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 Poe Dameron steps up towards the podium in a circular room aboard Starlight station. Seated around him are several other senators each representing their respective planet.


Poe: Thank you all for coming. We have defeated the Sith Empire but we need to decide what to do now. We can’t afford to all be separate systems, trading would be a mess. Trading would be a nightmare, there would be no source of outside support, who would police the galaxy around us. It would be chaos.

Mina Amidala: What do you propose we do?

Poe: I propose a new Galactic Alliance. One not ruled by fear or force, but one ruled by unity, peace and freedom.

Casanka (A trandoshan): We have heard this all before. All leaders start off with false promises and then as soon as we sign the agreement, they take over everything. I would rather be free than see my people in chains.

Poe: Casanka I promise you that I will act to abolish slavery in the galaxy. I will work to legitimize trading across the mid rim. We will introduce rangers who will police the galaxy making sure that everyone is safe and secure. The top scientists in each system can come together and solve problems in our galaxy. We will work to rebuild every single planet no matter how hard it may be.

Din: As much as I would love to see mandalore restored to its former glory, it’s impossible the planet is decimated, if you make that promise you won’t be able to keep it.

Poe: And what if the scientists could learn how to recreate Mandalore's land. Recreate life?

Teskado Ware (The human representative of Christophis): That’s impossible, Do you know how many people have tried to rebuild Mandalore. Yet it stands a wasteland

Poe: Maybe because no one has ever tried. With the technology that we have today who knows what is possible.

Din: If you can unlock the secrets then Mandalore will sign.

Greef Carga: Now wait just a minute, what about bounty hunters will they just be replaced by your rangers, if so you will face a rebellion from the guild and it won’t end well.

Poe: Bounty hunters are a vital part of the galaxy we will never be able to get rid of and we wouldn’t want to. Our rangers will be led well by Cara Synthia Dune, but we can’t expect them to catch every villain they come across. This is where we need bounty hunters to catch the people we can’t catch.

Embo: There’s just one problem with that plan, most bounty hunters work for crime lords and crime families; you talk about wanting to end slavery and unify the galaxy and to rule not by control or fear but rule with peace and harmony. The crime families and empires won’t agree and they will pay higher than the guild. Most of my brethren don’t have a strong moral code; they will do any job for the right price.

Poe: This is where I bring in Lieutenant Mayfield.

Mayfield: As someone who used to be a bounty hunter for several crime families and other villainous syndicates, I with the help of you and other bounty hunters will convince them to join the guild.

Kazuda Xiono: And what if they are not convinced?

Mayfield: When the crime families are brought down those who remain loyal will have to face the choice, they can live in the guild or they can die with the family. A main job of the rangers will be clearing out the galaxy of villainy and scum. They will make it a safer place for all.

Zori: There’s a chance it could work. But a small one.

Greef Carga: Agreed.

Poe: Are there anymore protests to the Alliance

Mina Amidala: We have lived in fear for so long I think it’s time we unify our strength together and work on building a galaxy that is better for everyone. Naboo is with you.

Soon after she said this all the other planets agreed to join marking the birth of the Galactic Alliance.


Star wars Guardians of the force

Secrets Within us

The Millenium Falcon leaps out of hyperspace near the planet of Tython.

Ben: We’re coming up on Tython.

Rey: Why are we going to Tython?

Aayla: You two need to learn how to fuse before we face the beyond.

Finn: So why Tython, why didn’t we do it on Batuu?

Ben: Batuu was too occupied, we wouldn’t want to damage anyone or anything. Tython is uninhabited and it's the birthplace of the Jedi. If we want to unlock the secrets of the force then the best place to go is Tython.

The ship enters the atmosphere and lands on a clearing near some ruins. They quickly gather their lightsabers and their robes, and make their way up to the ruins. There they create a station filled with water flasks for them to drink if they get exhausted. They put their robes on the floor and each stood at a corner in the ruin.

Ben: To fuse you need to have deep emotional connection with each other.

Aayla: Shouldn't be too hard seeing as you are married.

Finn: So how do we do it?

Ben: After a while it was like our minds were connected. But the first time I don't- ...maybe just try running into each other.

Finn: That’s helpful, but okay I guess we can give it a go.

Rey and Finn turn to face each other then sprint at full pelt towards each other. They end up crashing into each other and collapsing into a heap on the ground.

Aayla: Well that didn’t work.

Rey: What happened for you guys?

Ben: Well it only happened because I saved her life, so maybe it needs to happen in a moment when you are in danger. Once you learn to do it, it becomes like second nature.

Rey: So how are we going to do that?

Aayla: What if we attack you and then you two try to bump into each other.

Finn: I guess.

