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Scammed science



CultureLinks 翻译的标题强调科学领域内的欺诈性质,而ChatGPT翻译的标题用欺骗性’ 来描述科学的性质。CulureLinks翻译的标题更准确。

Science isn’t immune to the problem of AI-generated fakery. One concern is the integrity of biomedical images such as scans, microscopy images and western blots — a standard technique in which distinctive bands are created by proteins of various molecular weights as they spread across a gel. Fraudsters have long faked such images using Photoshop or other image-manipulation software, but that is often detectable by a trained eye or by computers that check for image duplication. Generating images entirely with AI presents a bigger detection problem.





Last year, Rongshan Yu and his colleagues at Xiamen University, China, created scientific images using synthetic AI to see how easily it can be done. They trained one generative AI program to create new western blot images from a training data set of 3,000 images; and used another to insert features of oesophageal cancer into an image of a non-cancerous intestine. They then tested how convincing the western blots were by inviting three specialists to try to spot one fake in a set of four images; two of the experts performed worse than chance, and the third fared better by spotting a visual clue to do with the smoothness between the image and the background. A computer system did slightly better than the specialists.



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*Source:Nature 621, 676-679 (2023)。 doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02990-y