Cottman & Algon Avenues

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111

215.400.3200 (p)    



Student Handbook


On behalf of the administration of Northeast High School, we would like to extend a very sincere welcome. Serving nearly 3500 students representing many different racial and ethnic backgrounds, who speak more than 50 languages, Northeast High School is the largest comprehensive high school in the city, and the second largest in the state.

Embedded in the belief that all children can learn, the mission of Northeast High School is to ensure that every student achieves post-secondary success through the establishment of an educational program that encourages and enables the students of Northeast High School:

It is our hope and desire to accomplish this through the establishment of an educational environment that reflects a collaborative effort by the administration, staff, students and parents; that uses the natural diversity of the student body to enhance students’ respect for other cultures, and which is conducive to the development of an educational program that is appropriate to the abilities and needs of each student, while also promoting self-motivation, self-esteem, self-discipline, a solid work ethic, good social skills and citizenship. Further, acknowledging the interdependent relationship that exists among academic, interscholastic and co-curricular programs towards the growth and development of students, we believe that our programs are second to none and we are committed to their continued development and improvement.

This handbook is designed to serve as a guide to help you to become acquainted with Northeast High School, its policies, procedures and guidelines, as well as understand the expectations that we have of you.   It is expected that you will read this handbook and become knowledgeable of its contents. If it should become necessary to amend or delete any procedure or policy contained herein, a memo under separate cover will be issued at the appropriate time. The same will occur if it is necessary to include a procedure or policy not already addressed, herein. Additional information about many of the topics in this handbook, as well as information on many other topics about Northeast High School and the School District of Philadelphia, can be found on our website, If we, or any member of the NEHS administration, can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to ask.


The Administrative Staff of Northeast High School

Table of Contents

(Click on the link to advance to the specific section

and then the back button on your browser to return to the table of contents)

Principal’s Message

Northeast High School Vision Statement and Beliefs

Zero Tolerance Policy

Attendance Procedures

Academic Information

Open House/Report Card Conferences

Teacher Contact

Interim Reports and Report Card Conference Dates

Honor Roll

Advanced Placement (AP) Classes

Homework Policy

Infinite Campus


Academic Support

Course Selection

Student Records

Athletics, Extra-Curricular and After-School Activities

Code of Student Conduct

Policy Statement

Responsibilities of Students

Out-of-School Suspension

ACT 26 of 1995 (The Safe Schools Act)

ACT 33 of 1995 (Delinquent vs. Criminal Acts)

ACT 93 of 1995 (Blood Alcohol Content of Minors)

ACT 249 Anti-Bullying

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Sexual Harassment and School District Policy #102

Rights of Victims in School Related Offenses

Vandalism and Graffiti

Simulated Fighting/Play fighting

Academic Honesty


Cell Phones, Cameras, Electronic, and Other Telephonic Devices

Mace, Pepper Spray and Laser Pointers

iPods, CD Players, Radios, and Recording Devices

Off-Limit Doors and Other Areas


Dress Code


Lunchroom Etiquette

Off Campus Activities

Other Important Information


Class Dues



Emergency Contact Form

Fire Drills

Free or Reduced Price Lunches


Gym Lockers

Health Services and Medication

ID Cards and Temporary IDs (Temps)

Lockers and Storage Areas (Use and Searches)

Locker Clean Out

Lost and Found



Roster Slips

School Insurance

School Dances

School Property

School Publications and Website Information

School Sponsored Activities

Security Scans

Statement of Non-Discrimination

Student Expression (Guidelines)






Appendix I: Computing and Internet Accessible Use Policy

Appendix II: SDP/NEHS Parent Involvement Policy

Appendix III: SDP School-Parent Compact

Vision Statement

Northeast High School is a diverse community that empowers students to explore and achieve within their own areas of interest. Our students will become contributive, socially responsible, goal- oriented, and productive members of a global society. Our faculty and staff are a community of lifelong learners who serve as trusted educational resources to the greater Philadelphia area and beyond.

Northeast High School Beliefs

We believe that:


As members of a diverse community in a democratic society, we are obligated to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all of our students. Our entire school community must embrace this responsibility in order to create a school in which students can learn and grow in an environment free from intimidation. Regardless of our personal feelings or individual biases, our actions should be socially appropriate and reflect respect for each member of our Northeast High School Community.

In accordance with the School District of Philadelphia’s Policies 102 and 103, we have established a zero tolerance policy towards the language and behavior of intolerance. This includes verbal as well as physical harassment. Unacceptable conduct, for example, could include inappropriate comments regarding ethnicity or sexual orientation, off-hand discriminatory remarks, offensive jokes and overt harassment of any kind. No student or staff member should be demeaned on the basis of race, language, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or ability. Any infractions of this non-discrimination policy will result in immediate disciplinary action for students and/or staff.  Our commitment extends further through our support of the following programs: the ALLY Safe Schools Network, Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED), Peer Mediation/ Conflict Resolution, Town Watch Integrated Services (TWIS), Philadelphia Anti-Drug/Anti-Violence Network (PAAN), and Teen Wellness. If you are interested in learning more about these programs, you may contact your counselor, the nurse, or an administrator.


Reporting to School

Students are expected to report to school by 7:38 A.M to pass through the security. Boys report to the lower level entry doors located on Summerdale Ave and Cottman Ave. Girls report to the main lobby.

All students are due for advisory by 7:42 A.M. Students who fail to report to advisory by 7:42 A.M. will be marked late to school. Repeated offenses will lead to disciplinary action. All students are expected to come to school in uniform and be prepared with appropriate learning materials daily.


The seminar period begins at 7:38 A.M., prior to 1st period. Seminar is an assigned period, designated on your roster and report card as “seminar”. All students are required to attend the seminar. Students are to remain in their respective seminar until the first period bell. Students who attend seminars promptly, each day will receive .25 credits towards graduation per school year. Students who have 4 or more unexcused absences or who are late 6 or more times in a marking period will be given a failing grade for the marking period.

Lateness to School

Students arriving late for school are to enter the school building through the main lobby doors, only. Students are considered late for advisory after 7:42 AM. Students who bring in a parent or guardian for official school business will be permitted to enter through the main entrance (Cottman Ave.). All students who arrive late to school must “scan-in” and obtain a late slip. Students are expected to be in school and on time every day. For every three lateness, students will receive a Saturday Detention. Every sixth lateness will require a student to bring a parent for a conference. Students arriving after 9:30 AM without a Dr. Note or parent will not be permitted to enter the building.

Absence Notes

Regular attendance is vitally important to all aspects of school life, especially student achievement.

  1. Students who are absent from school must bring a verifiable excuse note on the day of their return to school, which is signed by their parents, stating the reason for and the date(s) of the absence. The note is to be given to their advisor. Northeast High School will not honor excuse notes after 5 days of the absence.
  2. Failure to produce a proper note will result in a coding of “unexcused absence”  in  the  roll  book  and on Infinite Campus. A coding of “unexcused absence” does not allow for a student to make up any missed schoolwork.
  3. Upon returning to school, students are responsible for making arrangements with their teachers to make up for the work that they missed as a result of their absence. Teachers also share in this responsibility for determining a reasonable and specific time period for the completion of the missed work.
  4. Eight unexcused absences will automatically place a student into our SAIP- Student Attendance Improvement Plan and/or be referred to truancy.

