Adventurers! (Abilities Only)


All player characters PCs are Adventurers. They are out for adventures, exploration, and loot. They all may use weapons and armor and may attempt to cast spells, pray for godly miracles, or try their hands at picking pockets or picking a lute. They are generally lawful and goodly aligned but may stray toward the dark side from time to time.  Where they go is dangerous, so they know it is best to work as a team.

Creating a Character


Start with 10 “build points” that may be distributed among the six Abilities. Minimum is 0, Maximum is 6 for any one Ability.  Each Ability Score may eventually increase up to a Maximum of 15.

Ex: STR+4, DEX+2, CON+1, INT+0, WIS+0, CHA+3


  • Fighters
  • Damage

  • Add to Melee Attack
  • Add to Damage (most weapons)
  • Bash/Lift/Bend/Carry and other feats of strength


  • Archers
  • Rascals
  • Armor
  • Add to Ranged Attack
  • Add to Defense (most armor)
  • Stealth/Pick Pockets or Locks/Climb and other feats of dexterity or agility


  • Hit Points
  • Healing
  • Add to Hit Points
  • Saves vs poison/heat/cold
  • Add to Item Slots


  • Mages
  • Knowing
  • Add to Spell Casting (most)
  • Literacy and Knowledge
  • Save vs Spells (except Illusion)


  • Clerics
  • Insight
  • Turning Undead
  • Healing/Clerical Spells
  • Save vs Illusion
  • Perception


  • Bards
  • Illusionist
  • Add to Illusion Spells
  • Charm/Persuade/Perform

The Ability Score is the character’s proficiency, skill, and natural/class/race bonus. Even at +0 a PC may attempt any task, use any weapon, or attempt to cast any spell. They just won’t be as good at it.


Hit Points = HP; DEF = Defense (or Armor Class)

HP = 1d6 per Class Level + CON

Reroll all dice at each advancement. If the total goes down, that indicates injury or sickness in the PC.

DEF = DEX + Armor


Gambeson (Padded Cloth), Helm, and Shield add to other armors when worn/used.






1 gp



10 gp

Leather Helm


4 gp

Metal Helm


20 gp

Wooden Shield


5 gp

Metal Shield


30 gp



20 gp

Studded Leather


40 gp

Scale mail


50 gp

Chain mail


100 gp



300 gp

Field Plate


600 gp

Metal Armor is very uncomfortable without Gambeson under it!


PCs may be Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, or other (at GM’s discretion). This is flavor background and has no advantage/disadvantage in game play.

If player and GM agree, advantages/disadvantages may be applied to certain actions based upon a PC’s background. This may happen before or during gameplay. Talk it over with the team.

Starting Packages

All PCs start with 3d6 gp, a waterskin, a Backpack and 4 days rations. Additionally, all PCs have a Role in their Team and so may begin with one of the following packages:

During play, PCs may improve in their Role and even take on new ones as they progress.

If the players have other Roles in mind, they may propose different Starting Packages for the GM’s approval. GM’s, of course, may offer different Starting Packages as they like.

Backgrounds (Optional)

Generally, backgrounds are worked out during the first few game sessions. Some people, however, might like to roll up a one sentence background as inspiration for their PC. If so, roll 1d20 on each of the following tables:

You were a


  1. Bounty Hunter
  2. Courtesan
  3. Duelist
  4. Executioner
  5. Farmer
  6. Grave Robber
  7. Wine Maker
  8. Mercenary
  9. Minor Noble
  10. Outlaw
  11. Performer
  12. Pirate/Sailor
  13. Nun/Monk
  14. Rat Catcher
  15. Servant
  16. Student
  17. Soldier
  18. Urchin
  19. Tax Collector
  20. Craftsman
  1. Abandoned at birth.
  2. Banished from home.
  3. Betrayed by loved one.
  4. Cursed by a witch.
  5. Disowned by family.
  6. Escape bondage/prison.
  7. Fled a scandal.
  8. Framed for a crime.
  9. Killed someone big.
  10. Left for dead.
  11. Lost your home/family.
  12. Owe lots of gold!
  13. Pursued by the law.
  14. Raised on the streets.
  15. Reduced to poverty.
  16. Ruined by a vice.
  17. Suffer from amnesia.
  18. Survived a massacre.
  19. Survived a plague.
  20. Raised by “others.”

Finishing Your PC

  1. Pick Abilities.
  2. Take on Roles and Starting Packages.
  3. Generate Backgrounds (if you wish).
  4. Spend any of your gold on other things.
  5. Calculate HP and DEF.
  6. Name your PC.

And you are ready to start play!

Game Play Mechanics

  1. The GM will describe a scene.
  2. The players will describe what they want their PCs to do.
  3. The GM will call for rolls of dice, if needed, and tell the players what happened.
  4. Go to 1.

Rolling the Dice

To succeed: 1d20 + Ability + Mods >= Target Num + Mods

Mods = Any modifiers the GM adds to make a task easier or harder.

Target Num = The Target Number the GM assigns to a task based on its difficulty, including mods like opponent DEF or Spell Level.