The four jedi ignite their lightsabers and then sprint at each other. Rey and Finn stand back to back; as Rey deflects Aayla’s quick and deadly attacks and Finn deflects Ben’s aggressive heavy attacks. They quickly push into each other and once again nothing happens. Ben and Aayla quickly retreat leaving an annoyed looking Finn and Rey.

Ben: I think we should have a quick break.

Finn: Good idea.

They split off: with Ben and Aayla going to the station to grab a drink and Rey and Finn standing near the ruins.

Finn: This is so annoying, everyone else can fuse why can’t we.

Rey: Maybe we are just not meant to fuse.

Finn: I refuse to believe that we will find a way.

Rey: Jacen and Zelios could do it almost straight away, why can’t we.

Finn: They share an emotional connection with each other. They have been friends for while now.

Rey: Aren’t we?

Finn: We have a strong connection but they are the descendants of the greatest Jedi to ever live. They have known each other for a while as well. Maybe it just came easy to them cause of their power

Rey: Ben and Aayla managed to do it when they only knew each other for like a couple of months.

Finn: I really don’t know Rey I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, Aayla and Ben were locked in close discussion; they were just as confused as Rey and Finn as to why it didn’t work.

Ben: I don’t understand they have a deep connection, they are both strong in the force I don’t get it.

Aayla: I’m not sure it’s very strange.

Ben: Are we just bad teachers?

Aayla: Hey I think my teaching was good, yours on the other hand…

Ben: What’s that supposed to mean?

Aayla: Oh I don’t know maybe the whole just run at each other plan?

Ben: I didn't see you giving any other ideas

Aayla: Wait I understand it. They were expecting us to attack which is why they couldn’t fuse; they knew it was coming, our first time we didn’t.

Ben: That makes sense, so what do you propose?

Aayla: You see that large rock above them I’m going to throw one of my sabers towards it which will hopefully cause it to fall and then boom! They fuse.

Aayla flung her lightsaber at the rock and used the force to make it ignite in mid air; it slashed the rock and it started to fall. Finn dived at Rey and the two disappeared underneath a cloud of debris.

Ben: Aayla, did you just kill them?

Aayla: I don’t think so… I hope not.

Just then a massive figure rose from the wreckage. It was covered by a hooded robe and it had one double bladed lightsaber. Beneath the robe the fusion was cloaked in a grey suit.

Finn Rey fusion: We did it… We did it!

Ben: Now just hold it together. Let your minds flow through each other.

Aayla: What is that supposed to mean?

Ben shrugs his shoulders.

Ben and Aayla quickly fuse and the fusion ignites its two blue lightsabers. The two fusions lunge at each other and begin in a fury of colorful flashes. With ease the fusion of Ben and Aayla force pushes the other fusion causing it to fall back and separate back into Rey and Finn. They lay on the floor gasping for air, exhausted from the fight. Ben and Aayla quickly unfuse and run over to them.

Aayla: That was a good first attempt guys.

Finn: You could have told us you were going to drop a rock on our heads.

Ben: If you had known then you wouldn’t have been able to fuse, it’s the element of surprise and danger that allows two force users to fuse.

Rey: I’m not sure what happened during the fight. My mind switched to Anna and then I was just on the ground.

Aayla: You need to keep concentration otherwise it will break the fuse.

Ben: Ready to try again?

Just as they were about to fuse the holotransmitter began to beep. Ben went over to it and the hologram of Poe Dameron appeared in front of them.

Poe: I have a job if you guys are up for it. The Alliance has started to spread their aid into the new galaxy providing relief to any planets affected during the cataclysm. We have words of a planet bombarded by constant waves of meteor showers. I could really use your help.

Ben: I can’t. Me and Aayla were going to take a trip back to Mandalore.

Finn: Rey and I will go. We-

Poe: Great we'll pick you right now.

Rey looks up to see a Galactic Alliance shuttle looming overhead. It lands next to the Millennium Falcon. Poe, Jannah, and Zori, and BB-8 all walk out of the ship.

Rey: That was quick.

Poe: I was expecting you would join.

Finn: Jannah what are you doing here?

Jannah: I was reassigned to the Chancellor’s relief team. It’s been an amazing ride so far.

Zori: Hey Ben we're going to need the Falcon if that's fine with you so you can take the shuttle just make sure you bring it back in one piece. I don’t want to write another damage report. Also BB-8 will be going with you.

BB-8: trill dee dee.

Aayla: Don’t worry we’ll take good care of you.

Poe: May the Force be with you.

Aayla: Always.

The scene switches to the Falcon above a desolate planet with several large craters and pockets of lava along its crust. As the ship enters the atmosphere and lands a person in a hood watches from afar.

