to help me send a message.”

Commander general says: “I do not have time for that.”

Yana says: “You have time for this, I swear… I am going to summon my mother.”

Commander general says: “Well… that changes things, what do you need?”

Yana says: “I need a messenger bird, quill, ink and paper.”

The commander general calls for a guard to get those things, Yana sends the message and sends the bird.

Yana says: “I hope that she will not take too long.”

An hour goes by and Terra appears, she sees Yana and runs to and hugs her and says: “Dear daughter! What happe-...! I see… so you were hit in your magic source.”

Yana looks at Terra worryingly and asks: “Is there anything that can be done?”

Terra places her hand on Yana’s chest and her chest starts to glow.

Yana says: “It does not hurt anymore.”

Terra looks at the ground with tears in her eyes and says: “You are no longer an elf… you might look like one, but your ears will soon become human and you will grow into your human size over the next few days… and with that, you might not be able to use magic again, so you will no longer live longer, you are not as strong because of the elf magic that comes with that body.”

Yana looks at the ground, sad and says: “I see… and with that I am guessing that there is no way to stop that process?”

Terra says: “There is not… hopefully I was able to restore your source fast enough so that you may use magic again, but that is all that can be done when a source is broken, had I been able to come earlier, I might have been able to save your elf powers completely.”

Time stops and Nina finds herself in the void and her original body again.

The voices says: “Don’t worry, for your selfless act of shielding your friends, we kept your source intact until your mother could get to you… you should however avoid using spells until the magic that was able to escape returns… it should be an hour or so… well… enjoy your game, Nina… we are sorry, we mean, Yana.”

She finds herself in Yana’s body again and time starts.

Yana stands up and says: “Wow, my strength has returned, it would seem like you were able to get here in time, phew… well… I am going to lie down and rest for a little bit longer to regain my strength.”

Terra looks suspiciously at Yana and says: “Okay, what is going on here?… You were leaking magic like crazy a moment ago and I am certain that I did not get here in time, but you seem more or less restored… what are you not telling me?”

Yana says: “Please, mother… just drop it, I cannot talk about it… ”

Terra sighs and says: “I see… so you dealt with… them.”

Yana doesn’t say anything and lies down in the wagon, the commander general comes up and asks: “Lady Terra, it is good that you are here, could you lend us some aid?”

Terra says: “I am sorry, I cannot attack, I will kill your men as well… besides, I can see that Yana’s group is about to make their move… What I can do is teleport them here once they succeed in their mission.”

The commander general says: “It is something at least.”

We see Sai plowing through the guards and soldiers, Mari’s hanging back and makes sure that he isn’t overrun from behind and also opening up a path for Hime to get to their leader, she jumps up from behind Sai, their leader parries her and says: “Is that all you have, girl?!”

Sai then shoves his sword through the leader’s horse, making him fall down with the horse, Hime takes that opportunity to take his head and she succeeds, she then grabs it and they all poof.

Sai, Mari and Hime appears in front of Terra who says: “Good job, you three.”

They turn around and in unison and says: “Terra?!”

Terra chuckles and says: ”Wow, do not wear it out, you three.”

The commander general comes up and says: “Good job, the enemy army is retreating… now then… When we have a moment, how is Yana doing? Is she going to turn human?”

Terra says: “Do not worry, she will not… However, she does need some rest, so just let her be for now and she will be back to normal… eventually at least… it would seem like she lost a whole lot of capacity after that arrow… now… bring me the one responsible for her healing.”

The commander general kicks the healer in her ass towards Terra, she falls on her knees in front of Terra.

Terra looks at the healer with murderous intent and says: “You stupid girl! How can you call yourself a healer if you do not repair the tissue and connect muscles at the same time?! Yana almost turned human because of your incompetence!… I should have your head for this!… but you are lucky!… Yana’s wrath is not worth your death!…. even though you deserve a slow and agonizing one!”

The healer grovels and pleads: “Please be merciful!” she trembles in fear.

Terra kicks her shoulder and says: “Get out of my sight, you pathetic waste of air!”

The healer just bolts out of there as fast as she can.

Terra then teleports her, Yana and Yana’s group to Yana’s bedroom, Yana appears sleeping in her bed and the other 3 on the side.

Terra says: “You know where to find me if you need me.”

Sai says: “Wait, miss Terra… Could you take me to the guild inn, please? I have to tell Guuden that me and Mari are safe.”

Terra says: “Certainly.” She and Sai disappear.

Mari and Hime lie down on either side of Yana and fall asleep.

Yana wakes up a few hours later and wakes the girls and says: “Hime, could I ask you for the favor of being my sparring partner?”

Hime says: “Of course.”

Yana aska: “Mari, would you care to join us?”

Mari smiles and says: “Yes.”

They go to the training ground, Mari starts them off and in a flash Hime has her blade just millimeters from Yana’s throat before she could even react.

Yana falls to her knees and covers her face with her hands, screaming: “No!” she starts crying.

Hime and Mari hugs her.

Mari says: “It is going to be okay, Yana… we will get you back to your speed, power and magic, it is not all lost, you are still an elf and not a human.”

Yana wipes her tears and says: “You are right, Mari.”

The rest of the day they all train.

The sun is about to set and Yana lies on the ground exhausted and panting heavily and fast: “You… could… go… easier… on… me… you… know.”

Hime stands over her with crossed arms: “We did.”

She then looks sad and says: “I am sorry though… you lost all of yourself protecting us… thank you for being such a good friend, Yana.”

Yana says: “I would do it again in a heartbeat… your lives matter more than my powers, even if I would turn human, your lives would be more important, I am just sad that I will not be as effective protecting you anymore and that is the frustrating part about this, that is what makes me sad.”

Mari looks sad and says: “I am sorry… I had no idea that we put so much pressure on you, Yana”

Yana says: “I just want you to be safe.”

Hime looks serious and says: “But you have to understand that we want you to be safe as well, dummy… you worry us so much when you just take everything on by yourself.”

Yana sits up and says: “I am sorry… Well… time for a bath and food, girls.”

Yana turns to Mari and says: “At least stay for food, I am sure that mother would not mind taking you after.”

Mari says: “You know what? I think I will take you up on that.”

So they take the bath, then head to the dining room and eat.

Terra takes Mari home, Yana and Hime go to the library.

Kana’s still buried in her logs and says: “Good evening, lady Yana… what can I do for you?”

Yana says: “What do you know about magic sources, specifically elf’s sources?”

Kana says: “That is an oddly random question, may I ask why you are asking?”

Yana says: “Mine got damaged by an arrow earlier today.”

Kana looks up at her for a second and then back at the logs and says: “You look fine to me.”

Yana says: “It is just that I am now weaker than your average copper plate.”

Kana closes the log books and sits down on the couch, then says: “Please, sit down.” and so she does.

Kana looks at her and continues with: “That is not a very good thing to hear, Yana… now I am quite concerned… elves should not be that weak even if their source gets damaged… how long did it take before your source was healed?”

Hime says: “A healer got to her within a few moments, then it took about an hour before Miss Terra could get to her.”

Kana looks worried and says: “That is very bad, it would seem like the healer failed to do even a passable job of restoring it and then it barely held together until Terro-... I mean, Terra could come to you, lady Yana... Frankly, you should be happy that you are not turning human, that in of itself is a miracle.”

Yana asks: “How can I regain my strength, then?”

Kana says: “Did you not hear what Terra said? She had me running her infernal stairs everyday to increase my magic capacity, so that is probably all that you can do, physical activity.”

A book flies down from a shelf on the upper floors of the library and lands in Kana’s hand.

Kana opens it and goes through the pages and says: “Maybe there is another way… let me have a look and see, this is one of the few books I have not read yet in here and according to the registry, it should contain what we need.”

She flips through it and says: “There is a spell, but cross referencing it to the forbidden spells archive, it is one of those terribly dangerous to perform and I doubt that even Terra would perform it.”

Yana asks: “So, what does it do?”

Kana says: “It will suck out all of your magic and the caster’s magic, which in of itself is life threatening to the both of them, but the both of them have to keep being conscious through the whole spell…. and it is not a fast one…

First as I said, it extracts, then it merges the magic, then it splits up equally and then returns to the both of them with a very high chance of even elf source shattering, killing them instantly… there is just too high of a risk and I will not show Terra this… just in case.”

Yana looks disappointed and says: “I will not tell her either… it is entirely too risky.”

Kana smiles, closes the book and sends it back while saying: “Good girl.”

Yana then realizes and asks: “Wait, are you not supposed to log?”

Kana says: “I do care about you, lady Yana and this took priority over the logging.”

Yana smiles and says: “I will not keep you any longer then.”

Kana says: “It is fine, the other libraries were about to close at the time I closed the logbook anyway, and around that time, there is very little to no updates, I doubt I missed anything and if I did and the book has not been returned by the time I get in, it will still show who took it, so it is fine, not only that, I am not the only log keeper in the world, I can just cross reference the others and alter mine to match theirs.”

Yana says: “Okay then… but what about if I were to take something while you were not here and put it back?”

Kana says: “Everything here has its own logbook which I have setup to do the logging by itself, the reason I cannot do that for the log I have to keep an eye on, is in case of errors by the other loggers and they do not have the abilities to set something like that up because you need to have a perfect memory plus a plethora of spells setup at the same time.

Other than me, I believe that Terra would be the only other one that would be able to achieve this… and most likely you as well, lady Yana… when you are at your full potential, that is.”

Yana says: “Back to me being so weak… do you think my physical strength is some sort of magic that only elves have? but lose that if their capacity is low?”

Kana thinks for a bit and says: “That is an intriguing theory you have there… let me know if and when you get it back… there is nothing like that in the records I am afraid.”

Yana says: “What concerns me now is how I will be able to perform the orichalcom missions.”

Kana saya: “Yes, that will be problematic indeed… However, I do have a little something for you that will help you out a little bit… I have actually been working on lowering the requirements for loads of Terra’s spells, so this is something that you could use in a bind, however, lowering the requirement will make it last a shorter time… it is best to keep that in mind.”

Kana then shows Yana the method for the body enhancement.

Yana tries it and the ball of magic in her hands blows up.

Kana says: “Not even that? That is the lowest tier of magic I have… ” She sighs in defeat.

Yana says: “I have an idea… you know how the portal book can be used by anyone, right? What if I could utilize that, visualize that and use that as my temporary source?”

Kana looks serious and says: “You are not to try that, do you understand, lady Yana? Not even Terra could accomplish that, that book alone has at least ten times more magic than your mother.”

Yana jumps a little and says: “You must be kidding… that little thing?”

Kana says: “If you think about it, it is essentially a magic source, our source is tiny compared to a book… our source is more or less a really small crystal inside all of our tiny little hearts, magnify that into something that is book sized… There are even magic users that can actually see the source of a book and according to them, it is about 10 times bigger than our own.”

Yana says: “I see now… I thought there was a small source inside of it somewhere.”

Kana says: “There is no one in this world that could perform any of the spells that the books can perform, take the book you spoke of, that portal spell uses up around 9 times of the book’s magic…

Of course different spells take up different amounts of magic… there are spells in here that Terra could perform, but she would run completely dry when performing it.”

Yana says: “I see… that is a shame… people would figure me out if they saw me carrying a book, I doubt that they would accept me doing something like that and demand my demotion… is there no way for someone to safely transfer magic from one person to the next?”

