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Newsletter W4/T2 2024
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Week 4, Term 2

23 May 2024

Monday 3rd June - King's Birthday Public Holiday - school closed

Tuesday 4th June - Teacher only day - school closed

Friday 7th June - School visit to Tini Waitara Marae, Turakina.

Thursday 20th June - Matariki Celebration - all families are invited to school from 1:30 - 4pm to join in activities and eat a shared kai - meal.

Thursday 27th June - Rangitikei Schools Cultural Festival - Bulls

Friday 28th June  - Matariki Public Holiday - school closed

Friday 5th July  - Last day of Term 2

Friends and Whānau Parent Group

Next meeting - Tuesday 28th May 3:15pm @ school.All welcome!!

Office Hours

Our office is attended every Wednesday & Thursday morning.

State Highway 3, Turakina, RD 11, Whanganui, 4581

   Phone & Fax: 06 3273864

Principal: Leigh McKay,


Assembly Awards

Week 3 - Term 2

Classroom Awards

Room 1



Room 2



Room 2



Principal’s Awards

Korah - for showing ako-learning to make progress - learning letter sounds, enjoying stories and engaging in all learning.

Carina - for showing manaaki and whanaungatanga - working positively with others to learn.

Ellie - for showing manawanui - perseverance and ako-learning in all your learning.

Tēnā koutou katoa,

School Visit to Tini Waitara Marae

We have been given the opportunity to take the school to visit Tini Waitara Marae which is on the Turakina Beach Road. Tini Waitara is a marae of Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa. Our learners, staff and any families who’d like to join us will be welcomed on to the marae with a pōwhiri and then we will have a day of activities and learning about the Turakina area and the marae. We will travel in cars to Tini Waitara Marae, leaving school at 9:30am and returning at 2:30pm. Please consider supporting this trip by coming along.

Reporting Learner Progress and Achievement

During the last four weeks of this term we will be sharing information with you about your child’s learning progress and achievement on the Seesaw app. You can expect to see posts about your child’s maths, reading, writing and investigation learning. The posts will have comments about your child’s achievement, progress and next steps. The teachers and I are happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you have about your child’s learning and we will have learners conferences - parent/teacher meetings early in Term 3.

Learning about Industry

A school wide learning focus this year is to provide opportunities for learners to find out about industry and organisations - locally and beyond. For example, Room 2 has started looking at the mining industry. So far the learners have identified 10 different jobs associated with mining, including lawyers. We’re looking for ideas and contacts from our school community. What industry or organisations are you part of? What could you share with the learners? We could visit worksites or spaces to look at different types of industry. Please consider if you can support this learning or have an idea and let us know.

Friends and Whānau Parent Group Meeting

The Friends and Whānau of Turakina School parent group are having a meeting on Tuesday 28th May, 3:15pm, at school. The F&W are looking for a few more parents to join the committee. The group supports school events and programmes by helping out and fundraising. Please consider coming along to the meeting in a couple of weeks to see if you’d like to join the committee.

Teacher Only Day Tuesday 4th June

The school will be closed for a teacher only day Tuesday 4th June, the day after the King’s Birthday public holiday. The teachers and I will be spending the day reviewing our school mathematics and statistics curriculum including implementing the revised New Zealand Curriculum, Te Mātaiaho - Maths.

Illness and Attendance at School

Thankfully winter bugs don’t seem to have found us just yet. The Ministry of Education has published helpful information to support families to decide if their child is well enough for school. MOE Student Attendance, a guide for Parents and Whānau 


Many Happy Returns of the Day to Mahinarangi Hanara-Reedy  who had her birthday last week.

Ngā mihi,

Leigh McKay, Principal

Community Notices

Turakina Women's Institute

The March meeting saw the members gathered in Whanganui for a yummy lunch outing at the Stellar Bar.

'ANZAC' themed our April meeting at Turakina School. The hotly contested knitted poppy competition for the ANZAC wreath bought an impressive array.

Bags of homemade ANZAC biscuits were donated to the school children to take home. Members exchanged plants to add to their gardens, so everyone went home with something to enjoy. Our new member Kay O'Brian spoke of her interest in genealogy. Tracing our family tree is absorbing and leads us on interesting endless trails. It is good to know where we come from.

At the next meeting, May 20th, the members will bring small jars of jam for 'Meals on Wheels', knitted slippers for the Turakina School children and are challenged to try their hand at making 'Lolly Cake'.

Learning new ideas, skills and supporting the community is what we are about. If you are looking for some company and want to join with us, you are very welcome. You don't have to live in the country or Turakina.

Turakina Women's Institute usually meets on the fourth Monday of the month commencing with a pot luck lunch at 11.30am, in the school library.

For more information Ph Joan 327 6472.