Mr. Hovest’s Social Studies Class        



 (This is the main way of contacting me)

This syllabus is a living document. Methods are subject to change at any time and for any reason.

This document should be kept as a reference.

This classroom is an environment centered on learning and the respect for others.  I reserve the right to initiate a conversation with any student whom fails to uphold and contribute to preserving a positive and safe learning environment for everyone else.  I want you to feel good about this class and school in general; so please communicate to me any concerns.  As you will see my class is as much about you as it is any Social Studies course.


  1. to follow all rules of the Student Code of Conduct as printed in the Student Handbook.
  2. to be in the classroom taking their seats before the bell rings. 2 tardies = Demerit/Detention
  3. to bring all materials to class each day. (Book, computer w/ plug, assignments, writing utensil)
  4. to keep their textbooks covered
  5. to make up tests and quizzes during study hall, lunch, before school, or after school.  Students will have the same number of days to make up assignments as the number of excused absences. NOTE: IF YOUR FIRST DAY OF AN ABSENCE IS A TEST DAY, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO MAKE UP THE TEST THE DAY OF RETURN.  ACCOMMODATIONS MAY BE MET UPON REQUEST.
  6. to use a system of organization to keep track of assignments
  7. to remain in the room and/or at student desks until dismissed by teacher first, or bell second.
  8. to respect all property in the classroom (desk, books, equipment, etc.)
  9. to respect all persons in the classroom  


  1. The nine weeks grade will be determined by adding together points from all graded homework (which may include completed formative assessments, summative assessments and then divided b y the number of points possible to determine an average
  2. Late work policy: everyday an assignment is late your grade will drop 10% each day. No exceptions.
  3. I have a zero tolerance for cheating, if I catch you cheating, a file will be created and the student will be sent to the principal's office. A zero for that assignment will be given.

OTHER:  any situation not covered by the above will be dealt with by conference as needed.

Grading Scale

100 – 98 = A+ 4.0                        83 – 81 = C+ 2.25
97 – 95 = A 4.0                        80 – 77 = C 2.0
94 – 93 = A- 3.75                         76 – 74 = C- 1.75
92 – 90 = B+ 3.25                 73 – 71 = D+ 1.25
89 – 87 = B 3.0                         70 – 68 = D 1.0
86 – 84 = B- 2.75                        67 – 65 = D- .75
                                        64 – 0 = F 0.0


1. Mobile devices must follow the BYOD stoplight. Bring your own device. If the device light is red and a student is on their phone or is on their smart watch they will get a demerit/detention.  

2. School laptops will be used only for research and school purposes. If you are caught on a game or any inappropriate site there will be consequences. (Trust me I’m a gamer, I know when you are gaming). 


A student displaying integrity understands that plagiarism includes the copying of the language, structure, programming, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing off the same as your own original work. Such acts include, but are not limited to…  Having a parent or another person writes an assignment (including the purchase of works on-line) or do a project which is then submitted as one’s own work,  Internet cut-and-paste,  Summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting without proper documentation  Fabrication of a source citation.

Zero will be given for the assignment and a demerit.


There will be time each day to answer questions about homework, the new lesson, or upcoming issues.  If you don’t understand something – ASK!!!  I want to help you with anything that you don’t understand, and questions are one of the best ways to learn. Please feel free to ask for help if you ever have questions.  I am willing to come in before school or stay after school to help you.  

 Classroom website QR code. SCAN!