Kana says: ”Of course there is… but you do not have enough capacity for anything now, transferring now would only drain us to no benefit… you are already at full capacity, you have no other choice than just hard physical training.”

Yana sighs and says: “I guess it cannot be helped, I am sure that the guild has been informed and will most likely not expect me any time soon.”

| Chapter 20 |

They hear frantic footsteps running around, it’s Mirei calling for Yana, she bursts into the library and jumps at her for a hug and screams: “I am so happy to see that you are still an elf!” she’s sobbing.

Yana says: “It is good that you are here, Mirei… I have to tell you that I cannot perform any force work for a while… that arrow caused me to lose almost all of my magic capacity.”

Mirei gets an angry expression and storms out.

Yana looks confused and says: “I wonder what that was about.”

Kana says: “Well… I have to start early tomorrow, so I have to excuse myself… I am sure that Terra would be able to take it from here, feel free to come by and see me tomorrow if she is unable, goodnight miss Hime and lady Yana.”

Yana and Hime smile and wave as Kana closes the door.

Yana sighs and says: “This sucks… Wait, Kana!”

Kana comes in again and asks: “Yes, lady Yana?”

Yana smiles: “What if we made a book to cast the forbidden spell?”

Kana says: “Goodnight, lady Yana.” She closes the door.

Yana looks at the floor in defeat and says: “Well… it would seem like I have no other choice, then.” Yana starts walking out and Hime follows, they walk into Viktor’s office.

Yana says: “Viktor, find the best craftsman in town and have him make all sorts of training machines… but obviously using this world’s level of technology.”

Viktor says: “So you are still angry with me, Yana?”

He sighs and says: “That is understandable… but I have no idea how to even explain to them how to make it… you clearly do, so why do you not do it? you can find the one you seek just past the shopping placa from here, it looks a bit run down, but I assure you, when it comes to crafting, old man Gustaf cannot be beat.”

Yana says: “With all the craziness that happens to me all the time? No way… I cannot go out because
my losing almost all of my magic capacity. I cannot protect myself unless I can work out effectively first, to build that back up.”

Viktor frantically asks: “What happened? Did you damage your source?”

Yana sighs and says: “Just get me the equipment, Viktor.” She and Hime walks out. She takes slow and deep breaths to calm down.

Hime pats her back and says: “He must be worried sick, but it is understandable that you are still angry with him… it was quite disrespectful of him.”

Yana looks at Hime with a smile and says: “Thank you, Hime.”

Mirei’s running around calling out for Yana again, so Yana and Hime walk towards her.

Yana meets Mirei and asks: “What do you need, Mirei?”

Mirei says: “Come with me to the library.”

Yana tilts her head quizzingly and says: “O-okay?”

So she follows Mirei into the library, the commander’s pinned under Terra’s boot and Yana says: “What is the meaning of this? release him at once… I decided to do the mission and it is all on me, now take him back mother and then you come straight back… you, Mirei stay here!” She’s furious, but Terra and Mirei do as they are told.

Terra comes back, both Terra and Mirei have regretful expressions on their faces.

Yana furiously says: “I cannot believe the two of you!”

Terra and Mirei flinch expecting a slap.

Yana says: “Wha-...? is that what the two of you think of me? That I would hit you? I should hit you for that reaction however.”

She starts tearing up and says: “How could you do that to the commander and then think so little of me? You two are the worst!”

She storms out, Terra and Mirei are about to run after her, but Hime gets in the way and then slaps them so hard that they fly a distance back and then leave.

Yana runs to the first floor and sees a door that she hasn't seen yet, she opens it and there’s a stairway leading down, so she follows it, the torches on the walls are lit and she thinks to herself: “(Why would this place have to be lit? I never even knew about this place… much less seen anyone go here.)”

She walks for a little bit more and hears some foreboding echoing chuckling coming from further in, she goes to investigate and comes to a wooden door from where the cackling is coming from, a girl in a witch’s hat and robe is stirring in a cauldron.

The Witch says: “I am sorry, it is not ready yet, milord.”

Yana says: “What is not ready, might I ask?”

The witch jumps into a corner and screams: “Assassin! Get away from me, you fiend!”

Yana smiles awkwardly and says: “No, I am not an assassin and I am not a fiend… What are you even doing down here and for my father no less? Also… Who are you? I have never seen you before.”

The Witch says: “Do not try to trick me, fiend!”

Frantic footsteps can be heard coming closer and then Viktor can be heard screaming: “Viila! Are you alright?!”

Viila: “Milord, assassin!”

Yana says: “It is just me Viktor!”

The steps calms down and he turns the corner and says: “Yana, you are not supposed to be here… leave at once… Viila is a frail girl.”

He shoves Yana aside, walks in, squats down in front of Viila and pats her head and says: “There, there… it is just my daughter, Yana… it is fine, Viila.”

Viktor turns to Yana and says: “Leave!”

Yana crosses her arms and looks at him with a murderous gaze and says: “You are not in any position to give me any orders, Viktor.” she growled.

Viktor says: “I am not telling you again, Yana!”

Yana: “Fine then do not… I am not leaving until you tell me what this is supposed to be.”

Viktor stands up, grabs Yana’s arm and starts dragging her out.

Yana says: “You do know that this decreases your chances of being forgiven, right?”

Victor says: “I do not care.”

Yana janks herself lose from Viktor’s grip and says: “You will tell me what is going on here!”

Viktor says: “It is none of your concern, Yana… please leave!”

Yana says: “Viktor Oskar Svensson, nu jävlar är det du som berättar du vad det här ska föreställa!”

{”Viktor Oskar Svensson, you’ll fucking tell me what this is supposed to be, now!”}

Viktor sighs and says: “Fine… she’s an orphan with incredible knowledge of brewing, she is supplying the family with various potions and what not… her current concoction is a potion that will double, maybe even triple your magic capacity gain… I was supposed to have the potion as a surprise with the training equipment as a proper apology for how I have been treating you.

The reason for her being hidden down here, should be obvious… I am the only one that can approach her… her existence also needs to be kept secret, if her pursuers find her, we not only lose an incredible brewer, we also lose an innocent girl.”

Yana’s crying saying: “When are you going to trust me? How many times do I have to prove myself to you? How could you even remotely think that I would tell anyone about Viila?!” She shoves Viktor as she runs away, she runs into the family magic archives.

A few minutes go by and Kana comes storming in and screams: “I know that you are in there, come out!”

She can then hear Yana crying in there, so she walks in, kneels in front of her and then hugs her and asks: “Lady, Yana? What is wrong?” She strokes Yana’s hair.

It takes a few minutes before Yana’s able to tell her everything except for Viila.

Kana says: “Do not worry, I have put up a barrier already, no one will be able to get to us… I am sorry that this keeps happening to you, lady Yana.”

Hime’s coming in getting pushed by Kana’s barrier and says: “Let me in!”

Hime’s then released into the family section and she sees the two of them yelling: “Yana?!” she kneels next to them and asks: “Why is she crying, Miss Kana?”

Kana then tells her everything and Hime bolts out of there with a murderous look on her face, she runs to the middle of the mansion and screams: “Viktor! You better get here now! If you force me to hunt you down, I will cut you down! Do you hear me?!”

Viktor comes running and screams: “How dare you disrespect me like that, Hime?!”

Hime in a flash starts smacking him on the head over and over and switches to the face and screans: “You bastard! How can you continue to be so damn dumb?! I do not know why you cannot trust her this time, but you are not to make her cry ever again or I shall feed you your tongue so that you will never be able to again! Do you hear me?!”

Viktor’s on his hands and knees taking the blows and smiles and says: “Thank you, Hime… for being such a good friend.”

Hime keeps hitting him and he bleeds a lot, Mirei and Terra come along after hearing her chewing him out, they grab her and pull her away.

Hime’s trying to get lose and screams: “Let me go! I am going to kill that rat bastard! Aaaargh! And I will kill the two of you for what you did as well if you do not release me this instant! Let me go!”

She starts tearing up and screams: “I said to let me go, damn it!“

She starts crying as she screams: “Let me go!”

She lets go of a weak: “Let me go.”

She’s gone limp and in a weak and defeated voice she says: “Let me go.”

Viktor stands up and says: “Now-now ladies… I deserved every hit and so many more… I went and did it again to Yana.” he walks away.

Terra and Mirei lets Hime go.

Terra aska: “Where is Yana, is she safe?”

Hime stands up and shoves them aside, saying: “She is none of your business.”

Gerard stands in the corridor to the side between Hime and the library and asks: “What is going on, Miss Hime?”

As she passes him she says: “Ask Mirei, and especially Terra and Viktor why they have to make Yana cry all the time!”

Gerard says: “I will have Kana set a barrier up in the library then… that is Yana’s safe haven.”

Hime says: ”Kana is already there!”

Gerard says: “Very good.”

He walks up to Mirei and Terra who’s kneeling slouched over on the floor and says: “You cannot just sit here, ladies… what is done cannot be undone, make sure to not do it again.”

A few minutes go by and Hime walks up to Terra who’s still there, she smacks Terra in the back of her head: “Message from Yana, you will find suitable grounds close to the city after Viktor has secured the land, but far away from here.

Level it, conjure a mansion on those grounds, make the grounds pretty, secure it and do whatever has to be done… Yana cannot take all of you and your constant failings anymore and frankly, neither can I… you will wait for Viktor before getting started.”

Hime keeps walking to Viktor’s office and slams the doors open: “Message from Yana, You are to provide all the necessary staff to Yana’s new home, and you are also to handle its various costs and administrative duties, end of message… you are to go with Terra immediately and make sure everything is in order…

You have until tomorrow night to make it livable or I will slaughter everyone of you and take this mansion instead, we are tired of your constant failings, we are also taking Kana and the whole library, she is equally tired of you all now… also, as further punishment, you will personally come and pick up whatever you need from Kana, you are not to send anyone or use any mode of transportation or translocation than a horse’s back.”

Viktor looks at the desk in defeat and shame with blood still running down his head, saying: “Understood… I will also make sure that she gets the various training aids to the new grounds as well.”

He stands up and starts walking and says: “I will find Terra then.” in a pathetic tone of voice.

Hime leaves for the library.

Yana, Kana and Hime sleeps in the library, Kana wakes up for work and gently moves Yana off her, she slowly stands up, holding her back and thinks to herself: “(That was not a very pleasant sleeping position… good thing Yana was able to sleep at least.)” She then heads to her desk and starts working.

An hour goes by and Gerard comes in and says: “Good morning, Miss Kana. How are Miss Hime and lady Yana?”

Hime as usual looks at the logs: “Lady Yana was able to eventually fall asleep after a lot of crying, Miss Hime was furious, so I stayed with them through the night.”

Gerard says: “I will get you all some food.”

Hime comes out and stretches, then says: “Allow me to help you with that, Gerard.”

Gerard says: “My deepest thanks, Miss Hime.” so they leave.

15 or so minutes goes by and we see Yana falling over, which makes her wake up, she struggles to get up and then stumbles out and says: “Good morning, Kana… I am sorry for the ruckus last night, but thank you for being there.”

Kana smiles and says: “Do not worry yourself about that, lady Yana… I am glad that I could be of some help at least.”