Suggested Base Target Numbers (vary around):











Virtually Impossible


The GM may determine that a PC has Advantage or Disadvantage on a task. When that is so:

Advantage: Roll 2d20, keep the highest

Disadvantage: Roll 2d20, and keep the lowest

Critical Failure:  A natural 1 always fails and some misfortune is applied by the GM.

Critical Success: A natural 20 always succeeds and some extra result is applied by the GM. In combat, perhaps damage is doubled.

Optional:  Lucky Die!

If the GM wishes to include it, they may award a player’s PC with a Lucky Die for exceptional play. A Lucky Die may be “cashed in” at any time for any reason by the player and allows them Advantage on one roll. If they already have Advantage, they have double Advantage (roll 3 keep highest).


To Hit

Very similar to any other tasks, Roll a d20 against a target number. The target number, for combat, is DEF or Hit Dice + 10 for monsters.

Ex: Sam (STR+2) attacks an Orc with a sword. Rolls 1d20[12] + 2 = 14 against the Orc’s HD (Hit Dice) of 2+10…success.


If a hit is made roll the weapon’s damage and add the relevant Ability Mod. This is subtracted from target’s HP.

At 0 and below non-PCs are dead.

At 0 to -CON PCs are unconscious.

At less than -CON Pcs are dead.

Death Saves

Unconscious PCs (and important NPCs) must succeed at a Normal Task (10 or greater) 3 times before failing 3 times to stabilize. If they fail to stabilize, the PC dies.


A PC may assist an unconscious PC if they are in contact with their body by giving them Advantage on a Death Save. The assisting PC may perform no other action for as long as they are assisting the unconscious PC. Their focus is fully on this task. A Luck Die may be used during this task by either the assisting PC or the unconscious one. A healing kit used during the assistance gives Advantage, as well. Double or Triple or higher Advantages might be obtained this way.

Magic Spells can be used to Heal an injured PC, whether conscious or unconscious by the rolled points.

A full day of rest (including a night’s sleep) revives wounded PCs at the rate of their CON.

Spells and Miracles

Use any OSR or 5e spells you like, but PCs must find them through exploration or training from a Wizard/Priest.

Finding a “mentor” is both an adventure and also likely to involve a cost. The cost may be in gold, or more likely in undertaking some dangerous mission.

I strongly suggest keeping the number and level of spells available to PCs relatively low, perhaps 5 or 6 known and only up to level 6, at most.

All Spells are rolled for success or failure.

To Successfully Cast a Spell:

Roll 1d20 + INT/WIS/CHA >= 10 + Spell Level.

If the Cast succeeds, continue to spell effects. Otherwise, the spell fails as either a “fizzle” or a backfire. Fizzles mean the spell doesn’t work but can be attempted again.  A Critical Failure is a backfire and results in the loss of that spell for the day (or longer) and/or damage (or strangeness happening) to the PC and his team.

Many spells allow the target to “save” against them, reducing the effect in whole or in part. Saves are Hard, so…

To Save Against a Spell:

Roll 1d20 + Ability Mod >= 15

Optionally, if the GM thinks this is too easy, make the Target Number 15+Spell Level.


To keep things simple PCs will have Item Slots equal to 10 + CON. The GM will determine how many Slots any item occupies, but generally 1 weapon = 1 slot, 1 spell book = 1 slot, 1 coil of rope = 1 slot, etc.

A Backpack is 1 Item Slot, but it may hold 5 items! A Large Sack (1 slot) may hold 4 items. A regular sack (1 slot) 2 items. You may not put sacks within sacks or backpacks and fill them!

Weapons and Equipment

You may use an OSR or SRD weapon or equipment, with the GM’s approval.

For those wishing something simple:


Example Weapons


Fist, kick, headbutt


Bone, club, dagger, improvised weapon


Mace, short bow, spear, staff, short sword


Battle ax, long sword, longbow, rapier, Warhammer


Crossbow, two-handed sword, etc.


You earn Experience Points (XP) during play for collecting treasure, killing monsters, and good roleplay. Typically, the GM will award 1 to 10 XP per session. Examples might be 100 gp recovered = 1 XP, killing 10 HD of monsters = 1 XP, helping a teammate complete a task or survive a wound = 1 XP, swinging from a chandelier during a fight (making everyone cheer/laugh) = 1 XP and so on.

It takes 10 x the next Level to “Level Up”.

When you Level Up you get one more HD to add to your Hit Points and 1 Ability Point to add to one Ability Score.

You may focus on one Ability to improve over time making your PC more effective in their Role within the Party…”I’m the front line tank, so I need STR and CON and that’s what I’ll improve.”

 You may also spread the Ability Points out to other Scores to make your PC more of a generalist…”Sure I’m a fighter, but I need to use the bow as well and darn it, I want to cast a few spells from time to time, so I’m spreading my Points out to DEX and INT.”

Remember the Maximum Ability Score is 15, so if you max out in one Ability, you will have to put points into others at that point.