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HES Student Handbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


“Helping Everyone Succeed”

Georgia School of Excellence


Student Handbook


Mrs. Kristyn Nelms



Dr. Kimberly May

Assistant Principal


5110 Georgia Highway 111

Hartsfield, Georgia 31756

Phone 229-941-5594   Fax 229-941-5818


School website-



Principal’s Message

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The faculty and staff are blessed to have you as part of the Hamilton family! Our school theme for the 2024-2025  year is “Glow with us at Hamilton! Let your light shine BRIGHT!”. Together we will work hard to develop and demonstrate mastery of the Georgia Standards of Excellence. We commit to support you in all areas – academic, physical, and social emotional - to ensure your success in and out of the classroom. We know that you, as students and parents, will strive to continue the rich tradition of Hamilton Elementary.


The pages of the handbook are filled with important information regarding school policies and procedures. Parents and students should review the contents together. If you have questions, please call the school office. We feel that open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of our educational program.


We welcome your participation and support this year and solicit your membership in the PTO. Working together, we will be able to meet and surpass our goals, individually and school wide, and celebrate the achievements of our students.



Hamilton School is committed to providing quality educational experiences in a safe, positive environment that allows all learners to become productive citizens.



Our school is dedicated to Helping Every Student each day achieve excellence in every way.



·         We believe clearly stated expectations and consistent discipline will increase productivity and achievement when students are challenged in a well-defined learning environment.

·         We believe there should be a balance of teaching methods, including the use of innovative technology, in order to meet the needs and learning styles of every student.

·         We believe a child’s self-esteem is developed when there is mutual respect between students, staff, and parents who work together to provide successful learning experiences.

·         We believe character development is an important part of the educational experience, which enables the child to succeed in a culturally diverse society.


The following procedures and policies are additions to our county policies and are school specific to Hamilton School:

 After 7:40 am all doors will be locked except for the main entrance to ensure the safety of students and staff. Please sign your child in at the main office and secure a visitor’s pass if you plan to visit the classroom.

 SCHOOL HOURS:   Students need to be supervised at all times.  Staff’s assigned duty begins at 7:15 am.  Please keep our students safe and secure by not arriving before 7:15 am.   Students must not be dropped off until an adult is on duty and the students are supervised. Instruction for the school day begins at 7:15 am. Students will be counted tardy after 7:40 am. Student tardiness and early afternoon pick-up interrupt instruction and learning for all students and are discouraged. Please try to schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours when possible. Students will not be signed out after 2:15 unless it is an emergency.

If a student must leave school early, a written note should be sent with the student on the morning of the early release.  The parent will need to sign the student out in the office.  The student will be called to the office for dismissal before 2:15 to the parent. For your child’s safety, the classroom teacher will not release a child to anyone who has not signed the child out in the office.

 MORNING ARRIVAL AND AFTERNOON PICK-UP:  The front drive is for buses only during arrival and dismissal times.   Please do not block the front drive in the morning. If you bring your child to school, please use one of the back driveways off Thigpen Trail and drive to the west end of the campus.  The back driveways will be closed after drop off at 7:40 am and reopen at 2:10 pm. Please drive slowly through this area and do not pass other cars. The students may enter the school at 7:15 am. No student may be picked up in the front office after 2:15 pm.     In the afternoon please follow the same procedure. Keep student’s names in the car window to be easily seen. Students are dismissed at 2:35. Please send a note if your child will do something different at the end of the day. A child must have a note to ride a different bus or to go home with another student. Please call the office before 2:15 p.m. to make changes in transportation.


§  Fruit juice and water are available for purchase in the cafeteria for $1.00

§  Ice cream is available at the teacher’s discretion for $1.00

§  Please send healthy snacks for recess. Snacks may not be shared with other students. Chewing gum is not allowed on the bus or at school.