NOTE: Students who expect to be absent for more than three consecutive days should contact their counselor to get missed work. Students who expect to be absent due to a health issue for more than four consecutive weeks should contact the nurse for Homebound Instruction.

Religious Observation

Students who are absent from or late to school because of participation in a religious obligation must present a note from their parent or guardian stating the place and time of the obligation.

Request for Absence from School

The school recognizes that there are times when it becomes necessary for a parent or guardian to request that their child(ren) be absent from school for a short period of time for reasons other than illness. When this becomes necessary, the following procedure is to be followed:

  1. At least one week prior to the requested dates of absence, the parent/guardian is to write a note explaining the reason for the absence and the anticipated dates of the absence. The note must be signed by the parent/guardian and contain a phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached for verification of the note.
  2. The student is to bring the note to an administrator for approval.
  3. The student is to present the memo to their teachers for their signature and to make arrangements for any work that will be missed during the period of absence.
  4. When completely signed, the memo is to be returned to the administrator who will keep it on file.
  5. Vacations are NOT excused absences.

Failure to follow this procedure may result in the absence(s) being marked as unexcused and the student being denied the opportunity to make up missed work. All other emergency situations will be addressed equitably.

Northeast High School honors the time we have with our students and has limited staff. Therefore, we are unable to honor parent or guardian requests to call students to the office for any reason.

Early Dismissals

No student will be permitted to leave the building early unless a parent/guardian comes to the main office to sign out the student. This rule applies to all students regardless of age. Parents/Guardians MUST have a government issued ID and be listed as the legal guardian or emergency contact listed in our Student Information System (SIS).

Medical and dental appointments should be scheduled after school hours. However, for those that must be made during school hours, a parent/guardian must come to the main entrance and sign out the student in the main lobby. No student is allowed to leave the building on their own. For medical emergencies, students must see the nurse. All students, regardless of age, who are being dismissed early due to illness, must have a parent or guardian pick them up.

For school approved athletic events, all students requiring early dismissals must provide teachers with early dismissal slips prior to leaving the building so they are not marked cutting.

Leaving the Building

Only students who are being dismissed with a parent/guardian or students with special rosters are permitted to leave the building prior to the end of the school day. These students are to exit the building immediately either with their parents or after their last period. These students must exit the building using the doors that are located on the Cottman Avenue side of the building. Failure to do so will result in revoking a student’s special roster and/or progressive disciplinary action. Students who leave school without permission, will be subject to progressive disciplinary actions, up to and including suspension.

Class Attendance/Cutting

Students are considered to have cut if they are marked present  in school but do not attend class. Students who cut class will receive a zero for that class and will not be permitted to make up missed work. Students showing appropriate documentation for absences are required to meet with their teachers to determine an appropriate date for the completion of make-up work. Additionally, students who cut class will face progressive disciplinary consequences, which include but are not limited to after-school detention, Saturday detention, and in-house suspension from school. Missing class due to a late arrival is considered a “late cut.”

Hall Passes

Students who need to leave class during class time must obtain a hall pass. Please note that teachers have been instructed not to allow students to leave class for the first fifteen minutes of class time.

ACT 29 of 1995 (TRUANCY)

Students who report to school and cut classes are considered to be truant by the courts. Students cutting school are truant.  Truancy petitions will be prepared and turned over to the proper authorities for the initiation of legal action(s), including fines, etc. against students and parents/guardians.  Act 29 provides for a $300 fine and allows the court

to impose parent education classes and community service sentences for the parents of a truant child who do not show that they took reasonable steps to ensure their child’s school attendance. It provides that the parent and child must appear at a hearing before the district magistrate. Act 29 also provides that truant students lose their driver’s license for 90 days for a first offense, 6 months for a second offense.


Graduation/Promotion Requirements

At the high school level, students are promoted or graduated only by passing subjects for which they receive credit.

Graduation Requirements:

Grade 9 to 10 promotion: 5.5 credits

Grade 10 to 11 promotion: 11.5 credits

Grade 11 to 12 promotion: 17.5 credits

*Graduation: minimum of 23.5 credits

Grade Values

A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 59 & Below

Open House/Report Card Conferences

Parent conferences will be held as follows:

Home and School Meeting Dates

To be scheduled.

Teacher Contact

If you would like to meet with a teacher, an appointment is necessary. Call the school office at 215-400-3200  ext: 8021100 and ask to leave a message for the teacher. Please be aware that teachers are unable to speak with parents when they are in class instructing students. Please leave your phone number and email address.

Interim Reports

The Interim Report is an important form documenting the mid-quarter progress of each student. These forms are generated four-times a year during the mid-point of each marking period.

Honor Roll

Honor Roll at Northeast High School consists of two categories: Distinguished Honors and Honors. To be eligible for Distinguished Honors, a student must have all “A’s” on their report card.. To be eligible for Honors, a student must have a combination of all “A’s” and “B’s” or all “B’s” on their report card.

National Honor Society

The Northeast High School National Honor Society was established to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students attending Northeast High School. Membership is  granted  only  to those students selected by the faculty council on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership, service and character. To be considered for membership in the NHS, a student must be in 10th, 11th or 12th grade, have a minimum cumulative average of 90 or GPA of 3.5,  and have been a student at NEHS for at least two consecutive report periods prior to consideration for eligibility. For further information, contact Mr. Christopher Frank or Ms. Marie Herrick.

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Classes

AP and IB courses are available at Northeast High School in a variety of subjects. Each course offers a rigorous and challenging curriculum that may lead to college credit. These courses are “weighted” higher than regular and honors courses, for the calculation of a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA)..

Homework Policy

Homework is an important part of every student’s instructional program. Through homework, classroom instruction is reinforced, high expectations are supported, students are encouraged to be self- directed, and the relationship between the school and the home is strengthened. Additionally, it is a student's responsibility to notify their teacher, as soon as possible, when he/she is unable to complete a required assignment and the reason(s) for not being able to do so.

While students are to assume the major responsibility for completing all homework assignments, parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their child's homework by:

The importance of developing good study skills cannot be overemphasized. Each student should establish a daily study schedule that reflects a commitment to learning. Being prepared for instruction also includes bringing the necessary materials to school each day.

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is The School District of Philadelphia’s online resource to help students chart their course to graduation and beyond. Its purpose is to empower students with their own information and resources they need to achieve success. Infinite Campus provides students with access to the following:

    *Please see your counselor if you have any questions regarding Infinite Campus access and navigation.


The School District’s Multi-Tiered Student Support (MTSS), is a tiered, collaborative process by which schools identify barriers to learning and remove them by accessing internal (school-based) and external (community-based) resources. The heart of MTSS is the classroom, where the classroom teacher analyzes the strengths and learning needs of students and adapts instruction and environment to create optimal learning conditions. A parent/guardian is required to be part of the MTSS team and required to attend and participate at all appropriate meetings.

Academic Support

For students in need of extra help in a subject, the following assistance is available:

  1. The National Honor Society offers tutoring help.
  2. There may be an after-school tutoring program. See your counselor for information concerning tutoring opportunities.
  3. Questions related to help in specific subject areas can be addressed to the respective department head and/or your SLC coordinator.

