Main character: Simba

Simba a 1 year old chow spends most of his time indoors but enjoys early morning walks, he longs to go out and claim his territory and when given the chance he bolts out the door (if we let him)determined to gain as much territory as he can for the day before other dogs can.

With his blue tongue sticking out and his cinnamon coat glistering in the sunlight we call out his name but he adamantly refuses with his pointy ears moving around like satellites hearing the voice of his owner but refusing to come unless shouted at showing his independent but stubborn side.  

When we’ve walked he’s done walking. We relieve him of his leash and he runs upstairs back home exhausted wearing a tiered smile on his face.

What If/ Internal & External

Before the What if scenario: He just runs within the compound and we catch him eventually

What if scenario(Submitted): What if he actually runs out the gate and  when we call his name he runs and stops then looks at us and waits for us to chase him then we eventually catch him off guard when he's sniffing marking him around.

After Mr.Martin’s Advise

What if(reviewed):Simba, a well fed house dog loves the outside world which seems very interesting to him, but the owners are always strict with him going out for fear of him getting lost or injured. one day he finally manages to sneak out the door and  he is eager to mark all his territories until he comes in contact with another dog marking his territory and a confrontation starts. Will he run or fight?

External features:

Internal Features:

How would Simba respond if he were in a cage and alone with no one: depends on who put him, if it’s his owners he’d just sleep until we get back or but if it’s someone else he’d be more vocal about it growling and barking non stop.