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FAQ: Winter Term 2022 and COVID-19
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Updated: 1/5/2022

FAQ: Winter Term 2022 and COVID-19

Protective Measures & Precautions

NEW How is WOU handling Omicron?

What is being done to protect faculty who are teaching classes and advising in person?

Exposures, Contact Tracing, and COVID-19 Tests

What happens if one of my students tests positive for COVID-19?

What should I or my students do if we are exposed to COVID-19?

Where can I or my students get tested for COVID-19?

What do I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

What happens with my courses if I get sick, one of my family members gets sick, or I have to quarantine?

What happens if a student gets COVID-19 or has to quarantine?

What do faculty need to keep track of for contact-tracing?

Masks / Face Coverings

UPDATED Is WOU providing masks for employees?

What do I do if a student isn’t wearing a mask, or is wearing it incorrectly?

How should I respond if a student refuses to cooperate with the mask mandate and becomes disruptive or belligerent?

Should we stop a student from correcting a fellow student for improper mask wearing such as wearing the mask below the nose?

Do we have spare masks for students?

Can I take my mask off when lecturing?

I’d like to leave my mask on while lecturing, but I’m concerned about my students being able to hear/understand me.


I’ve read that an actual COVID-19 infection provides more protection than the vaccines, so why isn’t WOU allowing proof of prior infection to be one of the ways to comply with the vaccine mandate?

Classrooms and Offices

Are class sizes going to be limited in Winter 2021?

My classroom has tape on desks or a sign showing a capacity lower than the number of students in the class. Is this accurate?

Is it acceptable to have 1:1 student conferences in our faculty offices?

Are there any restrictions on bringing guest speakers into the classroom for face-to-face class time beyond following masking and social distancing guidelines?

What types of filters are being used on the building HVAC systems and in the air purifiers?

What if my classroom doesn’t have an air purifier unit?

How do I get an air purifier for my office?

Other Questions

How is WOU helping students impacted by the pandemic?

What other information should I provide for my students?

Where can I find a succinct "1-pager" that we can easily refer to or post on a bulletin board in a lab?


Useful Links

Protective Measures & Precautions

How is WOU handling Omicron?

WOU will begin Winter Term 2022 on January 3rd with the course delivery modalities that students registered for (i.e., in person, hybrid, online synchronous or online asynchronous). 

There are reports that some universities will start all or nearly all of their January courses online. Provost Winningham has been in regular contact with the provosts from the other Oregon public universities, and their approach is similar to WOU’s in that we are all planning to begin winter term with the course modalities students registered for.

However, faculty, in consultation with their division chair, can move a hybrid or fully in-person course online for a short period of time. If they do, they should update their Canvas page so that delivery information is prominent, and they should contact the affected students as soon as possible so it is clear what the expectations are for students.

The Academic Innovation team has developed a range of resources to help:

Instructional Resilience - Strategies, Tools, and Resources for Remote and Online Instruction (If you last visited this site during the beginning of the pandemic, be sure to take another look, it has been completely refreshed!)

Programs & Workshops - A broad spectrum of opportunities are available, including both standalone workshops and longer series; synchronous, asynchronous, and self-paced options; and topics related to technology as well as topics focused more on pedagogy.

As always, Academic Innovation is available to help. Contact or find helpful resources on their website.

There are things that we can all do to maximize the safety of our campus community. First, we encourage everyone who can to be vaccinated, and we encourage people to get boosters, when they are eligible. We will continue to require masks to be worn indoors, we encourage you to use higher quality masks, and we are providing an additional 20 masks to every employee (by request) in Winter Term 2022. Of course, if you are ill, please stay home.

Resources for employees and students who have been exposed to COVID

Although the current situation with Omicron is not how we wanted to begin 2022, we can keep our community as safe as possible with our already-high vaccination rates, getting boosters, continuing to wear masks and following other safety measures.

What is being done to protect faculty who are teaching classes and advising in person?

WOU staff have been working diligently to enable safety measures. We are utilizing a variety of precautions, described below, to protect the health and safety of our faculty, staff, students, and our local community. Suggestions and proposals for additional safety measures are very welcome, and can be sent to any member of the reopening committee.[1]

This social media graphic and other educational materials are available in multiple languages on OHA’s COVID Blog and from WOU’s own COVID-19 Project Team.

Exposures, Contact Tracing, and COVID-19 Tests

What happens if one of my students tests positive for COVID-19?

NEW: Please review this separate FAQ document for a detailed answer to this question.

What should I or my students do if we are exposed to COVID-19?

Follow the campus guidelines for employees and students who are exposed.

Where can I or my students get tested for COVID-19?

Review the list of local testing sites and options. The last page contains information about the types of tests available.

