C1 UNIT 46 Grammar




   subject    verb    object

    ←-->     ←---->  ←----->  

(a) Mary   helped   the boy.

     subject           verb        (agent)

     ←------>    ←------------>  ←----->  

(b) The boy    was helped   by Mary.

In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb: the boy in (a) becomes the subject of the passive verb in (b).

Notice that the subject of an active verb follows ‘by’ in a passive sentence. The noun that follows ‘by’ is called the "agent." In (b): Mary is the agent. (a) and (b) have the same meaning.



(c) An accident happened.

(d) none

Only transitive verbs (verbs that can be followed by an object) are used in the passive. It is not possible to use intransitive verbs (such as happen, sleep, come, seem) in the passive.

Form of the passive: be + past participle

ACTIVE                                                                   PASSIVE

simple present

present progressive

present perfect*

simple past

past progressive

past perfect*

simple future*

be going to

future perfect*

Mary helps

Mary is helping

Mary has helped

Mary helped

Mary was helping

Mary had helped

Mary will help

Mary is going to help

Mary will have helped.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

the boy.

The boy

The boy

The boy

The boy

The boy

The boy

The boy

The boy

The boy

is helped

is being helped

has been helped

was helped

was being helped

had been helped

will be helped

is going to be helped

will have been helped

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

by Mary.

(e) Was the boy helped by Mary?

(f) Is the boy being helped by Mary?

(g) Has the boy been helped by Mary?

In the question form of passive verbs, an auxiliary

verb precedes the subject.

*The progressive forms of the present perfect, past perfect, future, and future perfect are very rarely used in the passive.

EXERCISE 1. Forming the passive.

Directions: Change the active to the passive.


1. Tom opens the door. --> The door ____is opened__ by Tom.

2. Tom is opening the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

3. Tom has opened the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

4. Tom opened the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

5. Tom was opening the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

6. Tom had opened the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

7. Tom will open the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

8. Tom is going to open the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

9. Tom will have opened the door. --> The door _______ by Tom.

10. Is Tom opening the door? → ______the door _______ by Tom?

11. Did Tom open the door? -->______the door _______ by Tom?

12. Has Tom opened the door?______the door _______ by Tom?

EXERCISE 2. Forming the passive.

PART 1. Change the active to passive.


1. Shakespeare wrote that play. --> That play was written by Shakespeare.

2. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.

3. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.

4. Shirley has suggested a new idea.

5. Bill will invite Ann to the party.

6. Alex is preparing that report.

7. Two horses were pulling the carraige.

8. Kathy had returned the book to the library.

9. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.

10. I didn't write that note. Jim wrote it.

11. Alice didn't make that pie. Did Mrs. French make it?

12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course? I know that Prof. Adams doesn't teach it.

13. Mrs. Andrews hasn't signed those papers yet. Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?

14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?

15. His tricks won't fool me.

PART 11. Change the passive to active.

16. That sentence was written by Omar.

17. Our papers are going to be collected by the teacher.

18. W&s the electric light bulb invented by Thomas Edison?

19. The speed limit on Highway 5 isn't obeyed by most drivers.

20. Have you been informed of a proposed increase in our rent by the building superintendent?

EXERCISE 3. Forming the passive.

Directions: Change the active to passive if possible. Some verbs are intransitive and cannot

be changed.


1. A strange thing happened yesterday. (no change)

2. Jackie scored the winning goal. --> The winning goal was scored by Jackie.

3. My cat died.

4. I agree with Dr. Ikeda's theory.

5. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory.

6. Timmy dropped the cup.

7. The cup fell to the floor.

8. The assistant manager interviewed me.

9. It rained hard yesterday.

10. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village.

11. Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago.

12. A large vase stands in the corner of our front hallway.

13. The children seemed happy when they went to the zoo.

14. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.

15. The solution to my problem appeared to me in a dream.

16. Our plan succeeded at last.

17. Barbara traveled to Uganda last year.

18. Lightning didn't cause the fire.

19. A special committee is going to settle the dispute.

20. Did the army surround the enemy?

21. What happened in class yesterday?

22. The Persians invented windmills around 1500 years ago.


(a) Rice is grown in India.

(b) Our house was built in 1980.

(c) This olive oil was imported from


Usually the passive is used without a by-phrase. The passive is most frequently used when it is not known or not important to know exactly who performs an action.

In (a): Rice is grown in India by people, by farmers, by someone. It is not known or important to know exactly who grows rice in India.

(a), (b), and (c) illustrate the most common use of the passive, i.e., without the by-phrase.

(d) Life on the Mississippi was written by Mark Twain.

The by-phrase is included only if it is important to know who performs an action, as in (d), where by Mark Twain is important


(e) My aunt made this rug. (active)

If the speaker knows who performs an action, usually the active is used, as in (e).