Behavior Support

For students in need of extra support with Tier I & Tier II  behaviors, the following assistance is available:

Peer Mediation: When a conflict occurs between students, we offer referrals for group mediation to support students in resolving feuds, disagreements, and lingering quarles.

Check-In/Check-Out (CICO): When a student exhibits recurring Tier I concerns a student may be referred for Tier II support. A student will be provided a check-in and check-out support with an assigned staff member to ensure they are on target academically and behaviorally.


Mental Health and Resource Support

For students in need of mental health support or additional resources, the following assistance is available:

KOOTH: Online mental health support

PATH IBHS: In school mental health services

Carson Valley: Case management and resource support

ELECT: Teen pregnancy support

Course Selection

Courses for the following school year are selected during the advisory period in January and February of the current year. Students are advised to review their selections with their parents and make a commitment to stand by  their  decisions. Students who miss their advisory period, when courses are selected, without an excused note, will have their courses selected for them.

Student Records

The school has the need to collect and maintain certain information related to the health, education, and welfare of its students. This information is vital to the continuity of the school’s educational program. Federal and state laws provide safeguards to the privacy of such records and guarantee access to these records by parents or guardians and students.

A parent or guardian who wishes to review the records of a student for whom he/she is responsible, should contact the student’s counselor for an appointment or present a written request to the counselor for such an inspection. Such requests will be granted as soon as possible, but not later than 14 days from the date of the request.


Athletics, Extra-Curricular and After-School Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in after-school activities. The school offers a full range of interscholastic sports for young men and young women on the varsity and junior varsity levels. In addition, many other extra-curricular activities in fields such as chess, debate, music, drama, Student Senate, publications and academic competitions are also offered. All school sponsored extracurricular activities are a privilege and may be revoked at any time, should a student violate the Code of Conduct or the Student Handbook. As such, it is imperative that students meet all criteria for eligibility.

In order to participate in any athletic program, extra-curricular, and/or after-school activity, students must be current in their financial responsibilities, meaning, they may not have any outstanding debt, including more than five dollars in temporaries.

The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) governs participation in any athletic activity. Students should see the coach of the sport in which they are interested or the Athletic Director for PIAA guidelines. Eligibility for participation in all other extracurricular activities is dependent upon maintaining satisfactory academic progress, a good attendance record and a good disciplinary record.

NOTE: No pupil is to remain in the building beyond dismissal time, unless under the direct supervision of an authorized staff member. NO EXCEPTIONS!


Policy Statement

Every student is entitled to an education, and the right to be free of a climate that disrupts the education of others.

The Code of Student Conduct establishes a zero tolerance policy for conduct that endangers the safety of the school and/or disrupts the educational experience for other students. Every student must follow all of the rules of the code of Student Conduct before, during, and after school. The code applies to students in school buildings, on school grounds, at school-related activities, and on the way to or from school.

The home shares the responsibility in the education of our youth; parents and guardians should be sure to know and understand the code of Student Conduct and their child’s school handbook. It must be noted; parents/guardians who go against or violate The School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Conduct policies can be subject to exclusionary measures.

The safety and security of all school children are our highest priorities, and we are committed to providing a safe learning environment. If you should have any questions or concerns, please refer to our school’s contact chart displayed on page 5. Our intention is to provide appropriate restorative interventions to students who do not meet behavioral expectations. With everyone's commitment, we can create a proper learning environment at Northeast High School.

If any member of the school community has a question regarding the Code of Conduct, contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at 215-400-4830. Office of Transition and Alternative Education at 215-400-4220. For copies in languages other than English, please contact the Office of Family Engagement and Language Equity Services at 215-400-4180.

Responsibilities of Students

In addition to the aforementioned policies, NEHS maintains a student discipline code that prohibits the following, all of which are addressed in the Code of Conduct:

Please review the entire 2023-2024 Code of Student Conduct.


Smoking or being in possession of smoking paraphernalia is not permitted in school, on school grounds, or at any school-sponsored activity. Students found in violation of this rule will receive progressive discipline.


Detentions during a student’s lunch, after-school, and Saturdays may be assigned for minor discipline infractions or late arrival to school. Students are required to report to detention on time, bring appropriate ID, and bring materials which can be used for studying. Students are to remain silent, but sleeping is not permitted. Students must observe the code of conduct while serving a detention. Students who fail to serve assigned detentions or who accumulate an excessive number of detentions, will be subject to further disciplinary action.

Out-of-School Suspension

The purpose of an out-of-school suspension is to have both the student and parent recognize that the student was engaged in a serious, disruptive, non-acceptable incident. Therefore, if suspended, a student will only be reinstated after their parent or legal guardian meets with the appropriate dean or administrator. Siblings, aunts, uncles, and other relatives or friends of the family are NOT permitted to reinstate suspended students. Furthermore, phone calls are not acceptable for reinstatement.

Students who are suspended are not permitted in the building or on school grounds. Nor may they participate in any school activities. Students who are suspended and are found on school grounds are considered trespassing. Parents and PPD will be notified.

Any person entering the high school and disrupting the normal educational process of the school is subject to arrest for disorderly conduct and other offenses, as deemed appropriate. Parents are expected to be a role model for their son/daughter and other students by conducting their behavior in a professional and appropriate manner.

Any student who acts disorderly and interrupts the educational process at Northeast High School is subject to arrest for disorderly conduct and other disciplinary actions. Students who engage in a fight or encourage others to fight, are subject to arrest for disorderly conduct, simple to aggravated assault, including terroristic threats, and other serious crimes. Other disciplinary actions may include moving the student to a more appropriate/restrictive educational setting and/or scheduling a hearing before the appropriate authorities for an expulsion.

ACT 26 of 1995 (The Safe Schools Act)

Act 26 creates a mandatory one-year expulsion for the possession of weapons on school property, including buses, and at school-sponsored events.  The Act states a weapon "shall include but not be limited to   any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle and any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury." There is no requirement that the student use or try to use the weapon, and possession for self-protection is not considered as an exemption from the law. Possession includes, but is not limited to, weapons found on the person, as well as in school bags, desks, lockers or vehicles.

Act 26 also requires parents to provide a sworn statement upon registering their child in school as to whether their child had previously been suspended or expelled from another school for violations of said act. Act 26 also requires schools to maintain records on acts of violence and weapon possession and to forward student discipline records when a student transfers to another school.

ACT 33 of 1995 (Delinquent vs. Criminal Acts)

Act 33 provides that any person age 15 or older, who commits a violent crime and either (a) committed the crime with a deadly weapon or (b) has previously been adjudicated delinquent for a violent crime, will automatically be tried as an adult in the criminal justice system.

ACT 93 of 1995 (Blood Alcohol Content of Minors)

Act 93 creates a summary offense with a fine of $100 for any person under the age of 21 who operates a motor vehicle with any alcohol in their bloodstream. The new summary offense is in addition to the loss of driving privileges and other sanctions allowable under current drunk driving laws.

