GAME DESIGN DOCUMENT – Rogue Mission: Abandoned Infiltration


Rogue Mission: Abandoned Infiltration is a platformer-action game. Where the player is trapped in a large abandoned research facility. In order to escape, you must dodge and manoeuvre around the many obstacles and enemies thrown at you. Akin to games like Jetpack Joyride, Vector, Rayman Fiesta Run, but with an end goal, escaping the large Laboratory.



Agent R. (Player Character) - A honourably discharged soldier who is loosely part of a secret government operation, occasionally sent out on Black ops missions across the world. He personally wiped himself off from the grid, as almost no other information about him is known. Other than trying to gather information on his fallen friend.

K. Marshal (Story NPC) - High Ranking Government Officer in charge of the secret Black ops missions. He will give the player instructions and intel during the gameplay, as well as in the cutscenes. Almost no information is also known about him, other than his name and ranking.

A. Saturn (Story NPC, Gameplay Boss) - An old war veteran who was stationed with Agent R. during his time in the army, was horribly injured and presumably left to die in the field. But was secretly being experimented upon, slowly corrupting his mind and body.

Spectrum O.S. (Story NPC, Gameplay Boss) - A power loving maniacal a.i. program that got infested with the mutated plant life that grew in the facility.

Mutated Plant Life (NPC) - Science experiment that went wrong when trying to make sentient plant life. In which they either merged with the deceased scientists in the lab, took home in the cracks and walls of the lab, or didn’t bother anyone and flourished on their own merits. Different Variations in different stages of its life cycle will be present in the game.

27 hours earlier…

Agent R. is chilling in his house, by his fireplace, reminiscing about the old times by going through a photo album of him and his mates. With a torn photo of him and someone that’s presumed to be important to him.

He is then contacted by his superior, about a black ops mission, told to acquire data that's stored on a server rack somewhere. Agent R. starts getting ready.

- Tutorial/Prologue Level -

Agent R. is near the abandoned research facility. In which, wandering around the wreckage of rumble and infested plant life, stumbles upon an experimental power suit.

Upon interacting, the facility activates its defence mechanism, powering up Spectrum O.S. that’s in charge of the Mega Lab. From this event, the mutated plant life that has infested the Lab, also awakens.

- Start of First Level -

The facility is on lockdown, which removes the communication access with K. Marshal, and now Agent R. must find a way to escape the facility, by finding a way to shut or turn off the AI system that deems the player a threat.

- End of First level -

After escaping through a crack in the roof of the facility. Agent R. is a bit late, as a dome starts appearing, closing off contact from the outside world. The large tower, far from where he is, houses the Spectrum O.S., taunting the player by activating a self-destruct sequence.

- Start of Second Level -

Now the player has to run as fast as he can to the tower before the entire place self-destructs.

- End of Second Level -

After managing to shut off the self-destruct sequence, K. Marshal manages to intercept a connection to talk with you. Informing you that an old friend was presumed dead, but in fact he was being experimented on in this secret facility.

- Start of Third level (boss) -

Agent R. is thrown a lot of difficult obstacles

- Epilogue Cutscene -


(Arrow Keys) for movement

left, right arrow for directional movement

Up arrow for jumping

Space for instant sliding (counts as attacking)

1 for heal

2 for shield

3 for Burst rail gun attack

The “Slide” ability can be used to attack and defeat enemies, as well as breaking crates and other breakable objects.

Brief Level Description

Level 1 - Entrance of Research Facility - Tutorial of movement, basic sliding, and platforming. To progress: Grab Exosuit

Level 2 - Deep Within the Research Facility - Introduction of blockers, Introduction of collectables and Introduction of limited use of abilities. Harder Platforming by tight platforms and spaces, smaller enclosed spaces. To progress: Escape through the roof

Level 3 -


The gameplay, I want it to closely resemble the Early 2010s flash games, games like the Madness series. But less gorey and more minimalist like Canabalt. Striking a balance between cartoony and sleekness.

The in-game U.I elements present will be like Early 2000s military “classified” documents. Less like GoldenEye for the N64, and more like the green terminal screens from old CRT monitors. So a blend of both aesthetics will be approachable.