 Poe: And I thought Mustafar was bad. We have some cleaning up to do here.

Jannah: Maybe we can find a village or something.

Zori: I would say look for fire or chimney smoke of some kind but this entire planet is spewing it.

Lera: We can lead you to them. But only in assurance that you will help this planet and its people.

They turn around to see a woman in a brown cloak.

Poe: Who is she?

Finn: She is a knight of Kyber. We met her a while back.

Poe: This is Poe Dameron of the Galactic Alliance. We are here to help.

Lera: Good. Follow me.

Poe: Zori stay on the ship, if anything happens you can pick us up.

Zori nods. The crew walks for miles until they reach a small village made of multiple stone huts. Several villagers walk out to greet these newcomers.

Poe: Hello there, we are with the Galactic Alliance, we are here to help your people.

An elderly man approached him, he was raring ragged robes and he was shivering.

Quaxon: Please you must help us. Every day the storms grow stronger. More and more villages are destroyed. We are all that’s left.

Poe: It’s going to be okay, we just need to wait a little bit longer. Our freighters are dropping off planetary shields shortly

Quaxon: Will it work? All I ask is that you help protect my people.

Lera: I’ve seen the technology of their galaxy before I know it will work.

Just then a large storm erupts as multiple meteors begin to fall from the sky all around the village.

Lera: Please, take Quaxon and the others to the safe house, Me and the Jedi will defend the village.

Jannah: On it.

Poe: I’ll follow you, I'm no use here.

The two follow the other villagers to a large hole in the ground. A cave.

Rey: What do we do?

Lera: We destroy the asteroids.

Two shards of Kyber form inside Lera’s hands. She shoots the kyber at nearby meteors shattering them into hundreds of pieces. Finn ignites his lightsaber now revealing a double bladed green saber.

Rey: When did you get that?

Finn: Been working on it for a while now.

Finn throws the lightsaber. It spins through the air cutting through several small meteors. Rey then ignites her yellow blade and cuts through several more small meteors.

Finn: Look!

Just then four cr99 corvettes emerge above the planet escorted by several T-wing fighters. The Cr99’s each drop a large object out in space. Each piece begins to form together creating a large disc in the sky.

Lera: There is still one more.

A large asteroid crashes through the atmosphere and begins to fly towards the village. Lera begins to fire shards of Kyber at the meteor but it does not make a dent.

Rey: What do we do?

Finn: We fuse.

Rey: What!

Finn: The anti force is consuming what little force energy we have left. If we can fuse we may be able to combine our power.

Rey: We couldn’t do it before what makes you think we can do it now?

Finn: A feeling.

The meteor was rapidly gaining more speed and almost defeating the force users. Rey and Finn linked hands and there was a flash of white light and there stood the tall robed Jedi warrior. Just before the meteor hits the fusion, it conjures what little force energy they have left pushing the meteor away and blasting it into thousands of pieces.

Rey/Finn fusion: Wooo

A flash of white light appeared again and Rey and Finn slumped to the ground as most of their strength had been sapped from the effort.

Lera: Wow.

Jannah Poe and the villagers gathered around them and began hugging and cheering for they were saved.

Quaxon: Thank you, you have saved the village.

Poe reaches from his belt and gives a device to Quaxon.

Poe: I figured you may need this.

Quaxon presses a red button. He looks into the sky as a large blue shield forms around the object in the sky eventually covering the entire planet.

Quaxon: It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Jannah: The control team will stay here to direct supplies into the system and we will be sending building crews to help rebuild your villages, may the force be with you.

Quaxon and Lera both walk towards the other villagers leaving our crew alone

Poe: Thanks for your help.

Finn: Anytime man.  

Jannah: So what’s your next plan?

Rey: We need to continue our search for the Beyond. It’s just we aren't sure where to find him.

Rey: But all I know is that the end is close. Closer than we thought.

Poe: C’mon let's get back to the ship and go home. I’ll make some Takashi dips for you.

Rey laughs.

Jannah: Have you heard from Ben yet.

Finn: Not yet, if I know Ben and Aayla though, their mission probably didn't go according to plan.

The crew reaches the Falcon as Zori waits outside.

Zori: Took you long enough.

Poe: Had a run in with a couple meteors.

Zori: Yeah I saw.

They walk inside the ship. Poe and Zori take the cockpit.

Poe: Set course for Starlight.

Zori types multiple coordinates into the computer, moments later the computer displays a map through the unknown regions to Starlight Beacon. The Millennium Falcon leaves the atmosphere and jumps into lightspeed.

End of issue one


Written by: 

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

David King (black sun hub)

Edited by:

Jackson Vanzil (Obi Ani memes)

A Sith Squad creation