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ODRL 2.2 - How To Create a New Profile Guide
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ODRL 2.2 - How To Create a New Profile Guide

Status: draft 2 / 2018-12-03 / Michael Steidl

The Starting Points

What an ODRL Profile is was defined in the ODRL Profile Purpose section of the ODRL 2.2 Information Model document -

How a Profile can extend the existing ODRL 2.2 Recommendation, which is fully covered by the ODRL Core Profile, is described in the ODRL Profile Mechanism section of the Information Model document -

A new Profile can include

Workflow Simple Profile

  1. This workflow covers a Profile including only additional Asset Relationships, Party Functions, Actions for Rules, Constraint left operands, Constraint right operands, Constraint relational operators, Logical Constraint operands and Policy Conflict strategies
  2. List what terms beyond the ODRL 2.2 Core Profile are required
  1. Check the terms defined by the ODRL Core Vocabulary -
  2. Ponder what additional terms out of the options listed in 1 are required and list them tentatively with a focus on their semantics
  3. Match the semantics of these tentative additional terms against the semantics of the terms of the ODRL Common Vocabulary -
  1. If the semantics of the planned terms and the Common Vocabulary terms match adopt these existing Common Vocabulary terms for the new Profile ..
  2. … and they don’t match define new terms with these properties:
    - Identifier (URI)
    - Definition
    - Label
    - Note (optional)
    - Included In (if required)
    - the ODRL Class this term is an instance of
    (See as templates corresponding terms in the ODRL Vocabularies)
  3. Create an ontology file including
    - a definition of each new term as SKOS Concept
    - a SKOS collection with the URI of the new profile as identifier and all terms/concepts included into the profile. This includes adopted ODRL Common Vocabulary terms and the new terms created by the party developing the new profile, see above.
  4. Create a JSON-LD context file: it maps simple identifiers of terms which can be used in a JSON-LD object to the corresponding full URI
  5. Make the ontology and the JSON-LD context file available to all parties which should use ODRL with this profile
  6. Register the new profile with the ODRL Community Group at …
    This registration includes:
    - the party having developed the new profile
    - the identifier of the profile
    - a link to the published JSON-LD context object
    - a link to the published ontology
    - a link to a specification document covering this profile

Workflow Extensive Profile

Under Construction