ACT 249 Anti-Bullying  

Bullying is a pattern of aggressive, intentional or deliberately hostile behavior that occurs repeatedly and over time. Bullying behaviors normally fall into three categories: physical, verbal (direct and indirect), and electronic (e-mail, websites, and other electronic mediums) and may include, but are not limited to, intimidation, assault; extortion; oral or written threats; teasing; putdowns; name-calling; threatening looks; gestures, or actions; rumors; false accusations; hazing, social isolation, and cyber-bullying.

Northeast High School is committed to creating a safe, caring, respectful learning environment for all students. Bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. All students shall be informed of their right to protection against bullying behaviors and the right to file a complaint if they believe they have been the victims of bullying  behavior. Reports of bullying are taken seriously and will be dealt with quickly and effectively. If a student is found guilty of bullying behavior the consequences shall depend on both the results of the investigation and the severity of the incident. Consequences may include but are not limited to mediation, a parent conference, counseling, out-of-school suspension, lateral transfer, and disciplinary school assignment. Failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Students in possession or under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be subject to prosecution under the law and disciplinary action as defined by the School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Student Conduct. If a student is found/suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a parent/guardian will be immediately called to come and pick up their child. Violators will also be referred to MTSS and to an appropriate counseling program within the school, the District or the community.

Students, who must take a prescription drug during school hours, are to take the drug to the nurse, who will supervise the administration of said medication at the appropriate time.

Sexual Harassment and School District Policy #102

Federal court decisions and federal law aim to promote inclusion, and a reduction of harassment and violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students. Further, in Board Policy #102, The School District of Philadelphia affirms its commitment to Multiracial- Multicultural-Gender Education. This policy is designed to foster knowledge about and respect for those of all races, ethnic groups, social classes, genders, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientation.    Its purpose is to ensure equity and justice for all members of the school community and society as a whole, and to give those members the skills and knowledge they need to understand and overcome individual biases and institutional barriers to full equality.

In keeping with the above, NEHS is committed to maintaining a positive learning and working environment that is free from any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex. Sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, or display of materials, which evoke responses not in keeping with the atmosphere intended for the classroom or the work place.  Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Sexual flirtation, touching, advances or propositions
  2. Verbal or written comments of a sexual nature, including sexually suggestive or degrading language.

Such conduct may not be used to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school/work environment. Students found in violation of this regulation and federal law will be subject to severe discipline, including referral to the appropriate authorities for legal action. Any student who feels that he/she needs more information regarding regulation #102 or for anyone who feels that their rights or those of others under this regulation may have been violated are to be asked to see the school nurse or counselor immediately for further information.

Rights of Victims in School Related Offenses

Any victim of a crime committed by a member of the school community has the right to pursue criminal charges through the Criminal Justice or Juvenile Court Systems.  To do so, a victim may initiate charges with the Philadelphia Police or file a private criminal complaint. To file a private criminal complaint, if the alleged offender is an adult, the victim should call 215-686-9863, 215-686-9864 or 215-686-9865, or if the alleged offender is a juvenile, the victim should call 215-686-7430. A victim may also contact the Department of Education's Safe Schools Advocate at 215-644-1277 or the  District's  Safety Hotline a 215-400-SAFE (7233). Finally, a victim may also file a grievance in accordance with the District's student grievance procedure.

Vandalism and Graffiti

Vandalism and graffiti constitute destruction of school property.  Students found damaging or writing on any school property are subject to suspension, arrest and prosecution, and/or financial restitution. Students in possession of any graffiti paraphernalia will have said items confiscated and will be subject to disciplinary action, including prosecution under the law. Permanent/magic markers, spray paint, paint sticks, whiteout, and other graffiti paraphernalia are not permitted on school grounds.

Simulated Fighting/Play fighting

Play fighting/simulated fighting is an activity in which a person or persons act as though they are in combat, but without actually meaning to harm their partners. This behavior is disruptive to our school climate and may lead to physical injury to the participants and to other students and staff. Because of this, the school views simulated fighting/play fighting as tantamount to fighting. Any student involved in simulated fighting/play fighting will receive the same consequences as fighting.

Academic Honesty

Violations against academic honesty include, but are not limited to, copying and submitting another’s homework, as one’s own, as well as cheating on an essay, paper, quiz or test. Cheating is defined as obtaining or giving information that assists one’s own or another’s performance. This includes activities that take place both in and out of the classroom. At Northeast High School, the use of unauthorized aids, whether by writing, verbal, or coded means, is strictly forbidden.  A grade of “zero” will automatically be given for all cases of academic dishonesty. Disciplinary measures will be taken, as appropriate.


Plagiarism may be as blatant as the direct copying of quotations or whole papers, or as subtle as the failure to cite an author’s ideas or interpretations – whether in print, electronic, verbal, audio and/or visual form. These actions are strictly forbidden and represent contempt, both for the original author and for the audience to whom the stolen ideas are presented.



Cell Phones, Cameras, Electronic, and Other Telephonic Devices

Students may not use cell phones or other electronic devices in school. Further, two-way radios, scanners, video cameras and electronic games are not permitted in school. Students who use any of these devices or have any of these devices out during class time or during any testing period, including standardized tests, will have the item confiscated. Students possessing cell phones during standardized testing may face consequences from the school, district, and from the State of Pennsylvania. If a phone is confiscated during a standardized test, the parent must go through the phone with administration to ensure that no sensitive test information was photographed or otherwise recorded, prior to the phone’s release.

Students who refuse to give a cell phone to any faculty member upon request will face disciplinary action.

(Please be reminded that suspensions are a part of students’ permanent records.)

The confiscated item will be turned over to the principal or their designee. The principal/designee shall maintain a record identifying the item confiscated and the student from whom it was taken. All confiscated items will be maintained in a secure (locked) manner.

Mace, Pepper Spray and Laser Pointers

Mace, pepper spray and laser pointers are not permitted. They will be confiscated, and not returned. The student will be disciplined according to the Student Code of Conduct. A student discharging or using any  such item in school or proximate to other students or staff will be deemed as having committed an aggravated offense under Rule 22.

iPods, CD Players, Radios, and Recording Devices

iPods, CD players, bluetooth speakers, radios, or recording devices of any sort are not permitted to be used during instructional time. Violators will be disciplined according to the Student Code of Conduct, Rule 5B.

Students who are found to be in possession of any of these devices or are caught using any of these devices during class time will have the item confiscated.

All confiscated items will be returned on the designated day at the end of each academic quarter.  THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS!

Items confiscated a second time will not be returned until the end of the school year. A parent may be required to come in for any such confiscated item(s).

Off-Limit Doors and Other Areas

Students who are caught opening or leaving via “off-limit” doors are subject to severe disciplinary actions, the loss of various extracurricular activity privileges, and other progressive disciplinary measures. In an effort to maintain a safe and secure environment for our students and staff, any student caught opening a door or propping a door open to let another student or non-staff person into our school premises will automatically receive a three-to-five day out-of-school suspension, in addition to the above-mentioned penalties. Students under any circumstances without adult staff supervision may not use areas, including but not limited to, the school stage, fire towers, boiler room, and storage room.


Students are not permitted to remain in the school building, or upon school grounds after dismissal without staff supervision. Any student found in the building without supervision is considered trespassing and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Students who are coming back to the school building after sporting activities/events are not permitted to reenter the school building unless a staff member accompanies them. The staff member must escort the students to their destination(s) and ensure the students have exited the building safely.

