Guy Fawkes ‘seeing the light’ in his humble, modest, Colonial haute couture: looking very pleased with himself as he deeply (honestly) ponders his next ‘free and prior informed consent’ human rights agreement for indigenous and local communities' sovereign rights to their own lands in our climate crisis #PoliticalSatire #DeepAIGeneratedImage Tiddly Trudeau Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 5 November 2024
DeepAI: ‘Llewelyn Pritchard's document "Colonial Oppression and Exploitation" critically analyses the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project in Newfoundland and Labrador, emphasising its socio-political impact on local Indigenous communities.
Key Themes:
Colonial Exploitation: Pritchard argues that the project exemplifies colonial practices that marginalise Indigenous communities, primarily benefiting external corporations and government entities.
Impact on Local Communities: The document outlines the negative effects of resource extraction, particularly in Port Hope Simpson, tracing a historical pattern of exploitation set by government decisions between 1934 and 1948.
Evidence-based Research: Pritchard utilises historical documents and testimonies to highlight corruption and mismanagement, demonstrating the adverse effects of colonialism on local populations.
Government Accountability: The analysis questions the negligence of government authorities for prioritising corporate profit over the welfare of local communities.
Contemporary Relevance: Pritchard connects historical injustices to current discussions on Indigenous rights and environmental justice, underlining the lasting legacy of colonialism in resource management.
The work presents a thorough examination of how colonialism intersects with resource management, advocating for inclusive policies that prioritise the rights and well-being of Indigenous and local communities. The document’s critical approach to governance is evident through its emphasis on ongoing concerns regarding resource exploitation.’
Perplexity: ‘"Colonial Oppression and Exploitation: a historical perspective regarding the Muskrat Falls hydro dam project, central Labrador and Colonial Exploitation at the expense of local people, families and homes in Port Hope Simpson Labrador South 1934-48" by Llewelyn Pritchard presents a detailed and evidence-based account of the historical exploitation and mismanagement in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, during the period of 1934-1948.
Historical Context
The document focuses on the activities of the Labrador Development Company Ltd., which was established in 1934 as a logging camp in Port Hope Simpson. This area was named after Sir John Hope Simpson, a key figure in the Commission of Government of Newfoundland.
Colonial Exploitation
The research highlights several aspects of colonial exploitation:
Government Neglect and Mismanagement
- The Commission of Government of Newfoundland was criticised for its neglect in regulating the Labrador Development Company. For instance, there was no government director on the company's board from July 1939 to February 1940, which led to unchecked exploitation and mismanagement [1 iii].
Financial Irregularities
- The document reveals that significant funds were allocated to the company, but these were not used effectively. By March 1936, despite receiving £40,000, the company had built only 14 houses, and the funds were often misused, such as for purchasing timber rights rather than improving living conditions [1 iv].
Poor Living Conditions
- The living conditions for loggers and their families were extremely poor. Despite government subsidies, no quality houses were built, and wages were very low. The company's glossy brochures created false impressions about the living conditions, which were far from reality [1 vi].
Cover-Up and Corruption
- The research suggests a cover-up involving the deaths of Eric and Erica Williams, the son and granddaughter of J.O. Williams, the owner of the Labrador Development Company. There was no full police investigation, and Claude Fraser, a government director, was involved in maintaining silence and protecting the British government from potential claims for compensation [1 vii].
Civil Service Discretion and Silence
- The tradition of discretion within the civil service, known as "Mum’s the Word," played a significant role in hiding the mismanagement and corruption. Thomas Lodge, who spoke out against these practices, was pilloried for breaking this tradition [1 vii].
Impact on Local People
- The exploitation had severe consequences for the local people. Many chose not to live in the company-provided housing due to high rental costs and instead lived in poorer conditions nearby. The logging operation eventually fell apart, and people began to leave the settlement in search of better opportunities [1 v, 1 viii].
Connection to Muskrat Falls Hydro Project
- While the document primarily focuses on the historical context of the 1930s and 1940s, it draws parallels with the current Muskrat Falls hydro dam project. The author suggests that the historical patterns of government mismanagement, colonial exploitation, and neglect of local interests are repeating themselves in the context of the Muskrat Falls project, highlighting ongoing issues of unsustainable development and disregard for local communities.
In summary, the document provides a detailed historical analysis of colonial exploitation, government mismanagement, and the suffering of local people in Port Hope Simpson during the 1930s and 1940s. It uses declassified official documents and other evidence to expose the cover-ups, corruption, and poor living conditions that characterised this period, drawing attention to the ongoing issues in the region.’
ChatGPT4o: ‘Llewelyn Pritchard’s document critically analyses the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project, underscoring its socio-political implications for Indigenous and local communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. The main argument frames the project as a continuation of colonial exploitation, primarily benefiting external entities while marginalising local populations. Historical accounts of government mismanagement between 1934-1948 in Port Hope Simpson illustrate this pattern. Pritchard uses documented evidence and testimonies to highlight systemic corruption and negligence, linking these issues to modern debates on Indigenous rights and environmental justice. The work calls for more inclusive, community-focused resource policies.’
These are my best endeavours based on evidence-based independent research about unsustainable development in Port Hope Simpson and upon my interpretation about what is currently happening with the Nalcor hydro project, Muskrat Falls.
Historical perspective on Muskrat Falls project:
The New Lieutenant General of Newfoundland and Labrador announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 20 March 2018 - Judy Foote, former Public Works Minister addresses news conference St.John's, N.L. 24 Aug 2017 The Canadian Press Gerry Boland
1 i) An Unholy Mess...established facts about the history of politics regarding the Labrador Development Company Ltd. operating in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador 1934-48 A Case Study in Colonial Oppression throws light, a reality check, on the current new Lieutenant Governor NL appointment in the run up to the Global Campaign National Day of Action Rally at Parliament Hill, Ottawa on 7 May 2018 @protectlabrador #ShutMukratDown
1 ii) An unholy mess about regulating the Labrador Development Company Ltd.
