The Huntington Library Collection of the
Maryland State Archives on
Security Microfilm
[Images scanned and accessioned in 2008 as MSA TE 1]
World War II brought home the real threat of German attacks on the East Coast of the United States, just as the attack on December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor brought panic to the West Coast and the deportation inland of the Japanese American population. Shipping all along the East Coast was disrupted by German U Boats, and public officials in Maryland became concerned about the loss of vital historical records at the State Capital, Annapolis. At a meeting in the Governor's office at the State House on December 11, 1941, plans were made to move the records inland to Western Maryland. The fears of loss were not unfounded. U Boats were sighted in the Bay as well as at its mouth. When Harvard University, several decades later, divested itself of duplicate U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey maps of the Chesapeake Bay, offering them to the Maryland State Archives, they turned out to be Charts stamped with swastikas intended for the use of U Boat captains.
Dr. Morris Radoff, in 1941 only three years into his 36 year term as Archivist, was charged with organizing the move. For Annapolis this would not be the first time. St. George Peale, the brother of the noted colonial artist, was given the same assignment in 1777 when the British fleet came up the Bay. Peale actually moved the records only to have his expense account disputed in classic bureaucratic fashion, and Dr. Radoff had second thoughts when he found how much it would cost to move the original records in 1942. Instead, he suggested security microfilm, to which the Governor and the Hall of Records Commission agreed.
Interestingly enough, the concern was greatest, not about current records, but about the oldest historical records of the State, possibly because only six years before the State had built a state of the art archives building christened The Maryland Hall of Records, and had begun moving all the historical records of the State there from local courthouses where the threat of fire and loss was endemic. By 1946, 256 reels of what Dr. Radoff referred to as the most important holdings of the Maryland Hall of Records (now known as the Maryland State Archives) were completed. The War was over, but the needs of scholars and the concern about future disasters remained. The Hall of Records Commission, chaired by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, on the advice of Dr. Radoff, determined that it would be wise to send copies of the microfilm to California (the Huntington Library), Utah (the Mormon Church), and London (The British Library). The Hall of Records kept one copy in Annapolis, and the Library of Congress retained the master negative in Washington. With a significant subsidy from the Library of Congress, headed by Dr. Radoff's friend Luther Evans, the transfer to the Huntington Library and the other repositories was under way by December, 1946, with the Huntington gratefully acknowledging receipt the following January.
In the intervening years, the microfilm copies at Annapolis were largely destroyed by heavy use in destructive microfilm readers. They did serve to help preserve the originals from wear and tear, but their value as a disaster recovery resource was lost. The Library of Congress and the British Library appear to have lost sight of their copies. Undoubtedly the Mormons still have theirs, but they charge a considerable fee for duplicates, as they should, having been one of the earliest organizations to take seriously the business of permanently preserving archival microfilm at their mountain vaults outside Salt Lake City. Fortunately for the Maryland State Archives, the Huntington Library kept their copies safe and uncirculated. When I approached them about permitting us to borrow and scan the film for public use on the web, and as an archival electronic copy for our own disaster recovery program, they agreed.
Beginning December 19, 2008, the original 256 reels of approximately 380,000 images of the Archives of Maryland as it existed in December, 1946, and one reel of film of the transfer correspondence with the Huntington Library, will be on line from the permanent electronic archives vaults of the Maryland State Archives. They represent a new approach to providing archival records on line. They are in ebooks that offer the opportunity for the public to transcribe and annotate the records. They are also a part of larger project to engage incarcerated individuals in the indexing of historical records. Providing index access to historical records is by far the most expensive and labor intensive aspect of archival work for which most archives, including the Maryland State Archives, have virtually no resources.
Access to the Huntington Collection of Maryland State Archives Security Microfilm originates with the Maryland State Archives on-line Guide to Government Records, where records are inventoried as much as possible to the Series Unit level and associated with the agency that created them. In this respect the Maryland State Archives departs from the Record Group concept of the National Archives. We find that it is better management of records to begin with analysis of content in relationship to the purpose for which the records were created in the first place (a 'series') and associate the boxes, folders, cases, project files, etc. as series units with those series, linking them to any changes in the office of origin over time. In this case, TE 1, we created an artificial electronic archival series related to the film we have borrowed from the Huntington Library and returned. It is the permanent home of the images from this film from which the ebooks accessed online are derived.
Apart from reconstructing permanently Dr. Radoff's purpose of creating a slice in time of the most important historical records in his care by 1946, my goal was to demonstrate that with limited resources and a carefully thought out management plan, large quantities of authoritative images of permanent records could be made available for research and transcription/editing, and to provide a model that could be scaled for any size institution at modest to moderate cost. The results of that experiment can be found here in the guide to the contents of the microfilm which follows this introduction.
While Dr. Radoff and Governor O'Conor in making the gift of the microfilm to the Huntington Library characterized the collection as containing all the colonial records of Maryland State Government, they were mistaken. Notably missing from the film are the most basic land records of the State, the warrants, the patents, and the certificates of survey, that relate to original land grants. While these records were in the same building as the the records that were filmed by 1946, Dr. Radoff had no jurisdiction over them and would not until the 1960s. These records will be accessible electronically through the Guide to Government Records beginning December 19, 2008.
Over the years there have also been significant discoveries of colonial era Maryland public records in government offices and other repositories, such as the purloined Peter Force Collection of the Library of Congress, and the Scharf papers now at the Maryland State Archives. In time I hope these too will be added to the available electronic archives for the benefit of future generations, as part of the Maryland State Archives' continuing efforts to provide a modern disaster recovery plan in the virtual world that I hope will never again be overlooked or lost.
Edward C. Papenfuse
State Archivist and Commissioner of Land Patents, Retired
August 4, 2008, revised December 20, 2023
Contents by reel number of the Microfilm online at the Maryland State Archives (as of 2023/12/20):
Date | Legacy Accession No | Description | Links | Note | MSA Citation | |||
| 1676-1710 | 1 | 1. Provincial Court Judgements P.L. No. 3 Vol. 12 1709-1710; 2. Wills and Accounts Liber T.B No. 2 Vol 3 Part 1, 1704-1706 pp. 1-368; 3. Wills and Accounts Liber T.B. No2, Vol. 3, Part II, 1704-1705, pp.369-746; 4. Wills Liber G. Vol. 4, 1682-1688 (transcript begins on p.10); 5. Wills Liber A. Vol. 5, 1676-1677, pp. 1 to 297-298 (last image is p. 994) | Links |
| TE1-1 | ||
| 1676-1718 | 2 | 1. Wills Liber A, Vol. 5, 1676-1677, pp. 297-298 to end. 2. Wills Liber H, Vol. 6, 1688-1700. 3. Wills Liber K, Vol. 7, 1695-1698. 4. Wills Liber W.A. 1670, W.B. 1678 - W.C. 1679, Vols. 8-9-10. 5. Wills Liber W.B. No. 6, Vol. 14, 1714-1718, pp. 1 to 627-628. | Links |
| TE1-2 | ||
| 1714-1730 | 3 | 1. Wills Liber W.B. No. 6, Vol. 14, 1714-1718, pp 627-628 to end. 2. Wills Liber T.B. No. 1, Vol. 15, 1718-1719. 3. Wills Liber A & D, No. 2, Vol. 17, 1721-1722. 4. Wills Liber W.D. No. 1, Vol. 18, 1723-1726. 5. Wills Liber C.C. No. 2, Vol. 19, 1726-1730, pp. 1 to 832-833. NOTE: Wills 16, Liber T. B. No. 5, p. 1-528, 1720-1721, appears to have been missed in the ca. 1946 disaster recovery microfilming. A scan of the volume is in msa_s538_24. P. 7-10 are copies probably made in 1874. There is also a handwritten copy made in 1909. Ten pages of the original used duplicate page numbers and were copied on p. 736-752 of the copy. However, careful cross references are given in red ink and there is no danger of missing any of these pages. | Links |
| TE1-3 | ||
| 1726-1742 | 4 | 1. Wills Liber C.C. No. 2, Vol. 19, 1726-1730, pp. 832-833 to end. 2. Wills Liber C.C. No. 3, Vol. 20, 1730-1734. 3. Wills Liber T & D, Vol. 21, 1734-1738. 4. Wills Liber D.D. No. 1, Vol. 22, 1738-1742, pp. 1 to 112-113. | Links |
| TE1-4 | ||
| 1738-1756 | 5 | 1. Wills Liber D.D. No 1, Vol. 22, 1738-1742, pp. 112-113 to end. 2. Wills Liber D.D. No. 4, Vol. 25, 1746-1748. 3. Wills Liber B. T. No. 1, Vol. 29, 1754-1756. | Links |
| TE1-5 | ||
| 1757-1764 | 6 | 1. Wills Liber B.T. No. 2, Vol. 30, Part I, 1757-1760, pp. 1-466. 2. Wills Liber B.T. No. 2, Vol. 30, Part II, 1757-1760, pp. 467-864. 3. Wills Liber D.D. No. 1, Vol. 31, Part I, 1760-1764, pp. 1-592. | Links |
| TE1-6 | ||
| 1760-1768 | 7 | 1. Wills Liber D.D. No. 1, Vol. 31, Part II, 1760-1764, pp. 593-1132. 2. Wills Liber C.G. No. 1, Vol. 33, 1764-1766. 3. Wills Liber C.G. No. 3, Vol. 35, 1767. 4. Wills Liber W.D. No. 1, Vol. 36, 1767-1768, pp. 1 to 426-427. | Links |
| TE1-7 | ||
| 1767-1773 | 8 | 1. Wills Liber W.D. No. 1, Vol. 36, 1767-1768, pp. 426-427 to end. 2. Wills Liber W.D. No. 2, Vol. 37, 1769-1770. 3. Wills Liber W.D. No. 3, Vol. 38, Part I, 1770-1773, pp. 1-408. | Links |
| TE1-8 | ||
| 1770-1775 | 9 | 1. Wills Liber W.D. No. 3, Vol. 38, Part II, 1770-1773, pp. 409-902. 2. Wills Liber W.D. No. 4, Vol. 39, Part I, 1773-1775, pp. 1-461. 3. Wills Liber W.D. No. 4, Vol. 39, Part II, 1773-1775, pp. 462-901, pp. 1 to 867-868. | Links |
| TE1-9 | ||
| 1773-1777 | 10 | 1. Wills Liber W.D. No.4, Vol. 39, Part II, 1773-1775, pp. 462-901, pp. 650-857 to end. 2. Wills Liber W.F. No. 1, Vol. 40, Part I, pp. 1-358, 1774-1777. 3. Wills Liber W.F. No. 1, Vol. 40, Part II, 1774-1777, pp. 359-743. 4. Wills Liber W.F. No. 2, Vol. 41, 1776-1777. | Links |
| TE1-10 | ||
| 1759-1776 | 11 | 1. Balance Book, Vol. 3, 1759-1763. 2. Balance Book, Vol. 4, 1763-1766. 3. Balance Book, Vol. 5, 1766-1770. 4. Balance Book, Vol. 6, 1770-1774. 5. Balance Book, Vol. 7, 1775-1776. | Links |
| TE1-11 | ||
| 1718-1721 | 12 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 1, 1718. 2. Inventories, Vol. 2, 1719. 3. Inventories, Vol. 4, 1720. 4. Inventories, Vol. 5, 1720-1721. 5. Inventories, Vol. 6, 1721, pp. 1 to 74-75. | Links |
| TE1-12 | ||