Gerard and Hime come in with the food, Gerard places Kana’s within her reach on her desk and Yana’s at the reading table, Hime places hers on the table as well, they all eat.

It’s now night and we see an exhausted Terra and Viktor walking into the library.

Viktor saya: “It is finally done, there are some things we could not do today, but it is livable… the staff will start tomorrow morning… It is a good thing that the De La Reig are the original owners of the land around, so no one would be able to oppose us building something new somewhere…

It is also walking distance to the city now, I am also sorry that you have to look at and hear us right now, Yana… but when you are ready, your mother will take you… the layout is the same as this one, so you should be able to find your way around easily… However, I suggest that you use the master bedroom this time around.” He leaves.

Yana says: “Okay, you will take us home then, Terra, take our horses while you are at it as well, you can take Sai’s and Mari’s to the guild, then you can tell Guuden or Leela that you put them there, also the location of the new mansion.”

Kana says: “I will join you later, lady Yana.”

Terra then teleports Yana and Hime to the new house and drops them off in the master bedroom and then vanishes with an expression of shame.

Yana looks at Hime a little unsure and saya: “Do you think we really did the right thing here? I mean… I cannot hide in the library forever.”

Hime hugs her and says: “This really is the best choice, Yana… you will not be hurt by anyone here and you have all the space you could ever need for alone time.”

Yana hugs her back and says: ”Thank you for being such a good friend, Hime.”

Hime smiles and says: “And thank you for saving me.”

Yana says: “Of course, it was not your fault… What do you say to a bath, Hime?”

Hime says: “I will prepare one for us then.” and they deal with that and then head to bed.

The next morning there’s a knock on the door.

Yana sits up and rubs her eyes and says: “Come in.”

| Chapter 21 |

A butler comes in and says: “Mistress Yana, I am your butler, Charles, I have gathered all of the staff in the dining room, except for this one, who’s your personal maid.”

Hime wakes up and asks: ”Did the staff arrive?”

She sits up and says: “Ah, Eena is here now?”

Yana asks: “Are you not going to miss your mother and grandfather, Eena?”

Eena: “I probably will, but do not worry, I demanded to go with you, even though mother was strongly opposed to it, grandfather as well to be fair… but I could not have any better master or mistress to serve than you, mistress Yana.”

Yana smiles and says: “I am happy to have you again then, Eena… Welcome to the new mansion.”

Eena says: “Thank you, lady Yana. Your bath is ready for the 2 of you.”

Yana says: “Thank you, Eena… Have Kana settled in, yet?”

Eena says: “She is already hard at work as usual.”

Yana smiles and says: “That is good.” they then head to the bath, and then to the dining room, Yana sits down on the chair where Viktor used to sit on the end and Hime next to her.

Yana says: “I welcome you all to the new De La Reig mansion, that name is only temporary as I plan to change it to distance myself from them for personal reasons I do not want to get into… we are going to run things a little bit different here, from now on, everyone are to eat here together when we do not have any important people visiting, but when it is just me, Hime, Sai and Mari, we are all to eat at the same time.”

Charles says: “I am afraid that we cannot, mistress Yana.”

Yana says: “I want to us to get comfortable around each other, I want my staff to be able to relax, and there are so many reasons why I want this, but I do think you get the point, Charles… I know that it is quite new for you, but I do care about my people… but if you still will not do it, I will just have to make it an order, so instead of resisting, it is better to just go along with it.”

Charles says: “In that case, we are honored that you consider us to be worthy of dining with you, mistress.”

Yana says: “So why do we not start now? Everyone have a seat, please.”

Everyone sits down.

Yana says: “Let us go back a little bit, I am Yana.” She gestures to Hime.

Hime says: “I am Hime Von Hausen.”

She turns to Yana and says: “But I would like to change it, if Yana approoves.”

Yana says: “I want to change mine first, so that you do not end up being a De La Reig, when I am something else.”

Hime says: “Agreed.”

Yana then gestures to Eena.

Eena says: “I am Eena, I was and still am mistress Yana’s and lady Hime’s personal maid.”

Yana says: “Since I know and trust you, Eena, I am appointing you head maid unless someone is better suited, do not worry, I will not punish you for speaking up… I want experience first.”

A glasses wearing girl next to Eena says: “I do have that training and also experience being a head maid for the recently fallen Gyuuk family, my name is Lisa, mistress Yana.”

Yana turns to Eena and asks: “Are you okay with that, Eena? Tell me the truth.”

Eena smiles and says: “I am… sorry, I was a little worried there, mistress Yana… I do not have the training or the experience for that position.”

Yana says: “It is settled, then… Lisa will be the new head maid.” She gestures to Charles.

Charles says: “I am Charles, former butler of the recently fallen Gyuuk family as well.”

Yana then looks at the last maid, she looks very sad, looking at the table.

Yana says: “One more thing, I want you to know that you can come to me with any personal problems you might have, if you feel like you would need to speak to someone… I am here to listen.”

The last maid looks at her and smiles, but then back at the table really fast, blushing.

Yana then skips her and gestures to the chef.

The chef says: “I am Reno and I was the head chef of the Royal Yime Restaurant.”

Yana asks: “What was your reason to quit that job, then, Reno?”

Reno says: “I was terribly bored over there, barking orders all day, when Viktor De La Reig came in and told me that I was to work for his daughter, I could not refuse… and just knowing you this little, I am happier than I ever was with any decision I ever made, mistress Yana.”

He gestures to the cook next to him and says: “You have to excuse my rudeness, mistress. But he cannot speak, so I will do that for him, this is my sous chef, Garr.”

Yana then gestures to the last maid.

The last maid says: “I am Yuki, I was one of the maids and concubines of the Gyuuk family.”

Yana says: “I guess that concludes this meeting, thank you everyone and welcome… I look forward to your good work… Yuki?

Could you stay for a moment? it would seem like something was bothering you, but it seemed that you did not want to say anything with everyone around, is it okay if Hime stays as well? She is a really good and trustworthy friend.”

Yuki nods and everyone leaves.

Yana asks: “So, what is bothering you, Yuki? I want the people around me to be as happy as they can be.”

Yuki’s a bit nervous and says: “Th-thank you for taking your time, mistress Yana.”

Yana says: “It is no problem, Yuki, please go ahead.”

Yuki says: “I was quite worried about coming here, I did not have a good life in the Gyuuk family. I was forced into unspeakable things by the young master.”

Yana walks over and hugs her gently from behind and says: “That will be in the past now, I will not let anyone do anything against their will, I do consider my people’s feelings as well.”

Yuki gently holds Yana’s arm and smiles, then says: “Thank you, mistress.”

Yana goes back and says: “Be sure to come to me at any time, Yuki.”

Yuki stands up, bows and leaves.

Hime says: “I am still in shock… I am just not used to this level of bond between servants, nobles or royals.”

Yana says: “I think it is very important for us all to feel like we are all worth the same regardless of social status, I think that will help everyone to open up, which I want, if there is anything I can do, I will do it.”

Hime says: “That is a good point.”

Yana says: “Let us check on Kana, then.”

Hime nods and stands up, so they walk to the library.

Yana goes in and asks: “How are you taking the move, Kana? Have you settled in?”

Kana saya: “Ah, mistress Yana… it is good to see you, I am sorry that I was unable to attend the meeting, but this takes priority.”

Yana chuckles and says: “Do not worry yourself. And it is just Yana, Kana.”

Kana says: “I will stick to lady Yana, then… best I can do, sorry.”

Yana pouts and says: “Fine… I guess that will do. At least for now, I will not keep you then.”

Kana says: “Feel free to stop by whenever you need to… oh, right… I am sorry, Hime… Could you wait outside, please?”

Hime says: “Secret library section for the master of the house… got it.” she starts to leave.

Kana says: “If you already know that much, it is fine for you to know about it as well.”

She takes them to the family archives, pushes various things and a bookshelf is moved out of the way, opening up a spiral stairway and says: “That is where we keep the actual magic books, those books are over a hundred times more powerful than the terror… those cannot leave that section and preferably not interacted with under any circumstance.”

Yana says: “That is good to know, I will not go down there, then… unless I need some solitude.”

Kana saya: “Well, every 10 books is a magic book, the fillers are quite good reads, if you just want to read some stories while you are down there… oh… I was informed that the training room is just next to the master bedroom and the equipment will be sent there when it is done.”

She then just pushes on a tile that sticks out on the wall inside: “And that is how you close it, the opener is on this side of the wall.”

They walk back.

Yana says: “Thank you, Kana.”

Kana says: “Have a great day, lady Yana and lady Hime.”

Yana and Hime go out back and sit down in a pavilion.

Yana says: “Family names?”

Hime says: “They can be whatever, von hausen according to Henna was a German sounding last name from her world… not that I know what that means.”

Yana says: “We have a country or a territory in our world called Germany and last name is more or less a family name, without nobility or royalty attached to it, most people where we come from have one.”

Hime looks intrigued and says: “I see.”

Yana says: “De La Reig sounds spanish in origin, same there, Spain being the territory or country, spanish means that we are referring to them and it is also their language.”

Hime nods and says: “That is very interesting, Yana.”

Yana: “I can see how it would be… it used to be just everyday over there, so you have to excuse me for not sharing in your enthusiasm.”

Hime says: “So, why do you not pick a name from your world, then?”

Yana says: “The swedish ones are so terribly boring… actually… Lind… what do you think?”

Hime says: “Hmm… yes, that will work splendidly… I will ride over to your father and have him set that up for you.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you, Hime.”

Hime smiles back and says: “I am happy to help you, Yana.''

She walks towards the stables, Sai and Mari come up from the other side of the mansion, just out of sight from Hime from that corner and walks up to Yana.

Mari says: “This is a lot closer than the De La Reig mansion… quite convenient.”

Yana says: “I would say so, from here I can see the city, which I could not from any spot in the De La Reig mansion, it has also been decided that this is the Lind family now.”

Sai says: “Thank goodness, De La Reig gets tiresome to say after a while… not to mention write.”

Yana saya: “Well… I do not know about those things. I should probably learn it at some point, but with all the craziness lately, I have to take it easy.”

They sit there and relax for about an hour.

Albrecht comes around the corner with a maid following him carrying a chest.

Albrecht says: “Good morning to you all… it is a fine day that we are having, I am sorry to hear what has happened on the battlefield, lady Yana.”

He gestures for the maid to put the chest down on the table and says: “This is a housewarming gift for you, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “Thank you Albrecht, you did not have to, your company would have been enough, please… take a seat.”

He sits down and asks: “So, how badly was your source damaged?”

Yana looks at the floor with a sad smile, saying: “Pretty badly, I lost almost all of my magic capacity.”

Albrecht sighs and says: “I see, I will post some of my finest guards around here to keep you safe then. That is the least I can do.”

Yana looks up at him and says: “I am not going to be a De La Reig for long… it is going to be Lind, Albrecht… you are not obligated to do anything. But I appreciate the gesture.”

Albrecht smiles and says: “Nonsense… I will do it because you are lady Yana, my highly respected friend and fellow orichalcom mercenary… speaking of, we have a new orichalcom member now, she will help lighten the load in your stead, she is an elf shields woman and I hope that you do not take offense to me inviting her over.”

Yana says: “That is good thinking, Albrecht… thank you.”

Albrecht says: “She should arrive momentarily, Her name is Fiya.”

