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PEPIN 2023 Self Evaluation Report .docx
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2023 Five-Year Self Evaluation of the Status of Nondiscrimination

and Equality of Educational Opportunity

(PI 9.06)

     Pepin Area School District

Approved by School Board on:       

April 22nd, 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Contributors to the Plan

  1. Introduction to 2023 Five-Year Self Evaluation of the Status of Nondiscrimination and Equality of Educational Opportunity and Wisconsin State Statute 118.13 & Administrative Rule PI 9.06

  1. School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures 9.06 (1)(a)

  1. Enrollment trends and patterns in classes and programs 9.06 (1)(b)

  1. Methods, practices, curriculum and materials used in instruction, counseling, and pupil assessment and testing 9.06 (1)(c)

  1. Trends and patterns of disciplinary actions and handling pupil harassment 9.06 (1)(d)

  1. Participation trends and patterns, and school district support of athletics, extracurricular activities and recreational activities 9.06 (1)(e)

  1. Trends and patterns in awarding scholarships and other forms of recognition and achievement provided or administered by the district 9.06(1)(f)

  1. School district efforts to achieve equality of educational opportunity and nondiscrimination 9.06(1)(g)

  1. School district technology, including electronic communication by school district staff 9.06(1)(h)


2023 Five-Year Self Evaluation of the Status of Nondiscrimination and Equality of Educational Opportunity

DPI:  Prepare a written summary that describes the methods used to conduct the evaluation, who participated in the process and what contributions the participants provided.  Include this summary in your report.

The Pepin Area School District has provided an opportunity for participation in the evaluation by pupils, teachers, administrators, parents and residents of the school district.  The following individuals and groups either assisted in developing the plan or reviewed the plan for comments and/or changes prior to school board approval.



Bruce Quinton


Jill Riesgraf

Elementary Principal

John Gayan

7-12 Dean of Students and Technology Coordinator

Danni Larson-Noel

School Counselor

Rachel Pommerening  

Pupil Services Director



SECTION II:  INTRODUCTION AND LEGAL BASIS TO THE Self Evaluation of the Status of Nondiscrimination

and Equality of Educational Opportunity

The self-evaluation required by PI 9.06, Wis. Admin. Code is more than simply a legal requirement.  It is an invaluable tool that can be used to strengthen our commitment and efforts to foster equitable and successful schools for all students.

COORDINATE AND CONSOLIDATE MULTIPLE, EQUITY-RELATED PLAN REQUIREMENTS      It is our hope that schools and districts will use the information gained in the self-evaluation when they prepare consolidated plans, the district’s strategic plan, a district equity plan, and/or in other school improvement processes, plans or programs.


Wisconsin State Statute 118.13

Administrative Rule PI 9.06

118.13  Pupil discrimination prohibited.  (1)  No person may be denied admission to any public school or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity because of the person’s:



-Sexual orientation



-National Origin


-Pregnancy, marital or parental status

-Physical, mental, emotional or learning disability

PI 9.06  Evaluation.  (1)  In order to provide the information necessary for the state superintendent to report on the compliance with s. 118.13, Stats., as required under s. 118.13 (3) (a)3., Stats., each board shall evaluate the status of nondiscrimination and equality of educational opportunity in the school district at least once every 5 years on a schedule established by the state superintendent.  The evaluation shall include the following:

  1. School board policies and administrative procedures.
  2. Enrollment trends in classes and programs.
  3. Methods, practices, curriculum and materials used in instruction, counseling, and pupil assessment and testing.
  4. Trends and patterns of disciplinary actions, including suspensions, expulsions and handling of pupil harassment.
  5. Participation trends and patterns and school district support of athletic, extracurricular and recreational activities.
  6. Trends and patterns in awarding scholarships and other forms of recognition and achievement provided or administered by the school district.
  7. School district efforts to achieve quality of education opportunity and nondiscrimination.
  8. School district technology, including electronic communications by school district staff.

(2)  The district shall provide an opportunity for participation in the evaluation by pupils, teachers, administrators, parents/guardians and residents of the school district.

(3)  The district shall prepare a written report of the evaluation which shall be available for examination by residents of the school district.

SECTION III School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures 9.06 (1)(a)

Data Examined


Analysis & Supporting Information


     Pupil Non-Discrimination Policy the link is located on the district website: Required notices page

     The Pepin Area Schools has adopted clear policies outlining Pupil-Discrimination.  

