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Biden vs. Inslee Climate Plans
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National Building Energy Upgrade Initiative

New buildings 100% zero-emission by 2030

“ReBuild America” initiative to retrofit 4% of all buildings annually (100% by 2045)

National Energy Efficiency Resource Standard

Create national training program for building maintenance & operations staff

New commercial buildings 100% zero-emission by 2030

Reduce total carbon footprint for buildings by 50% by 2035

National program for affordable retrofits; upgrade 6 million homes over 4 years*

Build 1.5 million new sustainable homes

New efficiency standards for household appliances

Green Federal Financing

New federal financing authority “Green Bank”

$90 billion federal investment

Targeted tax credits for building efficiency upgrades *

FInance the retirement of all coal plants

Reserve fund for inclusive financing of building retrofits *

Expansion of Weatherization Assistance Program/Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program to make renewable power more affordable *

Federally funded retrofits for public buildings

$400 billion federal investment in clean energy over 10 years

Direct cash rebates for building efficiency upgrades *

Expanded weatherization assistance *

Develop zoning and building codes for climate resiliency

Rural Electrification

Double annual finance authority for the Rural Utility Service to provide low-cost financing of zero-carbon electricity generation/transmission *

Debt relief for rural electric cooperatives to redirect loans toward clean energy

DOE-supplied technical assistance to rural electric cooperatives

Fund the USDA Rural Housing and Rural Business Service for efficiency upgrades and low-cost solar installations *

Federal investment in regional power authorities to facilitate energy transition

Vague on rural electrification projects, but does address rural communities via agricultural innovation.

Energy Democracy

DOE Solar Communities Initiative to drive $150 billion in solar energy investment over 10 years through grants and tax credits; goal to reach 10% solar electricity by 2030 *

Create Energy Districts, collaborative, voluntary communities to create locally owned power generation *

Fund DOE’s Better Communities Alliance to advise local governments on clean energy

Frequent mention of “community-driven processes” and input from “community stakeholders,” but nothing concrete on democratic mechanisms.

Incentivize Private Investment

Investment and production tax credits for renewable energy generation and storage

Use Real Estate Investment Trusts and Energy Saving Performance Contracts to spur portfolio-scale retrofits

Prioritize clean energy assets in awarding competitive HUD grants and loans

Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Standard (EECES) designed to boost market competition and create innovative financing mechanisms for clean energy projects

100% Clean Federal Agencies

Require 100% of federal vehicle purchases to zero-emission by 2024

Expand renewable power of federal buildings

Prioritize permitting for renewable energy transmission on public lands

Activate assistance from the Defense Production Act Fund when necessary

Double offshore wind on federal waters; develop wind farms on federal lands



New vehicles 100% zero-emission by 2030

More than double federal investment in public transit systems

Establish DOT performance management rules requiring life-cycle and climate reduction analysis

Major federal investment to electrify passenger and freight rail

Federal matching funds for state/local/tribal governments to build electric charging infrastructure

Charging station at every Interstate Highway rest stop and along key trucking routes by 2024

Commit to international goals to civil aviation emissions at 2020 levels and reduce over time

Federal investment in zero-emissions ports (ground operations and clean shipping solutions)

100% new vehicle electrification

500,000 new charging stations by 2050

Restore full electric vehicle tax credit

100% electric buses by 2035

Allow states and cities flexibility in how they use transportation funds

Higher speed Northeast Corridor rail and California High Speed Rail

New Hudson River rail tunnel

Coastal end-to-end high speed rail system

Rail freight bridge between Oregon and Washington

Chicago CREATE to improve rail traffic efficiency

Transmission & Smart Grids

Federal matching funds for smart/demand-response grid infrastructure and cyber security

Expand Authorized Equipment List eligible for FEMA grants for preparedness and micro-grids

Transmission Investment Tax Credit to expand clean energy  transmission capacity

Appoint an Energy Secretary and FERC Chair who will expedite inter-regional transmission planning and development

Improve cybersecurity and resiliency of smart grids

Promote faster and easier permitting to re-power old grids

Clean Water

Fully fund Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds, prioritizing communities at risk of contaminated drinking water *

Invest over $7 billion in coastal and inland water infrastructure (dams, levees, seawalls, locks)

Increase funding to agencies that secure drought-resistant water supplies in western river basins

Establish new monitoring system for water contaminants

Affordable Housing & Community Development

Relaunch HUD/EPA/DOT Sustainable Communities Initiative w/ bottom-up community development plans for climate action *

Increase per-capita allocations for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and Private Activity Bonds for projects that advance 100% clean energy in affordable housing *

Fund climate-resilient infrastructure through Community Development Block Grants and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants *

Provide state and local governments with resources with resources for transit development *

Invest in retrofitting public school infrastructure *

Improve efficiency of low-income housing *

Incentivize investment in resilience by lowering property insurance premiums *

Disadvantaged communities will reap 40% of spending benefits on clean energy *

Give preference to low-income communities of color in competitive grant programs *

Create Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool *

Green Infrastructure & Public Lands

Ramp up investment in US Forest Service for carbon storage/reforestation

Address the national backlog of land management projects

Expand EPA and NOAA ocean/wetland conservation and restoration

Redouble wildlife conservation efforts

Use USDA to drive agricultural ecosystem innovation (improvements to biodiversity, air quality, stormwater retention, etc.)

