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10.18.2021 Executive Council Agenda

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Associated Students of Boise State University

Executive Team Meeting

October 18th, 2021 3:30-5:00 pm

Zoom Link

Fishbowl Room in Student Involvement

  1. Call to Order

  1. Attendance
  1. Team check-in
  2. Team Member of the week

  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. Minutes 10/04/2021

  1. Updates
  1. Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
  2. Associate Vice President of Student Organizational Affairs 
  1. 7 direct grants scheduled for Friday October 15th
  1. Administrative Director
  2. Government Relations Officer
  3. Reaching out to Kaleb Smith to discuss the alumni advocacy network. He and some higher ups in the university looked into this last year and has further information that could help.
  4. Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence
  5. Communications Officer
  1. Met with Luaren Griswold, she shared much of the scepticism as I with giving every senator pair an unrestricted email with “ASBSU” in the name. Suggested leaving each senator with their regular student email, and creating an ASBSU senate email address to send newsletters to colleges, all centrally controlled by the comm officer, but delegated to senators.
  2. Meeting with Lee Ann tomorrow, excited to learn more about marketing but also how we might be able to collaborate.
  1. Ethics Officer
  1. Sent out a check-in email to the Ethics Committee, it is currently made up of two Assembly members, two Senate members, one IESC member, and one SFB member. If IESC and SFB have one more person who is interested in serving on the Ethics Committee, outside of the already selected members, please let me know.
  1. Vice President
  2. President
  1. Class registration will open soon to us on the Executive Council. On the Board in the office, please make sure that you DO NOT schedule classes during the two proposed exec times listed. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please let me know asap, but we

  1. New Business
  1. Code Change #01-- Taite
  2. Student Fee Update-- Charlie

  1. Old Business

  1. Open Floor / Announcements

  1. Meeting Adjourned