| 1721-1724 | 13 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 6, 1721, pp. 76-77 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 7, 1722. 3. Inventories, Vol. 8, 1723. 4. Inventories, Vol. 9, 1723-1724. | Links |
| TE1-13 | ||
| 1724-1727 | 14 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 10, 1724. 2. Inventories, Vol. 11, 1725-1727. | Links |
| TE1-14 | ||
| 1727-1730 | 15 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 12, 1727. 2. Inventories, Vol. 13, 1728-1729. 3. Inventories, Vol. 14, 1729. 4. Inventories, Vol. 15, 1729-1730, pp. 1 to 352-353. | Links |
| TE1-15 | ||
| 1729-1734 | 16 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 15, 1729-1730, pp. 354-355 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 16, 1730-1732. 3. Inventories, Vol. 17, 1732-1734. 4. Inventories, Vol. 18, pp. 1 to 74-75. | Links |
| TE1-16 | ||
| 1734-1736 | 17 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 18, 1734, pp. 76-77 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 19, 1734. 3. Inventories, Vol. 20, 1734-1735. 4. Inventories, Vol. 21, 1735-1736, pp. 1 to 198-199. | Links |
| TE1-17 | ||
| 1735-1738 | 18 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 21, 1735-1736, pp. 200-201 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 22, 1736-1737. 3. Inventories, Vol. 23, 1737-1738, pp. 1 to 449-450. | Links |
| TE1-18 | ||
| 1737-1742 | 19 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 23, 1737-1738, pp. 449-450 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 24, 1739. 3. Inventories, Vol. 25, 1740-1741. 4. Inventories, Vol. 26, 1741-1742, pp. 1 to 78-79. | Links |
| TE1-19 | ||
| 1741-1744 | 20 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 26, 1741-1742, pp. 80-81 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 27, 1742-1743. 3. Inventories, Vol. 28, 1743-1744, pp. 1 to 338-339. | Links |
| TE1-20 | ||
| 1743-1746 | 21 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 28, 1743-1744, pp. 340-341 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 29, 1744. 3. Inventories, Vol. 30, 1744-1745. 4. Inventories, Vol. 31, 1745. 5. Inventories, Vol. 32, 1745-1746, pp. 1 to 271-272. | Links |
| TE1-21 | ||
| 1745-1749 | 22 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 32, 1745-1746, pp. 273-274 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 33, 1746. 3. Inventories, Vol. 34, 1746-1747. 4. Inventories, Vol. 37, 1748-1749. 5. Inventories, Vol. 38, 1749. 6. Inventories, Vol. 40, 1749. | Links |
| TE1-22 | ||
| 1749-1751 | 23 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 41, 1749. 2. Inventories, Vol. 42, 1750. 3. Inventories, Vol. 43, 1750. 4. Inventories, Vol. 45, 1751. | Links |
| TE1-23 | ||
| 1751-1752 | 24 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 46, 1751. 2. Inventories, Vol. 47, 1751. 3. Inventories, Vol. 48, 1751-1752. 4. Inventories, Vol. 49, 1752. 5. Inventories, Vol. 50, 1752, pp. 1 to 72-73. | Links |
| TE1-24 | ||
| 1752-1753 | 25 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 50, 1752, pp. 74-75 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 51, 1752. 3. Inventories, Vol. 52, 1752-1753. 4. Inventories, Vol. 53, 1753. 5. Inventories, Vol. 54, 1753. 6. Inventories, Vol. 55, 1753. | Links |
| TE1-25 | ||
| 1753-1756 | 26 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 56, 1753. 2. Inventories, Vol. 57, 1754. 3. Inventories, Vol. 58, 1754. 4. Inventories, Vol. 59, 1755. 5. Inventories, Vol. 60, 1755-1756. pp. 1 to 144-145. | Links |
| TE1-26 | ||
| 1755-1757 | 27 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 60, 1755-1756, pp. 146-147 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 61, 1756. 3. Inventories, Vol. 62, 1757. | Links |
| TE1-27 | ||
| 1757-1759 | 28 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 63, 1757. 2. Inventories, Vol. 64, 1757-1758. 3. Inventories, Vol. 66, 1759, pp. 1 to 273-274. | Links |
| TE1-28 | ||
| 1759-1760 | 29 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 66, 1759, pp. 275-276 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 67, 1759. 3. Inventories, Vol. 68, 1759. 4. Inventories, Vol. 69, 1759-1760. 5. Inventories, Vol. 70, 1760, pp. 1 to 93-94. | Links |
| TE1-29 | ||
| 1760-1761 | 30 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 70, 1760, pp. 91-92 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 71, 1761. 3. Inventories, Vol. 72, 1760-1761. 4. Inventories, Vol. 73, 1761. 5. Inventories, Vol. 74, 1761. 6. Inventories, Vol. 75, 1761. 7. Inventories, Vol. 76, 1761, pp. 1 to 99-100. | Links |
| TE1-30 | ||
| 1761-1763 | 31 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 76, 1761, pp. 101-102 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 77, 1762. 3. Inventories, Vol. 78, 1762. 4. Inventories, Vol. 79, 1763, pp. 1 to 456-457. | Links |
| TE1-31 | ||
| 1763-1763 | 32 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 79, 1763, pp. 450-451 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 80, 1763. 3. Inventories, Vol. 81, 1763. 4. Inventories, Vol. 82, 1763. | Links |
| TE1-32 | ||
| 1764-1765 | 33 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 83, 1764. 2. Inventories, Vol. 84, 1764. 3. Inventories, Vol. 85, 1764. 4. Inventories, Vol. 86, 1764-1765. 5. Inventories, Vol. 87, 1765, pp. 1 to 164-165. | Links |
| TE1-33 | ||
| 1765-1767 | 34 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 87, 1765, pp. 166-167 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 88, 1765. 3. Inventories, Vol. 89, 1766. 4. Inventories, Vol. 90, 1766. 5. Inventories, Vol. 91, 1767, pp. 1 to 62-63. | Links | Inventories, Vol. 91, 1767, pp. 1 to 62-63 is not found on this reel, and researchers should refer to the original paper in MSA S534-92. | TE1-34 | ||
| 1767-1767 | 35 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 91, 1767, pp. 60-61 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 92, 1767. 3. Inventories, Vol. 93, 1767. | Links |
| TE1-35 | ||
| 1767-1768 | 36 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 94, 1767. 2. Inventories, Vol. 95, 1767-1768. 3. Inventories, Vol. 96, 1768. 4. Inventories, Vol. 97, 1768, pp. 1 to 219-220. | Links |
| TE1-36 | ||
| 1768-1769 | 37 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 97, 1768, pp. 221-222 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 98, 1768-1769. 3. Inventories, Vol. 99, 1768-1769. 4. Inventories, Vol. 100, 1769. 5. Inventories, Vol. 101, 1769. | Links |
| TE1-37 | ||
| 1769-1771 | 38 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 102, 1769. 2. Inventories, Vol. 103, 1770. 3. Inventories, Vol. 104, 1770. 4. Inventories, Vol. 105, 1770-1771. 5. Inventories, Vol. 106, 1771, pp. 1 to 225-226. | Links |
| TE1-38 | ||
| 1771-1772 | 39 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 106, 1771, pp. 225-226 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 107, 1771. 3. Inventories, Vol. 108, 1771. 4. Inventories, Vol. 109, 1772, pp. 1 to 224-225. | Links |
| TE1-39 | ||
| 1771-1773 | 40 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 109, 1772, pp. 226-227 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 110, 1773. 3. Inventories, Vol. 111, 1773. 4. Vol. 112, 1773, pp. 1 to 225-226. | Links |
| TE1-40 | ||
| 1773-1774 | 41 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 112, 1773, pp. 227-228 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 113, 1773. 3. Inventories, Vol. 114, 1773-1774. 4. Inventories, Vol. 115, 1773-1774. | Links |
| TE1-41 | ||
| 1774-1775 | 42 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 116, 1774. 2. Inventories, Vol. 117, 1774. 3. Inventories, Vol. 118, 1774. 4. Inventories, Vol. 119, 1775. | Links | Inventories, Vol. 119, 1775. is not found on this reel, and researchers should refer to the original paper in MSA S534-120. | TE1-42 | ||
| 1775-1775 | 43 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 120, 1775. 2. Inventories, Vol. 121, 1775. 3. Inventories, Vol. 122, 1776. 4. Inventories, Vol. 123, 1775, pp. 1 to 199-200. | Links |
| TE1-43 | ||
| 1775-1776 | 44 | 1. Inventories, Vol. 123, 1775, pp. 201-202 to end. 2. Inventories, Vol. 124, 1776. 3. Inventories, Vol. 125, 1776. 4. Inventories, Vol. 126, 1776. | Links |
| TE1-44 | ||
| 1718-1721 | 45 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 1, 1718. 2. Accounts, Vol. 2, 1719. 3. Accounts, Vol. 3, 1720-1721, (up to pp. 423-424) | Links |
| TE1-45 | ||
| 1720-1725 | 46 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 3, 1720-1721, (pp. 425-426 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 4, 1721-1723. 3. Accounts, Vol. 5, 1722-1724. 4. Accounts, Vol. 6, 1724-1725. | Links |
| TE1-46 | ||
| 1725-1729 | 47 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 7, 1725. 2. Accounts, Vol. 8, 1726-1727. 3. Accounts, Vol. 9, 1728-1729, (up to pp. 250-251.) | Links |
| TE1-47 | ||
| 1728-1733 | 48 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 9, 1728-1729, (pp. 252-253 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 10, 1729-1731. 3. Accounts, Vol. 11, 1731-1733, (up to pp. 414-415.) | Links |
| TE1-48 | ||
| 1731-1735 | 49 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 11, 1731-1733, (pp. 416-417 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 12, 1733-1734. 3. Accounts, Vol. 13, 1735, (up to pp. 289-290.) | Links |
| TE1-49 | ||
| 1735-1739 | 50 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 13, 1735, (pp. 291-292 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 14, 1735-1736. 3. Accounts, Vol. 15, 1736-1737. 4. Accounts, Vol. 16, 1737-1738. 5. Accounts, Vol. 17, (up to pp. 228-229.) | Links |
| TE1-50 | ||
| 1739-1745 | 51 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 17, 1739, (pp. 230-231 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 18, 1740-1742. 3. Accounts, Vol. 19, 1742-1743. 4. Accounts, Vol. 20, 1743-1744. 5. Accounts, Vol. 21, 1744-1745, (up to pp. 160-161.) | Links |
| TE1-51 | ||
| 1744-1750 | 52 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 21, 1744-1745. (pp. 162-163 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 22, 1745. 3. Accounts, Vol. 23, 1746-1747. 4. Accounts, Vol. 24, 1747-1748. 5. Accounts, Vol. 25, 1748. 6. Accounts, Vol. 26, 1748-1749. 7. Accounts, Vol. 27, 1749-1750. (up to pp. 238-239.) | Links | Accounts, Vol. 27, 1749-1750. (up to pp. 238-239.) is not found on this reel, and researchers should refer to the original paper in MSA S531-27. | TE1-52 | ||
| 1749-1752 | 53 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 27, 1749-1750 (pp. 240-241 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 28, 1750. 3. Accounts, Vol. 29, 1750. 4. Accounts, Vol. 30, 1750-1751. 5. Accounts, Vol. 31, 1751. 6. Accounts, Vol. 32, 1751-1752. 7. Accounts, Vol. 33, 1752. (up to pp. 98-99.) | Links | Accounts, Vol. 33, 1752. (up to pp. 98-99.) is not found on this reel, and researchers should refer to the original paper in MSA S531-33. | TE1-53 | ||
| 1752-1755 | 54 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 33, 1752 (pp. 100-101 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 34, 1753. 3. Accounts, Vol. 35, 1753. 4. Accounts, Vol. 36, 1754. 5. Accounts, Vol. 37, 1755. 6. Accounts, Vol. 38, 1755, (up to pp. 287-288.) | Links |
| TE1-54 | ||
| 1755-1760 | 55 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 38, 1755, (pp. 289-290 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 39, 1756. 3. Accounts, Vol. 40, 1756. 4. Accounts, Vol. 41, 1757-1758. 5. Accounts, Vol. 42, 1758. 6. Accounts, Vol. 43, 1759. 7. Accounts, Vol. 44, 1759-1760, (up to pp. 68-69.) | Links |
| TE1-55 | ||
| 1759-1763 | 56 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 44, 1759-1760, (pp. 70-71 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 45, 1760. 3. Accounts, Vol. 46, 1761. 4. Accounts, Vol. 47, 1761. 5. Accounts, Vol. 48, 1762-1763. 6. Accounts, Vol. 49, 1763 (up to pp. 335-336.) | Links |
