Updated 03/15/2023

Dear Praying Friends of the Parakaleo Ministry at Stanford and Beyond,

Praise God with us for the great finish up of the quarter in the on campus Biblical Counseling Course Monday night and the online alumni BCC last night!  The teaching and workshopping on how to take the three steps of change in overcoming anxiety, coming out of depression and in breaking free from contemplations of suicide went very well throughout the quarter, as we worked from the template developed as you were praying for the ministry during fall quarter.

Please pray for safe and fruitful travel as we are now on the road, driving 900 miles north in our rolling prayer box / phone booth / counseling room in order to spend the next two weeks working on getting these insights from this quarter’s BCC into written form as drafts for the first couple of issues segments for the fifth and final book in the Romans “How (not what) to Change” series, to be packaged first as a number of standalone individual issue pamphlets.

We greatly appreciate your partnership with us in this contribution to the Lord’s working in which we are so privileged to be able to take part and which we could not accomplish without your joining with us so faithfully.

In our Lord’s immense love and fruitful service,

Steve & Erica