30% land and water conservation by 2030

Permanent protective status for Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)


Advanced Manufacturing Leadership

Uncapped Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit for rapidly expanding clean energy

Federal support for technical assistance and training programs

Investment in manufacturing of zero-emission vehicles and component parts

“Clean Cars for Clunkers” program to get dirty vehicles off the road

Quadrennial Industrial Review by Commerce to identify sound industrial policies and keep the U.S. competitive

Tax credits and subsidies for low-carbon technology upgrades

Connect universities/colleges, incubators/accelerators, unions, state/local governments, and manufacturing employers and fund a regional plan to decarbonize

Increased efficiency and controls in manufacturing technology

“Cash for Clunkers” program

Super Pollutants

Immediate phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons

Require oil and gas companies to identify and stop methane leaks

End all U.S. fossil fuel subsidies

Deploy biogas methane capture and utilization technology for applications that cannot be cost-effectively electrified

Direct EPA and DOJ to hold polluters accountable

Global ban on fossil fuel subsidies

Embrace curbing hydrofluorocarbons worldwide

Industrial Efficiency Standards

Require emissions standards in federal procurement of energy-intensive materials (federal “Buy Clean” program)

Impose new federal standards of carbon intensity in manufacturing

Tax incentives for carbon capture and industrial waste-heat recovery

Federal investments in carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) and enhanced tax incentives

Clean Exports and Green Global Development

Rejoin Paris Agreement

Accelerate American clean energy exports and cease all support for new fossil energy projects

Work with global financial institutions/multilateral development banks to build clean infrastructure in developing nations and supply American-made green technology

Reinstitute bilateral programs for enhanced clean energy

Ensure U.S. trade policy is aligned with decarbonization efforts

Rejoin Paris Agreement

Convene a climate summit

Create enforceable international agreements on aviation and shipping

Carbon-adjustment quotas/tariffs

Conditional trade agreements

Name and shame  global “climate outlaws”

G20 commitment to end export finance subsidies of high-carbon project

Reform IMF debt repayment standards to account for costly high-carbon projects

Tie emissions standards to all bilateral agreements with China

Offer low-carbon financing alternatives to countries involved in China’s Belt and Road project

Global moratorium on Arctic offshore drilling

Clean Energy Export and Climate Investment Initiative to promote U.S. low-carbon technology exports

Green debt relief for developing countries with climate commitments

Regional emissions reduction framework in the Americas

Common standards for manufacturing, mining, tourism in the Americas

Clean energy grid from Mexico through Colombia

Promote Caribbean clean energy transition


Clean Energy R&D

Grow existing DOE research programs for advanced renewables, grid-scale storage, small modular reactors, geothermal energy

Create cross-agency ARPA-C research program for advanced renewables, battery storage, modular reactors, refrigerants, zero net energy buildings, carbon-free hydrogen fuel

Agricultural Innovations

ARPA-Ag to promote green innovation in farming

Promote long-term soil carbon sequestration

Expand on bio-energy

Zero-net energy and zero-waste water agricultural practices

ARPA-C to study decarbonizing agriculture and natural carbon removal technology

Soil restoration/protection against erosion

Build soil carbon

Deploy methane digesters

Transportation Technology

Research on battery capacity, efficiency, and biofuels/synthetic fuels for airplanes

Research on aviation modernization

Industrial Climate Solutions

New Office of Industrial Decarbonization

Invest in  carbon removal and utilization technologies

ARPA-C to study decarbonizing industrial heat and carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration

Understanding Climate Science

Investing in Earth science, GIS mapping, planetary observation systems

Invest in NOAA and other geological research to better understand short-term weather patterns

National Intelligence Estimate on climate security implications

Annual DoD reports on climate

Comprehensive strategy for climate security risk by the National Security Advisor

Invest in climate resilience of military bases

Climate & STEM Education

Invest in k-12 STEM and climate education

Invest in HBCU STEM *

Student loan debt forgiveness for students entering clean energy/climate/sustainability jobs *


Coal Community Reinvestment

Shore up retirement benefits/pensions for coal workers

Backstop the solvency of the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund

“Re-Power” funds to support community-driven economic diversification

“Restoration Fund” for job training in environmental reconstruction

Reform black lung benefits system so it is no longer rigged in favor of coal companies

Ensure coal workers miners still receive health care, retirement benefits, and pensions

Build upon Obama Power+ plan

Keep public employees on payroll and hospitals open in power plant communities

Repair infrastructure in power plant communities

Right to Organize

Repeal “right to work” laws, which limit collective bargaining *

Reform NRLA *

Incentivize localities to contract with labor unions *

All federally funded infrastructure projects to use Project Labor Agreements *

Safeguard union and bargaining rights for workers via the Protecting the Right to Organize Act *

Ensure a broad classification of “employee”*

Ensure bargaining rights for public service workers *

Restoring Career Ladders

Create a Climate Conservation Corps to train young people in the new jobs of the clean energy economy

Link public investments in clean energy infrastructure to apprenticeship programs

Create Civilian Climate Corps to carry out climate and resiliency work in coastal restoration, sustainable infrastructure design, green construction, natural and technological decarbonization

Create 250,000 additional jobs cleaning up after resource extraction

 Help secure investments that can create new union jobs

Create training opportunities for new clean power jobs in power plant communities

1 million new jobs building electric vehicles

Create 1 million jobs in retrofitting, building, and appliance installment

Wages & Benefits

Set a federal clean energy wage of $25/hour

Create new federal investments in employers offering family-supporting wages

Raise federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2024

Modernize overtime rules

Accountability & Pay Equity

Protect workers who share their salary/benefit information in bargaining

Hold employers accountable when they break labor agreements *

Strengthen provisions for compensation transparency and worker mobility

Strictly enforce Davis-Bacon wage guidelines

Prohibit employers on federally funded projects from persuading against union membership

Require companies applying for federal contracts to report compliance with labor laws

Hold company executives liable when they interfere with bargaining efforts *

Require companies applying for federal contracts to report compliance with labor laws

Strengthen provisions for compensation transparency and worker mobility

Strictly enforce Davis-Bacon wage guidelines