     District compliance officers are clearly stated in this policy along with steps for reporting and roles of all school staff.  Heather Kosik; Assistant Principal and Sherry Brevick; Elementary Principal are identified as employees identified to receive complaints.

     The Pepin Area School District will continue to regularly review board policy to ensure that state and federal requirements are met and to update changes in compliance officers, and other information should any arise.  

Annual Class I legal Notice:

District Newsletter Links

The Annual welcome back newsletter sent out to Parents in September of every school year includes a link to the annual Class I Legal Notice.

Annual newsletters were reviewed and contain all outlined information.

Pepin Area Schools will continue to share the Annual Class I legal notice in the welcome back edition of the school newsletter.  In addition the district will add information in regards to name and address of identified district compliance officers as that is not currently included with the notice. 

Pepin Area Schools Middle High School Student Handbook

Pepin Elementary Handbook

Pages 4-6 of the Middle/High School Student Handbooks review Non-discrimination policies and access to educational opportunities. Page 30 of the elementary handbook.   Notes that a formal complaint can be made in writing however does not include the current district compliance officers.  

Pepin Area Schools will update the handbooks to ensure current compliance officers are listed and will continue to update and review student handbooks yearly to ensure that all policies are updated as deemed appropriate.






Evaluate board approved policies and procedures

Board has adopted/updated policies covering all areas of school operations, including school sponsored programs and activities.


The board has adopted and updated policies in place covering all areas of school operations including school sponsored programs and activities.

The policies include all protected categories listed under Wis. Stat. § 118.13.

The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student program and activities. This policy is intended to support and promote nondiscriminatory practices in all District and school activities, particularly in the following areas:

The policies either specifically address harassment, or there is a separate anti-harassment policy.

Harassment is covered under board policy:

po5517 Student Anti-Harassment

The policies are easily understood and accessible to all staff, students, and parents/guardians

Policies are accessible via district links to board policies on the school website, in the district annual welcome back newsletter and upon request in the district office.

The policies are published annually in a class 1 legal notice.

As noted above links to policies are published annually in the district welcome back newsletters:

An employee has been designated to receive Wis. Stat. § 118.13 discrimination complaints.

Heather Kosik, Junior High/High School Principal and Sherry Brevick, Elementary Principal are identified as the compliance officers to whom reports should be filed in writing.

The name and address of the designated employee is published annually in a class 1 legal notice.

While the school district publishes the Class I legal notice in the annual newsletter the district does not include the information detailing the name and address of the designated employee in the publishing, the district will make this addition to future publishings of this Class I legal notice.

The discrimination complaint procedure provides for a written acknowledgement of the complaint within 45 days and final resolution of the complaint within 90 days.

Per board policy po2260 Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity

All investigations shall be commenced as soon as practicable upon receipt of a complaint and concluded as expeditiously as feasible, in consideration of the circumstances, while taking measures to complete a thorough investigation. The complaining party shall be notified in writing of receipt of the complaint within forty-five (45) days of the complaint and shall reach a determination concerning the complaint within ninety (90) days of receipt unless additional time is agreed to by the complaining party.

The discrimination complaint procedure provides for a written decision that notifies the complainant of the right to appeal a negative determination to the state superintendent within 30 days and of the procedures for making the appeal.

Per board policy po2260 Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity

If the Complainant feels that the decision does not adequately address the complaint s/he may appeal the decision to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by submitting a written request to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Pupil Nondiscrimination Program, or by contacting the DPI Pupil Nondiscrimination Program at (608) 267-9157. Any person, including the Respondent in a complaint, who is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination as a result of a complaint may choose to file a grievance utilizing the District's grievance procedure as outlined in Policy 3340 or Policy 4340.

This language does not specify that the complainant is given written notice that they have 30 days to appeal to the state superintendent, this language needs to be added to district policy.

The complete complaint procedure is included in all student and staff handbooks.

The Following is included in student handbooks:

Any person who believes that the Pepin Jr./Sr. High School or any staff person has discriminated against them in violation of the Policy 2260.01 - Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability may file a complaint. A formal complaint can be made in writing to a District Compliance Officer listed below:

Jill Riesgraf

Elementary Principal


510 Pine St.

Pepin, WI 54759

Rachel Pommerening

Pupil Services Director

510 Pine St.

Pepin, WI 54759


The complaint procedure is described in Board Policy 2260 which is available in the School office and on the District’s web page.

The full complaint procedure is not included in the student handbook  however a reference to the full procedure is included.  At this time the full complaint procedure needs to be added to the student handbooks to meet this benchmark.