Yana says: “That sounds like a fairly common girl’s name from my world… at least from the country or territory I am from, however, might be spelled differently, I have no idea.”

Albrecht intriguingly says: “Is that right? She is however not of noble birth, so she carries no family name.”

Yana says: “All the more commendable, then.”

Albrecht nods and says: “Indeed.”

Eena comes up and says: “Do you require anything, mistress?”

Yana says: “Eena, hello… Yes, could you see to it to get cups for all of us plus two and show her where she can rest, please?” Albrecht nods to the maid.

Eena bows, smiles and says: “Of course, mistress.” Eena and the maid walk in.

Albrecht looks confused and asks: “Why did you have my maid follow yours?”

Yana says: “Poor thing was shaking standing there, She seemed like she had not been able to rest her legs in a while.”

Albrecht scoffs and says: “Maids are supposed to be able to handle standing for long periods of time, lady Yana… also, you called yours by name… how odd.”

Yana says: “I do care for my employees, I want them to be happy, it significantly increases morale, that way they do things because they want to, not because they have to.”

Albrecht scratches his chin and says: “That is an interesting take on it, lady Yana… I think I will adopt that way of handling our servants as well then.”

Yana says: “Hemma being from my world would probably appreciate you caring like that as well… since we do not have these things there, unless you are filthy rich or one of the few nobles still around, the chance of Hemma being a noble back there, is virtually zero.”

Albrecht says: “It would seem like I would have to converse some more with mother then… I would like to know some more of your ways if they are as interesting as this… comradery… I think it would be the best word to describe your relationship with your servants.”

Yana says: “I call them employees, since they get compensation for their services.”

Albrecht looks shocked and says: “They do?”

Yana: “I do not know how the Von Hausen do things, but Viktor pays out a few coppers. The exact amount, I do not know, then they get rooms, they get food and various other things.”

Albrecht says: “So they do… you are right… thank you for that enlightening information, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “You are welcome… oh, right…. where are my manners.” She opens the chest and there’s a dragon statue inside.

Albrecht says: “That is the elder dragon Khan’Dehaar, the protector of the Von Hausen, according to our legend.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you, Albrecht, I will personally find a good spot for it… actually.” She puts it in the center of the table and says: “Now he will be able to watch over the city and us as well.”

Albrecht bows and says: “You honor us, lady Yana… a fine placement.”

Eena and the maid comes and carries some trays with cups and tea and places it on the table, then serves everyone.

Yana says: “Thank you, you two may have a rest, just be sure that it is somewhere I can easily call on you.”

Eena bows and smiles, then says: “As you wish, mistress Yana.” They go inside again.

Albrecht amiles and says: “I see it now… that was a genuine smile.”

Yana nods and says: “That is right, Albrecht… treat them fairly and they will do things because they want to and be happy to do so.”

Fiya comes around the corner and says: “Greetings everyone, I thank you for the invite!”

Yana waits until she’s closer and smiles warmly, then says: “Greetings, Fiya… it is nice to meet you, please… join us, will you?”

Fiya asks confused: “Are you sure, mistress?”

Yana says: “I would not say anything I did not mean, Fiya… and please, just Yana is fine.”

Fiya sits down and says: “I am sorry, I have never been at a noble’s home before and I am unsure how to act, I would hate to offend or disrespect, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “You are doing fine, Fiya… now we just have to wait for Hime to return, I have an event I would like to discuss with everyone… or two actually, but I think that we can merge them… even though I hate the idea of one.”

Sai says: “That is right… you promised the people that they would get the chance to ask you and your mother some questions.”

Yana nods and says: “Indeed, Sai, and I would like to keep my promises.”

Fiya saya: “I heard that the people in the guild were talking about that, they sounded pretty enthusiastic about it.”

Albrecht asks: “Let me guess, you were planning on holding a ball where Terra would be in attendance, right?”

Yana says: “Damn it… yes, Albrecht. But Hime is just as much a part of these grounds, so I have to ask her thoughts on it, too.”

Albrecht sits back in his chair and says: “Well, I think it would be a good idea at least.”

Fiya twiddles her thumbs and looks around, embarrassed.

Yana looks at her and saya: “Yes Fiya, should we hold a ball, then you are invited as well.”

Fiya’s shocked and says: “Does everyone know how to read minds around here?!”

Yana chuckles and says: “I wish… no… it is just you who are not even remotely subtle and too easy to read.”

Fiya covers her face with her hands and embassingly says: “Oh no.”

She composes herself and says: “Oh right… I wanted to test my strength against the most powerful mercenary, The Demonic Angel, Yana.”

Yana looks visually uncomfortable and says: “Ugh… is that really the name I got? No matter… forget it, Fiya.”

Fiya looks disappointed and pouts while saying: “Boo, that is a shame. Why not though?”

Yana thinks and says: “(I can’t just tell her that I’m drained and weak… I never even heard of her before today… ) I do not know how much you know, but I have not had a break from things constantly making my life very hard and I want my break.” she crosses her legs and arms, looking offended.

Fiya without warning charges at Yana, but is stopped by Hime.

Hime with a murderous gaze at Fiya saying: “What is the meaning of this, girl?!”

Yana without even flinching says: “That is enough, you two.”

The girls slowly back off each other, Yana continues to say: “I do not know why you would think that you could come to my home, pull a stunt like that and expect to walk home alive… you better explain yourself, Fiya.”

Fiya clicks her tongue and tries to escape but is grabbed by the ankle by Albrecht, making her faceplant.

Yana stands up and starts walking nad says: “Follow me, everyone… and Albrecht, be a dear and make sure that she comes with you, please.”

Albrecht says: “Of course, lady Yana.”

Yana stops and says: “Damn it… a truth spell user would certainly be useful right about now.”

Hime says: “I will use our message birds to send someone from the guild.”

Yana turns to Hime and says: “If you would not mind, Hime.”

Hime says: “I would rather see her head roll, but since you have forbidden me from taking a life, it is the best I can do.”

Fiya screams: “What was that?! No! You are a tyrant, Yana! It does not make sense that you tell your people to not kill!”

Yana sighs and says: “I see… you are here for revenge, then? Your assessment is true to a point, I might be a tyrant in many’s eyes. However, I did not take any lives that I did not have to, that is on the battlefields, other than that, I have only imprisoned people.”

Fiya growls: “No! You are lying!”

Yana says: “I am not… so, who are you here to avenge?”

Fiya says: “The Poisonous Rats’ leader.”

Yana sighs and says: “You might want to check the cells in the district… last time I saw her, she was taken away by Mirei, I only slapped her around a little bit… but I did not kill her.”

Mari and Sai in unison says: “It is true.”

Sai says: “The both of us saw Mirei taking her away alive.”

Yana says: “Besides, they surrounded and attacked me first… all I did was protect myself, but also sent a message that I am no one that you should mess with.”

Hime then shackles Fiya.

Albrecht says: “I am so ashamed that I allowed this to happen, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “Let us throw her to the warden… she could always use some more playthings.”

Albrecht says: “Let us take my carriage, then.”

Yana waves at Eena, she comes rushing with Albrechts maid.

Eena smiles and says: “What may I do for you, mistress?”

Yana says: “Would you please prepare Albrecht’s carriage for us? Also, make sure that my horse is hooked up to the wagon, so that I can get home, bring Sai’s, Mari’s and Hime’s as well.”

Eena bows and says: “Right away, mistress.” She and the maid walk to the stables and everyone else walks up to the front.

Hime says: “Are we not riding with you, Yana?”

Yana says: “There is a good chance that the rats might try to rescue Fiya… if you think about it, losing an orichalcom level fighter would spell disaster for them.”

Hime says: “Good point.”

They are now on their way, there was a rescue attempt, but Sai and the girls didn’t even break a sweat taking care of them, so they’re tied to the back of the carriage, they arrive at the prison.

Yana: “Commander!”

The commander comes down and aska: “Yes, lady Yana? What may I do for you?”

Yana points to the prisoners and says: “These people need a new home, if you get what I mean? Also, do not worry, I do not blame you for the incident… I chose to take the mission and I was careless, it is all on me, sir.”

She turns to the warden’s office and says: “Oh warden! New playthings!”

The warden runs out: “You are too kind, lady Yana… what have you brought me?”

She points at the ones in the back of the carriage and then at Fiya, then says: “All of them, but be extra careful with that one, she might not look it, but she is an orichalcom plate.”

The warden gets a real twinkle in her eyes from the excitement: “Oh my… how fun… I get to see how long an orichalcom plate can resist me.”

She starts drooling and says: “I am sorry, commander, you will just have to bring the others, I am just too excited to even care about them at the moment.” She takes out her whip and chases Fiya into the cells.

Yana says: ”Well… it would seem like I can leave it to you, I am sorry, but as you might already know, I feel quite vulnerable out here right now.”

The commander bows and says: “Of course, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “I am sorry for Mirei’s and mother’s actions… I hope that you did not punish Mirei too harshly for it.”

The commander says: “I am sorry, I had to let her go after that.”

Yana says: “You will not tell her, but I need you to reinstate her, I promise you that it will not happen again, could you do me that favor, please?”

The commander looks a bit reluctant at first, then sighs and says: “Okay, since it is you, my favorite force member, I will do this for you.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you, commander… by the way, may I know your name?”

The commander says: “I came here with no name and have been called my position my whole life, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “I see… take care then, commander.”

Commander asks: “What should I tell Mirei the reason was for reinstating her?”

Yana looks to the sky and thinks for a moment and says: “I am sorry, I acted irrationally, you are a valuable asset, do not feel bad, I have calmed down now, I look forward to your continued service, lady Mirei”

She then faces him and asks: “How about that?”

Commander says: “Got it… get well soon, lady Yana.” he goes back to his office.

| Chapter 22 |

Yana turns to Hime and says: “Now that we are all here, most already know what this is about, but I want you to hear it as well and get your take on it, Hime.”

Hime says: “Go ahead, Yana.”

Yana says: “Okay, then… I was thinking that I would throw a ball, the reason for it, is to first off, properly establish this as a new family. show people that I am not a De La Reig anymore and keep my promise…

The part I do not like now in hindsight is that I promised the people some time ago that me and Terra would get together, so that people could ask us various questions… but as most of you know… me and Terra are not on very good terms right now.”

Hime says: “I would be against inviting Terra, but the idea of a ball sounds like it would be a good thing.”

Yana says: “It would mostly be the two of us getting clumped, and we could have that area off to the side where it would not disturb the festivities, so you would not really have to be around there.”

Hime says: ”That is true… okay, you convinced me… not that I know why I had to be asked about this, it is your grounds after all.”

Yana says: “What do you mean? You are a resident here as well as a valued friend, why would I ignore you for that? You are now also a Lind, if your talk with Viktor was successful?”

Hime says: “It was and Viktor should be handling it as we speak unless he is done already.”

Yana says: “That is good… Albrecht, you should have a bunch of connections, right?”

Albrecht says: “I do, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “That is great, could you invite the high society one needs to have a good standing with? Preferably no corrupt bastards, I do not want to associate myself with that trash.”

Albrecht nods and says: “I can do that, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “Very good, the ball will be in a week, just so that those that live far away have the time to prepare, we need to be fitted and what not… speaking of, who do you recommend that I turn to for that, Albrecht?”