Music will



Start Menu

  • Buttons: to select and click with either mouse or arrow keys.
  • Multiple Layouts: to create a seamless transition between layouts

Options Menu

  • Buttons: to select and click with either mouse or arrow keys.
  • Global Variable Data: Different Toggles and sliders that set the Audio, Language, auto skip cutscenes, and if possible, change the button layout for the player.

Save system:

  • Level Select System
  • Buttons: to select and click with either mouse or arrow keys.
  • Global Variable Data: To store data whether or not the player has completed that level or not so that they are allowed to access the level(s).
  • Cutscene Select System
  • Buttons: to select and click with either mouse or arrow keys.
  • Global Variable Data: To store data whether or not the player has seen the cutscene or not so that they are allowed to access the cutscene(s).


  • Movement System
  • Arrow keys for movement
  • Movement System

A rough outline of what systems will be required (for example, ones that will show up on most lists: 2D and/or 3D renderer, state machine, save/load system, UI system, collision system, particle system, etc). Include special features that, while they may not have their own system, will still need to be accounted for when creating systems (ie. day/night cycles, sound affecting gameplay, etc).

Player Character:

Movement Animations Include:

  • Idle,
  • Running,
  • Jumping,
  • Crouching??? (Might not need)
  • Sliding,

Attack, Ability and/or Other Animations:

  • “Reactor Core Charge” Attack
  • Shield’
  • Super Sliding
  • Other abilities soon to be made


  • Video made in Adobe Animate, edited in Premiere, exported, then imported into Construct 3
  • Requires full use of the skills we acquired in our course:
  • Scripting,
  • Audio,
  • Music,
  • Storyboarding,
  • Animating.


  • Text: Team who made the game (Abdulloh, Dequan, Eshan and Vraj), what we made, any royalty free assets we borrowed,

Sound assets:

Music -

  • 5-6 tracks, 4 for levels, one for main menu, and if time allows, one for

Reactive Ambient Soundscape -

For when the player is in different areas, the background sound changes.

Voice Acting -

  • Refer to Voice acting

•        Art Assets: List each major area of artwork (Player, Enemies, Worlds, UI/Menus, HUD, Effects), specifying roughly how detailed animations and states will be, and however much you know at this point about the pipeline/programs used.

•        Text Assets: Identify major areas (tutorial, tips, scripted dialogue/quests, dynamically presented dialogue, narration), and attempt to gauge the amount of effort required on each section.

•        Sound Assets: Similarly, the major areas (In-game sound, UI/HUD feedback sound, music, voice) should be detailed and described.


The player is nimble and quick, basic Arrow Key movement allows the player to navigate themselves through the level.

A Key - Allows the character to move left in the level.

D Key - Allows the character to move right in the level.

S Key - Allows the character to slide/roll along a platform. Counts as Attacking and destroying obstacles

W Key - Allows the character to jump onto a platform or jump in one position due to where they are standing.

G Key - Allows the character to grapple onto another platform. Also combined with a grab mechanic when coming across a vine.


Healing Power Up - Allows the player to gain some health to keep them alive.

Shield Power Up - Allows the player to avoid taking damage from an enemy/blocker/projectiles.

One shot Power Up - Powers up a laser to be shot instantly and eliminates any and all enemies in front of the player.

Enemy (Blockers)

(Tech - Projectile based )

  • Automated rail gun turrets that target the player, show where they are aiming at. Then after a couple seconds, stops aiming, and proceeds to shoot.
  • Missile turrets that shoot slow missiles, which targets the player, by slowly accelerating constantly. And after a couple seconds, sets off in the angle it was facing.
  • Environmental Lasers placed randomly take almost twice the time to charge as rail gun turrets, but to compensate for how long it takes to charge, it will take about a third of the player's screen. 1 point of Damage and if there’s a chance it could stun the player

(Plant - Melee based)

  • Vines or Plant stems that spike up at the player, they blend with the environment, but can be seen easily by the “cracks” or flower seeds on the ground or platform. They almost instantly damage the player, so it's better to dodge or avoid it at all costs.
  • Regular shroom guys, humanoid plant life that wanders aimlessly in the game. Small and easy to kill and spot. Either dodge or slide and eliminate.
  • Spiked shroom guys, humanoid plant life that has a bit of a brain and will target the player in the game. Small and easy to spot. Need to dodge, unless gained a way to damage. 1 point of damage


