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Instructions on Filling out a “Blue Card”
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Instructions on Filling out a “Blue Card”

The Merit Badge Application (BSA Form 34124), also known as a Blue Card, is an official Boy Scout document that serves as proof of a scout’s progress toward completion of a merit badge. Errors and mistakes in the card could result in proper credit not being recorded. It is essential that all information be accurate and legible. There are instructions on the back of the card along the bottom, which explain what to do with each section.

Before Starting a MB

Prior to the start of a MB, the Scout should get permission from the Scoutmaster to begin working on a particular merit badge and then obtain a Blue Card from the Advancement Chair ONLY. After the Scout gets the Blue Card, he should fill out the front and back portion of the Merit Badge Application and get the Scoutmaster’s signature as shown in the example (Signature location is indicated by the arrow.)

The three sections should remain attached, and the whole application is submitted to the counselor who will fill in the Counselor information in the left section of the back of the card. Only then may he begin working on the badge.

Merit Badge In Progress

As the scout finishes his requirements, the counselor should make note of the progress on the middle section of the front of the card. The counselor should list each individual requirement, including sub‐parts. The example card shows BOTH requirements 3A and 3B rather than just listing a single requirement #3 as being complete.

Each item completed should bear the date and initials of the counselor. Counselors should avoid using dittos or arrows to designate continuance of a date.

Merit Badge Is Complete

When all requirements for the merit badge are completed, the counselor will note the completion in the needed

portions of the back of the card, as shown. The counselor’s signature and date of completion must appear on the left and middle sections of the card. The completion date will be used in the advancement reports, council records, and on the merit badge award cards given at the Court of Honor.

The counselor should remove the “Counselor’s Record” portion of the card and return the remainder of the card to the Scout who will turn it into the Advancement Coordinator.