§  Meal Prices-

o        Breakfast-  students-No Charge     adults-$2.50                              

o        Lunch-   students-No Charge          adults-$4.00

o        Extra milk- $.35

o        Additional full meals breakfast -$2.50 Lunch- $4.00.  Parents may apply money to their child’s account for these additional meals.  Prices will vary for individual extra items.

o        Soft drinks are not allowed.

o        Food items cannot be warmed up for students.

o        (a) Food items served to students at class parties or school functions will be commercially prepared and packaged.  Nutritional labels will be available on all products served.  Homemade items will not be allowed at school functions during normal school hours.  (state and local new guidelines)

§  This applies to class parties, fundraisers, etc. held during the normal school day for all grades...PK--12.   Does not apply to events such as Fall Festivals which are typically held after the normal school day.   Parties and fundraisers can still take place, but must do so using items purchased from a licensed provider such as a grocery store or bakery with a commercial business license.

VOLUNTEERS/VISITORS:  Parents and community members are encouraged to volunteer in classrooms, as well as in the media center and cafeteria.  Adults are also welcome to help with special events at the teacher’s request. All visitors must stop by the office and pick up a visitor’s pass.   For the safety of students, we need to know the names of everyone who comes on campus.  Thanks for your cooperation.  If chaperoning a trip or volunteering on campus, you will need to have a background check completed each year.  See office staff for details.

 Parent-Teacher Conferences and COMMUNICATION:  A parent is welcome to communicate with the teacher by note, Remind text, email, and/or phone.  You may arrange a conference by calling
(229) 941-5594. Please do not come to the school for a conference without arranging it first. Check your child’s folder each day. Review homework and return any papers that need to be signed in a timely manner.

 PARTIES: Class parties will correspond with Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and End-of Year. These parties should be scheduled by the teacher and room parents. We discourage birthday parties at school but with the permission of the teacher you may bring light store bought pre packaged refreshments.  Invitations for individual parties cannot be handed out at school UNLESS every student gets an invitation. No siblings are allowed at your child’s class parties.  Please see the Cafeteria and Snacks portion of this handbook.   We must adhere to the board policies.

ATTENDANCE: It is the law!  Students who have fever, vomiting, or diarrhea MUST wait a 24-hour period (medicine free) before returning to school. A child must attend school until 11:20 to be counted present for the day. Sick students must be picked up in a timely manner. Sick children left in the clinic will not be counted present. Students that have appointments during the day will be counted present if they are present at school for 3 ½ hours of instruction.  An excused or unexcused absence is an absence from school.  Please send a note the next day when your child is absent.  A copy of the Colquitt County Attendance Policy will be sent home at the beginning of the year.  

 DRESS CODE: Students should adhere to the Colquitt County dress code in the student code of conduct (found in this agenda planner).  Spaghetti straps may be worn with a sweater, a shrug, or a jacket. Tennis shoes are recommended for days that students have PE.  Leggings must be worn with a long shirt or dress.  Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be appropriate length. (longer than the students’ fingertips with hands relaxed by their sides)   Pants/shorts must not have holes/rips /distressed above the knees.

 FIELD TRIPS: Field Trips are a part of the school standards and learning takes place.  NO siblings are allowed on field trips.  Parents are not allowed to ride the school bus for liability reasons per CCBOE policy.  We also ask that adults that go with us on field trips adhere to the Tobacco Free/Drug Free Board Policy. Parents/Adults are required to have a background check each year to attend field trips when supervising students.  You must get a form from the school and once they are completed, they will be returned to the CCBOE from the Sheriff’s department.

 Technology Devices: Cell phones/technology devices must be kept in the students’ book bag unless the student has permission from the teacher for an instructional project. All electronic devices must be turned off.  Students may not send or receive text messages or phone calls on personal devices, including phones or watches. Students must adhere to school policies and procedures when using school technology. (Follow School Board policies –these policies are in the student’s handbook) Hamilton is not responsible for lost or damaged devices.

 Toys: Toys are not allowed at school.

No Weapons of any kind are allowed on campus or grounds with the exception of law enforcement.