| TE1-56 | ||
| 1763-1766 | 57 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 49, 1763 (pp. 332-333 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 50, 1764. 3. Accounts, Vol. 51, 1764. 4. Accounts, Vol. 52, 1764-1765. 5. Accounts, Vol. 53, 1765. 6. Accounts, Vol. 54, 1765-1766. (up to pp. 234-235.) | Links |
| TE1-57 | ||
| 1765-1768 | 58 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 54, 1765-1766. (pp. 236-237.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 55, 1766. 3. Accounts, Vol. 56, 1767. 4. Accounts, Vol. 57, 1767. 5. Accounts, Vol. 58, 1768 (up to pp. 390-391.) | Links |
| TE1-58 | ||
| 1768-1770 | 59 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 58, 1768 (pp. 392-393.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 59, 1768. 3. Accounts, Vol. 60, 1768-1769. 4. Accounts, Vol. 61, 1769. 5. Accounts, Vol. 62, 1769-1770. (up to pp. 148-149.) | Links |
| TE1-59 | ||
| 1769-1773 | 60 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 62, 1769-1770 (pp. 148-149 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 63, 1770. 3. Accounts, Vol. 64, 1770. 4. Accounts, Vol. 65, 1770-1771. 5. Accounts, Vol. 66, 1771-1772. 6. Accounts, Vol. 67, 1772-1773, (up to pp. 126-127.) | Links |
| TE1-60 | ||
| 1772-1774 | 61 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 67, 1772-1773 (pp. 126-127 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 68, 1773. 3. Accounts, Vol. 69, 1773. 4. Accounts, Vol. 70, 1774. 5. Accounts, Vol. 71, 1774, (up to pp. 294-295.) | Links |
| TE1-61 | ||
| 1674-1777 | 62 | 1. Accounts, Vol. 71, 1774 (pp. 294-295 to end.) 2. Accounts, Vol. 72, 1775. 3. Accounts, Vol. 73, 1774-1775. 4. Accounts, Vol. 74, 1777. 5. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 1, 1674-1705 (up to pp. 679-680.) | Links |
| TE1-62 | ||
| 1674-1679 | 63 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 1, 1674-1705 (pp. 679-680 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 2, 1676. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 3, 1676-1677. 4. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 4, 1677. 5. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 5, 1678. 6. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 6, 1679. (up to pp. 437-438.) | Links |
| TE1-63 | ||
| 1679-1688 | 64 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 6, 1679, (pp. 439-440 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 7, 1680-1682. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 8, 1682-1685. 4. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 9, 1686-1668, (up to pp. 456-457.) | Links |
| TE1-64 | ||
| 1686-1700 | 65 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 9, 1686-1688 (pp. 458-459 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 10, 1688-1692. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 11, 1690-92, 1700. 4. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 12, 1693-1694. 5. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 13, 1694-1696. 6. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 14, 1696-1697. 7. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 15, 1697-1698, (up to pp. 198-199.) | Links |
| TE1-65 | ||
| 1697-1702 | 66 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 15, 1697-1698, (pp. 198-199 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 16, 1698. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 17, 1698. 4. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 18, 1698-1699. 5. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 19, 1699. 6. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 19 1/2, 1699-1700. 7. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 20, 1700-1701. 8. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 21, 1701-1702 (up to pp. 229-230.) | Links |
| TE1-66 | ||
| 1701-1707 | 67 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 21, 1701-1702 (pp. 231-232 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 22, 1702-1703. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 23, 1703. 4. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 24, 1703-1704. 5. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 25, 1705-1706. 6. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 26, 1706-1707 (up to pp. 189-190.) | Links |
| TE1-67 | ||
| 1706-1710 | 68 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 26, 1706-1707 (pp. 191-192 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 27, 1707. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 28, 1708. 4. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 29, 1708-1709. 5. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 30, 1709-1710 (up to pp. 144-145.) | Links |
| TE1-68 | ||
| 1709-1711 | 69 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 30, 1709-1710. (pp. 144-145 to end.) 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 31, 1709-1710. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 32, 1710-1711. | Links |
| TE1-69 | ||
| 1711-1714 | 70 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 33, 1711-1712. 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 34, 1712-1713. 3. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 35, 1713-1714. | Links |
| TE1-70 | ||
| 1714-1717 | 71 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 36, 1714-1715. 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 37, 1716-1717. | Links |
| TE1-71 | ||
| 1716-1718 | 72 | 1. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 38, 1716-1717. 2. Inventories & Accounts, Vol. 39, 1717-1718. | Links |
| TE1-72 | ||
| 1657-1673 | 73 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 1, 1657-1666. 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 2, 1666-1668. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 3, 1668-1669. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 4, 1670-1678. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 5, 1670-1673, (up to page 487-488.) | Links |
| TE1-73 | ||
| 1670-1675 | 74 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 5, 1670-1673, (pages 487-488 to end.) 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 6, 1673-1675. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 7, 1675. | Links |
| TE1-74 | ||
| 1676-1679 | 75 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 8, 1676. 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 9, 1677. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 10, 1678. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 11, 1679, (up to pp. 243-244.) | Links |
| TE1-75 | ||
| 1679-1697 | 76 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 11, 1679, (pp. 245-246 to end.) 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 12, 1680-1682. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 13, 1682-1687. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 14, 1687-1692. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 15, 1692-1694. 6. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 16, 1689-1697. | Links |
| TE1-76 | ||
| 1697-1711 | 77 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 17, 1697-1699. 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 18, 1697-1701. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 19, 1701-1707. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 20, 1703. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 21, 1708-1711. | Links |
| TE1-77 | ||
| 1711-1723 | 78 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 22, 1711-1715. 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 23, 1715-1717. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 24, 1719-1721. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 25, 1721-1722. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 26, 1722-1723, (up to pp. 46-47.) | Links |
| TE1-78 | ||
| 1722-1738 | 79 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 26, 1722-1723, (pp. 48-49 to end.) 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 27, 1724-1727. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 28, 1727-1730. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 29, 1730-1734. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 30, 1734-1738. | Links |
| TE1-79 | ||
| 1739-1753 | 80 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 31, 1739-1746. 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 32, 1746-1749. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 33, Part I, 1749-1750, Part II, 1752-1753. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 34, 1750-1751. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 35, 1751-1752, (up to pp. 176-177.) | Links |
| TE1-80 | ||
| 1751-1763 | 81 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 35, 1751-1752, (pp. 178-179 to end.) 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 36, 1753-1757. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 37, 1758-1760. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 38, 1760-1762. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 39, 1762-1763. | Links |
| TE1-81 | ||
| 1763-1772 | 82 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 40, 1763-1764. 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 41, 1764-1766. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 42, 1766-1768. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 43, 1768-1770. 5. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 44, 1771-1772, (up to pp. 226-227.) | Links |
| TE1-82 | ||
| 1679-1777 | 83 | 1. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 44, 1771-1772, (pp. 226-227 to end.) 2. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 45, 1772-1774. 3. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 46, 1774-1775. 4. Testamentary Proceedings, Vol. 47, 1775-1777. 5. Provincial Court Judgments, Liber W.C. Vol. I, Part I, 1679-1684. 6. Provincial Court Judgments, Liber W.C. Vol. I, Part II, 1679-1684, (up to pp. 734-735.) | Links |
| TE1-83 | ||
| 1679-1702 | 84 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, Liber W.C. Vol. 1, Part II, 1679-1684, (pp. 736-737 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, Liber T.G. Vol. 2, 1682-1702. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, Liber D.S. No. A, Vol. 3, 1684-1687. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1692-1693, Liber D.S, No. C, Vol. 4. Inquisitions in Court of Chauncery, 1683-1685. 5. Provincial Court Judgments, 1688-1689, Liber S.S, Vol. 3-a. | Links |
| TE1-84 | ||
| 1694-1702 | 85 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1694-1696, Liber T.L. No. 1, Vol. 5-a. 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1694-1696, Liber T.L. No. 1, Vol. 5-b. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1698, Liber I.L, Vol. 7. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1699-1701, Liber W.T. No. 3, Vol. 7-a. 5. Provincial Court Judgments, 1702, Liber W.T, No. 4, Vol. 7-b, (up to pp. 275-276.) | Links |
| TE1-85 | ||
| 1702-1709 | 86 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1702, Liber W.T, No. 4, Vol. 7-b. (pp. 275-276 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1703-1705, Liber T.L, No. 3, Vol. 8. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1705-1706, Liber T.B, No. 2, Vol. 9. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1706-1707, Liber P.L, No. 1, Vol. 10. 5. Provincial Court Judgments, 1707-1709, Liber P.L, No. 2, Vol. 11, (up to pp. 491-492.) | Links |
| TE1-86 | ||
| 1707-1717 | 87 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1707-1709, Liber P.L., No. 2, Vol. 11, (pp. 491-492 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1711-1712, Liber T.P., No. 2, Vol. 13. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1713-1716, Liber V.D., No. 1, Vol. 15. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1716-1717, Liber V.D., No. 2, Vol. 16. (up to pp. 147-148.) | Links |
