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AWSP News 5.1.20
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AWSP News 5.1.20

Hello and welcome to another edition of AWSP News.

Thank you for tuning into what we hope continues to provide you with the most current information we have available during this very fluid pandemic.

As you heard this week from our Governor, science and health will continue to drive the conversation about what education looks like now and into the near future. And, with each announcement, AWSP sits poised to provide the best support possible to YOU and the kids you are fighting to support. Hang in there, we know this is tough.

These have truly been unprecedented times. We’d like to give a little shout out to the OSPI team who has been working diligently to make tough, controversial, and courageous leadership decisions in order for our entire system to continue providing a high quality education for each and every child in our state. Make sure you are checking their website for the latest policy and guidance releases.

I’m reminded daily on Twitter of the incredible school leadership stories of connecting with students, staffulty, and your school community. And, the amazing creativity you are all showing as you strive to maintain the two most important foundational blocks of education: Relationships and Hope. Keep it up. You are making a difference, even if you can’t see their smiles in person. Not on Twitter? It’s never too late.

As I said last week, please make sure you are making it a daily habit to check our website for updates, announcements, and resources. This system we call education is evolving almost hourly, so stay connected with us. If you haven’t tuned into our free-flowing Office Hours, there are many to choose from in order to connect with colleagues from around the state AND your AWSP Support Team. Don’t wait. Where do you find that info? Oh, yeah, our website...where you’ll also find incredible make-you-think blogs by our staff.

We know that many of you are holding on to the hope of celebrating in person with your seniors, and we appreciate that hope. However, we strongly encourage you to build contingency plans for virtual celebrations. AWSL is working with state associations from all across the nation for ideas on senior activities and graduation. Check out AWSL resource page at which is updated daily.

Related to high school seniors, AWSP Associate Director, Scott Friedman, in conjunction with regional high school principal reps from around the state have been in constant communication with higher ed partners to make sure whatever decisions made now during a pandemic, don’t have negative impacts on all of our K-12 students pursuing continuing education in the future. One of our partners, the Washington Student Achievement Council, has fantastic resources like their College and Career Compass, as well as great new videos sitting right there for you and your school families on their website. Check ‘em out today.

How are you taking care of YOU during these crazy times? I’m serious. Don’t make me climb into that camera to remind you of how important self-care and work-life balance are right now. More than ever before, this has become a troubling trend of principals being way out of balance as the virtual world takes over. Here is another fantastic resource from our wellness partner, Kaiser Permanente, to help you personally, or to use with your whole staff. It’s called the self-care wheel activity. Reflect on your own level of self-care in each of the six categories, share with a friend or small group, and set goals to improve. Find the guessed it...on our website...under “Informed Principal.”  We’ll send an AWSP Amazon Gift card to the first person to Tweet or email me about how they used this activity with their whole staff.         

A final note from us regarding the 2020 Census. Record a PSA video or post to your social media pages with the following message: "Washington: I need 10 minutes of your time. The census helps Washington get the national resources and representation we need. Today, those needs are crystal clear. Help our state. Be Counted. Complete the census online at or call 844-330-2020. #2020census"

Well, that’s it from all of us here at AWSP. As always, keep up the great work for kids, and remember...your voice matters, so keep connecting with us and with each other. See you next week!