Hamilton will follow the Colquitt County Code of Conduct.


Under the Every Student Succeeds Act a parent has the right to know the following information:


Upon the parents request the school is to provide the following information:

 If you are unable to obtain the necessary information, you may call your child’s principal for this information, or our Personnel Office at 890-6225.

 All staff at Hamilton Elementary is Highly Qualified


Colquitt County BOE – Attendance Policy:

 Each school year is always an exciting time for students, staff, and families. In order to educate our students, they must be present and on time each day. To ensure success, we ask parents to ensure their children come to school on time each day unless they are sick. If your student is absent due to illness, be sure to submit a note to the school when the student returns. This protocol will be followed at each school for students who are enrolled and/or of compulsory school age.

Attendance Protocol

Each student is to submit written documentation following days absent. (Parent or Doctor Note) Additionally, it is important that your child ask for any missed work following an absence. Valuable minutes of instructional time are missed each time your child is tardy or absent. We are committed to providing the best education possible for your child. Regrettably, this process is adversely affected by poor attendance and causes your student to fall behind academically. We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential in the education of children.

We know that you care and are concerned about your child’s success in school, and it is our goal to help in resolving this problem. If you have any questions, please contact your school Social Worker.

Colquitt County Board of Education Protocol for Attendance is as follows:

1. Five (5) unexcused days – School Based Hearing 2. Seven (7) unexcused days – Hearing with School Officials, District Attorney Representative, and Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) 3. Twelve (12) unexcused days – possible legal action

A Seven (7) Day Hearing with School Officials, District Attorney Representative, and Division of Family and Children Services will be held once for a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in Colquitt County Schools. In subsequent years, a Five (5) Day School based Hearing will be held, then the progression as outlined in the Attendance Protocol with stated consequences for twelve (12) day absences will apply based on attendance during the current school year. Please be advised, should legal action become necessary, the student’s attendance history will be a factor in making that determination.

Thank you for your cooperation and partnership with Colquitt County Schools and ensuring the best educational experience for your child.

Under new GA law each school shall include in their handbook a list without limitation of the names of all clubs and organizations, the mission or purpose of the club or organization, name of the club’s or organization’s faculty advisor(s), and a description of past or planned activities. The handbook shall also include an area for a parent or legal guardian to decline permission for his or her student to participate in a club or organization designated by him or her.

 CLUBS:  Hamilton Elementary School offers the following clubs/organizations to eligible students:


4-H CLUB – is open to all students in 4th & 5th grade.

JUNIOR BETA CLUB- Faculty Advisors-Emily Summerlin & Katie Whitlatch

Open by invitation to rising 5th graders who exceed the standard in one or more subjects and are on the AB Honor Roll.

Bullying Policy


Strike System


Hamilton Elementary School

Parent and Family Engagement Plan for Shared Student Success

2023-2024 School Year

5110 GA Hwy 111

Hartsfield, GA 31756


Kristyn Nelms, Principal

Plan Revised May 18, 2023

What is Title I?

Hamilton Elementary School is identified as a Title I school as part of “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA). Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to the challenging State academic standards to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support family engagement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with parents and family Members a written parent and family engagement plan.

 School Plan for Shared Student Achievement

What is it? This is a plan that describes how Hamilton Elementary School will provide opportunities to improve family engagement to support student learning.  Hamilton Elementary School values the contributions and involvement of parents and family members to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Hamilton Elementary School will support family engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home.

 How is it developed? Hamilton Elementary School invited all parents to attend our annual Spring Input Meeting to review and revise the Parent and Family Engagement Plan as well as the district’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan, the School-Wide Plan, Building Staff Capacity, the School-Parent Compact, and the Parent and Family Engagement budget. Hamilton Elementary School also welcomes parent input and comments at any time regarding the plan. The plan and input form are posted on our school website for parents to view and submit feedback. The plan is also available in the school office and parent resource area. Parent and Family Engagement Plans were distributed to all parents during the annual revision meeting. They are also frequently distributed via REMIND and are in the handbook. All parent feedback was used to revise the school plan.