| TE1-87 | ||
| 1716-1722 | 88 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1716-1717, Liber V.D., No. 2, Vol. 16, (pp. 149-150 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1717-1718, Liber V.D., No. 3, Vol. 17 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1718-1719, Liber P.L., No. 4, Vol. 18. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1719-1722, Liber W.G., No. 1, Vol. 19, (up to pp. 254-255.) | Links |
| TE1-88 | ||
| 1719-1726 | 89 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1719-1722, Liber W.G., No. 1, Vol. 19, (pp. 254-255 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1722-1724, Liber P.L., No. 7, Vol. 20. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1724-1726, Liber W.G., No. 2, Vol. 21, (up to pp. 70-71.) | Links |
| TE1-89 | ||
| 1724-1731 | 90 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1724-1726, Liber W.G., No. 2, Vol. 21, (pp. 72-73 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1727-1728, Liber R.B., No. 1, Vol. 22. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1729-1731, Liber R.B., No. 2, Vol. 23, (up to pp. 248-249.) | Links |
| TE1-90 | ||
| 1729-1731 | 91 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1729-1731, Liber R.B., No. 2, Vol. 23, (pp. 250-251 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1731-1732, Liber R.B., No. 3, Vol. 24. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1732-1733, Liber W.G., No. 3, Vol. 25. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1734-1735, Liber E.I., No. 1, Vol. 26. 5. Provincial Court Judgments, 1735-1737, Liber E.I., No. 2, Vol. 27, (up to pp. 356-357.) | Links |
| TE1-91 | ||
| 1735-1741 | 92 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1735-1737, Liber E.I., No. 2, Vol. 27, (pp. 356-357 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1737-1738, Liber E.I., No. 4, Vol. 28. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1738-1739, Liber E.I., No. 5, Vol. 29. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1739-1741, Liber E.I., No. 6, Vol. 30, (up to pp. 444-445.) | Links |
| TE1-92 | ||
| 1739-1748 | 93 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1739-1741, Liber E.I., No. 6, Vol. 30, (pp. 444-445 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1742-1744, Liber E.I., No. 7, Vol. 30-a. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1744-1748, Liber E.I., No. 9, Vol. 31. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1745-1748, "Liber E.I., No. 10, Vol. 1", Vol. 32, (up to pp. 576-577.) | Links |
| TE1-93 | ||
| 1745-1749 | 94 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1745-1748, "Liber E.I., No. 10, Vol. 1", Vol. 32, (pp. 578-579 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1745-1748, "Liber E.I., No. 10, Vol. 2", Vol. 33. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1748-1749, Liber E.I., No. 11, Vol. 34, (up to pp. 322-323.) | Links |
| TE1-94 | ||
| 1748-1753 | 95 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1748-1749, Liber E.I., No. 11, Vol. 34, (pp. 324-325 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1750-1751, Liber E.I., No. 13, Vol. 36. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1751-1753, Liber E.I., No. 14, Vol. 37, (up to pp. 90-91.) | Links |
| TE1-95 | ||
| 1751-1754 | 96 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1751-1753, Liber E.I., No. 14, Vol. 37, (pp. 92-93 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1753-1754, Liber E.I., No. 15, Vol. 38, (up to pp. 592-593.) | Links |
| TE1-96 | ||
| 1753-1757 | 97 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1753-1754, Liber E.I., No. 15, Vol. 38, (pp. 394-395 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1755, Liber G.S., No. 1, Vol. 39. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1756, Liber B.T., No. 1, Vol. 40. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1756, Liber B.T., No. 2, Vol. 41. 5. Provincial Court Judgments, 1757, Liber B.T., No. 2, Vol. 42, (up to pp. 48-49.) | Links |
| TE1-97 | ||
| 1757-1760 | 98 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1757, Liber B.T., No. 2, Vol. 42, (pp. 50-51 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1757-1759, Liber B.T., No. 3, Vol. 43. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1759-1760, Liber B.T., No. 5, Vol. 44. (up to pp. 454-455.) | Links |
| TE1-98 | ||
| 1759-1762 | 99 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1759-1760, Liber B.T., No. 5, Vol. 44, (pp. 456-457 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1760-1761, Liber D.D., No. 1, Vol. 45. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1761-1762, Liber D.D., No. 2, Vol. 46, (up to pp. 290-291.) | Links |
| TE1-99 | ||
| 1761-1764 | 100 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1761-1762, Liber D.D., No. 2, Vol. 46 (pp. 292-293 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1762-1763, Liber D.D., No. 3, Vol. 47. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1763, Liber D.D., No. 4, Vol. 48. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1762-1764, Liber D.D., No. 5, Vol. 49, (up to pp. 43-44.) | Links | Provincial Court Judgments, 1762-1764, Liber D.D., No. 5, Vol. 49, (up to pp. 43-44.) is not found on this reel, and researchers should refer to the original paper in MSA S551-67. | TE1-100 | ||
| 1762-1765 | 101 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1762-1764, Liber D.D., No. 5, Vol. 49, (pp. 45-46 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1764, Liber D.D., No. 6, Vol. 50. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1764-1765, Liber D.D., No. 7, Vol. 51, (up to pp. 439-440.) | Links |
| TE1-101 | ||
| 1764-1765 | 102 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1764-1765, Liber D.D., No. 7, Vol. 51, (pp. 441-442 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1765, Liber D.D., No. 8, Vol. 52. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1765, Liber D.D., No. 9, Vol. 53. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1765-1766, Liber D.D., No. 10, Vol. 54, (up to pp. 410-411.) | Links |
| TE1-102 | ||
| 1765-1767 | 103 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1765-1766, Liber D.D., No. 10, Vol. 54, (pp. 412-413 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1766, Liber D.D., No. 11, Vol. 55. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1767, Liber D.D., No. 12, Vol. 56, (up to pp. 576-577.) | Links |
| TE1-103 | ||
| 1767-1768 | 104 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1767, Liber D.D., No. 12, Vol. 56, (pp. 576-577 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1767-1768, Liber D.D., No. 13, Vol. 57. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1768, Liber D.D., No. 14, Vol. 58. | Links |
| TE1-104 | ||
| 1768-1770 | 105 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1768-1769, Liber D.D., No. 15, Vol. 59. 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1769-1770, Liber D.D., No. 16, Vol. 60. | Links |
| TE1-105 | ||
| 1770-1772 | 106 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1770-1771, Liber D.D., No. 17, Vol. 61, Part I. 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1771, Liber D.D., No. 17, Vol. 61, Part II 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1771-1772, Liber D.D., No. 18, Vol. 62, (up to pp. 676-677.) | Links |
| TE1-106 | ||
| 1712-1776 | 107 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1771-1772, Liber D.D., No. 18, Vol. 62, (pp. 678-679 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1712-1713, Liber I.O., No. 1, Vol. 14. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, 1773-1774, Liber D.D., No. 19, Vol. 63. 4. Provincial Court Judgments, 1774-1776, Liber D.D., No. 20, Vol. 63-a, (up to pp.240-241.) | Links |
| TE1-107 | ||
| 1659-1778 | 108 | 1. Provincial Court Judgments, 1774-1776, Liber D.D., No. 20, Vol. 63-a, (pp. 242-243 to end.) 2. Provincial Court Judgments, 1775-1778, Liber D.D., No. 21, Vol. 64. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber R.M., No. H.S., Vol. I, 1659-1725. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber R.M., No. H.S., Vol. II, 1659-1725, (up to p. 404.) | Links |
| TE1-108 | ||
| 1659-1737 | 109 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber R.N. No. H.S., Vol. II, 1659-1725, (p. 400 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber R.M. No. H.S., Vol. III, 1659-1725. 3. Provincial Court Judgments, Liber H.W. No. 3, 1697. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.R. No. P.P., 1663-1705. 5. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. I.K., 1665-1737, (up to pp. 408-409.) | Links |
| TE1-109 | ||
| 1665-1717 | 110 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S., No. I.K., 1665-1737, (pp. 410-411 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber G. No. J., 1672-1675. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. R. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.R. No. A.M., 1681-1706. 5. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber H.W. No. 2, 1700-1704. 6. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. A, 1709-1717, (up to pp. 286-287.) | Links |
| TE1-110 | ||
| 1709-1729 | 111 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. A, 1709-1717, (pp. 288-289 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. D.S., 1717-1721. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. G, 1721-1724. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. H., 1724-1726. 5. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. I., 1727-1729. (up to p. 60-61.) | Links |
| TE1-111 | ||
| 1727-1740 | 112 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. I, 1727-1729, (pp. 62-63 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. K, 1727-1731. 3. Baltimore County Land Commissions, Liber H.W.S. No. 3, 1727-1737. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber I.S. No. L. 1730-1734. 5. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber H.W.S. No. M. 1730-1736. 6. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber H.W.S. No. I.A. 1737-1740, (up to pp. 112-113.) | Links |
| TE1-112 | ||
| 1737-1745 | 113 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber H.W.S. No. I.A. 1737-1740, (pp. 114-115 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber H.W.S. and B.B. No. 4, 1737-1762. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.B. No. A, 1741-1742. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.B. No. C, 1742-1745. (up to pp. 484-485.) | Links |
| TE1-113 | ||
| 1742-1747 | 114 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.B. No. C., 1742-1745, (pp. 486-487 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.B. No. D. 1744-1745. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.B. No. E, 1745-1747. | Links |
| TE1-114 | ||
| 1748-1757 | 115 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. C, 1748-1750. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. D, 1750-1753. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber T.R. No. E, 1750-1757. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B.B. No. I, 1755-1757. (up to pp. 44-45.) | Links |
| TE1-115 | ||
| 1755-1761 | 116 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B.B. No. I, 1755-1757, (pp. 46-47 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. G, 1757-1759. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. H, 1759-1761, (up to pp. 196-197.) | Links |
| TE1-116 | ||