(f) This rug was made by my aunt. That rug was made by my mother.

Sometimes, even when the speaker knows who performs an action, s/he chooses to use the passive with the by-phrase because s/he wants to focus attention on the subject of a sentence. In (f) :The focus of attention is on two rugs.


In (a) and (b): old and green are adjectives. They describe the door. In (c): locked is a past participle. It is used as an adjective. It describes the door.

(a) The door is old.

(b) The door is green.

(c) The door is locked.

When the passive form is used to describe an existing situation or state, as in (c), (f), and (i), it is called the “stative passive.” In the stative passive:

• no action is taking place; the action happened earlier.

• there is no by-phrase.

• the past participle functions as an adjective.

(d) I locked the door five minutes ago.

(e) The door was locked by me five minutes ago.

(f) Now the door is locked.

(g) Ann broke the window yesterday.

(h) The window was broken by Ann.

(i) Now the window is broken.

Prepositions other than ‘by’ can follow stative passive verbs.

(j ) I am interested in Chinese art.

(k) He is satisfied with his job.

(l) Ann is married to Alex.

(m) through (p) are examples of idiomatic usage of the passive form in common, everyday English. These sentences have no equivalent active sentences.

(m) I don’t know where I am. I am lost.

(n) I can’t find my purse. It is gone.

( o) I am finished with my work.

(p) I am done with my work.

EXERCISE 4. Stative passive.

Directions: Supply the stative passive of the given verbs. Use the simple present or the simple past.


1. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It (make) _is made_ of cotton.

2. The door to this room (shut) _________________.

3. The lights in this room (turn) _________________on.

4. This room (crowd, not) ______________________.

5. Jim is sitting quietly. His elbows (bend) ______________________, and his hands

(fold) _____________________in front of him.

6. We can leave now because class (finish)______________________

7. It is hot in this room because the window (close) _________________.

8. Yesterday it was hot in this room because the window (close) ____________________.

9. We can’t go any farther. The car (stick) __________________in the mud.

10. We couldn’t go any farther. The car (stick) __________________in the mud.

11. My room is very neat right now. The bed (make) _________________, the floor

(sweep) __________________, and the dishes (wash)__________________

12. We are ready to sit down and eat dinner. The table (set) _________________, the

meat and rice (do) _________________ , and the candles (light) ______________

13. Where’s my wallet? It (go) _________________! Did you take it?

14. Hmmm. My dress (tear) _________________. I wonder how that happened.

15. Don’t look in the hall closet. Your birthday present (hide) __________________there.

EXERCISE 5. Stative passive.

Directions: Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the words in the list.

bear (born)*        exhaust        plug in

block                go                qualify

confuse        insure                schedule

crowd                locate                spoil

divorce                lose                stick

do                marry                turn off


1. Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some directions? I _am lost_.

2. Let’s find another restaurant. This one_________too_________We

would have to wait at least an hour for a table.

3. The meeting__________________________for tomorrow at nine.

4. That’s hard work! I______________________. I need.to rest for a while.

5. You told me one thing, and John told me another. I don’t know what to think. I __________.

6. I can’t open the window.


7. Louise is probably sleeping. The lights in

her room__________________________.

8. Mrs. Wentworth’s jewelry_____________

__________________for $50,000.

9. Carolyn and Joe were married to each other for

five years, but now they___________________

10. I thought I had left my book on this desk, but it isn’t here. It_________________

I wonder where it is.

11. I’m sorry. You________not__________________for the job. We need someone

with a degree in electrical engineering.

12. I love my wife. I______________________to a wonderful woman.

13. We can’t eat this fruit. It______________________. We’ll have to throw it out.

14. We’d better call a plumber. The water won’t go down the drain. The drain

15. Vietnam__________________________in Southeast Asia.

16. A: How old is Jack?

B: He__________________in 1980.

17. A: The TV set doesn’t work.

B: Are you sure?_________it

18. A: Is dinner ready?

B: Not yet. The potatoes___ not_________. They need another

ten minutes.


(a) I'm interested in Greek culture.

(b) He 's worried about losing his job.

Many stative passive verbs are followed by prepositions other than by.


be accustomed to                        be acquainted with

be addicted to                                be annoyed with, by

be associated with                        be bored with, by

be cluttered with                        be composed of

be concerned about                        be connected to

be coordinated with                        be covered with

be crowded with                        be dedicated to

be devoted to                                be disappointed in, with

be discriminated against                be divorced from

be done with                                be dressed in

be engaged to                                be equipped with

be excited about                        be exhausted from

be exposed to                                be filled with

be finished with                        be frightened of, by

be gone from                                be interested in

be involved in                                be known for

be limited to

be located in                                be made of

be married to                                be opposed to

be pleased with                        be prepared for

be protected from                        be provided with

be qualified for                        be related to

be remembered for                        be satisfied with

be scared of, by                        be terrified of, by

be tired of, from                        be worried about

EXERCISE 6. Stative passive + prepositions.