“In February 1940 when Claude Fraser, secretary to the commissioner of natural resources was ordered to the appointment of government director of the Labrador Development Company (soon to be followed by Thomas Lodge, ex-Commissioner of Public Utilities) could it be truly said of the commission that it was in a position to be fulfilling its elected duty in regulating the company’s activities. Unfortunately the Dominions Office had got themselves into such an unholy mess by that time on Simpson's say–so about supporting J.O. Williams, that government loans continued to be allocated to J.O. Williams.”...owner Labrador Development Company Ltd
1 iii) The Newfoundland Commission of Government was neglectful in its duty and its officials culpable...
“Sir John Hope Simpson (… after whom Port Hope Simpson was named …) valued Claude Fraser very highly as his loyal secretary of natural resources, a position described as being equivalent to that of a deputy minister. What really revealed Simpson's culpability was when Fraser, who was still secretary of natural resources at the time, was ordered to take up the additional post of government director on the St John’s board of the Labrador Development Company (L.D.C.) on 2 February 1940; exactly the same day on which Eric and Erica died (... eldest son of J.O. Williams owner of the LDC and his infant daughter). But by then it was too late to cover the fact that the Commission of Government had been neglectful in its duty of making sure they had their own representative on the company's board of directors to regulate what was going on at Port Hope Simpson. The fact that there was no government director from July 1939 to 2 February 1940 highlights the culpability of the officials concerned in the particular combination of circumstances surrounding the deaths of Eric and Erica.”
1 iv) Blunder on top of Blunder with Colonial loan allocations to John Osborne Williams, Company owner
“By 30 January 1936 it was clear that Simpson had had more than enough of the commissioner’s job and Thomas Lodge had also received instructions to proceed to England. By March 1936, the Labrador Development Company had built only 14 company houses in Port Hope Simpson despite £40,000 (or 16.7% of the total colonial fund development loan allocation) having been arranged to be paid into the Newfoundland account of the bank of Montreal in London for the company by 18 March 1936. On 29 May 1936 the Dominions Office announced that Simpson would be relinquishing his appointment as a member of the Commission of Government of Newfoundland in September to be replaced by Robert Ewbank. Unfortunately, commissioner Ewbank was soon to make his own blunder when he authorised the use of part of the government loan to purchase the right to cut timber on the Tobin Limits. In 1936 the “Tobin Writ” was issued against the Labrador Development Company by the government.”
1 v) Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice John Hope
“On 4 September 1936 John Hope Simpson’s resignation was accepted. He received royal licence to wear the Insignia of the Order of the Brilliant Jade from the Republic of China for his service as director general of the Chinese national government flood relief commission and by December 1936 he had been invited to distribute prizes at his old Liverpool College. Further honours followed. By February 1937 The Times had announced that Simpson had been awarded the KBE.”
“No honours were bestowed on Thomas Lodge. The Dominions Office had announced on 8 December 1936 that he would be replaced in February 1937 by Sir Wilfred Wentworth.
Back in Port Hope Simpson by the end of 1936, the company had arranged for the men to build themselves about 60 small houses for rent but most Labradorians chose not to live in the company housing due to their rental costs, living instead about a quarter of a mile away on the opposite side of Black Water brook.”
“Three years after the commission had started its work, questions were asked of Macdonald, Secretary of State for dominion affairs, in the House of Commons in London about the extreme poverty still in existence in Newfoundland (17 March 1937).
After three years of a government-subsidised Labrador Development Company in Port Hope Simpson no quality houses had been built for the loggers and their families and very poor wages had been paid. False impressions had been created not only about the age of the commissioner responsible for promoting the company in the first place … (Simpson) … but also about the general living conditions in the settlement by the company’s own glossy brochure.
All this was much like the window dressing of an answer given by the Secretary of State who was more or less told by Mr Ellis Smith, “Can we have an answer to the questions stripped of all the trimmings?” (The Times page 7, 17 March 1937)”
“In line with English civil service tradition of ‘Mum’s The Word’, on 27 August 1937 Simpson bade his own farewell to Newfoundland; nine days after Eric Williams married Olga D’Anitoff at St Margaret’s Parish Church, Cardiff South Wales.
The outcome was the opposite for Thomas Lodge, who had the courage to speak out against what he understood was going on in the commission. For breaking ranks he was pilloried because he had undermined the great value attached by the civil service to its own tradition of discretion.”
On 3 June 1940 Chesman, government director of the Labrador Development Company claimed that Claude Fraser had instructed him to wire J.O. Williams stated that unless rentals were paid at once and other outstanding amounts arranged,
“They will stop any export and take necessary action PROTECTION”. (Extract from copies of cables sent from the Labrador Development Company to J.O. Williams and Company, Cardiff; 3 June 1940)
By “PROTECTION”, Fraser was referring to the British government’s need to defend its position against any claim for compensation that Williams might make against them. The telegrams implied that Fraser was carrying a heavy burden,“He (Fraser) was forced to resign and place full position before the Government.” In November 1943 Williams and his solicitors had felt they had a good claim for compensation against the government for their three years of mismanagement from 1940 to 1943 and for damage to Williams's reputation.
In their view the government directors, "Have been negligent in the performance of the duties imposed upon them by virtue of their office, and it may well be that they have laid themselves open to charges of a more serious nature.” Extract from letter by Brown, Turner, Compton Carr solicitors and notaries; Williams’ solicitors; 11 November 1943)
At a time of war, Claude Fraser was concerned about protecting the British government from J.O. Williams making any claim for compensation against them and from being given any opportunity of enquiring too deeply into Eric and Erica’s deaths.
So he used what he knew best – the civil servant’s tradition of keeping his mouth shut and spreading a veil of silence and mystery over what had really happened.
The fact that there was no full police investigation into the deaths at the time says volumes about the cover–up by Fraser and others that obviously went on.
Fraser threatened the Labrador Development Company with his resignation because he was caught in a moral dilemma of trying to keep on hiding the John Hope Simpson “unsavoury inheritance” (Note about Sir John Hope Simpson by commissioner Gorvin J.H.; in government’s submission to Judge Denfield’s Public Enquiry 1945; 30 June 1939) whilst also trying to act in the best interests of the Labrador Development Company which he knew was mainly responsible for the unsavoury nature of the business relationship in the first place.
