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2024 LCS Penalty Index
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

2024 LCS Penalty Index

This Penalty Index is meant to be a guideline for League discipline and applicable to most violations. Mitigating factors can reduce any monetary penalty by a maximum of 25%. The only mitigating factor currently recognized by the League is self-reporting. Aggravating factors may increase a monetary penalty by a maximum of 25%. The only aggravating factors currently recognized by the League are non-cooperation and deception around an infraction.  The Limitation Period is the look-back period for previous violations of the same category for the purpose of more severe penalties. For particularly egregious conduct, the League reserves the right to review the infraction and enforce penalties in excess of this Penalty Index.

LCS Team Member Penalties


1st Offense

2nd Offense

Additional Offenses

Limitation Period

Explicit, Non-discriminatory Language on Broadcast


$500 Fine

$1,000 Fine

12 Months

Conduct Unbecoming of an LCS Team Member (e.g.  in Game Toxicity, Directing an Obscene Gesture or Phrase on Stage Towards Opponents, Etc).

$5,000 Fine

$10,000 Fine and a 2 Game Suspension

$25,000 Fine and a minimum of a 5 Game Suspension

12 Months

Major Misconduct (e.g. Assaulting an Opponent, Attempt to Bribe a Referee, etc)

$25,000 Fine and a minimum of a 5 Game Suspension

Indefinite Suspension and Potential Expulsion from League

Indefinite Suspension and Potential Expulsion from League

36 Months

Verbal or Physical Harassment of the League Entity or League Officials

$5,000 Fine

$10,000 Fine and a 2 Game Suspension

$25,000 Fine and a minimum of a 5 Game Suspension

12 Months

Account Sharing (A Single Instance, and Not Done For Personal Gain; This is Distinct from Elo Boosting)

$5,000 Fine

$10,000 Fine and a 2 Game Suspension

$25,000 Fine and a minimum of a 5 Game Suspension

12 Months

Unauthorized Participation in Third-Party Events

$5,000 Fine

$10,000 Fine

$25,000 Fine

12 Months

Competition Penalties


1st Offense

2nd Offense

Additional Offenses

Limitation Period

Early Intentional Disconnection


$500 Fine

$1,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Unauthorized Communication During a Pause (During a Single Game)

$1,000 Fine

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Unauthorized Removal of Headset Prior to Completion of Game

$1,000 Fine

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Unauthorized Pause or Resume

$1,000 Fine

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Refusing to Follow Reasonable Instructions of LCS Officials (e.g. To Get Into Game Lobby to Start an LCS Match)

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

$10,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Delay to Game Start within a Best-Of Series

$5,000 Fine and Loss of the second Phase 2 Ban

$10,000 Fine and Loss of Phase 2 Bans

$25,000 Fine and Forfeit

End of Competitive Split

Exploitation of a Bug Despite Having Received Specific Notice From League Officials Beforehand Not To Do So

If Chronobreak is not Necessary Due to the Impact: $7,500 Fine.

If Chronobreak Before Exploit Succeeds: $10,000 Fine and a 2 Game Suspension

If Chronobreak Fails or is Not Available: $10,000Fine, Forfeit, and a 2 Game Suspension

If Chronobreak is not Necessary Due to the Impact: $18,750 Fine and a 1 Game Suspension.

If Chronobreak is Necessary:
$25,000 Fine, Forfeit, and a 5 Game Suspension

Forfeit and Indefinite Suspension

End of Competitive Split

Attempting to tamper with or otherwise obstruct LCS Official decisions

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

$10,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Players Trading Champions After the 20 Second Mark in Champion Select

Champion Swap will be Disallowed and $1,000 Fine

Champion Swap will be Disallowed and $2,500 Fine

Champion Swap will be Disallowed and $5,000 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Administrative Penalties


1st Offense

2nd Offense

Additional Offenses

Limitation Period

Failure to Maintain a Minimum Roster during the Roster Enforcement Period

$10,000 Fine

$25,000 Fine

$50,000 Fine and Potential Expulsion from the League

24 Months

Lying to or Misleading LCS Officials About Eligibility During Entry Screening to Join LCS (e.g. Submitting False Information about residency or age)

$50,000 fine and Forfeiture of Games using an Ineligible Player

$100,000 fine and Forfeiture of Games using an Ineligible Player

$250,000 fine, Forfeiture of Games using an Ineligible Player, and Potential Expulsion from the League