Students are not permitted to re-enter the building once they have left without staff accompaniment. Students who open doors to allow other students to enter illegally will be subject to disciplinary action as well.

Dress Code

Northeast High School adopted a uniform policy, implemented November 2009. Students must wear their uniforms starting the first day of school, September 5, 2023. The mandatory dress code is as follows:


All students must wear a school tie.

A student arriving without a tie will be issued a new tie and a charge of $7.00 will be assessed to their account. Ties are NOT returnable once issued. Students will not be permitted to borrow a tie from school, retrieve ties from lockers, or have friends already in the building bring them a tie. Ties may be purchased in the main lobby each day during morning admissions..




Religious Wear


Additional Items Not Permitted to be Worn Inside of the Building

Exceptions to Uniform Policy

Per the School District’s uniform policy, failure to adhere to this policy will result in consequences. These consequences include, but are not limited to:

*Repeated violations will result in further disciplinary action

Physical Education Uniform

Students are required to attend and participate in their physical education class in full uniform. Northeast physical education uniforms consist of: Red Northeast gym t-shirt or plain (logo/message free) red t-shirt, black athletic shorts/pants, and athletic footwear



Masking will be optional for students and staff. There may be times during the school year when masking is required, including but not limited to:

Mask to Stay

Students and staff who have been exposed to Students and staff who have been exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, are no longer required to quarantine at home unless COVID-like symptoms are present. Instead, they may return to school but are required to wear a mask for 10 days.


Students who test positive for COVID-19 Students who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate at home for at least 5 calendar days and participate in virtual learning. Parents/guardians must also notify their school nurse or call the COVID Response Team at 215-400-5454. If symptom-free after 5 days of isolation, students may return to school but must wear a high-quality (N95 or KN95) mask for an additional 5 days and must eat in a designated area.

Student Testing

School nurses will provide COVID-19 testing for students who begin to show symptoms during the school day. In case of an outbreak at a school, a testing vendor will provide additional on-site testing support. A signed parental consent form on file at the school is required for student testing to occur, so please submit the completed form to your child’s school nurse.


COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are encouraged but not required for students, including student athletes.

General Health & Hygiene

All schools will be equipped with high-quality masks, hand sanitizer stations, and air and surface purifiers to further promote healthy learning environments. To further support the health and well-being of everyone in our schools, families are asked to monitor their child’s health and keep them home if they are sick, and practice proper hand-washing and mask wearing with their child.

Lunchroom Etiquette

Students may use the lunchroom, prior to advisory, for breakfast and during their scheduled lunch periods. Students must scan in when reporting for lunch. Students are not permitted to leave the school or school grounds during their assigned lunch period. Eating takes place in the cafeteria, auditorium, and courtyard. Breakfast is served from 7:05 AM to 7:40 AM each morning.

Students who fail to follow these rules will be subject to progressive disciplinary action.

Free or Reduced Price Lunches

Daily breakfast and lunch meals will be provided to all students at NO charge. All students can eat at no cost and there is no application required.


Seminar Number and Program Identification

The second number in your three-digit seminar number indicates the academic program to which you have been assigned. They are as follows: 0=Fitness, 1=Magnet Program; 2=AVID; 4=Natural Resource Management; 5=Arts and Education; 6=Health and Medical; 7=Other Academic Advisories; 8=Sports Marketing; 9=Academic Language Program/ESOL. A “3” as the middle number indicates that you have been assigned to the music room for seminar. 440-460 are Ninth Grade Academy.


Special assemblies in the auditorium are scheduled during the seminar. Students are to report, promptly, and be seated in their assigned seats. Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior during the program. Students are not permitted to eat or drink. Students are to remain in their assigned seats until dismissed and may not leave the auditorium without authorization.

Off Campus Activities

Disciplinary action(s), normally taken for acts occurring on school grounds, will also be taken for acts occurring on a bus that is owned, borrowed, rented or leased by the District, at any place at which a school-sponsored or school-related function takes place, at any other school within the District, or at any time or place on the way to school or the way home from school.

The school reserves the right to administer discipline for any other activity, whenever and wherever such an activity occurs, if such an off- school activity may reasonably be interpreted to threaten the ability of the school to maintain a safe, orderly and disciplined educational environment. When it is brought to the attention of the school that a student has engaged in such conduct off school grounds, the administration shall conduct an investigation, as deemed necessary and appropriate, including cooperation with law enforcement authorities, and may initiate disciplinary action in the same manner as if the action had occurred on school grounds during the school day.

Senior Class Dues

During your four-year enrollment at Northeast High School, the total amount of class dues for which you will be responsible is $175 (subject to change). Class dues are required for all students as they help fund a number of necessary school-related materials and activities. Students who leave prior to graduation will not receive a refund. A receipt will be given to the student for all dues payments received. These receipts must be kept until after graduation. These receipts are proof of payment and are invaluable in settling any discrepancies that may occur.


The purpose of the counselors is to help students maximize their abilities and achieve their full potential. This includes helping each student derive the maximum benefit from their high school experience, to make appropriate educational and career choices, and to develop the personal attributes needed for constructive participation in the school and the community. As such, students are encouraged to  see their respective counselors for help with any personal, social or academic concern. Counselors are available to assist students during advisory, during lunch and by appointment. Daily Announcements are made during advisory. It is your responsibility to listen to the announcements.


Debts must be paid before a student can participate in student activities, dances, including Junior and Senior Proms, athletics, extra-curricular activities, clubs, senior activities (including graduation exercises), or special events. Debts include: temp IDs, lost textbooks, lost uniforms, ties, replacement IDs, borrowed clothing, and other outstanding obligations.

No student will graduate or be withdrawn if there are any unsatisfied debts or obligations on the student’s account.

Emergency Closing of Schools

Announcements will be made over the radio and local TV beginning at 5:30 A.M. You may also check the District’s website  at If for any emergency, school must be closed during  the school day, the administration will make the announcement.  Follow radio and local TV for updates regarding any District-mandated early dismissal.

Emergency Contact Form

Each year students are required to update their “Emergency Contact Forms.” These forms are given to the students by their advisor and are to be returned with the updated information.

Fire Drills

When a fire drill is conducted, students are to follow the directions given to them by their teachers and evacuate the building according to the directions posted in each room. Students may not leave school grounds during a fire drill.


All student fundraising projects must be approved by the administration and facilitated by a staff sponsor. During fundraising times, students are required to have with them authorized paperwork detailing the club/activity/SLC association, staff sponsor, and fundraising purpose obtained from Mr. Picardi. Students are strictly prohibited to conduct personal fundraising projects. The school reserves its right to confiscate all items related to personal or unauthorized fundraising including money collected. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Gym Lockers

Students are responsible for the purchase of gym locks for their gym lockers. Students are required at all times to secure all items in  a  locked locker. Never leave a gym locker unlocked. The lock and contents must be emptied after each gym period. School District policies and procedures that apply to hallway lockers also apply to gym lockers. Northeast High School is not responsible for any items lost or stolen from all locker rooms.