 Who is it for? All students participating in the Title I, Part A School-Wide program and their families, are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. Hamilton Elementary School will provide full opportunities for participation of parents with limited English or parents of children with limited English, parents with disabilities or parents of children with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.


Where is it available? At the beginning of the year, the plan is included in the student handbook that is given to all students. The plan will also be posted on the school website and social media. Parents can also obtain a copy of the plan in the Parent Resource Area located in the media center at Hamilton Elementary School.

CCSD Strategic Plan Goals

The Colquitt County Board of Education adopted the Colquitt County School District Strategic Plan on June 26, 2022. The plan represents input from the community, families in our school district, students, and staff. Through community surveys, strategic planning sessions, SWOT analysis, and data review, the district developed this strategic plan to lay the foundation for the work that will be done over the next 5 years. The plan highlights the initiatives and performance goals that align with the Vision, Mission, and Beliefs of the district. Visit our webpage at CCSD Strategic Plan of Action to view the goals and action steps.

 2023-2024 School Goals

Hamilton Elementary has chosen to focus on the following student-centered goals for the 2023-2024 school year:

  • By the end of the school year 2023-2024, there will be a 3% increase in Content Mastery in Math on the Georgia Milestones Assessment in grades 3-5.
  • By the end of the school year 2023-2024, there will be a 3% decrease in the percentage of students who need remediation in the Informational Text subdomain on the Georgia Milestones Assessment in grades 2-5.

Let’s Get Together!

Hamilton Elementary School will host the following events to build capacity for strong parent and family engagement to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. Meetings will be conducted at various times in an effort to meet the needs of parents’ schedules, and some meetings will be offered more than once. All meetings will also be offered virtually via the website and/or a link sent through REMIND for parents who are unable to attend. All information furnished at meetings will be provided to parents the week following the meeting and will be available for download on the webpage. Information will be provided in both English and Spanish and in a format that parents can understand.

  • Title I Annual Meeting in August 2023 Agenda: Title I overview to inform parents of the requirements of Title I and their rights to be involved; Title I funding, Title I Parent and Family Engagement Activities, CCRPI update, and 2023-2024 Testing Data Update
  • Parent Capacity Activity Q1 “Understanding Technology and the Google Platform- Bring Your Own Technology”, “Math for Kids and Parents”, “Welcome to My View Reading and Writing” – September/October 2023- Agenda: Parents will be introduced to the apps and Google platform used at Hamilton; Apps will be downloaded on home devices; Math Computers in the Media Center will be available as will Math teachers for take-home math activities to help with new math standards for the year; Parents will learn about the new Reading and Writing Program “My View”
  • Parent Capacity Activity Q2 “Family Holiday Fun, Focus on Guidance, and Academics Take-Home Activities” – November/December 2023– Hamilton will provide fun holiday activities for the whole family, as well as academic take-home activities to make and guidance suggestions that satisfy parental needs as reflected by the Fall Survey, 2023.
  • Parent Capacity Activity Q3 “De-Mystifying the Georgia Milestone and MAP Tests” Grade 3-5 and “What is MAP Benchmark? And How to Avoid the Summer Slump” Grades K-2 – February 2024 – Agenda: Parents and all stakeholders will have the opportunity to learn about the Georgia Milestone and MAP Benchmark and participate in a simulated testing environment; Parents of lower grades students will learn about MAP Benchmark and receive summer activities and computer programs, as well as competition guidelines for fun challenges at Hamilton for the Summer of 2024.
  • Title I Revision and Stakeholder’s Input Meeting – March 2024 – Agenda: All stakeholders will have an opportunity to meet to share strategies to build partnerships: Parents and families will give input on our Title I Program including the school and district Parent and Family Engagement Plan, the School-Parent Compact, the parent engagement budget, the Title I Plan, and building staff capacity. Meetings will be offered virtually and person-to-person at a variety of times.
  • Parent Capacity Activity Q4 “STEAM and AG Day at Hamilton- Celebrating Ag in the Classroom”- April/May 2024- Agenda: Parents will be invited to attend a day-long celebration of STEAM and Ag in the Classroom. Students will participate in experiments and exhibits, and parents will receive at-home activities, as well as activities to prevent the Summer Slump, and register to help care for Hamilton’s Garden and Animals through the Summer of 2024.