The procedure is effective in resolving pupil discrimination complaints.

The district has a prepared plan and readiness to address andy pupil discrimination complaints

SUMMARY—Board Policies and Procedures

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(a)

District Compliance Officer Contacts should be added to the Newsletter Annual Class I Legal Notice.  

August/September 2024 Newsletter

Administrative Team in Collaboration with Elementary Secretary.

The District Newsletter will have full contact information included with the Class I legal notice that is sent annually to families.

PI 9.06 (1)(a)

Full Complaint procedure added to student handbooks

Summer 2024

Administrative team

Student Handbooks will contain full complaint procedure steps.  

PI 9.06 (1)(a)

Board Policy po2260 Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity

updated to include a written decision that notifies the complainant of the right to appeal a negative determination to the state superintendent within 30 days and of the procedures for making the appeal.

Summer 2024

Board Members, Superintendent,

Representative from Neola?

Board policy will be updated to include the appeal process with clear days listed.







Evaluate enrollment trends and patterns in classes and programs

Significant progress is made each year toward increased enrollment in courses and programs by underrepresented groups based on race, gender, disability, and national origin.

Prerequisites align with ensuring students are prepared for coursework and were not found to severely limit any specific student populations.  

Pepin Area School District has low numbers and limited offerings due to size however as they continue to explore options and opportunities for students, the student population and needs of all students are reviewed.  

Particular programs and courses that merit attention include advanced and/or college preparatory classes, talented and gifted programs, and vocational education classes and programs.

It should be noted that Pepin Area Schools  continues to review how they can increase and improve opportunities for students to engage in college level preparatory courses and other opportunities to increase the variety of programming in the district.

SUMMARY—Trends and Patterns in Classes and Programs

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(b)

The district could improve in tracking of year to year enrollment trends and reviewing regularly.

July 2025

Administrative team


Data Examined


Analysis & Supporting Information


     Course Handbooks




Board Policy

The superintendent is held responsible to ensure that curriculum and materials used in instruction are free of bias.

In furtherance of the aforesaid goal, the District Administrator shall:


  1. Curriculum Content
  1. review current and proposed courses of study and textbooks to detect any bias based upon the Protected Classes ascertaining whether or not supplemental materials, singly or taken as a whole, fairly depict those Protected Classestoward the development of human society;

The district follows a rigid and thorough curriculum review plan and ensure that all curriculum align to state standards.  Continuing to support this process and include outside entities including CESA 11 will support continued success and alignment.

Pepin Career Pathways

Students have a broad array of opportunities to explore careers and interests  

All students utilize a process through the Pepin individual academic and career plan that allows them to explore areas of interest to them and expand on their knowledge base.  This process begins in 7th grade and follows students through 11th grade.  

Continue processes and tracking systems that begin in 7th grade in order to monitor continued progress and growth in career exploration for all students

Pepin Area School District Curriculum Map

Pepin Area Schools Middle High School Student Handbook

Pepin Elementary Handbook

The District Curriculum map lays out all current curriculum broken into grade spans in addition the Student Handbook clearly lays out academic expectations in each academic area.

The Student Handbook  details academics, standards and expectations.

The School District of Pepin is committed to ensuring academic excellence in every classroom so that all children perform at high levels and achieve proficiency. Curricular subject areas will be aligned with the appropriate state standards yet will allow for the individual needs and interests of students and teachers alike. Academic standards specify what students should know and be able to do in the classroom. These standards serve as goals for teaching and learning. Setting high standards enables students, parents, educators, and citizens to know what students should have learned at a given point in time. Clear statements about what students must know and be able to do are essential to ensure that our schools offer opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

Continue to update the district website when curriculum is updated and continue to update student handbooks accordingly. 






Evaluate methods, practices, curriculum and materials used in instruction, counseling, and pupil assessment and testing.

No forms of bias or stereotyping are present in instructional materials, instructional practices, student assessment and counseling strategies.

The district uses clear processes and CESA 4 resources to assist in ensuring highly structured and aligned procedures are used in instructional materials, practices, student assessment and counseling strategies.

Counselors emphasize that courses, programs, roles and careers are open to all regardless of gender, race, national origin or disability.

All students are exposed to opportunities to expand their career and interest in knowledge in an individualized manner.  In addition courses are clearly laid out for all students with pre-requisites existing as outlined for students.  

Teachers and counselors demonstrate high expectations for all students.