What do I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

Notify HR (via this form) and your supervisor, and follow the guidelines for WOU employees who have a positive test.

What happens with my courses if I get sick, one of my family members gets sick, or I have to quarantine?

All academic departments and programs should have plans in place for handling these types of situations, and should review those plans each year (even after the pandemic is over).

Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to move a course online, or we may need to have another faculty member teach the course while the originally-assigned instructor recovers. The provost will approve FTE overload requests when needed to respond to situations involving a faculty member who is ill and unable to teach.[2]

If your department or program developed plans earlier in the pandemic, we encourage you to review those plans for potential updates. If you don’t have a plan in place, now’s the time to create one!

What happens if a student gets COVID-19 or has to quarantine?

All faculty should develop plans for working with students who might become sick or need to quarantine (e.g., extend deadlines, make materials available electronically, offer a make-up exam). Faculty are not required to provide a duplicate, online version of the course, but rather to provide flexibility and alternatives, similar to other situations that impact a student’s ability to attend class (e.g., family emergency, car accident).

NEW: Please review this separate FAQ document for detailed information about what happens if a student tests positive for COVID-19.

What do faculty need to keep track of for contact-tracing?

Faculty are not expected to keep records of the contact students had with each other. For instance, in group work, there is no need to keep track of which students are in each group and how long they were working together. When a virus is not widespread, robust contact tracing and quarantine can be an effective tool, but the overall rate and spread is now, unfortunately, too large/fast/wide for detailed contact tracing in all cases to be useful or even possible. Therefore, Polk County Public Health has prioritized its case investigation outreach to a limited set of cases and situations (including students).

Masks / Face Coverings

Is WOU providing masks for employees?

Yes. In Fall Term 2021, we provided over 12,000 masks to employees: twenty KN95 masks for each employee (including student employees) that submitted a request. We will provide masks again in Winter Term 2022. Please fill out the request form to obtain another set of 20 masks. Supervisors of student employees can use this form to request masks for their student employees.

What do I do if a student isn’t wearing a mask, or is wearing it incorrectly?

1. Remind                2. Inform & Assert                3. Call (or Text) CPS

Learn more about these steps: Mask Policy Enforcement: Guide & Example Scripts 

If a student is granted an exemption, you will be notified by ODS and/or they will have documentation from ODS. At this time, no individuals have been granted a medical accommodation for mask wearing —everyone should be wearing a mask indoors (and outdoors when distance cannot be maintained), except as allowed by the policy (for instance, while actively eating or drinking).

How should I respond if a student refuses to cooperate with the mask mandate and becomes disruptive or belligerent?

1. Remind                2. Inform & Assert                3. Call (or Text) CPS

Learn more about these steps: Mask Policy Enforcement: Guide & Example Scripts 

We know that many have read or heard reports of difficult, and sometimes frightening, situations occurring around mask enforcement in college classes.  We hope to avoid similar situations at WOU, but we are also  prepared to handle them if they do arise.

If you encounter a difficult situation regarding masking in your classes, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Conduct (503-838-8930 or or Campus Public Safety.

Should we stop a student from correcting a fellow student for improper mask wearing such as wearing the mask below the nose?

No, as long as the student is doing so in an appropriate manner: apply the same expectations and standards for interactions about masks that you normally apply in your classroom.

Do we have spare masks for students?

Yes, each building will have spare masks in at least one location, which will be listed on the “Masks Required” signs on the entry doors of the building.

Can I take my mask off when lecturing?

Yes, lecturing falls under the “public speaking” exemption contained in both the WOU mask policy and Oregon’s mask requirement. Please replace your mask during periods when you are not actively lecturing.

However, please consider the concerns and preferences of your students when deciding if/when to remove your mask. If your students ask you to leave your mask on while lecturing (which we have received a report of happening during Destination Western) and you’re concerned about whether they still will be able to hear you, consider using a personal mic unit. Talk to your APA to test a unit.

I’d like to leave my mask on while lecturing, but I’m concerned about my students being able to hear/understand me.

It may be helpful to use a personal mic/speaker unit. Each division office will have a spare/test unit by Sept 22, connect with your APA to try it out. If it is helpful, your APA can request one for you.


I’ve read that an actual COVID-19 infection provides more protection than the vaccines, so why isn’t WOU allowing proof of prior infection to be one of the ways to comply with the vaccine mandate?

The claims made about infection providing better protection are not backed by science, and WOU is committed to protecting its community by making decisions that are guided by scientific research. For example, a study of those previously infected by COVID-19 showed that those who remained unvaccinated were 2.34 times as likely to be reinfected than those who were vaccinated. Our COVID-19 Project Team is happy to discuss the current research with anyone who has questions.

Classrooms and Offices

Are class sizes going to be limited in Winter 2021?