36 Months

Failing to Submit an Eligible Starting Roster by the Declaration Deadline

$1,000 Fine

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

12 Months

Amending an Eligible Starting Roster After the Declaration Deadline (Acceptable only at League Discretion)

$2,500 fine and Loss of the second Phase 2 Ban

$5,000 fine and Loss of the second Phase 2 Ban

$10,000 fine and Loss of Phase 2 Bans

24 Months

Signing a Starter After the Relevant Roster Declaration Deadline (Acceptable only at League Discretion)

$5,000 fine and Loss of the second Phase 2 Ban

$10,000 fine and Loss of Phase 2 Bans

$25,000 fine and Loss of Phase 2 Bans

24 Months

Announcing a Player Has Joined an LCS Roster Before They Have Passed Entry Screening

$2,500 Fine per Instance

$5,000 Fine per Instance

$10,000 Fine per instance

24 Months

Failure to Submit Relevant League Documentation within 72 hours of a Roster Change (e.g. Player Addition or Drop)

$5,000 Fine per Instance

$10,000 Fine per instance

$25,000 Fine per Instance and Potential Expulsion from the League

24 Months

Failure to Submit League Documentation within 72 hours of a Contract Amendment

$2,500 Fine per Instance

$5,000 Fine per instance

$10,000 Fine per Instance

24 Months

Failure to Secure League Consent for a Change Event (e.g. Finalizing an Incoming or Outgoing Investor)

$10,000 Fine per Instance and Potential Expulsion from the League

$25,000 Fine per instance and Potential Expulsion from the League

$50,000 Fine per Instance and Potential Expulsion from the League

36 Months

Failure to Secure League Consent or Provide the League Notice Prior to a Sponsorship Announcement

$5,000 Fine per Instance

$10,000 Fine per instance

$25,000 Fine per Instance

24 Months

Acquiring an Inadmissible Sponsorship

$10,000 Fine per Instance and Immediate Dissolution of Inadmissible Sponsorship

$25,000 Fine per Instance and Immediate Dissolution of Inadmissible Sponsorship

$50,000 Fine per Instance and Immediate Dissolution of Inadmissible Sponsorship

24 Months

Team Operation Penalties


1st Offense

2nd Offense

Additional Offenses

Limitation Period

Team Forfeiting a Game Without Prior Consent from the League

$50,000 Fine

Indefinite Suspension and Potential Expulsion from League

Indefinite Suspension and Potential Expulsion from League

48 Months

Tardiness to Match Venue or Pre-Match Obligations

No Broadcast Delay: $2,500 Per Instance

Broadcast Delayed: $5,000 per instance

Broadcast Delay > 30 Minutes: $10,000 per Instance

No Broadcast Delay: $5,000 Per Instance

Broadcast Delayed: $10,000 per instance

Broadcast Delay > 30 Minutes: Forfeiture, including penalties associated with Forfeiture

No Broadcast Delay: $10,000 Per Instance

Broadcast Delayed: $25,000 per instance

Broadcast Delay > 30 Minutes: Forfeiture, including penalties associated with Forfeiture

12 Months

Failing to Adhere to LCS Uniform Policy

$5,000 Fine per player/Game

$10,000 Fine Per Player/Game

$25,000 Fine Per Player/Game

12 Months

On-Broadcast Commercial Logo Violation (e.g. Putting on a Hat With an Impermissible Logo Immediately Following a Game)

$10,000 Fine

$25,000 Fine

$50,000 Fine

12 Months

Failing to participate in Required Marketing, Promotion, and Press Activities and Post-Match Obligations

$2,500 Fine Per Instance

$5,000 Fine Per Instance

$10,000 Fine Per Instance

12 Months

Violation of Content Policy Restrictions

$1,000 Fine

$2,500 Fine

$5,000 Fine

12 Months

Failure to Have a Coach On-Site Without Permission From the League

$5,000 Fine/Game

$10,000 Fine/Game

$25,000 Fine/Game

12 Months

Studio Interference (Tampering or Destruction of Lights, Cameras, Televisions, Computers or other LCS Studio Equipment)

$5,000 fine in addition to Repair Costs

$10,000 fine in addition to Repair Costs

$25,000 fine in addition to Repair Costs

12 Months

Failure to Remove Personal Effects and Trash from Player Ready Room

$500 Fine

$1,000 Fine

$2,500 Fine

12 Months

Losing Player Credentials and/or Badges

$200 Fine

$200 Fine

$200 Fine

End of Competitive Split

Version 24.2; February 7, 2024