Associated Students of Boise State University
Executive Team Meeting
August 30th, 2021 4:30-6:00 pm
Zoom Link available on request
I. Call to Order 4:44 pm
II. Attendance:Kenneth Huston (President), Sarah Smith (Vice President), Kayla Magana (AVP Organization Affair), Grace Burgert (AVP IESC), Graf Kirk (AVP Academic Affairs), Eric Kline ( Communication Officer), Samantha Mulvihill (Government Relations), Hailey Merrick (Administrative Director)
III. Approval of Minutes
a. August 16th
i. Graf motions to fast track the reading of the minutes, Sam seconds the motion
ii. Approve: 7, Deny: 0, Abstain: 0
iii. Sam motions to approve the minutes, Sarah seconds the motion
iv. Approve: 7, Deny: 0, Abstain: 0
b. August 23rd
i. Graf motions to fast track the reading of the minutes, Sam seconds the motion
ii. Approve: 7, Deny: 0, Abstain: 0
iii. Graf motions to approve the minutes, sam seconds the motion
iv. Approve: 7, Deny: 0, Abstain: 0
IV. New Business
a. Team Member of the week-- Presented by Hailey: I give the kick butt trophy to Eric for overcoming the challenges of wordpress!
b. Team members went through their cupcakes and throat punches of the week.
V. Updates
a. Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
i. Confirmation of Senators
1. Graf: We will be voting to fill the seat for the Honors senators. We
received a list from Honors from the dean of the college. There are five people that are interested in filling these positions. I gave them a list of four (4) questions and asked them to answer two (2) of
these questions. We will vote on the answers of the questions and not what questions they answered.
2. Kenny: Has anyone read the responses?
3. Eric: Do you have any qualifications that you are looking for in the honors college?
4. Graf: we are looking for students that would be a good
representative of the school and that they are interested in getting involved at Boise State.
5. Kenny: If everyone is okay with it, we take 5 minutes for everyone to read the document.
a. 5 minutes to read
6. Graf: Okay, the way that I think this should work is that we should go down the line and people should vote for the ones that they like. 7. Kenny: I would entertain an alternative of everyone having 2 votes and the two with the highest count would be selected for honors.
a. Group agrees this is the best way to vote.
8. Sam: Who is available for what college?
9. Graf: I did not state that at the beginning because only one person cannot be an honors senator.
10. Kenny: Before we vote, is there any discussion or deliberation that you want to have.
11. Grace: I would like to provide background in the honors college on what I have seen that is needed in regards to diversity and
inclusion. In the past, there have been a lot of people that have
struggled to feel included in the honors college activities. The
college also has a lot of resources that not everyone feels like they have access to. I think we should look at people that would
understand this and advocate for those that are struggling.
12. Graf: I just want to say that these folk have provided some great responses and that they would all be excellent senateros.
13. Kenny: Are there further discussions? Is there any consideration for those that did not submit responses.
14. Sarah: I would like it noted on the record that I will be abstaining from this voting.
15. After a runoff vote: Frankie D’Alessandro will be a COAS senator and Amber Warren will be an Honors College senator.
ii. Training day for assembly and senate is this Wednesday. Please fill out your slides.
b. Associate Vice President of Student Organizational Affairs
i. All funding board officers have officially been trained! :) We had our first hearing and it went smoothly.
ii. Weekly hearings will take place Friday’s from 10:30 am -12:30 pm 1. Two direct grants will be heard this Friday
iii. I will be meeting with Melinda for homecoming and finalizing what the plan is.
1. Sarah: keep in mind that if you need to pass a bill we need to get that rolling.
iv. None of the officers can go to the Involvement fair so I will have Hailey pass out cards for funding while she is setting up for her organization. c. Administrative Director
i. Suicide awareness buttons are available in the office.
d. Government Relations Officer
i. National Voter Registration Day has been registered! September 28th from 1pm - 5 pm in the Quad. Andrew Mitzel is being consulted about what political groups should join us for tabling in the Quad.
ii. Currently inviting political clubs on campus to join in National Voter Registration Day.
e. Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence
i. Grace: We had our first official IESC meeting last week and finalized our assembly members and projects. We are going to partner with Dungeons and Dragons for an LGBTQ+ individuals.
ii. Broncos of colors is Thursday August 2nd at 6 in the Student Equity Center.
f. Communications Officer
i. No updates
g. Ethics Officer
i. No updates
h. Vice President
i. Had the first dining services meeting on Friday. Laid out the timeline and we are hoping to have our final contract presented to the State Board of Education in their April meeting.
1. Sarah: procurement had a hard time with our timeline and asked for a 60-90 day RFP. All the contracts need to be ready to go by
March so that it can be sent to the Department of Education a
month ahead of the April board meeting.
2. Sarah: I canceled our dining services meetings because not
everyone knows that we are sending out RFP and we need to make sure it is fair for everyone.
ii. First assembly meeting is this Wednesday!!
iii. This is the last week with PeopleSoft as the HR software. You must have all of your time reported by THIS FRIDAY. If you do not - then you will not get paid. Also, if you have direct deposit then you will need to re-enter all of your information once the new system is up and running.
i. President
i. A student from COBE has reached out asking if there are any projects that a team of students can take on this semester for part of their class. If anyone has ideas for something that could be let me know (marketing materials, website design, database creation, etc. were examples provided to me). I have suggested that they take on the initiative to get a stop added
to the Orange Downtown route of the Bronco Shuttle near Faces of Hope for students who don’t want to go through the University if they are
navigating sexual assault/ harassment, domestic violence, or other form of gender based violence.
1. Grace, Hailey, and Kayla all agree that this is an incredible
initiative and encourage the COBE students to take it on.
ii. The University is navigating the planning stage for a massive donor giving campaign, it won’t kick off until next year, but they may reach out for
quite a bit of student help, feedback, and our help to motivate our peers.
iii. Sara Fry and I will be trying to implement an official dead week policy on the University level. She reached out over summer and wanted our buy in/ advice as to how best to pursue this change. The plan is to present some
kind of policy change or a completely new policy to the Faculty Senate
after it is drafted.
1. Graf: I put it on the Provost radar today.
2. Sarah: One thing that we could do is get stats from universities that
have one and that don’t to compare GPAs
3. Grace: Do we not have a dead week?
4. Kenny: We have an exam free week, but instructors can have term
papers worth 40% of the grade due that week.
5. Graf: I think it would be great to gather these stories that will help
encourage the faculty senate to vote in favor of the change.
6. Kenny: I think what is hard on students is that they are generally
slammed into the last week and don’t have time to study for their
VI. Open Floor / Announcements
a. Kenny: Today we got some disappointing news that our Ethics Officer has resigned from their position. We don’t have a plan to best navigate this. For the interim, I will be the ethics officer. If I am unable to step in, then Sarah will.
b. Sarah: Please add 2 office hours to your schedule and add ASBSU to the calendar. Also, send Eric what your hours will be.
c. Kenny: Wednesday is our first Senate and Assembly meeting. We would like to have all paid officials to participate.
d. Kenny: Next meeting will take place in the Fishbowl Room of Student Involvement at 3:30 pm Monday, September 13th, 2021.
VII. Meeting Adjourned: 5:52 pm