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Lola Bunny
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“You gotta stop being so rude to all the booth people, man; you’re embarrassing me!” Dan yells angrily, “You’ve been saying asshole things all day, and then everyone just wants us to leave!”

You try apologizing, but Dan doesn’t accept it.

“You already apologized to me today, just stop doing it! What’s so hard about shutting your mouth and being nice??” Dan laughs to calm himself, “You get one more chance, but I’m not giving you a ride home if you insult Lola Bunny over here.”

You hadn’t realized how mean you’ve been, and sincerely apologize to Dan. He thanks you for understanding as you move up in the line, getting closer to meeting the girl dressed as Lola Bunny. You remain quiet as Dan takes his picture with her, but then you notice her tail.

“How hard does that thing wiggle when you cum?” You blurt out, laughing as Dan’s face turns red.

“It’s not real, but that’s a bit inappropriate…” She laughs, “Are you the guy insulting all my friends at the different booths?”  

You’re too shocked to answer her surprising question, but she seems to know exactly who you are.

“Nice to meet you, I’m glad to hear it’s my turn now.” The girl chuckles, sticking her hand out for you to shake it.

You kinda figure she’s just being sarcastic, but shake her hand anyway. Your strong fingers wrap around her delicate ones, momentarily squeezing them before she strengthens her grip. Lola crushes your fingers as your eyes open wide, but you’re unable to make a sound as she stares into your eyes.

“We all debated what I should turn you into, but I think that tail comment wins you a special prize!” She whispers in your ear, awareness of your surroundings fading as the world turns dark.

“Put these armbands on.” You hear her voice inside your head, almost like it’s your own thoughts.

You then feel scrunchies land in your open palms, and do exactly what the voice in your head says. It takes effort to even question your actions internally, and you’re not nearly strong enough to stop them.

Your hands are too large to fit between the loops for a brief moment, but then they slip right in. Your smaller palm runs up your smooth forearm, making you blush as you feel the total lack of hair. Your sharp nails dig into the material as you straighten it out, and you feel the fat in your arms begin to ooze upward.

“Isn’t that wonderful, dear? Now pull up your socks, they’re all bunched up at your ankles.”

Socks?? But you’re wearing flip flops…

You listen though, feeling uncomfortable with the bunched up cotton squeezing your heel. You bend at the hip with ease, and grab at the stretchy sock before pulling it up. You gasp quietly as it goes past your knee, but your heart just continues to beat at a consistent and slow pace.

All you can do is inhale deeply as your thigh begins to swell, fat from your slimming legs rising up as you accept there’s nothing you can do to stop this.

That’s when you feel a headband placed on your head, though it seems like you have a lot more hair than you remember…

You feel a tickle on your bare shoulders and quickly realize your hair is growing, and you’re surprised to feel a draft on your torso when you had definitely been wearing a shirt. The headband digs into your scalp, and you wince in pain as it punctures your skin. A cold stream of fluid then seeps into your skull, slowly warming as you feel your lips plump up.

You try taking off the headband as your thoughts swirl, nails lengthening as a rosey scent fills your nostrils. A lump of bliss forms in your throat as your Adam’s apple diminishes, flattening your neck as feminizing moans escape you.

Your lips smack together as you try to speak, nothing but erotic sounds trickling from your mouth as your erection is suddenly let loose.

Weren’t you at a public event??

What is going on?? Why are you naked???

You try to make sense of what’s going on, but your thoughts refuse to connect as the cold stream of feminizing liquid continues to fill your head. Just as soon as you’d been exposed, you feel tight panties wrap around your waist and conceal your boner. Precum stains the underwear as they squeeze your waist, cinching it inward as your hips spread out.

Your ass changes into a round base, ready to be filled with fat as shorts are suddenly pulled up your legs. The inseam wedgies between your genitals, separating them as you scream in painful arousal. Your testes get sucked in as your manhood shrivels up, leaving you with a smooth flatness that slowly opens into gushing folds.

The waterfall of cum seems to melt all the fat in your stomach along with it, toning your abs as your ass and thighs fill with juicy thickness. Your hips bend to accommodate the new weight behind you, forcing your back to arch slightly as you feel every jiggle in your sensitive booty.

A small hand suddenly spanks your ass hard, leaving a weird feeling on your tailbone…

“Shit!!”” You cry out in a cartoonishly husky and lithe voice, dripping with lust as you feel something move behind you.

“Wanna find out how hard it wiggles when you cum, though?” The voice in your head chuckles, confusing you as a quickly building geyser of euphoria erupts in your womanhood.

“Ohhh fucccccck!!” You whimper, tail pulsating and throbbing as your thighs strain with arousal.

“Does that answer your question?” The voice laughs, then goes quiet as your arms are lifted over your head.

A baggy shirt slides down your torso as you stand silently, still unable to move or see as your world is turned upside down.

“Now tuck in.” The voice says in its seductive way, making it impossible not to listen.

The instant you pull on the tank top you feel it in your nipples, super sensitive nubs reacting to the coarse shirt rubbing against them. You try to ignore them and continue to tuck in, pulling more on the shirt and triggering a tsunami of hormones deep inside you.

Suddenly fat from places you never knew existed plume, pouring into your chest as pert breasts quickly form. They rapidly swell as a never ending supply of fat rushes in, making your once baggy shirt uncomfortably tight as cleavage pops out of the collar.

“And tie those pants up, girl! You’re slutty enough, no need to make it easier for boys!” The voice laughs hysterically, getting you to giggle along absentmindedly as you tighten your waistband.

As you tie the knot to your shorts you feel your mind tie into loops as well, mushy circles of fashion, roses and boys. The world finally rushes back to your senses as you finish the bow, your eyes glazed over with lust as you look around for a suitable mate.

“Like, what’s your name?” You say to the closest hunk, fluttering your long eyelashes as he stares down the middle of your bust.

“I- err- Uhhh… it’s Dan; you’re beautiful! And I love the Lola Bunny costume…” Dan replies, his eyes filling your heart with warmth as you stare into them.

“Lola who??” You giggle, making sure to bounce your boobies as Dan licks his lips.

“The character you’re dressed as. Space Jam?” Dan chuckles, confusing you as your mind races with arousal.

“Well actually my name’s like…” You pause as literally nothing comes to mind, “Isabel! How can I forget!!

You have somewhere to hang out, hotty? Guys have been all over me today, and it’s got me pretty fucking worked up!”