Albrecht says: “I can take you there, if you want… I can also get you a discount as well, lady Yana.”

Yana nods and says: “That is highly appreciated, Albrecht, thank you.”

They head to the tailor, they get fitted and walk out.

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you for everything, Albrecht.”

Yana, Hime, Sai and Mari go to the guild, they walk in.

Yana walks up to the counter and talks a little more loudly: “I want to post a request for next week, it is time everyone, at least I will answer some of your questions, nice attire is required and you will all be my security details as well…

It will not pay that much, but there will be food and drinks at least, made by the former head chef of the Royal Yime Restaurant, Reno himself… it will be in my new home, the Lind family grounds.” She hands the clerk 3 platinum coins.

She turns to everyone and says: “Let me formally reintroduce myself… I am now Yana Lind.”

She gestures to Hime and says: “If you knew her before, she is now Hime Lind… ”

She then gestures to Sai and Mari and says: “Should they choose to, these two will also be Lind… Since we just established that, I have not had any time to get attire to match that, so I am aware that I am representing the De La Reig right now, but that will not be for long.”

She then starts to walk and says: “I am sorry everyone, that is all I have time for today… I hope to see you all next week.”

They then walk out, Yana takes her horse and mounts up and says: “Sai and Mari, would you update the inn by telling everyone about the mission?”

Sai and Mari nod, and lead their horses to the guild stables.

Yana says: “You are welcome to come by at any time, Albrecht. Should you want to, you could even come back later.”

Albrecht smiles and says: “I might just take you up on that offer, lady Yana… I do have a few invites I have to get to though… but I will keep you updated.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you, Albrecht, take care for now.”

Yana and Hime arrive at the Lind grounds, Eena rushes out with a smile and says: “Welcome home mistress and lady Lind.” Yana and Hime smile at her, Eena takes their horses while they walk in.

Charles comes up with a smile and says: “Welcome home mistress and lady Lind.”

Yana chuckles and says: “I cannot believe that you already know about that, Charles.”

Charles says: “It is our duty and privilege to know everything about you, mistress Yana.”

Yana says: “Charles, would you assemble everyone for lunch, please?”

Charles says: “Of course, mistress.” he starts walking.

They all meet in the dining hall.

Yana says: “Okay everyone, listen up… we have decided to host a ball next week, so we have to prepare for that, I will provide the necessary funds for it, speaking of, how much would we need for that, Charles?”

Charles says: “With the deal you have with the De La Reig, they would fund this, so do not worry about that, mistress Yana… however, they would have to partake in the festivities as well regardless of who was funding it.”

Yana says: “Damn it… just stick them in a corner somewhere in that case, charles… also, the opposite corner will be the questions section for me and Terra… we are going to need a band as well for music.”

Charles says: “Do not worry, I will contact the band that played for the Gyuuk family.”

Yana says: “Thank you, Charles.”

Reno says: “I am sorry for speaking out of turn, but I am really excited to cook up a feast again, it has been too long, so I thank you, mistress Yana for this opportunity.”

Yana Smiles and says: “I am happy that you are happy, Reno… that goes for everyone here, I am happy when all of you are happy, do not be discouraged to ask me for things, I am not unreasonable.”

Charles says: “In that case, would you allow me to have my family live here, then, mistress Yana?”

Yana smiles and says: “Of course, as long as we have the space for them. Should they want work, I am sure that we could use more staff.”

Charles smiles and says: “You are too kind, mistress Yana… I thank you… as it stands, they have to live in the slums because the Gyuuk family did not pay enough for anything better, they even had barely enough food to survive.”

Yana says: “Okay, if there is anyone else, I leave it to you Charles to manage the rooms, also, see to it that they get training and work, let us go for ‘the one that does not work, shall not eat’ policy?… I think that is fair.”

Charles says: “I will see it done, then, mistress.”

They finish eating, the table has been cleaned, it’s just Yana and Hime remaining.

Hime says: “I must say that I am liking the new approach to the employees that you have, Yana.”

Yana says: “I believe in a more humane treatment.”

Hime smiles and says: “The atmosphere around here is so soothing, there is no tension or worry in their eyes.”

Yana smiles and says: ”Indeed, and that is how I like it.”

A few days goes by and the training equipment comes in, so Yana trains like crazy until the ball and has regained enough magic capacity to get back her elf powers that gave her the speed and strength, but not enough to use teleport or frostfire strike.

We see Yana and Hime just getting done and dressed for the ball and there’s a knock on the door.

Yana says: “Come in.”

Sai walks in and says: “The guests hav-… Oh my… the both of you look positively gorgeous and beautiful.”

Mari comes in as well and is stunned then says: “Wow, you two really are.”

Yana blushes and smiles and says: “The same can be said about you too, Mari… and you dress up quite well, Sai.”

Hime says: “Thank you both… but let us not make the guests wait.”

Albrecht comes in and he’s stunned, he composes himself saying: “Would you ladies allow me to escort you? Sai is escorting Mari.”

Yana says: “As much as I am flattered for the suggestion, but I cannot appear to be playing favorites here… I do hope that you understand, Albrecht… But Hime, feel free to take him up on his offer.”

Albrecht says: “I am sorry, I did not even think of the repercussions of that, forgive me, lady Yana.”

Yana smiles and says: “You are forgiven Albrecht and thank you for understanding, let us go then.”

Yana walks in front, Hime and Albrecht behind her, Sai and Mari behind them.

They split once in the ballroom and Yana goes and grabs a wine glass and gently hits it with a spoon to get everyone’s attention.

Yana says: ”I welcome you all to the Lind family grounds, I do hope that you are having a good time… I am terribly sorry for the wait, cheers to you all!”

She raises her glass and everyone does the same, Yana then walks to the middle side of the hall.

Albrecht starts to bring people to Yana to introduce them, eventually he comes up with a blue eyed blonde young man and says: “Lady Yana, may I present Yura Tiiga, the head of the Tiiga family.” Yana starts to blush and her heart starts beating fast.

Yura bows down and gently takes her hand and kisses it, then looks at her with a warm smile and says: “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, lady Yana… you honor us with your beauty and achievements, I am honored.”

Yana’s stunned and then thoughts racing: “(What is this? Am I falling for this fairytale prince?)” She composes herself and then curtsy and says: “You honor me as well, sir Tiiga… I thank you for coming. (He’s so ridiculously handsome.)”

Yura chuckles and says: “Yura will suffice, lady Yana.”

Yana blushes and says: “I do apologize, sir Yura.”

Yura smiles and asks: “May I have this dance?”

Yana says: “I am honored by the invitation, but I cannot at this time… I cannot appear to play favorites… I do want to however, I am terribly sorry.” She curtsy herself.

Yura says: “Oh my, excuse my rudeness… you are quite right, lady Yana… this is a delicate time, I do understand.”

Yana smiles and says: “Next time for sure, sir Yura.”

Yura smiles and says: “I am going to hold you to that, lady Yana… I am looking forward to it.”

Yana curtsy again and says: “As do I, sir Yura.” Yura walks back.

Albrecht says: “That was masterfully handled, lady Yana… Usually ladies throw themselves at him, I have never seen anyone resist his charms.”

Yana starts fanning herself with her hand and says: “I am not going to lie here, but that was one of the hardest things I had to do, I really wanted to.”

Albrecht says: “Be careful though, he has turned down every proposal so far… should you try to propose to him… do not think I did not notice that twinkle in your eye, lady Yana.” he chuckles.

Yana hits his shoulder with a smirk and says: “Ass.”

Albrecht chuckles and says: “Just some friendly banter, I do apologize, lady Yana.”

Yana smiles and says: “No offense taken… You know… I have missed things like that… banter, I mean… giving each other a hard time… it is nice.”

Albrecht smirks and says: “I retract my apology then.” he snickers.

Yana smirks and says: “See that you do, Albrecht.”

She shoves him towards Hime and says: “Now, go get your girl.”

Albrecht confused says: “I-... we-... what?”

Yana nods with a smirk.

Albrecht takes a deep breath and says: “Oh, fine… might as well enjoy myself, I guess.” He smiles and walks over to Hime.

Yana goes over to Terra's corner, she puts on a convincing smile and says: “Greetings mother, it is good of you to agree to this… I am sorry for the wait.”

Terra smiles and says: “Anything for my daughter.” The group clumping in Yana’s path move to the side to let her through.

Yana says: “Thank you all for coming, let us commence with the questioning, shall we? To make it fair, let us make it one question per person.” She gestures to a woman at the far right.

The woman says: “There are some discrepancies in your story, lady Yana… for it to make sense being Miss Terra’s daughter, you would have to be over thirty, but you are way younger than that.”

Yana: “I am terribly sorry for the confusion, but the deeper story here makes a whole lot of more sense, unfortunately, that is not something that we can get into… I am terribly sorry and I do apologize for it as well.”

Yana then gestures clockwise to a man.

The man says: “Since that question is out, How are you Viktor’s daughter then? you should be much younger to be his.”

Yana says: “What I can say, is that the deeper story I can not talk about, is also the same answer for that question, meaning, if I was able to tell you the deeper story, your question would have been answered as well… I am terribly sorry.”

Yana gestures to the next man.

The man asks: “So, Miss Terra… where did you disappear to?”

Terra says: “The deeper story would explain that too… I am sorry.”

They all bow and scatter, Yana goes back to her spot.

Yura walks up to her and asks: “Are you not talking to the De La Reig family?”

Yana says: “They are the reason I am starting my own family in the first place, sir Yura.”

Yura says: “I see… we are the same, you and I… I could not stand my family either, so I ran away and lived in poverty for many years until my father and mother died… our butler set off to find me and now I am here.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you for sharing that… it would be terribly disrespectful of me not to share my story, then.” She tells him everything.

Yura says: “You poor girl… what monstrous things to do to their daughter and I can now see why this ball is held here and not the De La Reig mansion.”

Yana puts on a sad smile and says: “So, this is the event that will end my ties with my family… I wish it would not end this way, but I just cannot trust that they will not hurt me again in one way or another.”

Yura says: “I see your point, lady Yana.” he glares angrily at the De La Reig.

Yana gently takes his sleeve and says: “Please, sir Yura.”

He takes her hand and says: “Do not worry, I would not do anything, the fact that they are alive means that they should still be alive as per your wishes, lady Yana… I would not wish to kill my family for that, but just like you, I could just not be around them anymore…

Besides, neither I nor my family would be able to do anything to them anyway, we are simply not strong enough… pretty pathetic, huh?” he lets go of her hand.

Yana says: “Strength in my mind can be measured in many ways, sir Yura… you would be quite surprised in how many ways I see strength, and you are not weak in my eyes.”

Yura smiles and says: “Thank you, lady Yana… I needed that… Say, may I return tomorrow for a more private talk?”

Yana smiles and says: “Yes, you may, sir Yura… however, if it involves a marriage proposal, I have to decline, I want to get to know my betrothed for quite a while before I can even consider such a thing.”

Yura chuckles and says: “Can you read minds, lady Yana?”

Yana chuckles and says: “I cannot, I can read the room however… for the most part at least.”

Yura says: “I must say, that would be a terrible weapon to face… however, you are quite unique and I like that about you, lady Yana… I have grown bored with all of the ladies that just throw themselves at me at first glance, they always have an agenda… but not you… you are real.”

