CJSR: choose your own adventure!

Create an online volunteer profile

(Please note: volunteer profiles are archived after 10 months of inactivity/no volunteer contribution hours)

Sign up for and attend Volunteer Orientation

Sign FACRA annual membership form and pay member fee

Choose a department--don’t worry, you can select more than one! Make sure you complete any necessary training before you start regularly volunteering (listed below)

Regular shifts = ♣️

Casual shifts = ◼️

Training required = ♦️

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Spoken Word

(News / Podcasts)



Admin and FACRA board


Music digitizer

♣️ ◼️

CJSR 1-minute news update producer

♣️ ◼️♦️

Vocal talent: Ads, Promos, PSAs

♣️ ◼️♦️

CJSR events volunteer ◼️

FACRA board member


News program design volunteer

♣️ ◼️

Music reviewer

♣️ ◼️

Web slinger ♣️

Station ID producer

♣️ ◼️

Tabling ambassador ♣️ ◼️

Policy committee member


Podcast design volunteer

♣️ ◼️

Music reviewer - audio segments

♣️ ◼️♦️

Freelance reporter

♣️ ◼️♦️

Script Writer: Ads, Promos, PSAs

♣️ ◼️

Handbilling Hero (seasonal)

♣️ ◼️

Community Relations Committee member


General design volunteer

♣️ ◼️

Create your own playlist ♣️ ◼️

Researcher ♣️ ◼️♦️

Editor: Ads, Promos, PSAs

♣️ ◼️♦️

Classroom Visitor  


♣️ ◼️

Friends of CJSR liaison ♣️

Event photographer ◼️

Bears and Pandas Athletics Live broadcast volunteer


♣️ ◼️

Host / Vocal talents

♣️ ◼️♦️

SUB stage and Live Events Recorder


Coffee House volunteer

♣️ ◼️♦️

Grant researcher ♣️

Social media promoter

♣️ ◼️

Fill-in host

♣️ ◼️♦️

Interviewer ♣️ ◼️♦️

Segment producer
♣️ ◼️♦️

Radio Club host and organizer ♣️

Plebiscite campaign manager (every five years) ♣️

BTS videographer ♣️ ◼️

Host your own show! ♣️♦️

Script writer ♣️ ◼️♦️

Radio Drama producer

♣️ ◼️

Have a special skill? Let us know! We are open to special projects and roles

Audio archival assistant

♣️ ◼️


♣️ ◼️♦️

FD Promo producer
♣️ ◼️

Music librarian assistant

♣️ ◼️♦️

Production coordinator ♣️♦️

Propose your own news show! ♣️♦️

Not sure where to start and want to speak to someone? Attend Volunteer Orientation then set up a meeting with Chad to discuss your ideas!