| 1759-1763 | 117 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. H, 1759-1761, (pp. 198-199 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. I., 1761-1762. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. K, 1762-1763, (up to pp. 483-484.) | Links |
| TE1-117 | ||
| 1762-1764 | 118 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. K, 1762-1763, (pp. 485-486 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. G, 1763-1773. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. L, 1763. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. M, 1763-1764. 5. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. N, 1764, (up to pp. 419-420.) | Links |
| TE1-118 | ||
| 1764-1768 | 119 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. N., 1764, (pp. 421-422 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. O, 1764-1765. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. P, 1765-1767. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. Q, 1767-1768. (up to pp. 550-551.) | Links |
| TE1-119 | ||
| 1757-1771 | 120 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber B. No. Q, 1767-1768, (pp. 552-553 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. A, 1768-1770. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. B, 1770-1771. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. C, 1771. (up to pp. 423-424.) | Links |
| TE1-120 | ||
| 1771-1773 | 121 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. C, 1771, (pp. 425-426 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. D, 1771-1772. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. E, 1772. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. F, 1772-1773. 5. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. G, 1773, (up to pp. 53-54.) | Links |
| TE1-121 | ||
| 1773-1774 | 122 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. G. 1773, (pp. 55-56 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. H. 1773-1774. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. I. 1774, (up to pp. 367-368.) | Links |
| TE1-122 | ||
| 1774-1775 | 123 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. I. 1774, (pp. 367-368 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. K. 1774. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. L. 1774-1775. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. M. 1775, (up to pp. 131-132.) | Links |
| TE1-123 | ||
| 1775-1777 | 124 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. M. 1775, (pp. 133-134 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. N. 1775. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber A.L. No. O. 1776-1777. | Links |
| TE1-124 | ||
| 1777-1779 | 125 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. A. 1777-1778. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. B. 1778. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. C. 1778-1779, (up to pp. 476-477.) | Links |
| TE1-125 | ||
| 1778-1780 | 126 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. C. 1778-1779, (pp. 478-479 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. D. 1779-1780. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. E. 1780. | Links |
| TE1-126 | ||
| 1780-1782 | 127 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. F. 1780-1781. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. G. 1781-1782. 3. Baltimore County Deeds. Liber W.G. No. H. 1782. | Links |
| TE1-127 | ||
| 1782-1783 | 128 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. I. 1782. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. K. 1782. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. L. 1783, (up to pp. 444-445.) | Links |
| TE1-128 | ||
| 1783-1783 | 129 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. L. 1783, (pp. 444-445 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. M. 1782-1783. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. N. 1783. 4. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No O. 1783. (up to pp. 130-131.) | Links |
| TE1-129 | ||
| 1783-1784 | 130 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. O. 1783, (pp. 130-131 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. P. 1783. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. Q. 1783-1784. | Links |
| TE1-130 | ||
| 1783-1784 | 131 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. R. 1783-1784. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. S. 1784, ( up to pp. 624-624.) | Links |
| TE1-131 | ||
| 1784-1785 | 132 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. S. 1784, (pp. 624-625 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. T. 1784. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. U. 1784-1785, (up to pp. 546-547.) | Links |
| TE1-132 | ||
| 1784-1785 | 133 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. U. 1784-1785, (pp. 546-547 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. V. 1784-1785. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. W. 1785, (up to pp. 434-435.) | Links |
| TE1-133 | ||
| 1785-1786 | 134 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. W. 1785, (pp. 436-437 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. X. 1785. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No Y. 1785-1786, (up to pp. 566-567.) | Links |
| TE1-134 | ||
| 1785-1787 | 135 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. Y. 1785-1786 (pp. 566-567 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. Z. 1786-1787. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. A.A. 1787, (up to pp. 536-537.) | Links |
| TE1-135 | ||
| 1787-1789 | 136 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. A.A. 1787, (pp. 538-539 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. B.B. 1788. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. C.C. 1788-1789 (up to pp. 466-467.) (End of Fiscal year 1942.) | Links |
| TE1-136 | ||
| 1788-1790 | 137 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. C.C. 1788-1789, (pp. 466-467 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. D.D. 1789-1790. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. E.E. 1790, (up to pp. 420-421.) | Links |
| TE1-137 | ||
| 1790-1791 | 138 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. E.E. 1790, (pp. 422-423 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. F.F. 1790-1791. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. G.G. 1791, (up to pp. 330.) | Links |
| TE1-138 | ||
| 1791-1792 | 139 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. G.G. 1791, (pp. 331 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. H.H. 1791-1792. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G. No. I.I. 1792, (up to pp. 528-529.) | Links |
| TE1-139 | ||
| 1792-1793 | 140 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. I.I., 1792 (pp. 530-531 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. K.K., 1792-1793 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. L.L., 1793. | Links |
| TE1-140 | ||
| 1793-1794 | 141 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. M.M., 1793-1794. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. N.N., 1794. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. O.O., 1794 (up to pp. 150-151.) | Links |
| TE1-141 | ||
| 1794-1795 | 142 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. O.O., 1794 (pp. 152-153 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. P.P., 1794. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. Q.Q., 1795 (up to pp. 298-299.) | Links |
| TE1-142 | ||
| 1795-1795 | 143 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. Q.Q., 1795 (pp. 300-301 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. R.R., 1795. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. S.S., 1795 (up to pp. 428-429.) | Links |
| TE1-143 | ||
| 1795-1796 | 144 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. S.S., 1795 (pp. 430-431 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. T.T., 1795. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. U.U., 1795-1796 (up to pp. 580-581.) | Links |
| TE1-144 | ||
| 1795-1796 | 145 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. U.U., 1795-1796 (up to pp. 582-583.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. V.V., 1795-1796. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. W.W., 1796. | Links |
| TE1-145 | ||
| 1796-1797 | 146 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. X.X., 1796. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. Y.Y., 1796-1797 (up to pp. 638-639.) | Links |
| TE1-146 | ||
| 1796-1797 | 147 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. Y.Y., 1796-1797 (pp. 640-641 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. Z.Z., 1797. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No.51., 1797, (up to pp. 524-525.) | Links |
| TE1-147 | ||
| 1797-1798 | 148 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No.51., 1797 (pp. 526-527 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 52., 1797. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No.53., 1797-1798 (up to pp. 110-111.) | Links |
| TE1-148 | ||
| 1797-1798 | 149 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 53., 1797-1798 (pp. 110-111 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 54., 1798. | Links |
| TE1-149 | ||
| 1798-1798 | 150 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 55., 1798. 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 56., 1798 (up to pp. 648-649.) | Links |
| TE1-150 | ||
| 1798-1799 | 151 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 56, 1798 (pp. 650-651 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 57, 1798-1799. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 58, 1799 (up to pp. 550-551.) | Links |
| TE1-151 | ||
| 1799-1800 | 152 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 58, 1799 (pp. 552-553 to end.) 2. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 59, 1799. 3. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 60, 1799-1800 (up to pp. 520-521.) | Links |
| TE1-152 | ||
| 1799-1800 | 153 | 1. Baltimore County Deeds, Liber W.G., No. 60, 1799-1800 (pp. 522-523 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.H., No. 1, 1666-1705. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber J.H., No. 2, 1679-1706. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.H., No. 3, 1665. 5. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber W.H., No. 4, 1709. 6. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.T., No. 5, 1675-1752 (up to pp. 88-89.) | Links |
| TE1-153 | ||
| 1675-1712 | 154 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.T., No. 5, 1675-1752 (pp. 90-91 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber W.T., No. 1, 1699-1702. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber W.T., No. 2, 1702-1708. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber P.K., 1708-1712, (up to pp. 284-285.) | Links |
| TE1-154 | ||
| 1708-1712 | 155 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber P.K, 1708-1712 (pp. 286-287 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., No. 2, 1712-1718. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber C.W., No. 1, 1719-1722. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.C.W., No. 2, 1722-1724 (up to pp. 94-95.) | Links |
| TE1-155 | ||
| 1722-1733 | 156 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.C.W., No. 2, 1722-1724 (pp. 96-97 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber S.Y., No. 1, 1724-1728. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.D., No. 1, 1728-1729. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber T.I., No. 1, 1729-1730. 5. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.H.T/I., No. 1, 1730-1733, (pp. 289-290 to end.) | Links |
| TE1-156 | ||
