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Joslin Memorial Library Board Meeting 9/9/20
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Joslin Memorial Library Board Meeting 9/9/20, 5:30pm

Minutes as follows.

Present: Trish Read, Jason Butler, Jean Joslin, Sally Reisner, Carol Hosford. Anna Church joined at 5:55.

Absent: David Babic

Jean called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.

Annual appeal related note added as an addition to agenda, (added by Jean).

Minutes from 7/15/20 were presented. Sally made a motion to approve, seconded by Carol. All in favor, minutes accepted.

No Friends Report 

Presidents Report

General discussion RE Department of Libraries 2020 Trustees and Friends Conference, HVAC operations transitioning to winter, some light building maintenance and fall outdoor clean up. Staff goals and evaluations to be added as an agenda item for the next meeting. Sally and Carol will facilitate these initial steps with Jason.

Treasurers Report

Deb Jones will be retiring. We’ll be transitioning to a new contact person at Fothergill Segale & Valley. Sally, Jean and David may schedule a zoom conference to initiate this transition.

Accounts are in good order.

Financial Report

David submitted a paper summary to Jean. Investments have fared well, all things considered. A more thorough financial report discussion was tabled in David’s absence. A casual unrelated discussion ensued regarding a potential outdoor performance space.

Children’s Librarian Report

Summer reading program was successful and well attended. Things ran smoothly adhering to Covid mandated protocol.

A resumed children’s story time is on the radar. Anna has been considering many different scenarios and plans for making it work.

Librarians Report

Jason has reported a nice amount of new patrons. Circulation is up. Plenty of new books have been received. Visitors have been respectful of safety precautions.

New Business

Annual appeal needs to get underway. Trish will draft a letter to be mailed early November.

General discussion regarding banners on library grounds. It was agreed that banners on library grounds should be avoided at this time.

A special meeting to address the annual appeal and review our preliminary budget will be held October 14th  at 5:30pm. November 11th at 5:30pm will be our next regular Board of Directors meeting.

Sally made a motion to conclude, seconded by Carol, at 6:41pm.