File: Browser protection growth, for publishers (marketing pitches PR)
How publishers can turn browser protection growth into an opportunity to secure audience and benefit advertisers
(This is the overview document. Technical details here: )
Publishers seeking to reclaim ad revenue must establish control over their audience data using both regulatory and technical measures. Without protection, third-party tracking enables fraudulent and low-quality sites to claim to offer ads that reach the same audience as a site trusted by users.
We are building the processes and tools to protect your users and your ad revenue, including:
The California Consumer Privacy Act provides guidance on opt-out management--Aloodo and EFF, under the auspices of ITEGA, are building a means to manage such opt-outs that will include all third-party trackers.
In addition to ensuring your news site complies with the new California rules, publishers should develop tracking protection metrics. Such metrics will distinguish real humans who visit your site from ad fraud. This tool is being built by Aloodo.
To learn more, please visit: technical details document