SUMMARY—Evaluate methods, practices, curriculum and materials used in instruction, counseling, and pupil assessment and testing

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(c)

The district follows a rigid and thorough curriculum review plan and ensure that all curriculum align to state standards.  Continuing to support this process and include outside entities including CESA 11 will support continued success and alignment.


Administrative team



Data Examined


Analysis & Supporting Information


     WiseDash Discipline data

     Wisedash is correctly noting discipline numbers an not showing any bias to individual populations.

     The district continues to keep paper copies of discipline referrals which supports that consequences for all groups of students are the same and there are not bias present.

Review district policies for inputting discipline data into our online systems and ensure that all discipline instances are being input into our SIS and shared with the state.  

Student Handbooks

Student conduct is clearly laid out and consequences are defined.

Student Conduct is clearly laid out in Section IV - Student Conduct

Continue to review student handbooks yearly and update policies as deemed appropriate.

Harassment is covered under board policy:

po5517 Student Anti-Harrassment

All forms of Harassment are clearly defined in the Board Policy.

Policies are clearly laid out and defined and align to state expectations

Continue to update board policies as required with the assistance of NEOLA.






Evaluate trends and patterns in discipline actions, including suspensions, expulsions and handling of pupil harassment.

Disciplinary measures, including suspensions and expulsions are applied consistently to all students.

There is no data indicating that Disciplinary measures including suspensions and expulsions are applied inconsistently.

Alternative educational opportunities are provided for children in the district who are expelled.

The Pepin School District has not had an expulsion in an extensive amount of time, however in the event of an expulsion the district would provide alternative educational opportunities for any student who may be expelled.

The pupil nondiscrimination

policies either address harassment or there is a separated anti harassment policy.

The policies define harassment, provide examples, explain the consequences, prohibit retaliation, and assure as much confidentiality as reasonably possible.

Harassment is covered under board policy:

po5517 Student Anti-Harrassment

Responses to harassment are prompt, firm, and effective.

The Board will investigate all allegations of harassment and in those cases where harassment is substantiated, the Board will take immediate steps designed to end the harassment, prevent its reoccurrence, and remedy its effects. Individuals who are found to have engaged in harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Staff, students and parents/guardians are aware of how to file a complaint of harassment.

Harassment is covered under board policy:

po5517 Student Anti-Harrassment

Procedures are clearly laid out in the board policy noted above.

Regular opportunities are provided for students and staff to address the issue of harassment (such as curricular materials, educational programs, forums, orientation programs, etc.)

Per this policy

Education and Training


In support of this policy, the Board promotes preventative educational measures to create greater awareness of discriminatory practices. The District Administrator shall provide appropriate information to all members of the School District community related to the implementation of this policy and shall provide training for District students and staff where appropriate. All training, as well as all information, provided regarding the Board's policy and discrimination in general, will be age and content appropriate.

SUMMARY—Evaluate trends and patterns in discipline actions, including suspensions, expulsions and handling of pupil harassment.

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(d)

Continue to review district policies for inputting discipline data into our online systems and ensure that all discipline instances are being input into our SIS and shared with the state.  

Summer 2025

Administrative Team








Evaluate participation trends and patterns and school district support of athletics, extracurricular activities and recreational activities.

Students have a variety of athletic and

extracurricular activities available, with the necessary resources to make them accessible for all students.

The district continues to review and provide a variety of opportunities for students to have opportunities to engage in including the most recently added opportunities for golf, and cross country.  

Interscholastic athletic programs for boys and girls are comparable in type, scope, and support.

Girls and boys in the school district have access to a variety of opportunities that are comparable in type and scope including opportunities for competitive play.  

School provides extracurricular and recreational activities to meet the interests and abilities of diverse students, as evidenced by the range of activities offered and participation rates or an interest survey.

The district sends out interest surveys multiple times per year to gauge student interest and numbers for extracurricular opportunities.

School assemblies, special programs and speakers reflect the diverse and pluralistic nature of the school and the larger community.

The Pepin School District Administrative Team monitors district and student needs as a whole and brings in speakers that align with identified needs of all students.







Evaluate participation trends and patterns in awarding scholarships and other forms of recognition and achievement provided or administered by the school district

All scholarships and other forms of recognition are awarded in a way that does not discriminate.

The district has very small class sizes and all scholarship opportunities are shared with the student body as a whole and shared via the school counselor website.  Scholarship applications are reviewed by a district team that reviews all applicants in a fair unbiased process.  

Significant progress is made toward increasing distribution of scholarships and other awards to underrepresented groups.

The district continuously reviews, researches and adds scholarship opportunities as they become available.  

