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NT veRse - Bad End Guide 35 - Convince Dierdre
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“Dierdre!” You grabbed her shoulders in an attempt to shake some sense into her. “If you’re doing this for us, don’t. And if you’re doing it because you’re lonely…” You gulp, trailing off.
“You don’t have to be. Leave this Hive and come with us instead.”

“But-” She looked at you in shock.

“I know it’s gonna make things harder down the line. I know it goes against our interests but you don’t have to do this. Let’s beat this bitch like we know we can, get our friends and get out of here.”

The Queen crossed her arms under her perky breasts and chuckled. “Leave your family behind? Your best friend? That sounds awfully selfish of you. What I am offering isn’t some loose offer. You will lead us, Deirdre! Do you have any idea what an honour that is!?”

She let out a little laugh. “I forgot.” Deirdre walked towards the queen. Her sister and mother landed in the background, smiling proudly behind the Queen as Dierdre walked over to their side. Just as you thought she had made her decision the girl stopped and looked up.
“I forgot… That you were like me.”

“What?” The Queen made a face.

“At first you hated them like me. We all did. Then… It was just embracing it a little bit so that you could be treated a little better. Then, it turns out the best perks go only to Bees. Drones are stuck. So you became them… And then you all changed. Before you left to be turned you told me you would change things from the inside. Instead you let them change you.” Deirdre pointed accusingly.
“And you’re trying to change me, now! My family? My friends? You all already left me the moment you decided to join the Hive!” She shouted. Deirdre glanced over her shoulder, strutting backwards.
“Girls, in position.”

“W-what? Wait… This won't work! Even if you beat us, if you only plan to leave we will recover! We will hunt you down to the ends of the earth!” The Queen argued.

Deirdre began to dance, beginning the hysteria. You all followed, making a perfect performance. The Queen, her family. Any Elite in the room was reduced to a drooling, horny, hypnotised mess. Dierdre walked forward.
“Is it going to be a problem if we get our friends and leave?”

The Queen shakes her head. “No… I… Order everyone… You stand down.” She uttered in a mesmerised tone. As Dierdre turned towards you, the Queen continued. The Beastfolk stopped.
“Soon… Once you leave we… Will dissect this dance. It will not work on us a second time… I will be in charge… You will not be able… You stop me…”

Deirdre gritted her teeth, turned and pushed the Queen onto her back with a bare foot. The Queen moaned, spreading her legs to reveal nectar-slathered thighs from her pussy which had been dripping profusely.

“What was that!?” Deirdre sneered, standing over the Bee. The Queen hesitated. In response to the hesitation Dierdre kicked at the Queen Bee’s boob’s, sending them bouncing side to side and causing the woman to groan and hold her chest. Deirdre then slid her foot down between the woman’s cleavage to reach her sex. She pushed down into the mons hard, causing the woman to writhe in a mix of pain and pleasure.

“S-stahb… Ib sowwy….” The Queen begged, blubbering.

Deirdre breathed. “That’s what I thought. If you come after me with this same dance, you think I won't be better than you still? You think I won't beat you? You can come at me, sure. Think about what happens if you miss.”

The Queen nodded, closed her thighs and covered her face with both hands. “Y-yes Ma’am…”

“Let’s go, Eve. We don’t know how long this is going to last.”

        You all found Sphinx and Sun tied up in something resembling a nursery. They were flanked by chipper Bees in lingerie and one stern-looking bee in business attire with a clipboard. She adjusted her glasses, following you as you entered.
“Word came down from the top that these two are to be freed.” A little smirk appeared on her lips.
“They were excellent producers. You’re very lucky.”

You looked to Dierdre. “Can I hit these women at this point?”

“Eh?” The overseer took a nervous step back. You feigned a lunge forward, feeling like you could not actually attack. Still, the motion was enough to cause the Bee to flinch and hide behind her clipboard. Deirdre chuckled at you.

Milk went to Sphinx’s side and threw the lithe Dragon boy over her shoulder casually. She flashed a thumbs up at you. You moved to Sun’s side, taking his hand first. He smiled.
“I knew you’d save us.”

“Don’t thank me. Thank her. That’s Dierdre, she’s part of the group now.” You nodded to Dierdre.

