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(see updated one for individualized needs of band) Aly Aleigha TECHNICAL RIDER - Client Copy
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This rider contains the technical needs of Aly Aleigha for music events. Having a quality sound system & a skilled engineer to run it truly makes the event more enjoyable for everyone. For an additional charge, we can provide our own sound engineer & equipment (ground transportation only). The audio engineers we work with are the most affordable we have found and they are very good at what they do. Aly’s sound equipment + audio engineer are included in the cost with full band indoor concerts.

With the complexity of setup & sound check, the location of music must be in the same spot for the entire event (some exceptions apply - please contact Laura at with questions).

To ensure the highest quality performance, the following equipment is necessary. 

The equipment listed in this rider can be overwhelming to look at if you are unfamiliar with it; please pass it along to the sound tech you plan to work with.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  If the venue does not have the specific equipment listed below, please contact Laura at  Oftentimes in working with an event sound tech we are able to modify/substitute the equipment, or a venue sometimes rents any needed equipment.    

Aly Solo Music Events **

Note: When Aly Aleigha is hired alone, she only plays at worship events unless otherwise discussed.  Please refer to the “2-3 Piece Rider” and “Full Band Rider” below for any events that are a concert of her originals or full band worship events.


FULL BAND TECH RIDER (4-6 musicians) **

** Outdoor venues must have professional sound, staging + covering, etc. for protection from the elements. 

Contact Laura for details:

~ Thank you, we are looking forward to your event! ~