Health Services and Medication

The health room, Room 145, is located next to the Main Office, and is open from 7:38 A.M. – 2:42  P.M. At least one school nurse is on duty   all day in room 145. For non-emergency visits, which are only seen during the last 10 minutes of each period, a note from the teacher is mandatory.  True emergencies will be seen at any time.

Medication may be taken in school ONLY if:

   Parents who wish to have a prescription medication given to their child during school hours ask the nurse for a “Request for Administration of Medication” (Form MED-1), and

   The form is filled out, signed by the student’s doctor and parent /legal guardian, and returned to the nurse.

Students may not bring medications to school for their personal use, nor may students take any medication in school unless administered by the school's nurse. Students should see the nurse for any health related questions that they may have. Parents: If your child has any health problems or is taking prescription medication for any reason, even if it does not have to be taken in school, it is important that you inform the nurse about it.

Please note that all 9th grade students and new admissions are required by PA law to have to have a physical and dental exam on file with the school within thirty days of admission.

ID Cards and Temporary IDs (Temps)

In order to provide a safe and secure environment for all NEHS students and staff, photo ID cards must be in your possession at all times. ID cards must be presented for entry into the lunchroom, activity tickets, and other school-related situations.

Failure to carry your ID card/Temp or produce it upon request by any staff member may result in disciplinary action. Lost ID cards can be replaced in the lunch room, at a charge of $5.00. Temps cost $1.00.

Lockers and Storage Areas (Use and Searches)

Students will be assigned a locker with a lock when they come to Northeast High School. In most cases locker locations will correspond to a student’s SLC. If there is a problem with your locker or if your lock is lost or stolen, the locker office is to be notified immediately. Replacement cost of a lock is $5.00. Locks other than those issued by the school may not be placed on lockers. Unauthorized locks will be cut off without notice. Students are not to give their locker combination to anyone!

The school cannot be responsible for theft. If theft should occur, immediately report the theft to the School Police Office and the incident will be investigated promptly. Northeast High School is not responsible for any items lost or stolen from all lockers.

Lockers, locks, and/or storage compartments, which are provided for student use, remain the property of the School District. As such, students shall have no expectation of privacy. Students should also be aware that the use of all School District equipment and/or facilities is extended to students for legitimate school purposes only. To protect the health, safety, and general welfare of everyone in the school community, school district personnel have the right to randomly and/or periodically inspect lockers, desks and other storage areas at any time. Students do not have the right to be present during such searches. Therefore, lockers are only to be used for the storage of the following items: books, school supplies, clothing, items of personal hygiene, food, pocket books/purses, and/or any other personal items, which are not in violation of Board policy, school regulations and/or any local, state or federal statute. Coats, hats, and all outerwear are to be kept in your hallway locker. They are not permitted to be worn inside of the building.

The student to whom a locker is assigned is responsible for any and all items found in the locker, regardless of whether the student claims or admits to be the owner or custodian thereof. If any illegal materials are found, these materials may be used against the student in disciplinary proceedings and/or may be turned over to law enforcement agencies.

Locker Clean Out

It is mandatory that students clean out their lockers and return all school property and books at the end of the school year by a designated date. Students will be given plenty of notice to comply. After the designated date, all lockers will be opened and inspected.  All items left in lockers will be discarded. Neither the school nor the School District of Philadelphia is responsible for any losses or for items left in lockers at the end of the school year.

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found is located in Room 21. Lost keys are to be brought immediately to the Main Office.


There is no student parking at NEHS. Cars which are illegally parked on school grounds  will be ticketed by the police and/or towed. Students who park vehicles in designated staff parking lots will be subject to severe discipline, including the loss of any and all student privileges for any extra-curricular activity for the school year.


All postings must have administrative approval prior to posting. Any posted material lacking administrative approval will be removed. NO POSTINGS ARE TO BE PLACED ON PAINTED SURFACES. Northeast High School is not responsible for the condition of posted materials and will not return materials that are removed.

School Dances

School dances at NEHS are primarily for NEHS students. In the event a dance includes outside guests, tickets for guests must be purchased prior to the dance. They will be subject to the same rules and regulations as NEHS students.

School Property

Textbooks, workbooks, reading material, lockers, team uniforms, ID etc. that are issued to students by the school are to be properly maintained and returned to the appropriate staff member at the end of the term/year/semester/season. Students are reminded that they are responsible for any school property issued to them. Items that are not returned or are returned in damaged condition will result in a charge being assessed against the student to whom the property was issued. Students who owe money will not be permitted to participate in any activity until the debt account is settled.

School Publications and Website Information

All information contained in any school publication (school newspaper, yearbook, etc.) and/or posted on the school’s website must be submitted to the sponsor of such activity for review in accordance with District guidelines and the AUP prior to publication and/or posting. Any material, which the administration finds objectionable in accordance with District guidelines, may be removed by the administration in accordance with District procedures.

NOTE: Since it is possible that a student’s picture may be included as part of any school publication and/or posting on the school’s website, if you do not wish your photograph to be included as part of any school sponsored publication or activity, intentionally or otherwise, you must, specifically request that your photograph not be used. This request must be made in writing, and submitted to the main office.

School Sponsored Activities

School sponsored activities, including but not limited to, Senior and Junior Prom, graduation ceremony, Senior and Junior Trip, Senior Picnic, school dances, SLC sponsored trips, team sports, and clubs are privileges for students at Northeast High School. Outstanding debts and other obligations, violation of student conduct codes, failure of 2 or more classes, chronic lateness, and poor attendance will deny a student their opportunity to enjoy these activities.

School Store

Once operational (TBD) the school store will be open during lunch periods. A full line of school supplies, gym wear, school uniforms and “school spirit” items is offered, as well as a variety of snacks. Students will be permitted to use the school store during their rostered lunch period. Students using the school store during a non-rostered lunch period will be considered cutting and will face appropriate disciplinary measures.

Security Scans

For security purposes, students and visitors must pass through a scanning process as they enter the school. The scans will detect weapons, drugs, electronic devices, etc. Male students are to report to the “L” door or Glendale entrance. Female students are to report to the main lobby. All other persons coming into NEHS to visit or conduct business must go through the scan process in the main lobby before proceeding to the main office.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

The School District of Philadelphia, an equal opportunity employer, will not discriminate in employment or education programs or activities, based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership or limited English proficiency. This policy of non-discrimination extends to all other legally protected classifications. Publication of this policy in this document is in accordance with state and federal laws including: Title IX of the educational amendment of 1972 and sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Inquiries should be directed to Sterlin C. Daniel, Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer, 734 Schuylkill Avenue, 1st floor, Philadelphia, PA 19146, (215) 875-3815.

Student Expression (Guidelines)

Students have the right to express themselves verbally and in writing, unless the expression interferes with the educational program, threatens immediate harm to the welfare of the school or community, encourages unlawful activity, takes away another individual's lawful rights or undermines the school's basic educational mission. The wearing of buttons, badges or arm bands bearing slogans or sayings shall be permitted as another form of expression, unless the message contains obscene, defamatory or offensive language, encourages illegal actions, contains any signs/symbols of gang affiliation, undermines the basic educational mission of the school or results in interference with the educational program.