School-Parent Compacts

The parents, students, and school staff developed the School Parent Compact. The teachers suggested home learning strategies, parents added ideas to make them more specific, and students told us what would help them learn. An annual revision meeting is held each year to review the compact and make changes based upon the needs of students. Parents and stakeholders are welcome to provide feedback on the compact and plan throughout the school year. All feedback will be used to revise the plan for the next school year. Visit our website at for more information on our compact.

Parent Resource Area

Hamilton Elementary School Parent Resource Room/Area is located in our media center and is open to all parents from 8:00 – 2:00 each day. There are resources available for parents to check out for student use at home. A computer is also available for appropriate parent use in the media center. Parent Resources are available in the front hallway of the school.

Contact our school parent liaison

Dr. Kimberly May at 229.941.5594 or by email at for more information.

Parent and Family Engagement

Hamilton Elementary School believes that family engagement means the participation of parents and family members in regular two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:

  • That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
  • That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
  • That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.

Hamilton Elementary School is committed to helping our parents and families attend the family activities listed in this plan. Please call or email us if you need assistance with child care or transportation in order to participate in our programs.

 Kristyn Nelms


229.941.5594 or


Dr. Kimberly May



229.941.5594 or


We want to hear from you. If you have any suggestions, or if there is any part of this plan you feel does not align with the students’ or the schools’ goals for academic achievement, please feel free to contact us and share your comments and ideas for improvement. There is also an opportunity to provide suggestions online at

 Building Capacity

Hamilton Elementary School will take the following measures to promote and support parents and family members as an important foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school and reach our school goals. We will:


Parent and Family Engagement Standards

HAMILTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and our parents have adopted the National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships as the school’s model in engaging parents, students, and the community. These standards are:

  1. Welcoming All Families
  2. Communicating Effectively
  3. Supporting Student Success
  4. Speaking Up for Every Child
  5. Sharing Power
  6. Collaborating with Community



 “Helping Every Student Each Day Achieve Excellence In Every Way”

5110 GA Highway 111

Hartsfield, Georgia 31756

(229) 941-5594

Fax: (229) 941-5818

Kristyn R. Nelms


Cyndi Webb


Dr. Kimberly May

Assistant Principal

Parent Policy Sign Off


 Parents please initial each line and sign at the bottom of the page.  This is to help you not have to tear out all the pages in the handbook, so you can have it for your reference.  The other items are in the student’s handbook grades 3-5.  Pre K -2nd a paper copy is also attached.

 ____ I have read the Parent Involvement Policy and Parent Compact.

 ____ I have read the Bullying Awareness Plan.

 ____ I have read the Colquitt County Attendance Policy.

 ____ I have read the Hamilton Student Handbook.

 ____ I have read the Colquitt County Handbook and CC Code of Conduct.

 ____ I have read the Hamilton Club Policy.

 ____ I understand the new state and local guidelines on food items brought into the school.

o        During school hours. (a) Food items served to students at class parties or school functions will be commercially prepared and packaged.  Nutritional labels will be available on all products served.  Homemade items will not be allowed at school functions during normal school hours.  (state and local new guidelines)

I decline permission for my child to participate in a club or organization. By signing and returning this portion of the handbook to the school I understand that my child WILL NOT be allowed to participate in clubs that would normally be open to him or her.


Name of Student                                                                       Teacher


Name of Club(s)                                        Parent/Guardian Signature