Yana smiles teasingly and says: “By your logic… What is your agenda, then?”

Yura looks shocked and taken aback and says: “I-is that how I am coming across towards you, lady Yana?”

Yana chuckles and says: “That is a fair assessment, however untrue… You are not coming across as throwing yourself at me… I just wanted to see your reaction and I am looking forward to tomorrow, if you have not changed your mind…

Before going forward however, I need you to know that I am not giving up this house and even if we were to get married, I would still be the master of the family, are you okay with giving up your title? (You lose, Yura.)”

Yura says: “Well played, lady Yana… knowing you, you will be disappointed in my weakness if I just gave up, no… you want a winner, someone that could keep his dignity and you made it quite clear that you are not giving up yours… Claim your reward.”

He goes down on one knee bows and speaks loudly: “Lady Yana Lind, will you become my bride?” the whole hall looks at them.

Yana looks at him disappointingly and thinks to herself: “(Why would you do this to yourself… why? I am sorry, Yura.) I will not, sir Yura, now please leave me.”

She turns around and she gets teary eyed, thinking: “(I am so sorry, Yura.)”

Yura smiles and then stands up, saying: “Take care, lady Yana.”

He then whispers: “Do not worry, you still have my support, should you need it.” He walks back.

Everyone’s in shock, the girls and ladies of the room are furious from jealousy.

Albrecht comes over with Hime holding his arm.

Albrecht aays: “That was not very good for him, lady Yana… why would you do that?”

Yana still facing away says: “Why would he do that to himself?”

Albrecht and Hime’s taken aback in shock.

Yana continues to say: “I am well aware that it would hurt him, but he did it knowing full well what he was doing to himself… why?”

Albrecht looks puzzled and says: ”It is a mystery to me.”

Yana snickers and says: “So that is it, huh? I see what you are playing at, you sneaky devil, Yura… You think that you will win the war? You think that you only lost the battle? Think again… you are up against Yana Lind and I will not lose to you.”

Albrecht and hime looks concerned.

Hime says: “Get a hold of yourself, Yana… you are acting crazy.”

Yana turns to them with a smile and says: “He thinks that he is going to be able to ask me to marry him later, making me do unto me as he did to himself just now… See, I am not crazy.”

Albrecht laughs.

Hime chuckles and says: “Your tactical prowess shines through once again, Yana… already getting inside someone’s head like that.”

Yana says: “So, it would seem like you finally found each other.”

They blush and avoids eye contact

Yana chuckles and says: “That is a confirmation if I ever saw one.”

Hime looks at the floor, sad abd says: “But if we were to act on it, you would be all alone, Yana.”

Yana smiles and says: “Your happiness counts too, you know… I support whatever choice you make.”

Hime says: “Wait… is this what happened between you and sir Yura? Whatever answer I give here, I lose.”

Yana smiles and says: “That is how our conversation ended before he kneeled down, yes… that having been said, that is not necessarily true, Hime… you can still win…

Going by my world’s standard, it is actually more common that people do not marry, some keep a distance relationship and only engage in activity reserved for marriage whenever they see each other.”

Albrecht and Hime drop their jaws and Yana closes them.

Yana says: “It is true… marriage in my country at least is more or less a dead practice… mostly because it is so costly.”

Albrecht says: “Intriguing.”

Yana says: “The most popular belief is that love can overcome everything… it is not entirely accurate, but I can not come up with better wording, so it will just have to do for now.”

Hime looks at Albrecht.

Albrecht looks at Hime and says: “I mean… what if she were to have a child because of it?”

Yana says: “There are a lot of single parents in my world, there are those that have separated and are taking turns taking care of the child… also Hime, if you were to move to the Von Hausen grounds again, I doubt Albrecht would refuse you coming here.”

Albrecht says: “That is true… I would not deny my wife her freedom.”

Yana says: “The two of you could just take it slow and get to know each other some more before deciding, that is also a thing in my world…

Now when I think about it, we had a lot of options when it came to relationships actually… Also, now when I give it even more thought, forced marriage has not been a thing for well over a 1000 years.”

Albrecht says: “So you are saying that we will abandon that practice as well some day?”

Yana says: “I could not say… maybe? As you are aware, I do not take kindly to being forced into something, I have a will of my own and I will choose my own fate.”

Albrecht says: “Indeed… and I do know how you feel about it, because I was against it as well.”

Yana chuckles and then smirks while saying: “I am that bad of a choice, huh?”

Albrecht smirks and says: “Yes, yes you are.”

Yana laughs.

Hime stands there confused and says: “What is going on, you two?”

Yana composes herself and smiles while saying: “Just some friendly banter, Hime… do not worry.”

Hime smiles and says: “Oh, that is good, then.”

| Chapter 23 |

The next day Yana wakes up and notices that she’s alone: “(Well… now when I got used to it, they decided to stop?… That’s just… of course they’d do that.)” there’s a knock on the door and she says: “Come in.”

Eena comes in with a smile saykng: “Good morning, mistress… your bath is ready for you.”

Yana says: “Good morning, Eena, where is Hime?”

Eena says: “She and sir Albrecht decided to take your old room, she should be on her way to the bath as we speak, unless she is there already.“

Yana chuckles and says: “So they went for it, huh? I cannot wait to hear this.” She shoots out of bed and runs towards the bath.

Eena chuckles and says: “Do not run, mistress!” She sighs because Yana didn’t listen.

Yana then bursts into the bath screaming: “Tell me everything, Hime!” she smiles in anticipation.

Hime jumps and says: “Yana?! You will be the death of me.”

She sighs and says: “Nothing much happened, we just slept in the same bed.”

Yana looks at her suspiciously and asks: “Not even a kiss or holding hands?”

Hime sighs and says: “Fine, I slept in his embrace, that is all.”

Yana looks disappointed and sighs while saying: “How terribly boring… I got excited over nothing.”

Hime says: “It was not nothing, Yana… besides it is kind of your fault, talking about your world and such.”

Yana says: “Yes-yes, I know… anyway, as long as you are happy, Hime.”

Hime smiles and says: “I am.”

They sit down at the table and all the staff sits down after the bath.

Yana says: “The food yesterday was really good, Reno.”

Reno smiles and says: “Thank you, mistress… you honor me… I had so much fun.”

Yana smiles and aays: “That is good… How are you Helga and John adapting to your new lives?”

Helga says: “Grandfather is keeping me quite busy, thank you for our new life, mistress.”

John says: “I think that I am doing okay under Reno’s tutelage, thank you for your consideration, mistress.”

Yana says: “That is good to hear… so, what are your thoughts on John then, Reno?”

Reno says: “There were a few small incidents in the beginning, nothing to merit punishment, but now he is doing really good.”

Yana says: “I am happy to hear that… and Charles, what are your thoughts on Helga’s maid work?”

Charles facepalms and says: “I need to reconsider her work, she is just so clumsy… do you have any suggestions, mistress?”

Yana looks at Helga and says: “Okay, then… is there anything you know that you are good at?”

Helga thinks for a moment and says: “I have a good sense of following instructions from books or prints, I for example instantly learn how a spell works and if I can cast it, I can replicate recipes quite accurately and things like that.”

Yana saya: “Well then… you will come with me to the library after we are done eating then… so that I can see it for myself.”

Helga nods and says: “Yes, mistress.”

Yana says: “The biggest change for someone here I believe is for you, Yuki. How are you adjusting?”

Yuki smiles and says: “I never thought I would be this happy working as a maid, it has even gotten easier to talk to men now.”

Yana smiles and says: “That is good to hear… and good work yesterday handling the serving and the guests in general.”

Yuki says: “It was fun, your guests were not grabby at all, working the hall during the Gyuuk time was horrible, the guests would get grabby and throw disgusting gazes of lust and filth at me… but there was none of that here, mistress.”

Yana says: “I did tell Albrecht to not invite the corrupt high society, for a more civil environment.”

They finish up, Yana, Hime and Helga go to the library.

Kana saya: “Good morning ladies Lind, it is good to… hear you.”

Yana says: “Good morning, Kana… I was wondering, do you have any books on potion brewing? The good ones.”

Kana waves her finger and a stack of books flies down and is set on the table and says: “Here is all that we have on the subject.”

Yana turns to Helga and says: “Here is your main job… my magic capacity gain potions are running quite low, make a quality one which increases the gain by at least 3 times.”

Kana waves her finger and the book she needs and the page she needs to get it is opened and placed on the table by itself.

Yana smiles and saya: “Thank you, Kana.”

She turns to Helga and says: “Kana may seem intimidating, but she really is not as long as you look past her seemingly ignoring nature, she is not ignoring you.

She always listens and she is really good at it too, she is also quite helpful, so do not be shy to ask her about whatever you may need… just do not anger her, then she will send you flying out of here.”

Helga looks at Kana confused and says: “It did not seem like she listened at all.”

Kana then word for word repeats what Yana just said.

Yana chuckles and says: “Case in point.”

Helga frantically bows and says: “I am so sorry, miss Kana.”

Kana says: “I know that I am not like most other people, so you are fine.”

Yana says: “Are you okay with me leaving Helga here, Kana.”

Kana says: “Of course, lady Yana. Have a good day.”

Yana says: “Thank you Kana, you are the best… Helga, come find me when you are done with the potion.”

Yana and Hime leave for the back to the training field to sparr, they finish up and both are panting.

Hime says: “You seem… to be… back again.”

Yana: “Physically at least… magically… not so much… still a long way to go.”

They then head to the bath and then to the dining hall, everyone sits down.

Yana says: “How is everything coming along, Helga?”

Helga says: “With some help from Miss Kana, I am on the way to make something at least, what quality it will be remains to be seen.”

Yana: “I am looking forward to it. Eena, would you make sure that my and Hime’s horses are ready after we have finished here?”

Eena smiles and says: “Of course, mistress.”

They finish eating, Yana and Hime head out, Eena comes with their horses.

Yana mounts up and says: ”Thank you, Eena… I do not know if or when we will be back, it is time to do some missions.”

Eena looks a bit worried and says: “Be safe, okay mistress?”

Yana smiles and says: ”I… no, we will do our best.”

Yana and Hime ride to the guild, park their horses and walk in.

Albrecht is just finishing up saykng: “I will have it don-…  Oh, Lady Yana… it is good to see that you are feeling well enough for missions again, it has been a little bit taxing on me lately.”

Yana says: “I am sorry for that, Albrecht. But you know why I was not able, so it is not really my fault now, is it?”

Albrecht says: “I know, I know… I just thought I would tell you my appreciation is all, lady Yana… anyway, I am off to do my mission.” he leaves.

Yana turns to Hime and says: “Would you get Sai and Mari, please?”

Hime nods and walks out, Yana walks up to the clerk and asks: “What do you have available for me?”

The clerk says: “Good to see you back, lady Yana… There is one request left, the details being some old ruins that were recently discovered, and it was apparently too hard for our platinum plates here, not only are the catacombs shifting layouts, it also contains powerful monsters, such as Minotaurs, Trolls and Ogres, there might be others, so I advice a cautionary tactic.”

Yana says: “I am certain that we can take care of it… I should have enough strength to smash walls, should I need to… however, I do wonder what weaknesses these monsters have.”