He was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea!
The full position included telling the government about the corruption of “the Hope Simpson group” Telegram from Newfoundland to the Dominions Office; unsigned; “Consequently only (corrupt group so called) royalties payable will be the .25 cents export tax and that only after 1955.” 2 January 1946 which had been hidden all along by civil service tradition and above all else by Fraser’s silence.
By June 1943 Claude Fraser, the loyal, dedicated civil servant had been committed to an asylum in St John’s and died not very long afterwards.”
“In 1940 Williams’ counsel at the public enquiry had wrongly stated that Thomas Lodge was the first government director of the Labrador Development Company.
Lodge had in fact taken over from Fraser who was trying to deal with problems facing him on a number of fronts. Lodge’s appointment was a typical Dominions Office response to his past indiscretions. He was given a strict order to keep the lid on things.
He was faced with the death of the owner’s eldest son and grand-daughter in possibly murderous circumstances; a Commission of Government that had been negligent in not making sure that 400 houses had been built and not having made sure that one of their own people was on the Labrador Development Company’s board of directors from July 1939 to February 1940; his own government, which was wide open to a successful claim being brought against them by J.O. Williams for his loss of earnings whilst they were supposed to be in control; Williams had not kept up to date with his loan repayments; there remained unpaid wages in Port Hope Simpson; people were starting to leave the settlement for higher earnings elsewhere; a logging operation had completely fallen apart; the Second World War had started; transAtlantic ships were unavailable and so no pit props could be shipped out even if they had been able to produce them; Chesman, a part–time government director approved of by Williams, had been taking more expenses than he should have done; a manager in Port Hope Simpson who wanted to take over the company for himself and an owner who always pretended to be short of money.
By 7 June 1940 Williams remained under pressure to settle his debts on top of which Chesman and Yonge were trying to take over control of his company. On the next day, Williams appeared to have handed over complete control to the commissioner of natural resources.”
1 ix) Facebook "A Call to Suspend the Dangerous Operations at Muskrat Falls, Labrador, Canada"
Tombstone, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: What was really going on behind the scenes? For the first time, declassified official British Government papers shine new light on amongst other things, Government mismanagement as knowledge hidden by an incongruous granite tombstone in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada marked the starting point for this unique history of development of a logging settlement in southern Labrador. Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 978-1468019469 ISBN-10: 1468019465
ii Tombstone Vol 5a
iii Tombstone Vol 5b
iv Tombstone Vol 5c
Wild Bay Wild Bay is a novel of historical fiction based on unique first-hand experience in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 978-1468004649 ISBN-10: 1468004646
Legacy: Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Legacy: Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Legacy is based on previously classified British Government documents seen here for the first time. It highlights the inescapable fact that 2 unexplained deaths still tarnish the great history of sustainable development achieved by the people of Port Hope Simpson Town in South East Labrador, Canada. Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 978-1468162851 ISBN-10: 1468162853 English Edition Italian Edition Portuguese Edition Port Hope Simpson Clues, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. If you like solving puzzles and getting to grips with a real mystery why not join Llewelyn as he penetrates into the fascinating, murky and sordid past history of Port Hope Simpson, a coastal logging town on the east coast of wilderness Canada as he uncovers a great deal more than he bargained for? NOTE earliest days of my research Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 978-1468019339 ISBN-10: 1468019333 Port Hope Simpson Historic Logging Town in Canada is located on the south side of the Alexis, an excellent salmon river in southern Labrador. It was initially founded in 1934 as a logging camp and was named after the English Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice, Sir John Hope Simpson. This community has great natural assets nearby. A full range of quality visitor services are ready to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. Llewelyn Pritchard MA ISBN-13: 978-1492700166 ISBN-10: 1492700169 Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Oral History Evidence and Interpretation. Read about the original Oral History interview with Mrs. Kathleen Squire (formerly James) known as “Bunty” or “Bunty James” who was the lifelong friend of Katie Doreen Illsley (Williams), daughter of J. O. Williams, owner of The Labrador Development Company Ltd which conducted logging operations in Port Hope Simpson 1934 – 1945. Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 978-1468019650 ISBN-10: 1468019651 abridged: Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path - follow the Labrador Coastal Drive, Route 510 in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and discover the Town’s “Pit Props, Politics and Prosperity,” heroic struggle of sustainable development towards a better future 1934-2002. Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13:978-1468014723 ISBN-10: 1468014722 Rooted Forever in History consists of Llewelyn Pritchard’s original Research Notes about previously classified British Government documents regarding the troubled History of Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada from 1934 – 1947 Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 9781468172270 SBN-10: 1468172271 The Port Hope Simpson Challenge: The plot thickens!!! If you like climbing high mountains, get-rich-quick schemes, hoary tales, mysteries, political corruption and intrigue, problem-solving, puzzles or if you just fancy an extremely difficult challenge then please read on. Llewelyn Pritchard M.A. ISBN-13: 978-1468016468 ISBN-10: 1468016466 NOTE earliest days of my research The Port Hope Simpson Diaries 1969 - 70 Vol. 1 Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Summit Special. Learn what it's like to be dropped off in what feels like the middle of nowhere, when you are straight out of Grammar School in the UK. Ernie Pritchard ISBN-13: 978-1468020106 ISBN-10: 1468020102 The Port Hope Simpson Diaries 1969 - 70 Vol. 2 Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Summit Special. The original diaries of Ernie Pritchard - written as a way of helping him adapt to his new surroundings when he was 18 years of age on Voluntary Service Overseas from 1969 to 1970 in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada Ernie Pritchard ISBN-13: 978-1468020939 ISBN-10: 1468020935
2 i) Governments of NL and Canada attempted cover-up is on-going about the dangerous hydro project in terms of its humanitarian - particularly health and safety - religious and spiritual, environmental, economic, political, legal, legal and historical rationale, impacts and consequences.