| 1730-1744 | 157 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.H.T.I., No. 1, 1730-1733, (pp. 291-292 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.D., No. 2, 1733-1737. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.D., No. 3, 1737-1739. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.B, No. 1, 1740-1744, (up to pp. 250-251.) | Links |
| TE1-157 | ||
| 1740-1754 | 158 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.B., No. 1, 1740-1744, (pp. 250-251 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.B., No. 2, 1744-1747. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.B., No. 3, 1747-1754, (up to pp. 658-659.) | Links |
| TE1-158 | ||
| 1747-1768 | 159 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber R.B., No. 3, 1747-1754, (pp. 660-661 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber B.B., No. 1, 1754-1757. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber B.B., No. 2, 1757-1763. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber B.B., No. 3, 1763-1768 (up to pp. 194-195.) | Links |
| TE1-159 | ||
| 1763-1771 | 160 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber B.B., No. 3, 1763-1768, (pp. 184-185 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., and J.B., No. 1, 1768-1770. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., and J.B., No. 2, 1770-1771, (up to pp. 275.) | Links |
| TE1-160 | ||
| 1770-1778 | 161 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., and J.B., No. 2, 1770-1771, (pp. 276 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., No. 3, 1770-1773. 3. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., No. 4, 1773-1774. 4. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., No. 5, 1774-1778 (up to pp. 282-283.) | Links |
| TE1-161 | ||
| 1774-1797 | 162 | 1. Anne Arundel County Deeds, Liber I.B., No. 5, 1774-1778 (pp. 284-285 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber E.V., No. 1, Vol. 33, 1777-1779. 3. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber T.G., No. 1, Vol. 34, 1780-1786. 4. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber T.H.H., No. 2, Vol. 35, 1787. 5. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber J.G., No. 1, Vol. 36, 1788-1797, (up to pp. 438-439.) | Links |
| TE1-162 | ||
| 1701-1820 | 163 | 1. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber J.G., No. 1, Vol. 36, 1788-1797, (pp. 440-441 to end.) 2. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber J.G., No. 2, Vol. 37, 1797-1813. 3. Anne Arundel County Wills, Liber J.G., No. 1, Vol. 38, 1813-1820. 4. Black Book No. 1. Proprietary Papers. 1701-1773, Nos. 1-82. | Links |
| TE1-163 | ||
| 1703-1762 | 164 | 1. Black Book No. 2, Part I, 1703-1769, Nos. 1-67. 2. Black Book No. 2, Part II, 1703-1769, Nos. 68-132. 3. Black Book No. 3, Part I, 1708-1762, Nos. 1-62. 4. Black Book No. 3, Part II, 1708-1762, Nos. 63-150. 5. Black Book No. 3, Part III, 1708-1762, Nos. 151-220. | Links |
| TE1-164 | ||
| 1708-1764 | 165 | 1. Black Book No. 3, Part III, 1708-1762, Nos. 221-260. 2. Black Book No. 4, Part I, 1704-1772, Nos. 1-83. 3. Black Book No. 4, Part II, 1704-1772, Nos. 84-183. 4. Black Book No. 5, Part I, 1738-1764, Nos. 1-54. 5. Black Book No. 5, Part II, 1738-1764, Nos. 55-108. | Links |
| TE1-165 | ||
| 1704-1775 | 166 | 1. Black Book No. 6, 1729-1773, Nos. 1-89. 2. Black Book No. 7, 1749-1774, Nos. 1-80. 3. Black Book No. 8, Part I, Church Vestry Papers, Nos. 1-63. 4. Black Book No. 8, Part II, Church Vestry Papers, Nos. 64-129. 5. Black Book No. 9, 1704-1775, Nos. 1-91. | Links |
| TE1-166 | ||
| 1704-1785 | 167 | 1. Black Book No. 9, 1704-1775, Nos. 92-177. 2. Black Book No. 10, Part I, 1708-1785, Nos. 1-81. 3. Black Book No. 10, Part II, 1708-1785, Nos. 82-223. 4. Black Book No. 11, Proprietary Papers, Nos. 1-77. | Links |
| TE1-167 | ||
| 168 | 1. Red Book No. 1-47. Papers re arrest Of Governor Eden. 2. Red Book No. 2, Part I, Nos. 1-60. 3. Red Book No. 2, Part II, Nos. 61-161. 4. Red Book No. 3, Nos. 1-45. 5. Red Book No. 4, Part 1, Nos. 1-40. | Links |
| TE1-168 | ||
| 169 | 1. Red Book No. 4, Part I, Nos. 41-95. 2. Red Book No. 4, Part II, Nos. 96-183. 3. Red Book No. 5, Nos. 1-30. | Links |
| TE1-169 | ||
| 170 | 1. Red Book No. 5, Nos. 31-109. 2. Red Book No. 6, Nos. 1-109. 3. Red Book No. 7, Part I, Nos. 1-114. 4. Red Book No. 7, Part II, Nos. 115-143. | Links |
| TE1-170 | ||
| 171 | 1. Red Book No. 7, Part II, Nos. 144-215. 2. Red Book No. 8, Nos. 1-136. 3. Red Book No. 9, Part I, Nos. 1-99. 4. Red Book No. 9, Part II, Nos. 100-140. | Links |
| TE1-171 | ||
| 172 | 1. Red Book No. 9, Part II, Nos. 141-204 (1777-1803.) 2. Red Book No. 9, Part III, Nos. 205-326 (1777-1778.) 3. Red Book No. 10, Nos. 1-81. 4. Red Book No. 11, Nos. 1-131. | Links |
| TE1-172 | ||
| 173 | 1. Red Book No. 12, Nos. 1-121. 2. Red Book No. 13, Part I, Nos. 1-121. 3. Red Book No. 13, Part II, Nos. 122-232. | Links |
| TE1-173 | ||
| 174 | 1. Red Book No. 14, Nos. 1-141. 2. Red Book No. 15, Part I, Nos. 1-115. 3. Red Book No. 15, Part II, Nos. 116-236. 4. Red Book No. 16, Part I, Nos. 1-35. | Links |
| TE1-174 | ||
| 175 | 1. Red Book No. 16, Part 1, Nos. 36-58. 2. Red Book No. 16, Part II, Nos. 89-175. 3. Red Book No. 17, Part I, Nos. 1-96. 4. Red Book No. 17, Part II, Nos. 97-194. 5. Red Book No. 18, Part I, Nos. 1-40. | Links |
| TE1-175 | ||
| 176 | 1. Red Book No. 18, Part II, Nos. 41-155. 2. Red Book No. 19, Nos. 1-122. 3. Red Book No. 20, Part I, Nos. 1-101. 4. Red Book No. 20, Part II, Nos. 102-145. | Links |
| TE1-176 | ||
| 177 | 1. Red Book No. 20, Part, Nos. 146-192. 2. Red Book No. 21, Part I, Nos. 1-59. 3. Red Book No. 21, Part II, Nos. 60-136. 4. Red Book No. 22, Nos. 1-79. 5. Red Book No. 23, Part I, Nos. 1-98. | Links |
| TE1-177 | ||
| 178 | 1. Red Book No. 23, Part II, Nos. 99-186. 2. Red Book No. 24, Nos. 1-71. 3. Red Book No. 25, Nos. 1-98. 4. Red Book No. 26, Part I, Nos. 1-99. | Links |
| TE1-178 | ||
| 179 | 1. Red Book No. 26, Part II, Nos. 100-157. 2. Red Book No. 27, Part I, Nos. 1-68. 3. Red Book No. 27, Part II, Nos. 69-157. 4. Red Book No. 28, Nos. 1-91. 5. Red Book No. 29, Nos. 1-50. | Links |
| TE1-179 | ||
| 180 | 1. Red Book No. 29, Nos. 51-72. 2. Red Book No. 30, Part I, Nos. 1-62. 3. Red Book No. 30, Part II, Nos. 63-127. 4. Red Book No. 31, Nos. 1-63. 5. Red Book No. 32, Part I, Nos. 1-49. | Links |
| TE1-180 | ||
| 181 | 1. Red Book No. 32, Part I, Nos. 50-85. 2. Red Book No. 32, Part II, Nos. 86-172. 3. Red Book No. 33, Part I, Nos. 1-71. 4. Red Book No. 33, Part II, Nos. 72-144. 5. Brown Book, No. 1, Nos. 1-50. | Links |
| TE1-181 | ||
| 1775-1783 | 182 | 1. Brown Book No. 1, 1775-1790, Nos. 51-67. 2. Brown Book No. 2, 1777-1782, Nos. 1-88. 3. Brown Book No. 3, 1775-1781, Nos. 1-74. 4. Brown Book No. 4, 1790-1797, Nos. 1-83. 5. Brown Book No. 5, Pt. I, 1777-1783, Nos. 1-65. 6. Brown Book No. 5, Pt. II, 1777-1783, Nos. 66-90. | Links |
| TE1-182 | ||
| 1747-1794 | 183 | 1. Brown Book No. 5, Pt. II, 1777-1783, Nos. 91-133. 2. Brown Book No. 6, 1794, Nos. 1-53. 3. Brown Book No. 7, 1778-1782, Nos. 1-75. 4. Brown Book No. 8, 1779-1782, Nos. 1-61. 5. Brown Book No. 9, 1747-1785, Nos. 1-135. | Links |
| TE1-183 | ||
| 1747-1785 | 184 | 1. Brown Book No. 9, 1747-1785, Nos. 136-155. 2. Blue Book No. 1, Nos. 1-62. 3. Blue Book No. 2, Pt. I, Nos. 1-86. 4. Blue Book No. 2, Pt. II, Nos. 87-175. 5. Blue Book No. 3, Nos. 1-15. | Links |
| TE1-184 | ||
| 1778-1788 | 185 | 1. Blue Book No. 3, Nos. 16-31. 2. Blue Book No. 4, 1778, Nos. 1-81. 3. Blue Book No. 5, Nos. 1-69. 4. Portfolio-Black Books, No. 1. 40, 41, 48, 65, 69. No. 2. 6, 49, 57. No. 3. 9. No. 4. 42, 44, 149. No. 9. 38. No. 10. 27, 30, 36, 48, 50, 54, 60, 109, 112, 165, 206. No. 11. 16, 67 Portfolio-Red Books, No. 8. 31, 42, 48. No. 9. 101. No 14. 26. No 15. 30-189. No 23. 80. No 24. 26, 27, 34. No 25. 17, 67-71. No 26. 31, 108, 113, 138. Portfolio-Brown Books, No. 3. 2, 16, 69. 5. 87 Court of Appeals Judgments T.D.M. No. 1, 1788, pp. 1-262. | Links |
| TE1-185 | ||
| 1788-1795 | 186 | 1. 87 Court of Appeals Judgments T.D.M. No. 1, 1788, pp. 263-326. 2. 88 Court of Appeals Judgments T.D.M. No. 2, 1789, pp. 1-253. 3. 89 Court of Appeals Judgments T.D.M. No. 3, 1790, pp. 1-562. 4. 90 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 1, 1795, pp. 1-260. | Links |
| TE1-186 | ||
| 1795-1797 | 187 | 1. 90 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 1, 1795, pp. 261-519. 2. 91 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 2, 1795-1796. pp. 1-557. 3. 93 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 5, 1796, pp. 1-465. 4. 92 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 4, 1796-1797, pp. 1-176. | Links |
| TE1-187 | ||
| 1796-1799 | 188 | 1. 93 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 4, 1796-1797, pp. 177-469. 2. 95 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 6-A, 1797-1798, pp. 1803, pp. 1-746. 3. 83 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 7, 1797-1799, pp. 1-515. | Links |
| TE1-188 | ||
| 1797-1799 | 189 | 1. 83 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 7, 1797-1799, pp. 516-770. 2. 97 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 3, 1798-1801, pp. 1-755. 3. 98 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 9, 1799, pp. 1-505. | Links |
| TE1-189 | ||
| 1799-1802 | 190 | 1. 98 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 9, 1799, pp. 506-744. 2. 99 Court of Appeals Judgments, 1801, p. 1-598. 3. 100 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 10, 1800-1802, pp. 1-614. | Links |
| TE1-190 | ||
| 1800-1806 | 191 | 1. 100 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W. No. 10, 1800-1802, pp. 615-772. 2. 102 Court of Appeals Judgments B.W., 1802-1803, pp. 1-747. 3. Court of Appeals Judgments, 1803-1804, pp. 1-389. 4. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. I, 1806, pp. 1-127. | Links |
| TE1-191 | ||
| 1806-1807 | 192 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. I, 1806, pp. 128-652. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 2, 1806-1807, pp. 1-652. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 3, 1807, pp. 1-331. | Links |
| TE1-192 | ||
| 1807-1809 | 193 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 3, 1807, pp. 332-561. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 4, 1808, pp. 1-601. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 5, 1808, pp. 1-628. 4. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 6, 1809, pp. 1-49. | Links |
| TE1-193 | ||
| 1809-1810 | 194 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 6, 1809, pp. 50-633. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 7, 1809, pp. 1-256. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 8, 1810, pp. 1-619. | Links |
| TE1-194 | ||
| 1810-1811 | 195 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 9, 1810, pp. 1-493. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 10, 1811, pp. 1-630. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 11, 1811, pp. 1-328. | Links |
| TE1-195 | ||
| 1812-1813 | 196 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 12, 1812, pp. 1-410. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 13, 1813, pp. 1-740. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 14, 1813, pp. 1-339. | Links |
| TE1-196 | ||
| 1813-1815 | 197 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 14, 1813, pp. 340-1362. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 15, 1814-1815, pp. 1-526. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 16, 1815, pp. 1-95. | Links |
| TE1-197 | ||
| 1815-1821 | 198 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 16, 1815, pp. 96-645. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 17, 1816-1817, pp. 1-623. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 18, 1818-1819, pp. 1-401. 4. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 19, 1820-1821, pp. 1-73. | Links |