Information about award opportunities is accessible to all parents/guardians and students.

The district has very small class sizes and all scholarship opportunities are shared with the student body as a whole and shared via the school counselor website.  Scholarship applications are reviewed by a district team that reviews all applicants in a fair unbiased process.  

Application materials, eligibility criteria,

and award information are free of bias, discrimination and stereotyping

Application materials are available to all students and parents/guardians.  Eligibility criteria is free of bias, discrimination and stereotyping and review processes include a team approach.  The district does not currently track recipients of scholarships over years to compare gender, race, or other trends in awards.  

SUMMARY—Evaluate trends and patterns in awarding scholarships and other forms of recognition and achievement provided or administered by the school district.

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(f)

The district does not currently track recipients of scholarships over years to compare gender, race, or other trends in awards. Tracking the students awarded scholarships overtime will increase the districts ability to monitor patterns and trends.

Summer 2025

Administrative Team







Evaluate school district efforts to achieve equality of educational opportunity and nondiscrimination

Significant progress is made

in closing academic achievement gaps.

Data is reviewed regularly at all levels.  Data reviewed includes WISEDash state assessment information, Universal Assessment Data, and teacher input (work samples, assessments) At the Elementary level intervention groups are utilized, these groups are monitored at least biweekly if not more often and adjusted as needed.  Interventions are increased for students who need greater support.  At the 7-12 levels students are supported through Guided Studies hours, teachers refer students to guided studies based on student need.  At both levels opportunities for after school help are available on a regular basis.

Every staff member demonstrates high expectations for all students.

Teachers are continually offered opportunities to grow and learn in regards to high expectations for all students. Syllabus’ are reviewed and teachers are supported by grade level administrative teams in their understanding of curriculum, formative and summative assessments and teaching strategies to improve outcomes for all students.    

An ongoing effort is in place to ensure equality of educational opportunity and nondiscrimination.

Teachers are continually offered opportunities to grow and learn in regards to high expectations for all students. Most recently staff were educated on Designs for universal learning and Trauma informed care.  

The school environment is welcoming to all students and parents/guardians who visit the building.

The Pepin School District works diligently to create opportunities that offer a welcoming environment to all families that enter.  Including implementing a birth to 5 program that brings in families before their children begin school to start building relationships.  Family Resource Council is supported by parents and also creates a number of opportunity for families and community members to build relationships with the school.  

Equality of educational opportunity and nondiscrimination are considered in the planning and implementation of staff development.

The District Administrative team works to ensure we are meeting this benchmark.  We also work to support any staff the express a need for specific training that aligns to their professional needs and goals.  

SUMMARY—Evaluate school district efforts to achieve equality of educational opportunity and nondiscrimination

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(g)

The district could improve in this area by collecting updated survey information on students and guardians feelings and input in regards to how the district could improve connections.  

Fall 2024

Administrative Team


Ideas for Evaluation

Data Examined


Analysis & Supporting Information


     JMC emails, texts and notification methods

The district utilizes text messages, and emails as a primary form of communication in updating parents via electronic communication

Currently in the district 100% of parents are able to receive text messages or email messages updating on important changes or events.

Continue to monitor and create a survey to determine parents preferred contact methods for updates.  






School district technology, including electronic communications by school district staff.

School district technology and electronic communication is accessible by parents and students.

Currently all families, students and staff are able to access district electronic communications via text messages, voicemails or emails.  

SUMMARY—School district technology, including electronic communications by school district staff.

PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06 (1)(h)

Survey families and students in regards to preferred electronic communication methods.  

Fall/Winter 2024

Administrative Team

Aligning district electronic communications to families preferred routes and identifying any existing barriers for families.

PI 9.06 (1)(h)







Provide an opportunity for participation in the self-evaluation

by pupils, teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, and residents of the school district.

Students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members actively participated in the self-evaluation process.

As the district moves forward they will offer opportunities for all members to be involved in survey’s, updating and adjusting this plan.  The plan will be added to board meetings for review as goals are met and will be shared through our school website.


PI 9 Code

Recommendations for Improvement

Target Date for Development/Revision

or Implementation

Person/Committee Monitoring Recommendations


PI 9.06(2)

Work with all stakeholders to identify the best ways to connect and review this plan while maintaining confidentiality, this could be done through survey’s and then creating a plan of follow up that includes the identified areas to connect with a greater number of stakeholders.  

Summer 2025

Administrative Team

PI 9.06(2)

  CESA #4, October 2023