P.O. Box 70
1150 Riverside Drive
Marks, Mississippi 38646-0070
Phone 662-326-8006 Fax 866-855-0188
Jupiter Ed is a Gradebook and Learning Management System (LMS) for individual teachers.
Teachers love how Jupiter makes grading so much faster and easier, with the flexibility to grade the way they want, use standards and rubrics, and instantly see whose grades are dropping.
Teachers create online tests and lessons, and students turn in files online. Parents and students can receive automatic text/email alerts for missing assignments and low grades. The teacher can email the whole class, and have online discussions.
Each teacher can utilize whatever tools he/she deems necessary for their own class, but attendance and grades must be submitted on Jupiter.
How to get started on Jupiter Ed:
(Sample Sheet)
To: All Students
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Our school uses the JupiterGrades website to help keep you informed about your child’s progress. You can login anytime to check your child’s current grades, homework, missing assignments, test scores, report cards and you can contact teachers. It is completely secure, so no one else can see your personal information. If you have a question about your child’s grades or progress, you should contact the teacher first. Here’s how to get started:
(Pre-K parents: For you, Jupiter will primarily be a way for the school to communicate with you about upcoming events, important messages or of school closings because of inclement weather.)
Password: Type _________ as your temporary password.
School: Delta Academy Elementary
City: Marks
State: Mississippi
4. At the prompt, choose your own password.
5. At the next prompt, enter your email. (if not already on file)
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