| TE1-198 | ||
| 1820-1823 | 199 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 19, 1820-1821, pp. 74-618. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 20, 1821, pp. 1-763. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 21, 1822-1823, pp. 1-229. | Links |
| TE1-199 | ||
| 1822-1828 | 200 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 21, 1822-1823, pp. 230-645. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 22, 1823-1824, pp. 1-448. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 23, 1825-1826, pp. 1-559. 4. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 24, 1827-1828, pp. 1-352. | Links |
| TE1-200 | ||
| 1827-1833 | 201 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments T.H. No. 24, 1827-1828, pp. 353-613. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.J., 1829-1830, pp. 1-599. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.J. No. 2, 1830-1831, pp. 1-655. 4. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.J. No. 3, 1831-1833, pp. 1-195. | Links |
| TE1-201 | ||
| 1831-1840 | 202 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.J. No. 3, 1831-1833, pp. 231-555 (196-230 blank) 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.J. No. 4, 1833-1836, pp. 1-685. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No. 1, 1836-1840, pp. 1-541. | Links |
| TE1-202 | ||
| 1836-1846 | 203 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No. 1, 1836-1840, pp. 542-589. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No. 2, 1837-1842, 1-588. 3. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No.3, 1842-1844, pp. 1-620. 4. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No. 4, 1844-1846, pp. 1-85. | Links |
| TE1-203 | ||
| 1812-1850 | 204 | 1. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No. 4, 1844-1846, pp. 86-577. 2. W.S. Court of Appeals Judgments R.W.G. No. 5, 1846-1850, pp. 1-602. 3. E.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.P.N.B., 1812, 1819-1824, pp. 1-328. | Links |
| TE1-204 | ||
| 1812-1847 | 205 | 1. E.S. Court of Appeals Judgments J.P.N.B., 1812, 1819-1824, pp. 329-723. 3. E.S. Court of Appeals Judgments, 1824, pp. 1-60, 1-23, 1-80. 4. E.S. Court of Appeals Judgments, 1847, pp. 1-74. 5. E.S. Court of Appeals Judgments not complete, 1819-1847, pp. 167-239. | Links |
| TE1-205 | ||
| 1819-1862 | 206 | 1. E.S. Court of Appeals Judgments, 1819-1847, pp. 240-734. 2. Court of Appeals Judgments, R.W.G. No. 6, W.A.S. No. 1, 1851-1854, pp. 1-572. 3. Court of Appeals Judgments W.A.S. No. 2, 1854-57, 1861-62, pp. 1-313. | Links |
| TE1-206 | ||
| 1854-1867 | 207 | 1. Court of Appeals Judgments W.A.S. No. 2, 1854-57, 1861-62, pp. 314-345. 2. Court of Appeals Judgments W.A.S. No. 3, 1856, 1858-1861, pp. 1-714. 3. Court of Appeals Judgments G.E. No. 1, 1862-1865 pp. 1-585. 4. Court of Appeals Judgments G.E. No. 2, 1865-1867 pp. 1-145. | Links |
| TE1-207 | ||
| 1865-1873 | 208 | 1. Court of Appeals Judgments G.E. No. 2, 1865-1867 pp. 146-413. 2. Court of Appeals Judgments J.S.F. No. 1, 1867-1869 pp. 1-862. 3. Court of Appeals Judgments J.S.F. No. 2, 1870-1873 pp. 1-329. | Links |
| TE1-208 | ||
| 1844-1891 | 209 | 1. Court of Appeals Judgments J.S.F. No. 2, 1870-1873 pp. 330-672. 2. Court of Appeals Judgments S.C.J. No. 1, 1873-1891 (n.c) pp. 1-791. 3. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 1, 1844-1845 pp. 1-307. | Links |
| TE1-209 | ||
| 1844-1849 | 210 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 1, 1844-1845 pp. 308-801. 2. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 2, 1845-1847 pp. 1-604. 3. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 3, 1847-1849 pp. 1-517. | Links |
| TE1-210 | ||
| 1847-1855 | 211 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 3, 1847-1849 pp. 518-595 2. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 4, 1849-1850 pp. 1-569 3. Court of Appeals Decrees R.W.G. No. 2, 1850-1851 pp. 1-248 4. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 1, 1851-1852 pp. 1-567 5. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 2, 1852-1855 pp. 3-385 | Links |
| TE1-211 | ||
| 1852-1857 | 212 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 2, 1852-1856 pp. 386-592 2. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 3, 1853-56, 59-61, pp. 1-580 3. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 10, 1854, pp. 3-21 4. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 4, 1856-1857 pp. 1-551 | Links |
| TE1-212 | ||
| 1856-1862 | 213 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 4, 1856-1857, pp. 552-620 2. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 5, 1857, 54, 61, pp. 1-601 3. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 6, 1857-1859 pp. 1-594 4. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 7, 1856-59, 61-62 pp. 1-99 | Links |
| TE1-213 | ||
| 1854-1862 | 214 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 7, 1856-59, 61-62, pp. 100-652 2. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 8, 1854, 1859, 61-62, pp. 1-600 3. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No. 9, 1859-1862 pp. 5-299 | Links |
| TE1-214 | ||
| 1859-1864 | 215 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees W.A.S. No 9, 1859-1862 pp. 300-408 2. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 1, 1862-1863 pp. 1-610 3. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 2, 1863 pp. 1- 616 4. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 3, 1863-1864 pp. 5-25 | Links |
| TE1-215 | ||
| 1863-1865 | 216 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 3, 1863-1864 pp. 26-624 2. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 4, 1863-1865 pp. 1-605 3. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 5, 1865 pp. 1-167 | Links |
| TE1-216 | ||
| 1865-1867 | 217 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 5, 1865 pp. 168-568 2. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 6, 1865-1866 pp. 1-657 3. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 7, 1866-1867 pp. 1-343 | Links |
| TE1-217 | ||
| 1866-1868 | 218 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 7, 1866-1867 pp. 344-664 2. Court of Appeals Decrees G.E. No. 7, J.S.F. No. 1 & 2, 1860-1868 pp. 1-667 3. Court of Appeals Decrees J.S.F. No. 3, 1868 pp. 1-425 | Links |
| TE1-218 | ||
| 1868-1872 | 219 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees J.S.F. No. 3, 1868 pp. 426-996 2. Court of Appeals Decrees J.S.F. No. 4, 1869 pp. 1-814 3. Court of Appeals Decrees J.S.F. No. 5, 1870-1872 pp. 1-49 | Links |
| TE1-219 | ||
| 1870-1888 | 220 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees J.S.F. No. 5, 1870-1872 pp. 50-329 2. Court of Appeals Decrees S.C.J. No. 1, 1862-1884 pp. 1-1087 3. Court of Appeals Decrees S.C.J. No. 2, 1885-1888 pp. 1-59 | Links |
| TE1-220 | ||
| 1885-1891 | 221 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees S.C.J. No. 2, 1885-1888 pp. 60-682 2. Court of Appeals Decrees S.C.J. No. 3, 1888-1891 pp. 1-619 | Links |
| TE1-221 | ||
| 1778-1891 | 222 | 1. Court of Appeals Decrees S.C.J. No. 3, 1888-1891 pp. 620-1319 2. 63 W.S. General Court Judgments DD No. 20, May 1778 pp. 451-514 3. 64 W.S. General Court Judgments DD No. 21, Oct. 1778 pp. 351-429 4. 66 W.S. General Court Judgments T.B.H. No. 1, May and Oct. 1779, May and Oct 1780, May N.C. 1781 pp. 1-504 | Links |
| TE1-222 | ||
| 1779-1788 | 223 | 1. 66 W.S. General Court Judgments T.B.H. No. 1, May and Oct. 1779, May and Oct 1780, May N.C. 1781 pp 505-741 2. 67 W.S. General Court Judgments T.B.H. No. 2, May and Oct. 1781, May 1782 pp. 1-562 3. 68 W.S. General Court Judgments T.B.H. No. 3, Oct 1782 pp. 1-293 4. 70 W.S. General Court Judgments T.B.H. No. 4, May 1783 pp. 1-66 5. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 1, Oct. 1788 pp. 1-69 | Links |
| TE1-223 | ||
| 1788-1789 | 224 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 1, Oct. 1788 pp. 70-751 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 2, Oct. 1788 pp. 1-631 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 3, May 1789 pp. 1-69 | Links |
| TE1-224 | ||
| 1789-1789 | 225 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 3, May 1789 pp. 69-711 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 4, May 1789 pp. 591 | Links |
| TE1-225 | ||
| 1789-1790 | 226 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 5, Oct. 1789 pp. 1-736 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 7, May 1790 pp. 1-599 | Links |
| TE1-226 | ||
| 1790-1791 | 227 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 7, May 1790 pp. 600-742 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 9, Oct. 1790 pp. 1-735 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 11, May 1791 pp. 1-358 | Links |
| TE1-227 | ||
| 1791-1792 | 228 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 11, May 1791 pp. 359-681 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 13, Oct. 1791 pp. 1-635 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 15, May 1792 pp. 1-437 | Links |
| TE1-228 | ||
| 1792-1793 | 229 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 15, May 1792 pp. 438-451 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 18, Oct. 1792, May 1793 pp. 1-751 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 19, May 1793 pp. 1-619 | Links |
| TE1-229 | ||
| 1793-1794 | 230 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 19, May 1793 pp. 620-751 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 20, May 1793 pp. 1-266 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 21, Oct. 1793 pp. 1-416 4. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 23, May 1794 pp. 1-555 | Links |
| TE1-230 | ||
| 1794-1795 | 231 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 23, May 1794 pp. 556-739 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 25, Oct. 1794 pp. 1-715 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No, 27, May 1795 pp. 1-499 | Links |
| TE1-231 | ||
| 1795-1796 | 232 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 27, May 1795 pp. 500-702 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 29, Oct. 1795 pp. 1-351 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 31, May 1796 pp. 1-743 4. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 33, Oct. 1796 pp. 1-29 | Links |
| TE1-232 | ||
| 1796-1797 | 233 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 33, Oct. 1796 pp. 30-210 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 35, May 1797 pp. 1-743 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 36, May 1797 pp. 1-499 | Links |
| TE1-233 | ||
| 1797-1799 | 234 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 36, May 1797 pp. 500-522 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 37, Oct. 1797 pp. 1-105 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 39, May 1798 pp. 1-678 4. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 41, Oct. 1798 pp. 1-193 5. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 43, May 1799 pp. 1-361 | Links |
| TE1-234 | ||
| 1799-1801 | 235 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 43, May 1799 pp. 362-745 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 45, Oct. 1799 pp. 1-151 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 47, May 1800 pp. 1-754 4. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 51, May 1801 pp. 1-85 | Links |
| TE1-235 | ||
| 1801-1802 | 236 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 51, May 1801 pp. 86-752 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 53, Oct. 1801 pp. 1-690 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 55, May 1802 pp. 1-69 | Links |
| TE1-236 | ||