No, not at this time. The regular classroom capacity limits will be used. This decision was based on many factors, including:

If the situation changes, this may change. We will communicate with affected faculty and students if that happens.

My classroom has tape on desks or a sign showing a capacity lower than the number of students in the class. Is this accurate?

Probably not. Current COVID-related signs have the words “Together Again” in the lower left corner; signs without this are old and can be removed.

Since the pandemic began, the science and understanding of the virus has progressed, and we now know that maintaining an exact distance between everyone in a room is not as critical as air circulation (and wearing masks). While students should spread out as much as possible, blocking off every-other desk is no longer required. So tape and other barriers on desks can be removed.

Is it acceptable to have 1:1 student conferences in our faculty offices?

Yes, if both you and the student are willing to do so. Make sure the appropriate precautions are in place, the most crucial being masks: both you and the student should wear masks throughout the conference (e.g., wait to drink coffee until the conference is over). If possible, open windows and run a fan.

However, many offices are smaller and/or lack operable windows. If possible, we encourage you to meet with students in a classroom, meeting room, outdoors, etc. Be sure to choose a location that protects the student’s privacy and FERPA-protected information.[4]

Are there any restrictions on bringing guest speakers into the classroom for face-to-face class time beyond following masking and social distancing guidelines?

There are currently no restrictions on having guest speakers, assuming that mask guidelines and any other applicable rules are followed.

If you or the guest prefer to have them appear via Zoom, we added several video-enabled classrooms this summer, which provide a richer, more interactive experience for hosting guests via Zoom. Training materials for these rooms will be available shortly; in the meantime please connect with your APA to schedule a room and UCS for assistance with using the room.

What types of filters are being used on the building HVAC systems and in the air purifiers?

The filters on the building HVAC systems are rated as MERV 8. This is the highest rated filter that our systems are designed to run on: Anything higher will cause a strain on the unit and lead to mechanical failure.

There are three models of air purifier units in classrooms and shared spaces. All three use HEPA filters; please review the user manuals that came with each unit for the exact specifications of that unit’s filter. Facilities Services will be maintaining and replacing the filters on a regular schedule.

What if my classroom doesn’t have an air purifier unit?

All classrooms with scheduled classes have now received an air purifier unit. If a class is assigned to a classroom that does not have a unit,  please let Facilities Services know by sending an email to

How do I get an air purifier for my office?

If a classroom or shared space (e.g., division office) does not have an air purifier, please let Facilities Services know by sending an email to

Individual Offices: We are not placing air purifiers in most individual offices, so that we can focus on getting units in all classrooms, public areas, and other shared spaces. In order to qualify for an air cleaner in a personal office space, please consider the following: Is there a window that opens? Is there a way to add a fan to circulate the air?  Can you maintain 6 feet between yourself and someone visiting your office? If none of these applies to your space, and you meet with people in your space for more than 15 minutes at a time, then you may qualify for an air cleaner for your personal office space—contact Facilities Services at

Other Questions

How is WOU helping students impacted by the pandemic?

WOU is committed to helping students through this extraordinary time and has implemented several new supports through Student Success and Advising (SSA) to do so. SSA now has a full-time student persistence and retention advisor who is focused on students who have been academically impacted by the pandemic. This support is offered through one on one advising, group advising sessions, and academic skill presentations offered throughout the school year.

SSA also has a full time advisor that works with students who have stopped out because of the pandemic but are close to graduating. These students are provided guidance on how to most efficiently complete their degrees and, if eligible, can also receive tuition remission and/or grant support to pay off existing account balances so they can return to WOU and finish their degrees.      

SSA has also adapted their services to provide virtual support and appointments for WOU students. They also offer extended advising hours until 6pm to accommodate students who work and/or don't have time during the day for appointments.

All students can easily make an appointment online through the WolfConnection System (WCS) button located in each student's portal. SSA also has a chat feature on their website that allows students to ask quick general questions.

What other information should I provide for my students?

We have updated our sample syllabi statements to adapt to our current circumstances. See Section 12 of the syllabi statements document for COVID-related information and statements. The content in Section 12 should be included in the syllabi for all in-person and hybrid courses, and can also be helpful even in fully online courses.

Where can I find a succinct "1-pager" that we can easily refer to or post on a bulletin board in a lab?

The Community Health program’s COVID-19 Project Team has created a variety of printable and sharable resources, including several that list action steps for staying safe. A sample:


Useful Links

[1] Committee membership from Academic Affairs includes Faculty Senate President, WOUFT representatives, and the Provost’s Office.

[2] WOU-Notice email from Provost Winningham; Sept 1, 2021.

[3] E.g.

[4] Check out the new, self-paced FERPA training course in Canvas! Enrollment form and instructions available on the FERPA information page.