Game Loading -> Game Menu -> Click Start -> Click Prologue -> Cutscene -> Prologue finished -> Click Tutorial -> Dialogue -> Play level -> Cutscene -> Tutorial Finished -> Click 1st level -> Cutscene/Dialogue -> Play level -> Cutscene -> Level finished -> Click 2nd level -> Cutscene/Dialogue -> Play level -> Cutscene -> Level finished -> Click 3rd level -> Cutscene/Dialogue -> Play level -> Cutscene -> Level finished -> Click Epilogue Cutscene -> Cutscene -> Credits

Game Loading -> Game Menu -> Click Credits

Game Loading -> Game Menu -> Click Settings -> Change Audio, Enable skip Cutscenes, Change Language

Game Loading -> Game Menu -> Click Compendium -> (if player beat 3rd level, open, if else, block)



  • Wide empty space, the player must learn the left and right movements.
  • Small platforming challenges, jump must be learned by the player now. (rubble, pieces of destroyed equipment, rocks)
  • Larger platforming challenges, holding jump is now required, more tight spaces for the player to overcome. Gradually increasing in height and the gaps for the jumps, must also slowly introduce more consequences, like missing a jump only sets back a few seconds, then up to electric water in the pit (instant death)
  • MORE ENEMIES. Introduction of unavoidable enemies (Turrets).
  • End of level, gain power suit.


  • Wide empty space, the player must learn the left and right movements.

Sprite and Background Object Art

Level 1: Broken Down Laboratory

As the level starts grey, and more “bacteria-free”. The more the player progresses, the environment gets more run down, and mutant-plant infested.

Lobby Area:

  • Lobby Chairs
  • Old Television set

Janitor Room:

  • mops
  • cleaning supplies
  • broom
  • janitor room tiles


  • Bathroom Tile
  • Stalls
  • Sinks
  • Urinals

Conference Room:

  • Large Oval Table
  • Cool conference chairs
  • Briefcases

Office area:

  • Office Cubicles
  • Office Chairs
  • office tiles
  • chalk-board / projector
  • Stacks of paper (variations)
  • Clock
  • Notice boards
  • white board
  • “PERSONAL ONLY”, Emergency exit signs

Sewer Area

  • Pipes
  • Sewer water
  • Drain Pipes
  • Stone tileset, with mossy variants.

Tile assets Etc.:

  • Cave tile asset
  • Brick tile assets
  • Concrete tile assets
  • Grass tile assets
  • dirt tile assets
  • cobblestone tile assets
  • BACKGROUND tile asset
  • clouds or sum

Level 2: Deep Within the plant infested Laboratory

The whole laboratory is basically in ruin. There is a shift in a more green hue and tone now, but blends in with a red lining.

Plant infested Test chambers / Long Hallways:

One part of the level, it is a long hallway that is plant infested, with locked off testing rooms as background art, then at the end of the tunnel. There is a broken wall that the player can go into and now the player is in one of these testing rooms.

  • Secured Metal Doors
  • Observable one sided tint windows
  • Caution, Radioactive, Danger, “PERSONAL ONLY”, Emergency Exit, etc. Signs
  • Dead Scientist Bodies (Low saturation or greyed out)

Level 3: Roof of the Laboratory

  • Air Vents
  • Railings
  • Steel Tileset


Beginning of the level

Middle of the level

End of level

Level 4: Gauntlet Tower

Server room:

  • Server Rack
  • Large Terminals
  • Modern white tables
  • sleek stained glass
  • Wires interconnected with each other

Jumping Mechanics

(For reference, the player is 1.5 blocks tall)

  1.  (I) The player must be able to jump easily one block with ease

(II) And does not require long press of jump key to reach one block

  1.  (I) The player must be able to reach 3 blocks easily by holding the jump key.

(II) The player must be able to half press the jump key from a previous platform of 1 to 2 block height difference, with a gap of 1 to 4 block height difference.

  1.  (I) The player should not be able to bypass, jump over, or proceed by this singular action of going past a 4 blocks or more.

(II) The player however, can and should be able to jump, proceed, and get past 4 blocks by utilising platforms, the combination of a jump key and then a slide key, or other means given in the level.

  1. The Player can fully jump 5.5 blocks while holding the right key.

  1. The Player can fully jump 7.5 to 9.5 blocks while holding the right key, if the player SLIDES towards the middle of the jump. And the agreed