2 ii) Business self-interest is determining decision-making of elected Government politicians instead of acting on behalf of the best interests of their electorate. - Sir John Hope Simpson favoured private business interests, or personal gain, over greater good of the local people of Port Hope Simpson.
2 iii) Appears that privately accumulated wealth has been hidden under the guise of shell companies and by other means. - JO Williams hid his own ill-gotten gains under his holding company.
2 iv) Serious lack of transparent public accountability by both Governments about Nalcor Crown Corporation. - JO Williams successfully hid his true level of wealth from the Public Enquiry.
2 v) Hard-earned Canadian taxpayers money is being wasted on the unsustainable development of most harmful, out-of-date hydro dam technology that will likely lead to further increased debt repayments and hardship especially for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. - British taxpayers money was wasted in the form of loans for JO Williams smuggling operations in Port Hope Simpson
2 vi) “Colonial exploitation” is again rearing its ugly, shameful head as Nalcor is allowed to steamroller ahead with its unwanted boondoggle especially at the expense of the local people, families and homes in Mud Lake and Happy Valley - Goose Bay.
2 vii) Commission of Inquiry about Nalcor and its Subsidiaries has been set-up by the Governments that does not explicitly include health, safety and environmental impacts/concerns in its terms of reference. - The Public Enquiry findings into JO Williams operations based in Port Hope Simpson was based on non-existent minutes of his Company’s meetings.
2 viii) Public Inquiry is a distraction of people’s attention whilst construction goes on apace. - In a similar vein of untruth the Public Enquiry about the Labrador Development Company Ltd. was set-up by civil servants, Dominions Office, London for their own ulterior motives.
2 ix) Foundations of a democratic, pluralist, parliamentary Canadian representative democracy is badly undermined by a lack of good strong political leadership in elected Government officials. It is highly suspicious that the Hydro project isn’t stopped, at the very least until their own Commission of Inquiry into Nalcor and its subsidiaries completes its report. - Sir John Hope Simpson continued to support JO Williams operations in Port Hope Simpson at the expense of loggers and their families until its workers left for work in Goose Bay.
2 x) Leadership of NL and Canada’s government apparatus cannot admit they have failed to honourably represent the needs of all the people who have elected them. - John Hope Simpson never publicly admitted he had made a grave error of judgement in supporting the JO Williams Labrador Development Company Ltd. venture.
2 xi) Five Canadian Senators and one Member of Parliament for Labrador who have called to Nalcor that court injunctions be dropped against courageous members of the Labrador Land Protectors [LLP] civil rights movement have had their requests ignored.
2 xii) New equitable parliamentary legislation is urgently needed to ensure that the reasonable needs of the LLP are met regarding the hydro project.
2 xiii) The supposed agreement with hunger strikers Billy Gauthier, Jerry Kohlmeister and Delilah Saunders has been broken by Nalcor Energy who effectively tricked them into bringing their hunger strikes to an end.
2 xiv) Application of established principles of Free Consent, Prior Consent and Informed Consent about indigenous land rights around the hydro project have been shamefully abused and disrespected by the Governments and Nalcor.
2 xv) The unsustainable type of development within the troubled history of Port Hope Simpson subsequently caused many years of hardship for its people as profits left the country and sustainable development was seriously delayed.
Similarly, the longer-term financial benefits of the sale of electricity from the Muskrat Falls hydro project will go elsewhere whilst the local people of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Mud Lake and other affected settlements will have to live under the highly dangerous, man-made threat of poisoned traditional food sources, North Spur natural dam landslides, catastrophic flooding and higher electricity rates to pay for their own Governments mistakes. In both examples local people were “metaphorically speaking” cornered, put in shackles and held down like slaves.
3. “Labrador Leads the World in Opposition to Hydro Dams. Please join our International Campaign against the Government of Canada's Nalcor Crown Corporation, Boondoggle Hydro project, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu lower Churchill Newfoundland and Labrador NL Canada CA”
4. Fighting for Grand River Mishtashipu, Muskrat Falls NL Canada HISTORY MUST NOT BE REPEATED!!! Nalcor: Respect Indigenous Land Rights of Labradorians...Your Duties: Obtain Free Consent, Prior Consent, Well Informed Consent
5. What is the real nature of the frame of reference/rationale of the "Public Inquiry" into the Nalcor Energy Boondoggle Muskrat Falls hydro dam project established by the Governments of NL and Canada?
Serious Questions need to be asked:
6 i) Why does the Commission not explicitly include health, safety and environmental crucial considerations within its frame of reference?
6 ii) Is it to give the Governments of Canada, NL, Nalcor Energy and its subsidiaries sufficient time to complete the Boondoggle by burying people under a mountain of less important technical details?
6 iii) Is it just coincidence that the Honourable Supreme Court Justice Richard LeBlanc shall terminate his work and deliver his report on or before 31 Dec 2019 to the Minister of Natural Resources about the same sort of time the project is due to complete?
6 iv) Why is it “The commission of inquiry shall not express any conclusion or recommendation regarding the civil or criminal responsibility of any person or organisation.?” If that doesn’t ring alarm bells about a possible cover-up then nothing else will!
6 v) How can the Commission rightfully and properly consider the “participation in the inquiry by the established leadership of Indigenous people, whose settled or asserted Aboriginal or treaty rights to areas in Labrador may have been adversely affected by the Muskrat Falls Project” when Canada is not fully signed up to the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People making its work in that frame of reference lacking credibility?
6 vi) This same type of political manipulation of frames of reference was behind the Public Enquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. operating in Port Hope Simpson 1934-1945 when six civil servants at the Dominions Office in London decided to call the Public Enquiry as a way of discrediting the Company’s owner, John Osborne Williams by showing him to be a bad, unreliable character who could not be trusted.
