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privacy policy
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Privacy Policy

VAZZ ("Company") adheres to privacy regulations under the Telecommunications Privacy Protection Act, Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. The company makes its best efforts to protect user rights by establishing a privacy policy in accordance with these laws.

1. Categories of Personal Information Collected and Collection Method

A. Categories of Personal Information Collected

① We do not collect personal information.

2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

A. Provision of basic functionality

3. Sharing and Provision of Personal Information

The company uses the personal information of its users within the scope notified in "Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information" and does not disclose user's personal information to external parties without prior consent from the user.

4. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information

User's personal information is immediately discarded once the purpose of its collection and use has been achieved. However, the following information is retained for the period specified for the following reasons:

A. Reasons for Information Retention by Company Policy

- Record of improper usage

Reason for Retention: Prevention of improper usage / Retention Period: 1 year

B. Reasons for Information Retention by Related Laws

In cases where it is necessary to preserve information in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Commercial Law, Consumer Protection in E-commerce, etc., the company retains member information for a certain period as stipulated by related laws.

- Record related to contract or subscription withdrawal

Reason for Retention: Consumer Protection in E-commerce / Retention Period: 5 years

- Record related to payment and supply of goods, etc.

Reason for Retention: Consumer Protection in E-commerce / Retention Period: 5 years

- Record of handling complaints or disputes from consumers

Reason for Retention: Consumer Protection in E-commerce / Retention Period: 3 years

- Record of identity verification

Reason for Retention: Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection / Retention Period: 6 months

- Record of visit

Reason for Retention: Protection of Communications Secrets Act / Retention Period: 3 months

5. Procedure and Method of Personal Information Destruction

User's personal information is immediately discarded once the purpose of its collection and use has been achieved. The company's procedure and method of personal information destruction are as follows:

A. Destruction Procedure

- The information entered by the user for membership registration, etc., is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose has been achieved (in the case of paper, to a separate document box), stored for a certain period according to internal policies and other related laws (refer to the retention and usage period) and then destroyed.

- Personal information transferred to a separate DB is not used for other purposes unless required by law.

B. Method of Destruction

- Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

- Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that makes the record non-reproducible.

Sure, here's the translation:

6. Rights of users and their legal representatives and how they can be exercised

Users and their legal representatives can inquire or revise their registered personal information or that of a child under the age of 14 at any time, and may request to cancel the account.

For inquiry or revision of personal information of a user or a child under 14 years of age, they can directly view, correct, or withdraw through "Change My Profile" in the service, or "Delete Account" for cancellation (withdrawal of consent).

Alternatively, if you contact the personal information management officer in writing, by phone or email, actions will be taken without delay.

If a user requests correction of errors in personal information, such personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the company will notify the third party of the correction result without delay and make corrections.

The company treats the personal information cancelled or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative according to the details specified in "5. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information" and ensures that it is not viewed or used for any other purpose.

7. Installation/operation of personal information automatic collection devices and matters concerning refusal

The company automatically collects the device identification number (device ID or IMEI) when the user runs the app to create an account.

If the user refuses the automatic collection of the device identification number, the app cannot be used.

8. Technical/administrative protection measures for personal information

The company has the following technical/administrative measures in place to ensure the safety of users' personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered, or damaged.

A. Measures against hacking, etc.

The company is doing its best to prevent users' personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. The company regularly backs up data in case of damage to personal information, uses the latest antivirus programs to prevent users' personal information or data from being leaked or damaged, and uses an intrusion prevention system to control unauthorized access from the outside. The company is also making efforts to equip all possible technical devices to secure the system.

B. Minimizing and educating handling staff

The company restricts its personal information-related handling staff to only those in charge, and assigns separate passwords for this, which are updated regularly. The company also emphasizes compliance with the personal information handling policy through regular education for those in charge.

C. Operation of a dedicated organization for personal information protection

Through the company's in-house personal information protection dedicated organization, etc., the company checks the implementation of the personal information handling policy and the compliance of those in charge, and tries to correct and correct problems as soon as they are found.

However, the company is not responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information due to the user's carelessness or reasons not attributable to the company's intent or serious negligence.

9. Contact information for the personal information management officer and manager

You can report all personal information protection-related complaints that occur while using the company's service to the personal information management officer or the department in charge. The company will provide quick and sufficient answers to the reports from users.

Name: Jase


If you need to report or consult about personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations:

- Personal Information Infringement Report Center ( / 118)

- Information Protection Mark Certification Committee ( / 02-580-0533~4)

- Supreme Prosecutor's Office Cyber Crime Investigation Department ( / 02-3480-2000)

- National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center