Mind-Body Connection Worksheet


Reflective Question

Identifying Thoughts

1. List three positive thoughts you had today.

2. List three negative thoughts you experienced today.

Reflecting on Physical Sensations

3. Describe any physical sensations you felt during positive thoughts.

4. Describe any physical sensations you felt during negative thoughts.

Exploring the Connection

5. How do you think your positive thoughts affected your physical well-being today?

6. How do you think your negative thoughts impacted your physical health?

Transforming Negative Thoughts

7. Choose one negative thought and reframe it into a positive one.

Setting Goals

8. Set one goal to foster more positive thinking in your daily life.

Mindfulness Practice

9. Spend 5 minutes in a mindfulness exercise. Reflect on your experience.


10. Write a brief journal entry about your overall experience with this worksheet today.


Engel, G. L. (1977). The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Science, 196(4286), 129-136.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/847460/

Beck, A. T. (1979). Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders. New York: International Universities Press.

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.

Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counselor.

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