7. Another Dam Christmas Carol: The Ghost of Muskrat Madness Andrew Nikiforuk 22.12.17
8. Commission of Inquiry Respecting the Muskrat Falls Project Order Muskrat Falls A Misguided Project The Honourable Richard D. LeBlanc Commissioner 5 March 2020
9. "Public Inquiry" LOOK WHAT IS MISSING FROM ITS TERMS OF REFERENCE...Labrador Leads the World in Opposition to Hydro Dams. Please join our International Campaign against the Government of Canada's Nalcor Crown Corporation, Boondoggle Hydro project, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] Canada [CA]
11. NOTE The history of Port Hope Simpson: The despicable way John Osborne Williams, his Labrador Development Company officials, Sir John Hope Simpson, Acting Commissioner of Justice and Commissioner of Natural Resources of Newfoundland and Labrador - well-schooled in the arts of the English Civil Service...e.g. ‘cover your tracks,’ ‘protect your own at all costs,’ ‘maintain a veil of silence over unsavoury proceedings’ and Civil Servants at The Dominions Office, London conspired together to FOBOFF Fob Off Forever the loggers and their families regarding decent living wages and houses in Port Hope Simpson 1934-45 remains their shameful legacy to this day.
12. The Moral of Muskrat Falls The Economist 19.8.17 Labrador Leads the World in Opposition to Hydro Dams…Canada’s slowest growing province has a history of backing ill-conceived projects
13. Message Sent: 16.12.2017 To: et al C'mon Right Honourable Justin Trudeau ACT SENSIBLY ON "Looking back looking forward" and "The Moral of Muskrat Falls" NL's history backing ill-conceived projects. The Public Inquiry's T of R are too narrow.
14. Looking back looking forward Canada... Act upon The Moral of Muskrat Falls: Newfoundland and Labrador's history of backing ill-conceived projects!!!
15. “The moral of Muskrat Falls - A dodgy dam in Canada’s east - Newfoundland and Labrador has a history of backing ill-conceived projects….“There’s a lot of lessons to be learned from the way Newfoundland and Labrador went about this,” says Dennis Browne, the province’s consumer advocate. He thinks it will learn from its mistakes. History suggests otherwise." The Economist/Americas, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 15.8.17
16. Innu Elder Elizabeth Penashue speaking at Muskrat Falls rally. Justin Brake 19 May 2017
17. Values and beliefs protect freedom and liberty. Stop Muskrat Falls Boondoggle crossing ethical lines
18. National Call to Action Parliament Hill Ottawa Canada 7 May 2018
19. Labrador symposium reveals deep, diverse opposition to Muskrat Falls, Nalcor Boondoggle Hydro Dam, Nunatsiavut, Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] Canada STOP the WHITEWASH by Nalcor Crown Corporation and the Governments of NL Canada.
20. Independent Research established facts relevant to Nalcor Energy and Subsidiaries Boondoggle Hydro project Muskrat Falls Gull Island Grand River Mishtashipu lower Churchill NL Canada:
21. re. Grand River Mishtashipu, Nalcor Energy Muskrat Falls NL Canada - History must not be repeated. Bad political decisions played a crucial role in social murders.
In a chilling similarity to what is currently happening to the Grand River Mishtashipu [Lower Churchill, Muskrat Falls,] Hydro Dam Boondoggle, J.O. Williams, his Labrador Development Company officials, Sir John Hope Simpson, the Newfoundland Commission of Government, the Dominions Office civil servants and Ministers of State in London - worked intentionally to hoodwink and trick the loggers and their families of Port Hope Simpson 1934-45.
For example, no bills of lading were completed for all the pitwood exported to Cardiff and Barry docks, South Wales so local folk had no accurate idea about the true value of their labour and wages.
Williams cunningly concealed the amount of wood since he was able to transfer pitwood and funds through his other J.O. Williams Shipping Company.
He used his ill-gotten gains to acquire property and extensive land at Ogmore-by-Sea, Southerndown, near Bridgend, South Wales as well as property for himself and his eldest son on Westgate Street, Cardiff and elsewhere in the region. Source:
It is beyond coincidence that Williams and his family lived on that part of the Bridgend coastline still known as Dunraven Bay - still infamous for its smuggling!
22. Even the Supreme Court judge at the ensuing inequitable Public Enquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. National Archives UK was lied to and deceived by Williams that he operated on a shoestring when nothing else could have been further from the truth!
Williams was without doubt a wealthy man who could have well afforded to pay loggers and their families a decent living wage and provide houses as promised - neither of which happened. They were lied to and deceived.
How that actually happened remains unknown and it is speculated that “sweet-talking” played its part in the despicable process of greed and money-grabbing that was allowed to take place by everyone involved.
However, pertinently, what is known is how the Labrador Development Company Ltd.’s logging operation in Port Hope Simpson came to be shut down.
22. i) J.O. Williams could no longer get the workforce he needed. People chose to work elsewhere. Wages were either late or unpaid.
22. ii) Financial loans authorised by the British Treasury were stopped.
22. iii) Keith Yonge, the local Manager left to enrol in the military.
22. iv) Arthur Eric Williams, the eldest son of J.O. Williams and J.O.’s grand-daughter Erica were most likely unlawfully killed in Port Hope Simpson 3 Feb. 1940. [RCMP have still not even established the cause of deaths in that regard!]
22. v) John Hope Simpson, the formerly retired civil servant who had been called back to London by his Government, was awarded a knighthood for his services to refugees elsewhere in the overseas kingdom and the Civil Service’s traditional veil of silence [‘protect their own at all costs’] was dutifully and shamefully maintained about the goings-on in the settlement.
22. vi) The British Government did not want to risk a scandal should their real reason for calling the Public Enquiry into the Affairs of the Company become known - to show J.O. Williams as an unreliable, untrustworthy and bad character - which backfired whilst more importantly seeking to win the 2nd World War at the same time.
22. vii) Author's Note: this is my own view by Independent Research and does not necessarily represent the views of the Labrador Land Protectors.