Directions: Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.


1. Our high school soccer team was very excited _about_ going to the national finals.

2. I’m not acquainted_________that man. Do you know him?

3. Mark Twain is known_________his stories about life on the Mississippi.

4. A person who is addicted_________drugs needs professional medical help.

5. Jack is married_________Joan.

6. Could I please have the dictionary when you are finished_________it?

7. A: Aren’t you ready yet? We have to be at the ferry dock at 7:45.

B: I’ll never make it. I’m still dressed________my pajamas.

8. My car is equipped_________air conditioning and a sun roof.

9. The school children were exposed_________the measles by a student who had them.

10. Gandhi was committed________. nonviolence. He believed in it all of his life.

11. The large table was covered_________every kind of food you could imagine.

12. Barbara turned off the TV because she was tired________listening to the news.

13. The choices in that restaurant are limited_________pizza and sandwiches.

14. A: Are you in favor of a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons, or are you opposed


B: I’m in favor of it. I’m terrified_________the possibility of a nuclear war starting

by accident. However, my wife is against disarmament.

15. The department store was filled________ toys for the holiday sale.

16. John’s bald head is protected_________the hot sun when he’s wearing his hat.

17. The store was crowded_________last-minute shoppers on the eve of the holiday.

18. I think you’re involved________too many activities. You don’t have enough time to

spend with your family.

19. Your leg bone is connected_________your hip bone.

20. Their apartment is always messy. It’s cluttered_________newspapers, books, clothes,

and dirty dishes.

21. Don’t leave those seedlings outside tonight. If they’re exposed________

temperatures below freezing, they will die.

22. An interior decorator makes certain that the color of the walls is coordinated ________the color of the carpets and window coverings.

23. We finished packing our sleeping bags, tent, first-aid kit, food, and warm clothes. We

are finally prepared_________our camping trip.

24. I was very disappointed_________that movie. The whole first hour was devoted

_________historical background, with a cast of thousands fighting endless battles. I

was bored________it before the plot took shape.

25. A: Are you still associated_________the International Red Cross and Red Crescent?

B: I was, until this year. Are you interested _________working with them?

A: I think I’d like to. They are dedicated_________helping people in time of crisis,

and I admire the work they have done. Can you get me some information?

EXERCISE 7. Stative passive + prepositions.

Directions: Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses and an appropriate preposition. Use the simple present.

1. (interest) Carol is _interested in__ ancient history.

2. (compose) Water _________ hydrogen and oxygen

3. (accustom) I _________ living here.

4. (terrify) Our son _________ dogs.

5. (finish) Pat _________ her composition.

6. (addict) Ann laughingly calls herself a “chocoholic.” She says she _____________________chocolate.

7. (cover) It’s winter, and the ground___________________________snow.

8. (satisfy) I___________the progress I have made.

9. (marry) Jack___________________________Ruth.

10. (divorce) Elaine__________________________Ed.

11. (acquaint) I________not___________________________that author’s work.

12. (tire) I_____________________sitting here.

13. (relate) Your name is Mary Smith. ________you____________John Smith?

14. (dedicate) Mrs. Robinson works in an orphanage. She_____________________her work.

15. (disappoint) Jim got a bad grade because he didn’t study. He_______________himself

16. (scare) Bobby is not very brave. He ______________________his own shadow.

17. (commit) The administration__________________________improving the quality of education at our school.

18. (devote) Mr. and Mrs. Miller__________________________each other.

19. (dress) Walter______________________his best suit for his wedding today.

20. (do) We__________________________this exercise.



(a) I’m getting hungry. Let’s eat soon.

(b) You shouldn’t eat so much. You’ll get fat.

(c) I stopped working because I got sleepy.

Get may be followed by certain adjectives.* Get gives the idea of change — the idea of becoming, beginning to be, growing to be.

In (a): I’m getting hungry = I wasn’t hungry before, but now I’m beginning to be hungry.


(d) I stopped working because I got tired.

(e) They are getting married next month.

(f) I got worried because he was two hours late.

Get may also be followed by a past participle. The past participle functions as an adjective; it describes the subject. The passive with get is common in spoken English, but is often not appropriate in formal writing.

*Some of the common adjectives that follow get are:

angry                chilly                fat                hungry

old                thirsty                anxious        cold

full                late                rich                warm

bald                dark                good                light

sick                well                better                dizzy

heavy                mad                sleepy                wet

big                empty                hot                nervous

tall                worse                busy

EXERCISE 8. The passive with GET.

