B11 04, Narmada, Sector-9, Vasant nagari,
Vasai Road (E)
Tyajedekam kulasyarthe, gramasyarthe kulam tyajet
Gramam janapadasyarthe atmarthe prithivim tyajet
Deal out one for the family, give out the whole family for the village's sake; cede a village for the
State, for the soul, the world forsake.
Once I was going through the pages of a book in which Elbert Hubbard had said, "It does not
take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do", This
has a very deep inner meaning. Life is not a bed or roses. The Almighty gives one everything;
at the some of you are devoid of certain pleasures, like seeing the beauty of nature
and the loved ones around.
The sight of people who do not have physical sight pains one a lot. Why some people are
created like that? What can one do to mitigate the sufferings of such people who are the real
Medical science is today more advanced than it was, say, about half a century ago. Cornea transplant came as a major break-through and is a boon to mankind. Similarly it has now become possible to transplant one's organs to another successfully. Notwithstanding, there are bigger challenges to the transplanting process, like unavailability of organs, reaching the proper organs to the receiver, wrong doings in the process, etc.
"Organ Donation & Service after Death" is a project whose grains were sown by Lion Shyam Malpani, MJF, Imm. Multiple Council Chairperson, in the fertile soil of the Lions Club. However, I was gifted with the opportunity of handling this project and to address the abovementioned problems related to transplantation. It will be able to help many needy persons to lead a quality and beautiful life with the help of someone who does not require it anymore.
Medicine and needs of human beings are developing day by day with the advances in Biotechnology and the upcoming researches.
Our project aims to bring out the following:
1 ] For the acquisition of both the cadaver and the living donors
2] Patient Education
3] Public education and public relations.
4] Professional Education for Medical Students and Doctors of various faculties.
Keeping the aim of professional education in mind, our Lions district launches the 1 st
educational project on various donations during "LIVE BEYOND DEATH" connected
with Human body.
What you will be reading in the following pages is my humble try and contribution from various authorities from medical field about what can one do to LIVE BEYOND DEATH ...donate organ.
If this booklet would be instrumental at least in one person coming forward to donate organs. I think the purpose is served.
Along with this BOOKLET is also issued SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKLET on BLOOD DONATION & SEMEN DONATION, that deals with what the transfusion technology of today can offer one who is deprived of such vital things. This, indeed, is the need of the hour.