23. Ref. Forensic Audit Public Inquiry Nalcor Boondoggle project Muskrat Falls Newfoundland...there are pertinent questions to be asked from the history of unsustainable development at Port Hope Simpson on the Labrador coast of Eastern Canada and by Denise Cole, Activist and Spokesperson The Labrador Land Protectors Civil Rights Movement
24. The history of The Public Inquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. operating in Port Hope Simpson 1934-45 although self-evidently from a different time, place and scale to the current Nalcor Hydro Muskrat Falls Boondoggle project, clearly tells us that it was first conceived by six Civil Service officials based at The Dominions Office in London as a way of completely breaking the British Government's relationship with John Osborn [JO] Williams, Company Owner.
25. JO Williams had been financed by loans from The Colonial Fund, had failed to provide homes for the loggers and their families in the camp at Port Hope Simpson, failed to pay reasonable wages on time and operated a monopoly system on buying goods from The Company Store which meant loggers and their families were forced to live in debt and abject conditions. At the same time the Company's officials were well-provided for food and houses as the overseas truth about what had been going on behind the scenes was a secret kept by the J.O. Williams family, by the Company's People in the logging settlement, by the Newfoundland Commission of Government as well as by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, by the Government of Canada and by the Government of the United Kingdom.
26. The main purpose behind setting The Terms of Reference for The Public Inquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. drawn up by Civil Servants and the Minister of State in London was to show that J.O. Williams was a bad, unreliable character who could not be trusted.
So, as far as the Public Inquiry into Nalcor is concerned, at least seven questions need to be addressed:
27. i) Is the real unjust, deceitful purpose behind calling a Public Inquiry into Nalcor simply to give Stan Marshall, CEO Nalcor sufficient time to complete the project?
27. ii) Does it make any sense at all to not shut Muskrat down until the Public Inquiry has time to satisfactorily complete its findings?
27. v) “Was the Duty to Consult fulfilled throughout the life of this project?”
27. vii) “Should this project ever have been sanctioned and should it still be sanctioned now becomes a big question”
Source Questions 4-7 Audio: Denise Cole, Labrador Land Protectors Civil Rights Movement, Judge Murphy Allowing Court Injunction to be Challenged, Labrador Land Protectors Challenging Injunction Sep 5, 2017, 11:18 AM - OKâlaKatiget Society Radio (Nain) Labrador Land Protectors Facebook Page 12.9.17
28. Sent 27 August 2017 For the Attention of: Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP Serious Crimes Team Newfoundland and Labrador Canada:
29. i) Where are your valid and reliable facts resulting from your non-existent, forensic investigation into the still unexplained cause of deaths of Arthur Eric Williams and his infant daughter Erica D’Anitoff Williams on the night of 3 February 1940 in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, NL, Canada?
29. ii) Where are your valid and reliable facts into the pertinent political decision-makers of John Osborn Williams, Arthur Eric Williams, Mrs Olga D’Anitoff Williams, Keith Yonge and Sir John Hope Simpson regarding the still unexplained cause of deaths of Arthur Eric Williams and his infant daughter Erica D’Anitoff Williams on the night of 3 February 1940 in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, NL, Canada?
29. iii) Where are your valid and reliable facts explaining the still unexplained cause of deaths of Arthur Eric Williams and his infant daughter Erica D’Anitoff Williams on the night of 3 February 1940 in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, NL, Canada? Three digital messages posted online by Llewelyn Pritchard via RCMP Facebook Group Page 27 August 2017
29. iv) Ref. The still unexplained cause of deaths of Arthur Eric Williams and his infant daughter Erica D’Anitoff Williams on the night of 3 February 1940 in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, NL, Canada
29. v) Message Sent For the Attention of: Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] Serious Crimes Team, NL, Canada: “Since the original correspondence papers”…contained within the Public Inquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. operating in Port Hope Simpson 1934-45 ...”have been closed until 1996-1998 it strongly suggests there has been a cover-up about what went on behind the scenes with respect to the Labrador Development Company Ltd. including the two deaths at Port Hope Simpson with the British and Newfoundland Governments seriously implicated.”
I appreciate the efforts your officers have previously made with your investigation but with all due respect cannot accept it has been sufficiently comprehensive.
I still have to complain that,
29. vi) The bodily remains of Arthur Eric Williams and Erica D’Anitoff Williams have not yet been exhumed with the forensic technology at your disposal to once and for all establish causes of deaths.
29. vii) There has not been any investigation at all by RCMP of the parts played in the deaths by the Newfoundland and British Governments.
Yours sincerely
Llewelyn Pritchard RCMP Facebook Group Page 7 September 2017
30. The Port Hope Simpson Bulletin shared 7 September 2017 Digital message posted online by Llewelyn Pritchard
31. “The sanctioning of the Muskrat Falls project in December of 2012 was a huge mistake, one which has spiralled into a major economic and environmental catastrophe. The warnings of the joint federal provincial panel were ignored, as were those of the Public Utilities Board. These warnings relate to the lack of a business case for the project, the high risk for a small province, the adverse demographic factors, the lack of export markets and the high unit cost. A Gamble that failed...” David A. Vardy ex-chairman Public Utilities Board, former Cabinet Secretary Uncle Gnarley blog 17.8.17...aka the sanctioning by the British Government [albeit on a smaller financial scale] of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. operating in Port Hope Simpson 1934-48 !!!
