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Pointy Hat: Dragon Otherworldly Patron - Warlock Subclass
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Otherworldly Patron:
The Dragon
A Warlock Subclass


The Dragon Otherworldly Patron is a warlock subclass built to give warlocks more enticing options than eldritch blast. It does this by offering warlocks a sort of “superpowered” form that can be accessed by consuming their precious few spell slots. This form scales in power and usefulness as the warlock gains additional levels, to offer an alternative to the warlock’s reliance on multiclassing. It’s also written to appeal to those who particularly like stories based and themed around dragons, since the patron of the draconic warlock is, unsurprisingly, a dragon.

The draconic warlock’s powers are themed around abilities that traditional dragons exhibit in the game, with access to flight, scale armor, and even legendary resistance, to name a few. It continues with the warlock class’ identity by letting you choose how you build your draconic warlock every step of the way, giving the player many choices to customize their draconic warlock. It was also written to work both with traditional dragons and the Pointy Hat’s warden dragons in mind, so using the latter is not required to play the draconic warlock.

Dragon Kind

You choose your patron’s kind and the damage associated with it or determine it randomly, using the Dragon Kind table.


































1st Level: Expanded Spell List

At 1st level, the Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. All damage done by spells in the Dragon Expanded Spells table below will correspond to the damage of your patron’s dragon kind. The Dragon Kind table shows what damage type corresponds to the kind of dragon that is your patron.




Command, Feather Fall


Flamming Sphere, Alter Self


Fear, Fly


Fire Shield, Hallucinatory Terrain


Cloudkill, Cone of Cold

1st Level: Draconic Form

Starting at 1st level, your draconic patron bestows upon you a sliver of its draconic essence that you can call forth with your pact magic.

As a bonus action, you can expend one spell slot to enter your draconic form. In your draconic form, your body twists to outwardly reveal your draconic magic and you gain access to your draconic gifts.

Your draconic form lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the level of the spell slot used to call forth your draconic form, after which you can no longer use your draconic gifts until you spend a spell slot to call forth your draconic form again.

Choose one of the following draconic gifts:

You can choose an additional draconic gift at levels 5, 11, and 17..

1st Level: Eldritch Breath

Also at 1st level, you gain an action you can only use while in your draconic form.

As an action, you exhale a 10 foot cone of the damage type associated with your dragon patron. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spellcasting DC, taking an amount of damage equal to 1d10 + your charisma modifier + the spell slot level you used to enter your draconic form, or half as much on a successful save.

6th Level: Draconic Presence

At 6th level, your pact with the dragon has given your body a draconic flair.

You are immune to the frightened condition, you can speak Draconic, and you have resistance against the damage type associated with your dragon patron.

10th Level: Draconic Protector

At 10th level, your pact is strong enough for you to call forth the dragon’s endurance as a last resort.

If you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed it instead. Once you’ve used this ability, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

14th Level: Draconic Essence

At 14th level, your essence has been irrevocably changed by the influence your patron has over you.

Select one of the draconic gifts you possess through your Draconic Form feature. You now enjoy that draconic gift both in and out of your draconic form.


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