NOTE: The distribution of any materials must be approved by the administration and the information contained in any such material must be in conformance with the provisions applicable to those for student expression. Further, the administration may determine the time and place of distribution of such materials so that distribution shall not interfere with the operation of the school.


Students are responsible to return textbooks or other school property in the condition in which it was received. A student must return the book with the same barcode as the one he/she was issued. If a student does not return the item that he/she was issued, with the same barcode, then he/she will be obliged to pay the replacement cost of the book. Students who return the same book but with a different barcode will still be required to pay the replacement cost of the book. If property or books are signed out using a book receipt, then it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the book receipt when the item is returned.


All eligible students will be issued ONE Transpass  in September. Students must keep that Transpass for the 4 years they attend Northeast High School.

Transpasses may not be sold or exchanged because each Transpass is assigned to the Student ID number.

Please note that it is the School District’s Office of Transportation that determines eligibility and not Northeast High School.  

Students are advised to ensure that Transpasses are kept in a safe and secure location. The school WILL NOT be responsible for lost or stolen Transpasses.


All visitors must report to the main lobby, sign-in, state their purpose for visiting, secure a visitor’s pass, proceed through scanning, and then wait for the a school staff member to escort them to the correct location.. It is recommended that an appointment be scheduled in advance when requesting to meet with a teacher, or counselor to ensure that he/she will be available. Administrators will be available by appointment only.  Visitors who fail to follow these procedures will be considered trespassing.

 Visitation privileges will not be granted to:


Visit our website for up-to-date information concerning academic programs, sports, special events/activities, school clubs, the Home and School Association, the Alumni Association and the school newspaper, The Northeast Megaphone.


The School District of Philadelphia is providing its employees and students (“users”) with access to computing equipment, systems and local network functions such as School District e-mail and the Internet.

  1.  Purpose

  1. This access has limited educational purposes for students and is to facilitate employees’ work productivity.
  1.  Access rights and privileges.

  1. The School District has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the use of equipment, resources and material students and employees access or post through the system. Students and employees are also expected to follow the rules set forth in the District’s rules and regulations governing conduct, disciplinary code, and the law in their use of the district’s equipment and network. This access has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. All access and rights are privileges granted by the District, and users should expect no privacy rights.
  2. All District employees and students will have access to the Internet through the district’s private network. Parents may specifically request that their children not be provided such access by notifying the District in writing.
  3. No student will be given or have access to District-provided Internet e-mail.
  4. Students may be permitted to access an external Internet email service or their personal email account for the purpose of legitimate instructional or school-based needs. This is a local decision.
  5. Guests/contractors are not automatically eligible for a District email account. E-mail or network access accounts may be granted if directly sponsored by a District administrator.

  1.  Unacceptable Uses

  1. Users may not use the District’s private network to access material that is profane or obscene (pornography of any kind), that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature).
  2. Users may not post personal information on the Internet about themselves or other people. Personal contact information includes address, telephone, school address, work address, pictures or video bites, clips, etc.
  3. Students may not agree to meet with someone they have met on the Internet without their parent's approval and participation.
  4. Users may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system. This includes attempting to log in through another person's account or access another person's files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of "browsing”, “snooping”, or “electronic discovery”.
  5. Users may not deliberately disrupt or harm hardware or systems, interfere with computer or network performance, interfere with another’s ability to use equipment and systems, or destroy data.
  6. Users may not use the District’s private network to engage in illegal acts, such as arranging for a drug sale or the purchase of alcohol, engaging in criminal gang activity, threatening the safety of person, accessing or sharing unauthorized copyrighted music, movies, and other intellectual property, etc.
  7. Users may not utilize peer-to-peer file-sharing applications or execute programs to facilitate the downloading or exchange of copyrighted or unauthorized music, movies, and other materials.
  8. Users may not use the District’s private network to solicit information with the intent of using such information to cause personal harm or bodily injury to another or others.
  9. Users may not post information that could endanger an individual, cause personal damage or a danger of service disruption.

10. Users may not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization.

11. Users may not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users.

12. Users may not indirectly or directly make connections that create “backdoors” to the District, other organizations, community groups, etc. that allow unauthorized access to the District’s network.

13. Users may not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, hateful, threatening, or disrespectful language.

14.Users may not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.

15. Users may not harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person.

16. Users may not re-post a message that was sent to them privately without permission of the person who sent them the message.

17. Users may not forward or post chain letters or engage in "spamming". Spamming is sending an annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people.

18. Users will not install or reproduce unauthorized or unlicensed software on District resources.

19. Users may not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet or other resources.

20. Users may not use technology resources, including the Internet, for private business activities or unreasonable personal use.

21. Users may not use the District’s private network for political lobbying.

22. Students will not download files unless approved by their teachers.

  1.  System Security Obligations

  1. Users are responsible for the use of their individual access account(s) and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account(s), including coworkers, friends, or family. Under no conditions should a user provide their password to another person.
  2. Attempts to log on to the District’s private network or any other network as a system administrator is prohibited.
  3. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of violating this or any other Acceptable Use Policy may be denied access to the District’s private network.
  4. Users will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by following the School District virus protection procedures if they download software or share a common file directory.
  5. Users should immediately notify a teacher or system administrator of any possible security problem.
  6. Students will promptly disclose to their teacher or other appropriate school employee any message received that is inappropriate.

  1.  Filtering

  1. As required by law and in recognition of the need to establish a safe and appropriate computing environment, the District will use filtering technology to prohibit access, to the degree possible, to objectionable  or unsuitable content that might otherwise be accessible via the Internet.

  1. Due Process

  1. The School District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to any illegal activities conducted through the district’s private network.
  2. In the event there is an allegation that a student has violated the District Acceptable Use Policy, the student will be provided with a written notice of the alleged violation and will be provided with notice and opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the Student Hearing Process Policy. Disciplinary actions may be taken.
  3. Employee violations of the District Acceptable Use Policy will be handled in accordance with law, School Board Policy or collective bargaining agreement(s), as applicable.


  1. Administration

  1. The Chief Information Officer has the responsibility and authority for the development, publication, implementation and ongoing administration and enforcement of the processes and techniques required to protect the Philadelphia School District’s technology systems and services from unauthorized access, loss or misuse.
  2. School principals have the responsibility to establish a plan to ensure adequate supervision of students. They are also responsible for interpreting and enforcing this policy at the local level.
  3. Local management has the responsibility to interpret and enforce this policy.

Please review the May 2021,revisions to this policy on the School District Website. The address of the document is:



Each school in its School-wide Parental Involvement Policy must establish the school’s expectations for parental involvement. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.]

Northeast High School agrees to implement the following statutory requirements:

Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring—

  1. that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;

  1. that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;

  1. that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child;

  1. the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESEA.

The school district will inform parents and parental organizations of the purpose and existence of the Parental Information and Resource Center in the State.


[NOTE: The School- wide Parental Involvement Policy must include a description of how the school will implement or accomplish each of the following components. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.] Regardless of the format the school chooses to use, a description of each of the following components below must be included in order to satisfy statutory requirements.]