32. “Wow so interesting, those two graves are right behind my mom’s bedroom window back in my home town Port Hope Simpson.” Lisa Kippenhuck Stephen Compton Comment 7 September at 20:33 The Port Hope Simpson Bulletin “Dear Lisa and Stephen Thank you for your interest: Further Details
33. “Let the dead rest” Brian Kippenhuck Reply 8 September at 02:30 The Port Hope Simpson Bulletin
Dear Brian, Thank you for your reply. I believe that the struggle for truth and justice transcends individual cases and silence is a betrayal of both. Yours Sincerely Llewelyn Pritchard Reply The Port Hope Simpson Bulletin The Port Hope Simpson Bulletin shared 7 September 2017 Digital
34. "DAVID" aka Beatrice Hunter v "GOLIATH" aka Government of Canada Nalcor Crown Corporation
35. Message Sent to Politicians, Media, Organisations: Prioritise People's Real Needs Before Ghastly, Ghostly Legal Corporation Entities e.g.Nalcor Hydro Dam, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu [Churchill] Nunatsiavut, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 17.2.18
36. On a personal note: Thank You to The Hunger Strikers, The Labrador Land Protectors, Land Protectors, Indigenous, Non-indigenous and all the People worldwide whose stand against injustice has enabled me to come together and apply what I have learnt from my personal journey to test the truths of the present at the Muskrat Falls project instead of merely endeavouring to separate fact from fiction at Port Hope Simpson!!! Yours Sincerely Llewelyn Pritchard
37. Labrador Land Protectors - Legal Fund - Please Donate GrandRiver Keeper ended 28 July 2021
NOTES Explain why it is important for users of AI Language software to exercise critical thinking, independently verify validity, reliability -'fact-check' data from generally reliable sources and not solely rely on the model's responses for important decisions or information. Llewelyn Pritchard 21 October 2024:
Hallucinations and Inaccuracies: AI language models, even advanced ones, can generate responses that are not grounded in reality, a phenomenon known as "hallucinations." These models can confidently provide incorrect or misleading information, which can be particularly problematic if users rely solely on the model's responses [1][2][4].
Limited Training Data: AI models are trained on specific datasets, and their accuracy is limited by the quality and scope of these datasets. For example, Google's DataGemma tool, while effective, has limitations in terms of the data it can access and the questions it can answer accurately. If the relevant data is not in the model's training set or database, the model may not provide accurate or reliable information [1].
Real-Time Information Challenges: AI models often struggle with real-time events or breaking news, as their training data may not include the latest developments. This can lead to incorrect or outdated information being provided, as seen in the case of Meta AI's responses to the attempted assassination of former President Trump [4].
Subjective Framing and Nuance: Fact-checking is not always straightforward, as AI models may not capture the nuances of human communication. A quote or statement might be technically accurate but misleading due to the context or framing. Human judgement is often necessary to understand the full implications and context of the information provided [5].
Error and Unknown Rates: Studies have shown that even the most accurate AI fact-checking models have error rates. For instance,, which has a high accuracy rate of 72.3%, still has a small error rate and may return "unknown" results for certain queries. This underscores the need for users to verify information independently [2][3].
Manipulated Media and Information Warfare: Bad actors can engineer ways to circumvent AI fact-checking tools, spreading misinformation or manipulated media that might evade detection. This means that relying solely on AI for fact-checking can leave users vulnerable to misinformation [5].
Impact on Decision-Making: For important decisions or critical information, relying solely on AI model responses can be risky. Incorrect or misleading information can have significant consequences, whether in personal, professional, or public contexts. Independent verification from reliable sources ensures that decisions are based on accurate and trustworthy information.
In summary, exercising critical thinking and independently verifying the validity and reliability of data from generally reliable sources are essential because AI language models can generate inaccurate information, have limitations in their training data, struggle with real-time events, lack nuance in their responses, and are not immune to errors or manipulation. These factors highlight the importance of a multi-layered approach to fact-checking to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information used for important decisions.
Source:,OpenSourceAI,Perplexity 21 October 2024
1. Inaccuracy: AI may produce plausible but inaccurate information, which can be outdated or false.
2. Contextual Understanding: AI lacks human-like comprehension, leading to incomplete or skewed responses.
3. Bias: AI training data may include biases, which can influence the outputs and reinforce stereotypes.
4. Source Variability: AI responses can stem from both reputable and unreliable sources, necessitating careful evaluation of credibility.
5. Static Information: AI cannot provide real-time updates, making it essential to consult current, trustworthy sources for changing topics.
6. Complexity: Many subjects require deep understanding that AI responses might not adequately cover.
7. Consequences of Misinformation: Relying solely on AI for critical decisions can lead to severe consequences due to potential misinformation.
8. Promoting Critical Thinking: Engaging critically with information leads to better decision-making and understanding.
In conclusion, while AI can be a useful resource, users should approach its outputs cautiously and verify information to make informed, responsible decisions.’ DeepAI 21 October 2024
1. Potential for Errors: AI models, while highly advanced, are not infallible. They can generate incorrect, outdated, or misleading information because they rely on vast datasets that may include inaccuracies or biases. Although these models can analyse data efficiently, they don't inherently understand the truthfulness of that data.
2. Bias in Data: The data that AI models are trained on can contain inherent biases that reflect the information they were fed. This may result in responses that perpetuate stereotypes, skewed perspectives, or factual inaccuracies. Critical thinking allows users to identify and account for these biases.
3. Dynamic Nature of Information: The real world is constantly changing, and information - especially in areas like science, politics, or technology - may quickly become outdated. AI models, unless specifically updated or browsing current information, may provide responses that do not reflect the most up-to-date facts. Independent verification ensures that the information is current and reliable.
4. Limitations in Context Understanding: AI can sometimes misunderstand the full context of a user's question or lack nuanced interpretation. While it can produce highly accurate responses in many cases, it might miss subtle details or the broader implications of a question, which a human reviewer or expert could more easily identify.
5. Ethical and Responsible Use: Relying solely on AI-generated content for critical decisions (e.g., medical advice, financial planning, or legal matters) without verification can be risky. AI tools should be seen as aids to decision-making rather than the final authority. Fact-checking ensures that important decisions are based on robust, well-rounded information from multiple reliable sources.
6. Avoiding Misinterpretation: AI models, including language models, generate responses based on probability, not understanding. This means that they can sometimes output responses that seem plausible but are incorrect or misinterpreted. Users need to cross-check information from reputable sources to avoid potential harm.
In summary, critical thinking and independent fact-checking help ensure the responsible and effective use of AI. By verifying the reliability and validity of AI-generated content, users can avoid errors, mitigate bias, and make better-informed decisions.’
