WALHT - use emotive language - Looks like

The BIG idea:

We want our writing to be interesting and exciting to read..

We are focusing on describing words. We are remembering to include:

  • Colour
  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Size
  • To use similes

Remember to:

  • I will re read my sentence to make sure it makes sense.
  • I will think about how I will structure my writing and use my plan

Success Criteria

Self assessment

High-light how you think you went.

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I will find the describing words in my writing.

I will write similes in my writing. 

I will add describing words to describe how I think things look and feel.

Crash I busted my head on the bunk bed ooow man that hurt.

Today's Anara's birthday party Avery Avery wake up. What Is it Olivia? Today is anara’s  birthday party.  today yippee let's get dressed. We hopped in the car and went to Rotorua. We stopped at the petrol station to get food. We went inside it as yummy as Doritos man I love Doritos. Me and Avery bought Kinder surprise eggs original pringles I got ice tea and Avery got an up and go.

The drive was as long as  100 megaladon. I felt good because I wasn’t looking at the phone. Kelly felt a bit sick because she was listening to music but it was Avery that got sick because he kept looking at his toy. It smelled disgusting the sound was as horrible as the look of a goblin shark.    Finally we got to Rotorua I was excited because it was the party as soon as we got there. I met another cousin there too. WE stayed at Uncle Baz’s place. I shared a room with Mum Kelly Verity and Avery but i got my own bed. The next day we went to the park It was sunny and really warm. WE played on the playground. There was a flying fox that was just my size not too high and not too short just perfect for me. There were 3 slides one was silver like my tv the other 2 were green like seaweed. There was a tunnel that was blue like the ocean. Later we went home and watched Little Mermaid 2 and had our own yummy buttery bowls of popcorn. In the morning we went to Anara’s house and leapt and bounced all over the tramp and bouncy castle. It was as fun as swimming. It was a 2 story bouncy castle with a slippery slide.

After a while we went back to Uncle Baz’s to pack up and start the long big drive home to Gisborne.