Sun looked at her gratefully. “Thank you.” You heaved him up, supporting him by placing your arm around his back behind his shoulders. He leaned on you as you all made your way out.

“Where do we go, Dierdre? The closest village we saw was taken out and I can’t imagine there are many more around that fare any better.”

Sun chimed in weakly. “I overheard the Bees talking, but you all probably know more than us.”

Deirdre shook her head. “Not likely. The Warriors that go out to collect will have lots of scouting information from the outside. Their exposure to that class is going to be high since they also do the collecting and the dropping off of newcomers.”

Synra giggled. “New Cummers, you mean?”

“You come up with that yourself?” You lifted a brow.

“What do you mean! Of course I did… Just now.” She answered indignantly.

You chuckled, tussling her smooth, dark hair. “Wow, you’re such a clever girl now.” Her face became bright red. She wiggled out from under your hand after unconsciously embracing the head pat for a few seconds.
“H-h-hey! Come on…”

The group laughed. Sun continued. “In that case, it sounds like the plains all around here and to the south in Aoia are basically a no-go zone since the Bees consider it their hunting ground. They say that all the time, but they also talk about a mountain-range to the east where they can’t go.”

“Why can’t they?” You wondered out loud.

Deirdre stared straight ahead gravely. “Same reason no one else can…Before the mountains leading up, and all throughout caves inside those mountains there’s a Dryder coven.”

“Excuse me?” Sphinx blinked behind his blindfold. He had woken up and was staring down the crack of Milk’s rear somewhat intently until this moment.
“Dryder are solitary. There isn’t even a special word for multiple Dryder.”

“I never encountered them. Is it that bad?” You asked.

Sphinx nodded. “Dryder are a Species that even eat, or risk being eaten by their own off-spring, let alone their kin.”

“I don’t understand…” You stated. Sphinx sighed. You glanced at him.
“Do you… Want to get down from there?”

“No, I am comfortable like this.” He claimed.

You looked at Milk. The woman shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. You shook your head.
“Fine. So what’s the big deal, oh wise Dragon?”

“I know that is sarcasm, but it has been a long time coming.” He smirked.
“To put this in a way you understand, Dryder are an old Species. In terms of Hierarchy, Dragons, Foxes and a few others are the ancient of the ancient and they hold a very high spot. Dryder are things that Dragons and Foxes fear a lot. There are Dryder that even my Father fears.”

“I don’t know what that means. Your father?” You stared at his ass, since he was still slung over Milk’s shoulder.

“I have to educate you on this, too? It’s fine of course. I am happy to have Eve rely on me, since we will be wedded eventually.”

“Bad.” Milk smacked his rear. Sphinx yelped.

“Get to the point.”

“Fine, fine. My Father is one of the five Great Dragons. I’m sure you all know Ruby, Sapphire, Jet, Emerald, Diamond. At the head of those lines, in order are: Bilgamese, Lamasu, Sao Mai, Lauda and Lamia. My father is Lamasu and he would not go near a named Dryder.”

“That’s the thing. Since my troupe wandered the plains near those mountains I’m familiar.” Deirdre stated.

“Okay. Tell us.”

“An Elder once said that Dryder are powerful because they are solitary. They eat everything they catch and become strong beyond belief, but weakened mentally. They are assaulted by loneliness and isolation and that becomes their weakness. Inversely, Dryder that refuse to live alone are physically weaker for it, but ironically find a higher strength in community.”

“Eh? They would go near? But that’s forbidden.” Sphinx complained.

“Are you actually really stupid?” Deirdre asked seriously.

“Haha… You did not just ask me that, little girl. Should I take this blindfold off?”

She answered. “Do I have to answer?” Then stuck her tongue out at him.

“L-let me off! I’ll show her!” Spinx struggled on Milk’s shoulder to get off, but she held his squirming self down contentedly.  

“No.” The Minotaur said calmly, patting his rear once he stopped struggling.

Deirdre smirked at you. You winked back. She continued. “People trade with that group of Dryder’s through proxies, so they aren’t completely hostile. They’re just like any other people that guard their territory closely.”

A thought crossed your mind. “Could Cappy have added this Coven to the Union? If not, he might have at least approached them.”

“Eve, no! I hate to say it, believe me, but if things are becoming this big we should retreat and bring it to my Father’s attention.” Sphinx remarked.