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Option A.5 Neuropharmacology (Teaching Packet - Group C, D, E)
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Option A.5 Neuropharmacology (Teaching Packet - Group C, D, & E)

Teaching Assessment Statements

Group C Topics: (A.5) Introduction to Neuropharmacology: Intro to Neurotransmitters, Summation, Slow and Fast Neurotransmitters, Memory and Learning

Make sure you review Nerves, Hormones, and Homeostasis before starting - either find a good video or image to review with the class.

1. Draw and label a diagram of neuron and focus in on the dendritic end of the neuron. Label the axon hillock and show the direction of nerve impulses coming into the neuron. What is the function of the axon hillock?

2. Distinguish between excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic neuron:



Effect on post-synaptic transmissions

Ex. Stimulated the AP in the postsynaptic neuron

Method of action (including ion)

NT binds to receptors. Potassium gates open. K+ flows out. Presynaptic neuron hyperpolarizes. AP is not generated.

Graph of membrane potential

Examples neurotransmitters

3. Explain how decision making takes place in the CNS, including the interactions between excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic neurons and the importance of threshold.

4. Distinguish between spatial and temporal summation.

5. Distinguish between slow and fast neurotransmitters.

6. Describe the role of slow acting neurotransmitters in learning.

Group D Topics: (A.5) Focus on Psychoactive Drugs: How do Psychoactive Drugs Work, Excitatory Drugs and their Sources, Evaluation of Impact of MDMA

  1. Define psychoactive drugs.

  1. Explain how psychoactive drugs affect post synaptic transmission through either mimiching or blocking normal neurotransmitters.

  1. Explain how this effect on NTs and post synaptic transmission results in behavioral changes, with reference to ‘normal behavior.”

  1. Categorize the following drugs as either excitatory or inhibitory:

Alcohol, THC (marijuana), nicotine, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cocaine



  1. Complete the following Data Based Question.

Group E Topics: (A.5) Psychoactive Drugs 2 - Anaesthetics and Awareness, Risks associated with Drug Testing, Stimulants vs. Sedatives, Drug Addiction

1. How do anaesthetics work and what is their effect on awareness?

2. How do stimulant drugs promote the activity of the nervous system?

3. Visit the following websites to find out more about how THC and cocaine affect brain activity, including the methods of action and effects on mood and behaviour.

The Brain from Top to Bottom: http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/index_i.html

Harvard MCB out reach: http://outreach.mcb.harvard.edu/animations/synapse.swf

Jellinek – Drugs and the Brain: http://www.jellinek.nl/brain/index.html



4. Also visit the website Learn.Genetics and find out more about addiction: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/

  1. Discuss the causes of addiction:
  1. Genetics - Rememeber: susceptibility does not mean inevitability

  1. Psychosocial factors

  1. Dopamine and reward pathway

5. Discuss the social, economic and health impacts of addiction

6. Discuss the ethical considerations regarding the legislation of drugs and some methods used to counsel and treat drug addiction.