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STRPB Agenda 05.03.2023
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Six Town Regionalization Planning Board Meeting

Towns of Bernardston, Gill, Leyden, Montague, Northfield, and Warwick

Remote Participation Due to Pandemic

Wednesday May 3, 2023

6:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 8411 2975

Passcode: 075144

  1. Call Meeting to Order


  1. Attendance/Roll Call


  1. Minutes: April 4th, April 18th (if available)

  1. Letter to Parents (Update)
  1. Edited third draft letter sent to working group
  2. Working group draft (if available)

  1. Follow-up on Teacher/Parent Forums
  1. Surveys (in-person, online)
  1. Example question (Was the PowerPoint helpful?)

b.        Logistics (phone tree, posters, mailings, emails, brochures, grocery stores, libraries,Town Halls, etc.)

c.        Forum board member attendance?

  1. Follow up on Teacher Forum Schedule
  1. Facilitator’s availability: May 8 & 9 and week of May 15th & 22th
  2. Potential dates for teacher forums

  1. Financial RFQ Update: (Potential review)

  1. Review Timeline (Mary available May 8 & 9 and week of May 15th & 22 th)

  1.          Review PowerPoint student feedback slides (Mary, if available)

  1. Any Other Business/Parking Lot Items not anticipated within 48 hours

  1.  Next Meeting(s) - Please bring a planning calendar.

  1. Adjournment

 *The duration of the meeting will be no more than 2 hours

Supporting Documents

Minutes (if available)

Parent letter

Teacher letter

RFQ (if available)

        Review Next Steps for Planning Board

        A.        Planning Board Deliberates/Votes on Financial Findings

        B.         Planning Board Deliberates/Votes on Overall Recommendation

        C.         If Affirmative - Move Forward with District Agreement Preparation

                with Consultants working with Selectboards, FinComms, SC, Admins, etc.

                1.         Contracted Services  (RFQ, RFP)  Verify Assessments

2.        Verify benefits and salary schedule (for the purposes of

 calculating potential budgets)        

3.        Transition plan of central office (personnel and operational        


4.        Project Retiree Benefits/OPEB

5.         Public Relations Outreach/Marketing

6.        Legal Services