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6.3.2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes



June 3, 2020

President Ken Luety called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  School board members present were: Sheri Mullooly, Kassie Shull, Gary Gilbank, Mike Birkholz, Ron Schut and John Gracyalny.  Administration present: Jim Brewer, Sarah Duncan, Robert Butler, Elizabeth Leedle, Bryan Erskine, Janae Gile, Matt Huettl, Ben Simmons, Erika Stewart, Tori Franz, and Jeff Spiwak. Sheri Mullooly made a motion to approve the agenda.  Motion seconded by Gary Gilbank.  Motion carried by voice vote. ( Yes: 7, No: 0 )

Special Presentation: Ben Simmons presents on Girls on the Run.

Mrs. Elizabeth Leedle, Food Service Director, was recognized as the June 2020 Staff Member of the Month.

Sheri Mullooly made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Consent agenda items include: previous meeting minutes from the regular school board meeting from May 6, 2020, review of receipts and expenditures, as well as the following:  C) Hire: George Dalbo, High School Social Studies teacher, D) Hire: Caroline Corbeil, 1st Grade teacher, E) Hire: Danielle Christensen, Social Studies/Intervention teacher, F) Resignation: Rebecca MacCrindle, 1st Grade teacher, G) Resignation: Elizabeth Leedle, Food Service Director. Motion seconded by John Gracyalny. Motion carried by a roll call vote. (Yes:7, No: 0 )

Citizens and Delegations:None.

Board Committee Meeting Updates:  Sheri Mullooly provides the board with a recap of the Policy Committee Meeting held on May 27, 2020. General board discussion.  Gary Gilbank gives a review of the Finance Committee Meeting held on May 27, 2020.  General board discussion.

Campus-Wide Facilities Planning: Dr. Brewer reviews documentation provided by partners EUA and JP Cullen. Kit Dailey and Jeremy Schecterle from EUA and JP Cullen are in attendance virtually to answer questions.  General board discussion. Dr. Brewer reviews with the Board the need for a resolution, if the Board chooses to proceed with a referendum in November of 2020.

Board Discussion and/or Action- Academics: Dr. Brewer provides the board with an overview of the COVID-19 impact on education. General board discussion.

Board Discussion and/or Action - Business Services: Dr. Brewer presents the 2020-2021 Open Enrollment Applications documentation. General board discussion.  Gary Gilbank made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 Open Enrollment Applications as presented. Motion seconded by Mike Birkholz. Motion carried by a voice vote (Yes: 7, No: 0 ).  Sarah Duncan gives an overview of the Membership Audit Report. General board discussion. Presented to the board is the Custodial & Maintenance Staff Stipends, indicating a $500 stipend for full-time custodial/maintenance employees and $250 stipend for part-time custodial/maintenance employees for a total of $4500. Sheri Mullooly  made a motion to approve the Custodial & Maintenance Staff Stipends as presented. Motion seconded by Ron Schut.  Motion carried with a voice vote (Yes: 7, No: 0 ). Mrs. Duncan also presented a Food Service update with a recommendation to increase lunch prices by $0.10 for the 2020-2021 school year. General board discussion.  Sheri Mullooly made a motion to approve the lunch price increase as presented.  Motion seconded by John Gracyalny.  Motion carried by a voice vote (Yes: 7, No: 0 ).

District Administrators Report:  Dr. Brewer sets July 15th for the Board Retreat.  General board discussion.

Cabinet & Directors Reports: Each Director and Principal shared highlights and upcoming events within their specific buildings and areas in a document shared with the Board.

Communications & Announcements:

  1. Tuesday, June 9th: Last Day of School
  2. June 15th - July 2nd: Summer School Session 1 (Virtual)

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

  1. Finance Committee Meeting: Tuesday, June 23rd, 4:30pm
  2. Policy Committee Meeting: Wednesday, June 24th, 9:00am
  3. Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, July 1st, 6:30pm @ CHS LMC

Sheri Mullooly led the After Action Review.  General board discussion.  

Gary Gilbank made a motion to adjourn. John Gracyalny seconded the motion.  Motion carried with a voice vote (Yes: 7, No: 0 ). Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandra Chairez, Board of Education Secretary                Kassie Shull, Board Clerk