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Dr. Vinod Agrawal

Ass. Professor Grand Medical College J. J. Hospital Mumbai

If one asks a scientist to describe " Human being ", he would begin his description with the following sentence. "Human beings are the most advanced species of animals on our planet earth."

But would our fellow human beings be happy with this comparison with animals. We pride ourselves on our being so different from animals, so superior to animals.

What makes human beings so superior is the evolution of some finer aspect of social behavior.

For an animal, survival of the self is the most import objective of life, even if it may be at the cost of life of others, but for human beings respect to life is important. Human beings are the one, who have been known to lay their lives for others.

Throughout his life a human being strives for the betterment of his society. His work stops only after his death.

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For those people who have devoted their lives for social cause death is no impediment. Even after death they can go on helping the under privileged section of the society. This can be undertaken through the project of "CADAVER ORGAN DONATIONS".


Did you know... just one organ and tissue donor can provide 7 life saving organs and quality enhancing tissues for another 20 persons. Organs include: heart, lung, liver, kidney and pancreas. Tissues include: bone, skin, eyes or corneas, and heartvalves.


The donation of a human body to medical science is an affordable and dignified funeral and

burial alternative for the disposition of the remains after death.

Science has given you so many gifts, Now it is your turn to give science a gift.

Your heart can beat for someone else.
Your lungs could breathe for someone else.
Your kidneys can free two people from dialysis.
Your liver could save the life of a patient awaiting transplantation.

Your cornea could give sight to two people.

Your bones could help repair other people damage joints

Your skin could help heal many burn victims.

Your eyes can see the world even after you die.