The Clerk says: “Let us start with the minotaur, which is the most dangerous of them all, brute physical strength, tough skin, usually around three times of your average human height, usually wields a battle axe, but there have been reports of pikes, buster swords and generally other 2 handed weapons, quite perceptive and quite clever, few have survived an encounter and according to record, none has been slain.”

She continues to say: “Then we have trolls, they prefer blunt weapons, but there have been reports of them using axes, about as tall, slightly shorter than the minotaur, agile, but most importantly, they can regenerate fast, few has been able to slay one, their only weakness seems to be their magic source, which is located roughly where yours would be, proportional, that is, so around the middle of the chest.”

She continues to say: “And lastly we have ogres, not much intellect to speak of, just a towering brute that prefers blunt objects as weapons, they have a terrifying instinct however and will not be easily taken by surprise, their sense of smell is magnitudes more powerful than the keenest of noses, they can smell you coming from shocking distances, so I recommend that you bring something that has a strong smell, to cover your approach.”

Yana says: “Thank you, I will get my party and update them on the details.”

The clerk says: “Be careful, lady Yana.”

Yana looks a bit embarrassed and asks: “So, is it true that my nickname has become The Demonic Angel?”

The clerk looks a bit uncomfortable and nods.

Yana sighs and says: “Thank you, again.”

She walks out and sees that Sai, Mari and Hime’s kneeling with their hands behind their heads Mirei is about to shackle Hime, but Yana swats her hands away: “What is the meaning of this, Mirei?!”

Mirei says: “What do you think you are doing, Yana?! These three are clearly thieves!… There is no way that they can walk around with that many platinum coins!”

Yana says: “I never should have had the commander reinstate you… How can you do this to your friends?! You hand every coin back this instant! I was the one that gave them the coin! Look!”

She shows her pouches with virtually nothing in them: “I split the rewards equally between all of us from our missions! This is going to be your last chance, Mirei! Do one more misstep and I will be forced to take you in for arrest under false pretenses!”

Mirei looks ashamed and falls on her hands and knees, then swallows her pride and grovels and says: “Forgive me!” she starts crying.

Yana faces her group and says: “Get up you three, it is up to you if you accept the apology… I will not.” she takes the pouches and hands them back, she then starts walking towards the guild’s stables.

Sai starts walking after Yana and spits on the ground next to Mirei and so does Mari, while Hime just walks, leaving Mirei right there.

They get the horses and rides back, Mirei’s still groveling on the ground, Yana stops in front of her and says: “Get up, Mirei… or I will force you to… groveling for longer will not make us change our minds, we are off to a mission now and will be gone for quite a while.”

Mirei sits up on her knees slouched over.

Yana says: “I guess that will do, then.” She rides away and her group follows.

Mirei slowly stands up, still slouched over and is slowly making her way to the prison, once there she walks into the commander’s office and says: “Commander… is it true that you reinstated me because of Yana?”

The commander sighs and says: “What did you do to make her tell you?”

Mirei says: “So it is true, then? I almost arrested her whole party on false pretenses… no proof, no nothing… just an oddity.”

The commander gets angry and says: “How can you be that stupid?!”

He’s about to hit her, but stops himself, he instead hits the wall and it creates a hole and growls: “Damn it, lady Mirei!”

He sits down and looks at her saying: “You are a valuable general… you are not making my job very easy here… the fact that you are alive means that lady Yana gave you another chance, right?”

Mirei nods.

The commander grunts: “Grr… Gah! Damn it!”

He kicks the floor, he calms down and sighs, then says: “Okay… I am trusting Yana’s decision here… do not fail again and especially not the miniscule remaining trust of hers again, or we will have no other choice than to throw you to the warden… ”

Mirei looks at the floor ashamed and softly says: “Yes, sir.”

Yana and the group arrive at the ruins, so they dismount and tie their horses close to the entrance, before going down, Yana faces them: “This is going to be quite dangerous, I do have faith in your skills, but we are going to deal with some serious monsters in there, so… if I say run, you do so… no questions asked, I will do my best to hold it off until we can regroup.”

She takes out a jar and saya: “Get ready, this is some nasty stuff.”

She covers her mouth and nose, the others do too, she then opens it and walks down, they open a huge pair of metal doors and walk in, the doors close on their own behind them, but Yana places some bricks and debris to keep it open.

She puts the jar down at a crossroad to the side and draws her sword, she looks around the corners to check the safety, she whispers: “The plan is to keep to the right at all times, it is standard maze clearing tactic.”

She takes out a ball of yarn and places the end under some debris and walks up to a corner and looks to check if it’s clear, she then turns to the others and notices that the crossroads isn’t there anymore, the group is notably worried. Yana goes to inspect it and the thread is just cut off, so she places that end under some debris and goes around the corner and they see the original thread at the crossroad straight ahead.

Yana says: “I think I know how this works, I am not sure… but my theory is that we just have to take the corridor that will close behind us… then again, it could be the reverse and it is the trap instead.” She then cuts the thread and starts a new one after the cut piece.

They continue through this corridor and Hime stops Yana.

Hime saya: “That is a trap… we should go back.”

Yana smirks and say: “No, that just means that we are on the right track, you want to deter the intruder from going the right way.” so she avoids the trap and the group does too.

They continue on and around the corner, Yana spots a monster and says: “Hime, what monster is that?”

Hime looks and says: ”It is an ogre… we should be careful, we do not know if there is anything further ahead.”

The group sneaks up on it and just as they’re about to attack, it winds up for a swing with its club, Yana and hime drives their blades through its throat from behind, it makes some gurgling noises trying to scream, it falls and the group makes sure it’s dead.

They hear frantic footsteps coming towards them and it’s a horde of goblins geared to the teeth, the group gets ready, but the horde just runs past them, they hear heavy steps coming closer.

They hear an ear piercing roar, they can see a big silhouette coming towards them.

Yana whispers: “Hime?”

Hime whispers: “That would be a troll… be careful.”

Yana whispers: “Mari, aim for its eyes.”

Mari gets out of the troll’s vision and fires an arrow between Yana and Hime as they charge in, the arrow’s aimed at its eye, but the troll cuts it in half then swings its huge axes, making Yana and Hime smash into the walls, Sai stands in front of Mari.

Mari gets concerned and screams: “Yana! Hime!”

Yana and Hime slowly fall out from the walls and lie there.

Yana’s able to get out a weak: “Run.”

Sai grabs Mari and starts running, carrying her under his arm, Mari cries and calls out to Yana and Hime.

The troll starts kicking Yana and Hime around, just toying with them for a while, Sai and Mari are forced to watch it happen, they can’t take it anymore and takes the chance, they charge in and the troll notices, so it turns towards them, it takes a swing at them but suddenly the ceiling collapses between Sai and the Troll.

| Chapter 24 |

There’s a ridiculously heavily geared man standing there, parrying the troll’s swing with his huge sword, he then bashes it in its face with his shield and says: “Oh, good… I was able to make it in time… stand back everyone.”

The troll tries to recover, but as it does, the man shoves his sword through its magic source and the troll is turned to dust.

The man sheaths his sword and puts his shield on his back, walks up to Yana and Hime saying: “Oh merciful creator, I besiege thee, grant me the power of your divine light and heal your children… Pillar of life!” 2 light pillars shoot out from golden magical circles to surround Yana and Hime, and they’re fully healed.

Yana and Hime instantly stand up.

Yana looks at herself and rhinks: “(Whoa! I must learn that… that’s amazing!)”

She curtsy herself and says: “I am eternally grateful to you, sir… my name is Ya-...”

The man says: “I am but a humble paladin, there is no need to address me in such a formal manner, lady Yana Lind.”

Sai who was knocked down sitting on the floor now says: “Supreme Captain of light! Light’s Justice Paladin Ryo!”

Ryo turns to Sai says: “It would seem like my reputation precedes me.”

He then turns to Yana and says: “Lady Yana… I am sorry that we have not had the chance to meet yet… I was planning on coming to your ball, but the commander gave me a heap of paperwork to do, I am sorry…

So, as your companion said, I am the Supreme Captain of the force, it is an honor to finally meet you, lady Yana.”

Yana says: “I am sorry for the disrespect, but what are you doing here?”

Ryo laughs and says: “What do you mean? We look after our own and I got concerned when I heard rumors about you heading in here, lady Yana… I cannot afford to lose my best general, now can I?”

Yana blushes and says: “Your best general? Really?”

Ryo says: “Indeed.” he takes off his helmet and long golden hair is let out.

Yana’s struck with shock as she looks at him with awe.

Ryo looks at her confused, asking: “What is wrong, lady Yana? Is there something on my face?”

Yana frantically waves her hands in front of her while embarrassed, saying: “N-no… i-it is nothing, s-sir Ryo.”

Sai, Hime and Mari laugh and smirk at Yana.

Yana looks around and covers her face and says: “Oh no… please stop it, you three.”

Ryo looks around in confusion, saying: “Huh?”

Hime gets a hold of herself and says: “It would seem like you have an admirer, sir Ryo.”

Ryo smiles warmly at Yana and says: “So that is what it is?”

Yana peeks through her fingers at Ryo and says: ”I am sorry, sir Ryo.”

Ryo takes her hands and holds them in front of her and says: “Well, I am honored to have the strongest mercenary’s admiration… and I must admit that I admire you as well, lady Yana.”

Yana avoids eye contact in embarrassment and says: “S-surely you jest, sir Ryo.”

Ryo says: “Not even in the slightest, lady Yana.” he kisses one of her hands.

Yana’s taken a back a little and says: “What are you suggesting, sir Ryo?”

Ryo says: “Well… I would like to know you better, lady Yana… but before that, I highly suggest that we get out of here, I am not entirely confident that I would be able to handle a minotaur.”

Yana’s still a bit embarrassed and says: “Taking care of that troll so easily, I doubt that all of us would have any problems, if you kept its attention, sir Ryo.”

Ryo smiles and says: “You are going to go far, lady Yana… to be honest, I would like to make you one of the High captains… but something tells me that you do not want that… seeing how commander is still the commander.”

Yana says: “I only care for my freedom to do that on the side and just take care of the problems as they arise and not purposefully go on patrols.”

Ryo says: “Well… if that is the case, I could make you a high captain in title, that will give you some more freedoms as well, for example if lady Mirei were to get out of line again, you could always strip her of her rank yourself.”

Yana gets a little angry, turns around and crosses her arms and says: “The next time I will throw her in a cell.”

Ryo asks: “Oh… so she has done something to you personally, then?”

Yana turns her head to face Ryo and says: “Well, it was that incident with commander, but that whole day was a mess and then it was the false arrest attempt on my companions… I do not really want to get into it… I am sorry, sir Ryo.”

Ryo says: “Okay, then… commander did let the incident against your companions slide.”

Yana turns her head back and says: “That is good, however… I want as little as possible to do with the De La Reig family now… they continue to hurt me over and over.”

Ryo looks a bit sad and says: “That is terrible to hear, I am sorry that had to happen to you, lady Yana.”

Yana sats: “I am sorry, too… I really looked up to Mirei, I even considered and called her a sister… it just breaks my heart when she hurts me and my friends like this.”

Ryo says: “Well… hopefully there will be no more incidents… I would hate to lose her… that having been said, I trust your judgement, should you throw her in a cell.”

