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Accidents Policy
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Accidents Policy

Summershine Camps operates accident procedures covering all our Camps, retreats and events. To uphold this we will:

- maintain an up-to-date register of the contact details of all children/young people involved in activities relating to Summershine Camps.

- at the time of occurrence, record any accident/incident occurring in an Accident or Incident Book. This book will be held by the Camp Coordinator or the individual managing the event. At Camp, this book will be held by the Camp Coordinators.

- obtain proof from external providers (halls, instructors, transport, etc.) that they have insurance.

Summershine Camps will make first-aid boxes available and keep them regularly re-stocked. These are the responsibilities of Summershine Camps:

- Make the location of First-Aid Boxes and Incident Books known to staff. This is the responsibility of the Camp Coordinator or the event management team.

- advise children and young people of any potential hazards relating to equipment, nature and/or materials.

- camp coordinators will complete a risk assessment of the venue prior to Camp commencing. An initial venue risk assessment will be conducted by Summershine Camps’ Camp Coordinator.