Directions: Complete the sentences with any appropriate tense of get and an adjective from the list.

better                hot                nervous        busy

hungry                sleepy                dark                late

well                full                light                wet


1. What time are we going to eat? I _am getting hungry_ .

2. A: I__________________________

B: Why don’t you take a nap? A couple of hours of sleep will do you good.

3. A: What time is it?

B: Almost ten.

A: I’d better leave soon. It____________________________I have to be at the

airport by eleven.

4. I didn’t have an umbrella, so I_______________ while I was waiting for the bus


5. Let’s turn on the air conditioner. It___________________________in here.

6. Every time I have to give a speech, I______ .

7. Would you mind turning on the light? It___________________________in here.

8. A: It’s a long drive from Denver to here. I’m glad you finally arrived. What time did

you leave this morning?

B: At sunrise. We left as soon as it___________________________outside.

9. A: Won’t you have another helping?

B: This dinner is delicious, but I really can’t eat any more. I_________________

10. Maria’s English is improving. It__________________________ .

11. Shake a leg! We don’t have all day to finish this work! Get moving! Let’s step on it!

__________________________and finish your work. There’s no time to waste.

12. My friend was sick, so I sent him a card. It said, “__________________soon.”



2. is being opened 3. has been opened 4. was opened 5. was being opened 6. had been opened 7. will be opened 8. is going to be opened 9. will have been opened 10. Is. . . being opened 11. Was ….opened 12. Has. . . been opened


PART I 2. Customers are served bv waitresses and waiters. 3. The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher. 4. A new idea has been suggested by Shirley.

5. Ann will be invited to the party by Bill. 6. That report is being prepared by Alex. 7. The farmer’s wagon was being pulled by two horses. 8. The book had been returned (by Kathy) to the library (by Kathy). [Either position is acceptable.] 9. By this time tomorrow, the announcement will have been made by the president. 10. That note wasn’t written by me. It was written by Jim. 11. That pie wasn’t made by Alice. Was it made by Mrs. French? 12. Is that course taught by Prof. Jackson? I know that it isn’t taught by Prof. Adams. 13. Those papers haven’t been signed (yet) by Mrs. Andrews (yet). [Either position is acceptable.] Have they been signed by Mr. Andrews?

14. Is your house being painted bv Mr. Brown? 15. I won’t be fooled bv his tricks.

PART II ANSWERS: 16. Omar wrote that sentence. 17. The teacher is going to collect our papers. 18. Did Thomas Edison invent the electric light bulb? 19. Most drivers don’t obey the speed limit on Highway 5. 20. Has the building superintendent

informed you of a proposed increase in our rent?


3. (no change) 4. (no change) 5. That theory was developed by Dr. Ikeda. 6. The cup was dropped by Timmy. 7. (no change) 8. I was interviewed by the assistant manager. 9. (no change) 10. The small fishing village was destroyed by a hurricane. 11. (no change) 12. (no change) 13. (no change) 14. After class, the chalkboard is always erased by one of the students. 15. (no change)

16. (no change) 17. (no change) 18. The fire wasn’t caused by lightning.

19. The dispute is going to be settled by a special committee. 20. Was the enemy surrounded by the army? 21. (no change) 22. Windmills were invented by the Persians around 1500 years ago.


2. is shut 3. are turned 4. is not crowded 5. are bent. . . are folded 6. is finished 7. is closed 8. was closed 9. is stuck 10. was stuck 11. is/has been made . . . (is) swept. . . (are) washed 12. is set . . . (are) done . . . (are) lighted OR (are) lit 13. is gone 14. is torn 15. is hidden


2. is . . . crowded 3. is scheduled 4. am exhausted 5. am confused 6. is stuck 7. are turned off 8. is insured 9. are divorced 10. is gone 11. are . . . qualified 12. am married 13. is spoiled OR spoilt 14. is blocked 15. is located 16. was born 17. Is . . . turned off

18. are . . . done


2. with 3. for 4. to 5. to 6. with 7. in 8. with 9. to 10. to 11. with 12. of 13. to 14. to . . .of 15. with 16. from 17. with 18. in 19. to 20. with 21. to 22. with 23. for 24. in OR with . . . to . . . with 25. with . . . in . . .to


2. is composed of 3. am accustomed to 4. is terrified of 5. is finished with 6. is addicted to 7. is covered with 8. am satisfied with 9. is married to 10. is divorced from 11. am. . . acquainted with 12. am tired of 13. Are . . . related to 14. is dedicated to 15. is disappointed in/with 16. is scared of 17. is committed to 18. are devoted to 19. is dressed in 20. are done with


2. am getting sleepy 3. is getting late 4. got wet 5. is getting hot 6. get nervous 7. is getting dark 8. got light 9. am getting full 10. is getting better 11. Get busy 12. Get well