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CC - Ep 237
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Coin Concede - Episode 237 "Sometruis the Outcast"

Hat * Botticus * Appa* Guest*

Intro (~10 min)

Welcome to Episode 237 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.

It is Thursday 04/23 in the evening

Joining us from Gadgetzan, New York, it’s RidiculousHat!

Also joining us - from Karazhan, California it’s Botticus!

Joining you all from the Maelstrom, Louisiana, it’s Appa!

And special guest from x, Norway, it's Asmodai!!!

Coin Concede is supported in large part by you, the listener. If you’d like to find out how you can support us and receive rewards in return, head to

Patreon note

Huge thanks to Johan A!

You can also support us by leaving an iTunes review

Asmodai Interview -  (~30 min)

How's life and ladder? -

Hat - Personal learnings

Appa -

Botticus - Being back at work has decreased my play time by quite a bit

Edelweiss -

News Highlights -  (~30 min)

Tournament Results -

Outland Inn-vitational!



The ladder


Coming Soon

Decksplanations - State of the new format

Outro (~5min)

Thanks and contact!

We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!

-You can monetarily support our show at

-Join us every week live, by following us on twitch at

-Join our community chats in our Discord at

And write in to our email at

-Follow us on Twitter @coinconcede as well as like, share, and follow us on Facebook at

-If you would like some CC swag, head on over to our shop at

BIG THANKS to our producers nmbrthry, ItinerantWizard, Tony S, PugUgly, Snowpack, and Twitch producers Gotrix2 and Culraven!!!

Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):

Asmo OBV, Chris Sierra OBV

Hat - ForrestBates, Bequiet, Born to be Wild

Botticus - DonnayBunny

Appa -  burnt’s discord is dope  - Taylor for showing me the truth of playing Animal Crossing & Hearthstone

Edelweiss -

Keep Calm and

And if you see us on ladder…

“Coin Concede” Hat

“Coin Concede” Bott

“Coin Concede” Appa

“Coin Concede” Edelweiss