This document aims to support your preparation for the application process. We can only accept applications through our application portal.
Our application portal will NOT save answers if you lose power or connection mid-way through applying so if you have concerns about your connection we recommend you prepare your answers to the application questions offline and copy them into the application form.
For additional information, click here
Thank you for your interest in the 2022 Climate-Parent Fellowship. Please use the secure form below to tell us more about your parent-led, intergenerational, or family-focused climate organizing. If you have any questions or issues with your application, please send us an email at
Please note: This application cannot be saved before submitting and once started must be completed during one sitting. We highly recommend answering questions on a separate document before entering them into this application. Once your application is submitted, you will be able to save a PDF version of your completed application by clicking on the blue button at the bottom right of your screen.
*Full Name:
*Organization/Group: If none, please write N/A.
Please select the option that best describes the staffing of this group/organization:
*Country of Current Residence:
*Country of Citizenship:
*Year of Birth:
*Training linked to the fellowship will be provided in English. What is your level of English?
*What is your primary language?
Please tell us about any other languages you speak
We are committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive climate parent movement. In order for us to understand who is applying for this fellowship it would help us if you answered these demographic questions.
If you would rather not share this information please select ‘prefer not to say.’
*How would you best describe your gender identity:
*What racial/ethnic identity do you most identify?
*How did you hear about this opportunity? Check all that apply.
Our Kids' Climate
Parents For Future
Social Media
Nomination Process
Text/WhatsApp/Signal/Telegram or similar messaging platform
Slack/Listserv/Group Discussion Board
Direct Outreach from the Fellowship Team
Another Climate Organization
If you heard about this opportunity through another organization, please share:
Recommendation: The Climate-Parent Fellowship supports individuals as they develop and grow parent-led/intergenerational/family-focused climate engagement ideas, projects, groups, and organizations. To submit your best application, we highly recommend reviewing the criteria (alignment with the climate-parent/intergenerational movement, vision, determination, collaboration, innovation/creativity/courage, established need) before answering the questions below. See full criteria here.
Tell us about your work (project/idea/group/organization) to engage parents and grandparents and/or connect climate action across generations? (250 words or less)
If this work is successful, what role will it play in helping to grow the emerging climate parent movement and/or build support within or across generations for bold climate solutions? (200 words or less)
What have you personally done to drive this work forward? If this is a new project or idea, please also tell us about a previous project or idea where you played a key role in building something new. (200 words or less)
What difference do you think being a Climate-Parent Fellow would make to your work? How would the Fellowship enable you to further develop your project/idea? (150 words or less)
How are you and this work currently connected to other groups, organizations, and networks? Include who you are working with and what you’ve done in collaboration with others. Be concise. (100 words or less)
How has this work been funded or supported? Please share a funding estimate and any awards/fellowships/foundation grants to you or your organization since you started this work. If you have not received funding (that’s okay!), please share about people donating time and/or advice. (100 words or less)
Tell us your climate story/journey. To answer this you might like to tell us about what has motivated you to work on this idea/project/organization/group, how your work has evolved and/or some challenges you have faced. (200 words or less)
Links (OPTIONAL): Insert up to two links that best capture your work (website, social media, newspaper article, video, etc). For some projects this will be more relevant than others; don’t worry if you don’t have links to share. Please note: If you submit more than two links, only the first two will be reviewed.
Link #1 (optional):
Link #2 (optional):
Please provide contact details for 2 references. Please include their name, organization/group, email, phone number.
We will only contact references for shortlisted candidates and we will let you know before we contact your references.
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Once you submit your application, you will be able to download a PDF version of your submission by clicking on the blue box at the bottom right of your screen. We highly recommend that you save a copy of your completed application for your records. Once your application is in process, you should receive an email confirmation. If you have any questions, please contact