Source: ChatGPT4o 21 October 2024
Links SUPREME COURT OF CANADA DISMISSES FEDERAL EFFORT TO APPEAL INDIGENOUS CLASS-ACTION AGAINST RCMP IN THE NORTH @April_Hudson 16 Dec 2023 Climate Justice is Respecting and Protecting Human Rights as Rights of Nature. #FightingClimateCrisisMeansFightingCorruptionCAUK The financing of environmentally harmful industrial projects, such as Muskrat Falls, Gull Island, Bay Du Nord, Alberta tar oil sands, TMX, and Coastal LNG, contributes to global warming due to the release of greenhouse gases, including methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide 1. This has led to calls for CEOs, corporations, banks, insurers, and businesses to honestly and transparently stop financing such projects. #AI #OpenSource #Perplexity #ChatGPT Llewelyn Pritchard 3 October 2024 #FightingClimateCrisisMeansFightingCorruption
A “Bone Marrow Regenerative Output” (BMRO) for the UK and Canada consists of:
The analytical framework sums up:
Ref. Hidden Gem An in-patient's view of an Oncology unit within a General Hospital in the National Health Service (N.H.S.) in the United Kingdom (U.K.) 44 pages pub. 15 May 2014 #AI #OpenSource #ChatGTP #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 4 November 2024 STOP THE ROT INTERNATIONAL - FREE RESOURCES LIST OF PAGES XR HUMANITY’S EMERGENCY SERVICES SOCIAL, CLIMATE JUSTICE LOCAL
55. Harriet Harman @HarrietHarman and Sir Bernard Jenkin @bernardjenkin publish joint article in The Times rebutting press criticism. 16 August 2022
56. Boris Johnson r. at a leaving gathering in the vestibule of the press office of 10 Downing Street in November 2020. Photograph Cabinet Office PA Boris Johnson makes a last-ditch bid to discredit Partygate inquiry. Ex-prime minister due at televised Commons committee hearing, with legal team about to publish new evidence backing his claims. Michael Savage and Toby Helm 18 March 2023 NOTE Parliament TV on Wednesday 22 March, from 14:00
57. Explain why and in what sort of circumstances an ex-Prime Minister of the UK, whose behaviour is being investigated by the House Of Commons Privileges Committee @HoCPrivileges, should decide to undermine the integrity of that Committee by the actions of his followers. AI Open Source GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 19 March 2023 #ai #opensource
58. Explain when an untrustworthy member of the Conservative party is appointed to the post of prime minister it is evidence of a general, corrupt pathocracy that is unfit to govern. AI Open Source GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 19 March 2023 #JohnsonLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament
59. Explain “Pathocracy” AI Open Source GPTchat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 9 March 2023
60. Explain in what binding or non-binding circumstance can a serving Conservative Prime Minister of the UK obtain a legal judgement in his favour when the overwhelming burden of proof shows that, for example, by deliberately attending an illegal so-called ‘lockdown party’, by stating that it was the ‘most socially distanced party in the UK’ and as PM not showing due regard nor respect for the ‘lockdown sacrifices’ made by others how he must have known in advance that he would not be following and/or not be legally bound to follow his own Tory government’s parliamentary legislation.
How, of his own volition, selfishly, unlawfully, willfully, deliberately, irresponsibly he must have known in advance of his attendance at the said party or parties that he could be found guilty of either intentionally, or unintentionally, misleading other Members of Parliament in the House of Commons. AI Open Source GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 15 March 2023
61. How can a former prime minister of the UK legally justify his claim that he did not mislead Parliament by claiming he 'didn't know' he was breaking any law by his confirmed attendance at more than one legally forbidden so-called 'Lockdown Parties' where, at one party, he joked about being at ‘UK’s most unsocially distanced party’ during lockdown? The former prime minister made the remarks to No 10 staff at a alcohol-fuelled leaving do claiming the rules and guidance he was responsible for implementing as Prime Minister were followed at all times. AI Open Source GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 15 March 2023
62. Explain what “Misleading Parliament” as interpreted by the House of Commons Privileges Committee, consisting of a Conservative majority of committee members means in the UK. AI Open Source GPTchat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 9 March 2023
63. i) What does “In Contempt of Parliament” and ii) What does any Conservative MP being “In Contempt of Parliament”as interpreted by the House of Commons Privileges Committee, consisting of a Conservative majority of committee members mean in the UK? AI Open Source GPTchat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 9 March 2023
64. "Tory Sleaze" in Context of Boris Johnson's Government Explained with Evidence AI Open Source GPTchat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 9 March 2023 @HoCPrivileges
65. "Tory Sleaze" in Context of Boris Johnson's Government Explained with Evidence AI Open Source GPTchat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 9 March 2023 @HoCPrivileges
66. Explain Constitutional Corrosion UK AI Open Source GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 25 March 2023
67. JOHNSON'S CONTEMPT COULD BE HIS UNDOING: Boris Johnson has dug his own political grave with his and his cronies unforgivable attack on Parliament. However, an even worst threat to Johnson comes as a result of his own unethical, criminal behaviour when Foreign Secretary regarding Russian interference in our EU referendum and from his evil efforts to achieve a ‘Constitutional Corrosion’ of Parliamentary Standards taken straight out of the Donald Trump playbook.
Acknowledgement Ian Dunt @IanDunt 24 March 2023
tags: #Colonialism #PriviligedEducation #WhiteSupremacy #Racism #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Ethics #Morality #Law #Justice #Education #Standards #ParliamentaryStandards #Constitution #ConstitutionalCorrosion #DefendDemocracy #LawNational #LawInternational #Democracy #DemocraticInstitutions #DemocraticStandards #PublicOffice #StandardsInPublicOffice #CivilServants #Politicians #PrimeMinister #GamingTheSystem #PublicServants #Truth #Accountability #UK #Corruption #CorruptParliamentarySystem #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPrimeMinister #JohnsonLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament #UnderminingDemocracy #ColonialLawUKCA #ColonialStandardsUKCA #CorruptColonialCapitalismUKCA #ChangeTheSystemUKCA #DeceitUKCA #DeceptionUKCA #DistractionUKCA #SmokeAndMirrorsUKCA #Pathocracy #Pathocrats #ClimateCrisis #CostOfLivingClimateJusticeSolutions #Unite #Unify #Amplify #WeROne