Yana turns to him and says: “That is highly appreciated, sir Ryo… hopefully she will not do anything wrong again… because I would hate to be forced to throw her in a cell as well… I do not enjoy throwing people in a cell… but it is my job.”

Ryo smiles and says: “At least you are honest, honorable and trustworthy, lady Yana.”

Yana smiles back and says: “My thanks, sir Ryo… it makes me really happy to hear.”

Ryo puts his helmet on, takes his shield and sword, then starts walking and says: “Well… better to get this over with, do you not agree?”

Yana picks her sword up, Hime picks her blades up then they all follow Ryo.

They come upon a huge double door and just when they’re about to leave the maze, a minotaur shows up and blocks their path, it lowers itself and charge at them with its horns, it gets deflected by Ryo’s shield, but the minotaur had a swing going at the same time with its ax, and Ryo’s completely open, but Yana parries it, Hime jumps over the 2 of them and tries to stab at its magical source, but even though she used all of her strength, it barely pierced the minotaur’s skin.

Sai jumps up and is about to do a slash from above with his buster sword, but the Minotaur shoves it away in the last second with its horns making Sai’s sword graze Yana, she screams and backs off, Mari fires a shot at the minotaur's eye, but the Minotaur just barely moves its head out of the way.

Yana’s bleeding heavily, Mari runs to her and pours some alcohol on it and then bandages it.

Yana saya: “I will not be able to hold my sword anymore, everyone.”

Sai shoves Ryo out of the way and says: “Heal Yana, sir Ryo… I will do my best to hold it off meanwhile.”

Ryo kneels down on one knee in front of Yana and says: “Oh merciful creator, I besiege thee, grant me the power of your divine light and heal your children… Pillar of life!” a pillar of light shoots out from golden magical circles Yana’s then fully healed.

Ryo slouch over and says: “That is my limit, I need to catch my breath for a moment before I will be battle ready again.”

Yana runs and picks up her sword, just after the minotaur had taken a swing at Sai, Yana’s in the air and stabs at its eye, she succeed and she’s able to put in some more pressure on it, that makes the minotaur fall over, and Yana follows it down, once down, she drives her sword deeper and wiggles it around, to make sure it’s dead, once she’s satisfied, she pulls it out and swings, to remove the blood and then sheathe her sword.

Everyone looks at her in awe.

Ryo says: “That was amazing, lady Yana… slayer of minotaurs.”

Yana smiles and says: “You deserve a lot of credit as well, I could not have done it without all of you, but especially not without your heal, sir Ryo.”

Ryo smiles in defeat saying: “I guess you are right, lady Yana.”

Yana goes up to the double doors and forces them open, it’s a room that looks like it’s a roofless cylinder.

A magic circle appears in the middle and someone comes up out of the circle, the person’s see-through in a cloak with a hood covering its face.

The person says: “Congratulations, heroes… You now qualify to take on the threat that will appear soon… the demon overlord will soon resurrect and threaten our existence once again… I besiege thee… end his terror.” the person vanishes and in its place is a sword, a buster sword, a shield, a bow and a pair of blades appear.

The person stands behind the weapons: “Fated heroes, claim your rewards.” the person vanishes again.

Yana says: “Well… I do not say no to a reward like this.”

She walks up to the sword and pulls it out of its socket on the floor, the sword starts to glow bluish and the sharp side has a thin stream of water following it, creating a water saw blade and she says: “Whoa?!”

Everyone picks up their gear.

Yana turns to them and says: “This is the most blatant ‘fate’ move I have ever seen.”

Ryo says: “It does blatantly spell destiny… especially since all of our preferred gear is here.”

Yana thinks to herself: “(Of course… you bastards! Can’t I just live a quiet life?)”

Ryo looks at Yana and says: “Lady Yana?”

Yana snaps out of it and says: “Huh? Yes, sir Ryo?”

Ryo asks: “Are you okay?”

Yana asks: “Yes… why?”

Ryo says: “If you say so, lady Yana.”

The magic circle starts to glow brightly and there’s a flash, suddenly they’re all outside and the ruins collapse.

Yana says: “It would seem like it served its purpose.”

She walks up to her horse, unties it and mounts up saying: “Sir Ryo, would you mind following us to the guild and then to my family grounds? There are some things I would like to discuss with you.”

Ryo mounts up on his horse and says: “Certainly, lady Yana.”

So they ride back, they get 2 orichalcom coins that Yana has converted to platinum and then she distributes the reward equally between everyone, Sai and Mari become platinum plates and heads home.

Yana, Hime and Ryo ride back to the Lind grounds, they get greeted by Charles and Eena. Hime, Yana and Ryo head to the bath, Ryo takes the mens side, once done, Yana and Ryo head to the common room, Eena serves them tea and leaves.

Yana says: “Quite a lot of things going on today.”

Ryo says: “Indeed, lady Yana… if it is not too forward, might I ask what you wanted to discuss?”

Yana says: “I have thought it over and I would be honored to be a High Captain, sir Ryo.”

Ryo chuckles and takes out a badge saying: “I thought you might, so I took the liberty of bringing this with me, I will hand in the paperwork later.”

Yana takes it and says: “Thank you… and for the other matter.”

She blushes and turns her head, glancing at him randomly saying: “I-it… i-it… ”

She covers her face with her hands saying: “I am sorry, sir Ryo.”

Ryo smiles warmly saying: “I see now, it is that kind of admiration? I apologize for not seeing it sooner, lady Yana… I would be honored to take your hand, if that is your proposal, lady Yana?”

Yana smiles and says: “Th-thank you, sir Ryo… however… I-I like to get to know my partner before that, you see, sir Ryo.”

Ryo says: “I do not mind that… however, might I make a request, lady Yana?”

Yana says: “G-go ahead.”

Ryo says: “If it is not too forward, I was thinking that I could move in here to maximize our time together, helping us get to know each other easier.”

Yana says: “Th-that would be fine, sir Ryo… Well… let us celebrate with dinner, then.”

She starts walking out and stops in the doorway and says: “Fair warning, you might see the staff acting unorthodox around here, and that is entirely on my orders, so you are not to discipline them… even if we were to marry, I will still be the master.”

Ryo says: “I am but a simple street rat lucky enough to have my quarters at the station, lady Yana… I have no idea how staff should conduct themselves… I hope that does not put you off.”

Yana says: “You did not change now after saying it, you are still Ryo, are you not?”

Ryo smiles and says: “Social standing really does not matter to you, huh, lady Yana?”

Yana smiles and says: “That is correct, it would also be terrible of me to just reject you after knowing that you are not a noble that is just disgustingly shallow, I do not condone such behavior… anyway, let us go, then.” She starts walking and Ryo follows.

Hime already sits in her chair, Yana sits down on the end and Ryo sits down opposite of Hime.

Yana says: “Some news everyone, but first, please be seated.”

The staff sits down, she continues to say: “I have found myself a potential husband, let me introduce the Supreme Captain of light… Light’s Justice Paladin Ryo”

The staff stands up and bows, and in unison they say: “Welcome, sir Ryo.” they sit back down.

They finish up eating.

Yana says: “Ryo, let me introduce you to our librarian, unfortunately she can not eat with us, do you want to join us, Hime? I am sure that Kana would be happy to see you too… or hear you at least.”

Hime smiles and says: “I am sorry, I noticed how weak I really am today… I could do nothing to that troll, much less the minotaur… I have some serious training to get to.”

Yana says: “You are absolutely right, but you are not weak, Hime… you did your best. Anyway, at least I will join you after we have visited Kana then.”

Ryo saya: “I could use some training myself as well, if you do not mind me joining the two of you?”

Hime says: “I do not mind sir Ryo, see you later then.” she leaves.

Yana saya: “Our training is a little unorthodox as well.”

Ryo says: “I do not doubt it.”

They leave for the library.

Yana comes in and says: “Greetings, Kana… I hope that you are doing well.”

Kana’s still buried in her logs and says: “I am… Hello, sir… who might you be?”

Ryo asks: “Do you have some sort of mind’s eye or something, miss Kana?”

Kana chuckles and ssys: “I do not, just good hearing… I can distinguish a man’s steps.”

Ryo says: “That is amazing! I am sorry for my lack of manners, I am the Supreme Captain, Ryo.”

Kana says: “I welcome you then, sir Ryo.”

Ryo says: “Thank you, miss Kana.”

Yana says: “Anyway, the reason for him being her-... ”

Ryo’s brought face to face with Kana and she says: “You better see to it that you do not hurt my darling little sister… do I make myself clear, sir Ryo?”

Ryo says: “The threatening conduct is highly unnecessary, Miss Kana… I know that she has been through enough as it is, the last thing she needs is someone else hurting her more.” Ryo’s let go.

Kana then looks at her logs again and says: “That makes me happy to hear, I am sorry for my conduct, but I care about lady Yana more than I care about anyone or even anything else. She is very special to me, which is why I am here and not in the De La Reig mansion anymore.”

Ryo says: “You do not have to worry, Miss Kana, I would end my own life before hurting lady Yana.”

Kana says: “I will hold you to that, sir Ryo.”

Yana says: “You will not, Kana… and not you either, sir Ryo… there has been too much death as it is already. People make mistakes, that is just how it works… I cannot accept it when the same mistake is made however… Also, I will deal with my problems. I do not need nor want anyone fighting my battles, so if you think that you will protect my honor, do not…

That will just make me angry, like now, Kana… I do not need nor want you to threaten anyone, I am a big girl, I will handle it myself unless I cannot, which is when I am backed into a corner, one such time was when you threw Viktor out of the library, such was a time where I could not do it myself.”

Kana says: “Noted, lady Yana, thank you for telling me, because I do not want to hurt you.”

Ryo says: “Good to know, lady Yana, I will avoid it to the best of my abilities.”

Yana smiles and says: “Thank you both… I do not know about you, but I have the hankering for some alcohol… I need to unwind.”

Kana closes her logs and says: “Me too, actually… this is so stressful and I have not had a break in forever, it feels like, perfect attendance… the highest ranking log keeper in the system… and what do I have to show for it?”

Yana says: “That you are the best of course… no one can do your job better than you… I know that is something that you do not want to hear right now, Kana… but it is true, I have no idea what I would do without you in here… But with that said, I take it that you mean that you do not have a family or even a man of your own?”

Kana says: “That is exactly right, lady Yana… I am an untouched, 52 year old maiden.”

Yana says: “Maybe you could train Helga to at least take over some days, then?”

Kana saya: “Thank you lady Yana, that is a great idea, she picks everything up so fast, it is scary… I will do it, then.”

Yana says: “But first, I need her to make various potions, if you do not mind?”

Kana says: “Of course, lady Yana.”

She straightens her glasses and says: “Let us be off, then.”

Ryo says: “Indeed.”

So they swing by the gym and Yana asks if Hime wants to join them and she does, they then leave in the carriage to the guild’s inn when Hime’s done, Yana walks in and while walking to the counter, saying: “Good evening, Guuden… me and my companions need some alcohol.”

She then hands him 2 platinum coins: “Just to save some trips… Is Mari and Sai upstairs?”

Guuden says: “My thanks, Yana… and yes, they are.”

Yana asks: “Hime, could you take Mari, I will take Sai.”

Hime says: “Sure thing, Yana.” She smiles.

So they get Mari and Sai, then head back down, then sit down at the table and they all drink themselves stupidly drunk.