| 1802-1805 | 237 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 55, May 1802 pp. 70-642 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 56, Oct. 1802 pp. 1-201 3. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 57, May 1803 pp. 1-445 4. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 59, May 1804 pp. 1-190 5. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 61, May 1805 pp. 1-89 | Links |
| TE1-237 | ||
| 1778-1805 | 238 | 1. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 61, May 1805 pp. 90-220 2. W.S. General Court Judgments J.G. No. 62, Oct. 1805 pp. 1-154 3. E.S. General Court Judgments IE A, Sept. 1778-1785 pp. 1-546 4. E.S. General Court Judgments IE B 71, Sept. 1785-Apr. 1787 pp. 1-519 | Links |
| TE1-238 | ||
| 1787-1788 | 239 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments IE C 72, Apr. 1787 pp. 1-601 2. E.S. General Court Judgments IE D 73, Apr. & Sept. 1787, Apr. 1789 pp. 1-684 3. E.S. General Court Judgments IE E 74, Apr. & Sept. 1788 pp. 1-129 | Links |
| TE1-239 | ||
| 1788-1791 | 240 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments IE E 74, Apr. & Sept. 1788 pp. 130-615 2. E.S. General Court Judgments IE H 75, Apr. & Sept. 1789 pp. 1-695 3. E.S. General Court Judgments IE I 76, Sept, 1789, Apr. & Sept. 1791 pp. 1-190 | Links |
| TE1-240 | ||
| 1789-1790 | 241 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments IE I 76, Sept. 1789, Apr. & Sept. 1791 pp. 191-740 2. E.S. General Court Judgments IE F 77, Apr. 1790 pp. 1-506 3. E.S. General Court Judgments IE G 78, Apr. & Sept. 1790 pp. 1-425 | Links |
| TE1-241 | ||
| 1790-1793 | 242 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments IE G 78, Apr. & Sept. 1790 pp. 426-507 2. E.S. General Court Judgments IE J 79, Sept. 1790, Apr. & Sept. 1795 pp. 1-715 3. E.S. General Court Judgments IE L 80, Apr. & Sept. 1793 pp. 1-505 | Links |
| TE1-242 | ||
| 1793-1794 | 243 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments IE L 80, Apr. & Sept. 1793 pp. 506-707 2. E.S. General Court Judgments JE 81, Sept. 1793, 1796, Apr. 1797 pp. 1-529 3. E.S. General Court Judgments JE M 82, Apr. & Sept. 1794 pp. 1-666 | Links |
| TE1-243 | ||
| 1794-1799 | 244 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments JE M 82, Apr. & Sept. 1794 pp. 667-722 2. E.S. General Court Judgments JE O [83] Apr. 1796, Apr. 1797 pp. 1-680 3. E.S. General Court Judgments JE H 84, Apr. & Sept. 1798 pp. 1-735 4. E.S. General Court Judgments JE Q 85, Sept. 1798, Sept. 1799 pp. 1-59 | Links |
| TE1-244 | ||
| 1798-1800 | 245 | 1. E.S. General Court Judgments JE Q 85, Sept. 1798, Sept. 1799 pp. 60-733 2. E.S. General Court Judgments JE R 86, Apr. & Sept. 1799 pp. 1-731 3. E.S. General Court Judgments JE S Apr. 1800 pp. 1-163 | Links |
| TE1-245 | ||
| 1635-1704 | 246 | 1. Wills No. 1 1635-1674 pp. 1-640 2. Wills No. 2 1674-1704 pp. 1-411 3. Wills TB No. 11 1701-1703 pp. 1-249 | Links |
| TE1-246 | ||
| 1701-1714 | 247 | 1. Wills TB No. 11 1701-1703 pp. 250-423 2. Wills JC WB No. 2.No. 12 1706-1709 pp. 1-357, 1-254 3. Wills WB No. 5, No. 13 1710-1714 pp. 1-531 | Links |
| TE1-247 | ||
| 1710-1746 | 248 | 1. Wills WB No. 5, No. 13 1710-1714 pp. 532-743 2. Wills TB No. 5, No. 16 1720-1721 pp. 1-528 3. Wills DD No. 2 1743-1744 pp. 1-493 4. Wills DD No. 3, No. 24 1744-1746 pp. 1-159 | Links |
| TE1-248 | ||
| 1744-1754 | 249 | 1. Wills DD No. 3, No. 24 1744-1746 pp. 160-551 2. Wills DD No. 5, No. 26 1748-1749 pp. 1-148 3. Wills DD No. 6, No. 27 1749-1750 pp. 1-541 4. Wills DD No. 7, No. 28 1751-1754 pp. 1-104 | Links |
| TE1-249 | ||
| 1751-1754 | 250 | 1. Wills DD No. 7, No. 28 1751-1754 pp. 105-562 2. Wills SB No. 1, No. 32 1764 pp. 1-342 3. Wills CG No. 2, No. 34 1766 pp. 1-479 | Links |
| TE1-250 | ||
| 1719-1748 | 251 | 1. Inventories No. 3 1719-1720 pp. 1-351 2. Inventories No. 35 1747-1748 pp. 1-545 3. Inventories No. 36 1748 pp. 1-268 | Links |
| TE1-251 | ||
| 1749-1758 | 252 | 1. Inventories No. 39 1749 pp. 1-201 2. Inventories No. 44 1750 pp. 1-445 3. Inventories No. 65 1758 pp. 531 | Links |
| TE1-252 | ||
| 1751-1775 | 253 | 1. Balance Book No. 1, 1751-1755 pp. 1-137 2. Balance Book No. 2, 1755-1759 pp. 1-135 3. [E.S. Gen. Ct. Bonds & Land Rec. 1778-1791] marked ?65 Judgments IE A 1778 to 1785? pp. 1-520 4. Index to Balances of /final Distribution Books 1751-1775 pp. 1-159 | Links |
| TE1-253 | ||
| 1635-1777 | 254 | 1. Index to Colonial Wills, 1635-1777, Books 1-41 A to L pp. 1-263 2. Index to Colonial Wills, 1635-1777, Books 1-41 M to Z pp. 264-471 3. Index to Inventories and Accounts, Books 1 to 191/2, 1674-1703 pp. 1-173 4. Index to Inventories and Accounts, Books 20 to 39 1700 to 1718 pp. 1-29 | Links |
| TE1-254 | ||
| 1700-1777 | 255 | 1. Index to Inventories and Accounts, Books 20 to 39 1700 to 1718 pp. 30-215 2. Index to Inventories, Books 1 to 30, 1718 to 1745 pp. 1-227 3. Index to Inventories, Books 31 to 77, 1745-1762 pp. 1-192 4. Index to Inventories, Books 78 to 126, 1762 to 1777 pp. 1-138 | Links |
| TE1-255 | ||
| 1718-1777 | 256 | 1. Index to Inventories, Books 78 to 126, 1762 to 1777 pp. 139-249 2. Index to Accounts, Books 1 to 49, 1718 to 1763 pp. 1-346 3. Index to Accounts, Books 50 to 74, 1763 to 1777 pp. 1-276 | Links |
| TE1-256 | ||
| Links |
| TE1-257 |
To be fully useful the images in TE1 should be related to the agencies and series with which they belong, explained in the context of the histories of those agencies and series. In addition they need to be linked to any existing indexing both public, and proprietary that has been undertaken since their creation. For example, many of the images of records on this film are from probated estates throughout the colonial period. For those records there is a comprehensive public card index at the Maryland State Archives of decedent’s names which the Maryland State Archives has placed on line. In addition individuals like F. Edward Wright have privately published indices to the colonial probate records of Maryland that include names mentioned as well as those of the descendant. Others have indexed items found in the colonial era inventories such as books.
Maryland State Archives
(Colonial Probate Records, Index)
Notes: Electronic version of Colonial Probate Index 1. See MARYLAND INDEXES (Probate Records, Colonial, Index) MSA S1393.
For previous html-based e-book searchable index, see alternate version.
Series Description
The indexes to probate records are divided into two categories, Prerogative Court records and County records. Two sets of probate records were maintained during the period preceding the implementation of the first Maryland State Constitution in 1777. Until then, probate business was conducted at the capital by the central agency which, for most of the Colonial period, was known as the Prerogative Court.
The presiding officer of the Court was the Commissary General. A Deputy Commissary was appointed for each county. When any probate record was brought into the office of a Deputy Commissary, he recorded the instrument in his own county books. Periodically he would send the papers filed in his office to the Prerogative Court where the instruments were again recorded.
The records of Anne Arundel County were not kept separate from the records of the Prerogative Court. Therefore, the records of the Prerogative Court (excepting Anne Arundel County probate records and the Proceedings of the Prerogative Court) were duplicated by the records of the Deputy Commissaries in the counties. Instruments may sometimes be found in one set of records which do not appear in the other. These omissions were caused by accident, custodial neglect, or other causes.
The Prerogative Court was abolished in 1777. Since that time probate matters have been handled at the county level by the Register of Wills and Orphans' Court. No central probate recording office has functioned since the adoption of the first State Constitution.
Prerogative Court Probate Records exist for the sixteen counties formed prior to 1777 in Maryland: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Kent, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, and Worcester. The other seven counties and Baltimore City were formed later from one or more of the above-listed counties. Probate Records from these latter jurisdictions are to be found in the records from that jurisdiction.
The names indexed are those of decedents, except for Accounts, where there are listings for the executors and administrators (designated by an asterisk).
There are volume indexes to all of these records kept in the stacks which may be consulted if a name does not appear in the card index, and most individual volumes also have indexes within them.
Related Series -
PREROGATIVE COURT (Testamentary Papers) S541, 1659-1777
PREROGATIVE COURT (Testamentary Papers) SM235, 1750
Date | Description | Links | MdHR No | Note | MSA Citation | |||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. A | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-1 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. B | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-2 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. C | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-3 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. D | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-4 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. E | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-5 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. F | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-6 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. G | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-7 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. H | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-8 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. I | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-9 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. J | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-10 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. K | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-11 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. L | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-12 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. M | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-13 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. N | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-14 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. O | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-15 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. P | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-16 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. Q | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-17 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. R | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-18 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. S | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-19 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. T | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-20 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. U | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-21 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. V | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-22 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. W | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-23 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. X | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-24 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. Y | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-25 | ||
| 1634-1777 | Index 1. Z | Links | 50725 |
| SE4-26 | ||