  1. Northeast High School will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its school-wide parental involvement plan under section 1112 of the ESEA:

Northeast High School’s parents were sent information regarding our Parental Involvement Policy on our ParentLink, Twitter, e-mail and posted on our school website in order to view the material prior to our October Home and School Meeting. Our parents will be invited to come to our October Home and School Meeting. During which, Principals Carroll and McCloskey will introduce a draft of the Parental Involvement Plan and discuss any adjustments that need to be made.

  1. Northeast High School will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the ESEA:

Northeast High School’s administration has a commitment from our Home and School to dedicate the meeting of April 2018 for a review and discussion of Northeast High School’s Draft Action Plan and Federal Requirements Addendum. To that end, we will advertise and invite parents and guardians to attend the meeting, noting the administration’s plan to review data, discuss suggestions and take written verbal comments for the Action Plan and FRA.

  1. The School District of Philadelphia will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance:

  1. Northeast High School will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I, Part A programs. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). The school will use the findings of the evaluation about its parental involvement policy and activities to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary (and with the involvement of parents) its parental involvement policies.

Evaluation will be conducted:

Responsible for this Evaluation:

  1. Northeast High School will build the school’s and parents' capacity for strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, through the following activities specifically described below:
  1. Northeast High School will, with the assistance of the School District, provide assistance to parents, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph – the State’s academic content standards, the State’s student academic achievement standards, the State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments, the requirements of Title I-Part A, how to monitor their child’s progress, and how to work with educators.

To this end, Northeast High School will invite parents and guardians to workshops designed by the Administration in conjunction with the Home and School. These workshops will focus on the implementation of Pennsylvania’s Common Core, the Keystone Exams, and Understanding High School Graduation Requirements.

Northeast High School will provide these opportunities throughout the year. The first partnership will be on Back to School Night, during the first quarter. Principals Carroll and McCloskey and their administrative staff will welcome students and their families to discuss topics 1,2,3,4, and 5.

Student Agenda Handbook provides tips and suggestions for families to develop working relationships with teachers

                       ParentLink (phone calls home)

Report Card Conference meetings will be designed to include parent sessions to discuss topics 1,3, and 5.

SLC Coordinators will hold SLC-specific informational meetings.

  1. Winter and Spring Home and School meetings will be devoted to review topics 1,2,3,5. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions and offer  suggestions  for improvement.

  1. Northeast High School will, with the assistance of the School District, provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement, by:

  1. Our counselors and bilingual counseling assistants will serve as parent supports. Information regarding these staff members will be sent home to parents in the fall. Communication is ongoing as well as updates through NEHS website and Twitter.

The Administration, in collaboration with our Home and School, will host various workshops to provide parents timely information. (These meetings will take place monthly.)

Transition to high school.  Family and Student Net


Attendance and Truancy Keystone Assessment Bullying Policy

College and Career Readiness/Awareness

Understanding and selection of Course Offering

programs and activities with Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Home Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children, by: N/A

parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand:

Information is sent out home via Parent Link, Twitter, email, NEHS website,

District translated documents and bilingual counseling assistant support when appropriate.

NEHS has ten different translators (Bilingual Counseling Assistants) in various languages who are in the building Monday through Friday and they are available to assist our parent community. We have a working relationship with our feeder schools to share Assistants when needed for parent meetings during the day.

Parents are encouraged, and are able to reach out to our Counselors and SLC Coordinators by phone, email or come to the school to make an appointment.


NOTE: The School’s Parental Involvement Policy may include additional paragraphs listing and describing other discretionary activities that the school, in consultation with its parents, chooses to undertake to build parents’ capacity for involvement in the school and school system to support their children’s academic achievement, such as the following discretionary activities listed under section 1118(e) of the ESEA:

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This Northeast High School Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly with, and agreed upon with, parents. The school will distribute this policy to all parents on or before October 31, 2022.


Northeast High School, and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

This school-parent compact is in effect during the school year 2022-2023.


(Provisions bolded in this section are required to be in the Title I, Part A School-Parent Compact)

School Responsibilities

Northeast High School will:

  1. Reinstitute Common Planning time meetings during which teachers will collaborate to improve instruction.
  2. Encourage Critical Friends; use protocols for teachers to engage in Peer Critiques.
  1. Focus our instruction and teacher development using the Common Core Standards.
  2. Continue to build Leadership Capacity through the Distributive Leadership Initiative to encourage more teacher- leader participation in professional development.
  3. Expand academic school-wide initiatives such as Literacy Initiative and data review.

First Quarter Report Card Conferences: Nov 27, 2023

Second Quarter Report Card Conferences: Feb 1-2, 2024

Third Quarter Report Card Conferences: Apr 4-5, 2024

  1. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows: Interim Reports are sent to parents and guardians of students who are in danger of failing halfway through each marking period with a FINAL IN DANGER OF FAILING during the fourth marking period.
  2. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows: Northeast High School is committed to open communication with our parents and guardians. Through our counselors, secretaries and other support staff, parents are able to make appointments to speak with teachers, SLC Coordinators, nurses, social workers, and administration. Parents are encouraged to confirm in advance the teacher’s availability for their visit. Parents should call the School Office and ask to leave a message for the teacher.

Additionally, contact can be made through:

  1. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows:

Parent Responsibilities

We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:

Student Responsibilities

We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards.  Specifically, we will:

Northeast High School will:

  1. Involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parental involvement policy, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way.
  2. Involve parents in the joint development of any school wide program plan, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way.
  3. Hold an annual meeting to inform parents of the school’s participation in Title I, Part A programs, and to explain the Title I, Part A requirements, and the right of parents to be involved in Title I, Part A programs. The school will convene the meeting at a convenient time to parents, and will offer a flexible number of additional parental involvement meetings, such as in the morning or evening, so that as many parents as possible are able to attend. The school will invite to this meeting all parents of children participating in Title I, Part    A    programs (participating    students), and will encourage them to attend.
  4. Provide information to parents of participating students in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon the request of parents with disabilities, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
  5. Provide to parents of participating children information in a timely manner about Title I, Part A programs that includes a description and explanation of the school’s curriculum, the forms of academic assessment used to measure children’s progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
  6. On the request of parents, provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions, and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children. The school will respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
  7. Provide to each parent an individual student report about the performance of their child on the State assessment in at least math, language arts and reading.
  8. Provide each parent timely notice when their child has been assigned or has been taught for four (4) or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified within the meaning of the term in section 200.56 of the Title I Final Regulations (67 Fed. Reg. 71710, December 2, 2002)
  9. Involve parents in the joint development of any school wide program plan, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way.

To help build and develop a partnership with parents to help their children achieve the State’s high academic standards, Northeast High School will:

  1. Recommend to the Regional No Child Left Behind District Liaison, the names of parents of participating children of Title I, Part A programs who are interested in serving on the State’s Committee of Practitioners and School Support Teams.
  2. Notify parents of the school’s participation in Early Reading First, Reading First and Even Start Family Literacy Programs operating within the school, the district and the contact information.
  3. Work with the School District of Philadelphia in addressing problems, if any, in implementing parental involvement activities in section 1118 of Title I, Part A.
  4. Work with the School District of Philadelphia to ensure that a copy of the State Education Agency’s written complaint procedures for resolving any issue of violation(s) of a Federal statute or regulation of Title I, Part A programs is provided to parents of students and to appropriate private school officials or representatives.