Thank you for your interest in a Kingdom Missions Fund Grant.
We thank the Lord for your love for Him, and in your interest in expanding the Kingdom of God.
For an organization to receive a Kingdom Missions Fund Grant, they must be registered as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Because of our Board of Director policies, we cannot give grants to an individual or an organization that does not have this status. If you are a 501 (c) 3 organization, or can work through such an organization, please submit to me a copy of your/their approval letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in addition to any other documents or information concerning your organization you may consider relevant.
Send all correspondence to me, Once this information is received, I will begin the process of informing you what is involved in applying for a Kingdom Missions Fund Grant.
Again, thank you for your interest in a Kingdom Missions Fund Grant. I will eagerly await your response to this e-mail.
Paul L. Barber
Kingdom Missions Fund
Kingdom Missions Fund
Grant Distribution Guidelines
The Kingdom Missions Fund Board, in order to assist deserving missions with the greatest impact possible, to accomplish prayerful discernment of all grant requests, and to assure consistency for years to come for each grant awarded, does request that the following guidelines for grant distribution be understood by all grant applicants, and adhered to and honored by the Missions Advisory Committee and the Kingdom Missions Fund Board in their consideration of grant requests.
1. That grants only be given to missions that have been thoroughly investigated and whose honesty and character are above reproach in the way that they conduct their ministry.
2. That grants only be given to missions that are utilizing the funds in at least one of our three areas of emphasis:
a. Christian Missions (i.e. the crossing of cultural and geographic boundaries in order to proclaim the Gospel Jesus Christ and make disciples, either internationally or within the U.S.)
b. Christian Education
c. Short-term mission projects.
3. That grants only be given to U. S based missions who have a 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Applications will not be considered if we do not have a copy of the 501(c)(3) non-profit status letter by the November 30 deadline.
4. That grants be given to missions where the impact would be great, as opposed to a mission where our contribution might not be considered all that valuable.
5. That smaller or introductory grants should be awarded for smaller requests when the impact of the grant would take care of most or all of the need requested.
6. All grants would be distributed prayerfully, knowing that the Kingdom Missions Fund is a trusted steward of the funds it receives.
7. That grants be awarded for innovative projects and certain tangible items and not for the personal support of mission members or for the salaries of the mission’s staff. Projects that are deemed “smart, sustainable, and scalable will receive preferential treatment by the Missions Advisory Committee.
8. That grants be primarily awarded for the total cost of the project being considered. If the grant is only for a part of the total project, the grant will only be released when the applicant can prove that the additional cost of the project has been raised. Any grant awarded should be a significant part of the whole project cost.
9. If more than one project is submitted as a grant request, the projects must be prioritized in the order of importance to the applicant as part of their overall budget.
10. Grants will be awarded under a three-tiered guideline system
Tier 1 – 35% of the total allowed distribution (Grant Range $4,000 - $6,000) Tier 2 – 50 % of the total allowed distribution (Grant Range $2,000 - $3,999) Tier 3 – 15% of the total allowed distribution (Grant Range <$2,000)
It should be noted that the “total allowed distribution” is determined from year to year by the Kingdom Missions Fund’s board of directors in accordance with the fund’s operating guidelines.
11. That all applicants understand that a grant application must be submitted prior to the application deadline of November 30th for a grant to be awarded. A previous year's application does not qualify as a current year application and will not be considered or reviewed. A new application must be submitted each year. Likewise, the previous award of a grant does not guarantee future grant awards. Each year's application will be considered solely on the information submitted therein.
It is a joy for the Kingdom Missions Fund to be in partnership with great mission organizations that are advancing the Kingdom of God around the world. May we all be prayerful that the funds that are entrusted to our care be used in such a way that the Lord Jesus Christ would be glorified in every way.